字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 .... we're fundraising to send a North American team .... 我們在籌款資助一隊北美洲的隊伍 to battle it out, in person 到現場,親身 with the Europeans 跟歐洲人 at the i46 LAN in Telford, England. 在英國的特爾福德 i46 LAN 決一高下。 This is TF2 這就是 TF2 Insomnia 46 is open! Insomnia 46 開始了! Alright, welcome ladies and gentlemen to the i46 LAN 好了,歡迎大家來到 i46 LAN we're going to do a quick tour of what's going on here 讓我跟大家簡略說明一下 show you a little bit 現場比賽的規模之大 about the scope and the grandeur of this event. 在英國的特爾福德,有個巨型的會議廳 There's a huge event hall at Telford, England. 你在這裡見到的 This is just one half 只不過是大概一半的玩家 of the computer players that we have 整個會場有三個差不多大小的會議廳 there's three halls that are about this size 而 TF2 的玩家都在這個會議廳內 this one has all the TF2 players in it 除了幾隊有贊助商的 except for a few teams that are with organisations 這個 LAN 的規模是前所未有的 the scope of this LAN is huge 這裡有大概 2500 個玩家 there's so many players here, about 2500 players. 還有第三個會議廳 We also have third hall 來送獎品的、展示產品的 that is filled with exhibitors, sponsors, companies 展示科技和遊戲的 that are giving away products, showing of their products, 參展商、贊助商和公司都在這個會議廳內 showing off their technology and showing off their games. 這 LAN 大概會是 This LAN is probably 有著美洲隊伍的參與 it is the biggest LAN that we've had for TF2 這是 TF2 有過最大的 LAN 比賽 with the American teams coming over to the competition 比起上一屆有更多優秀的隊伍參加 we've got more top teams than we've had at the previous event. 我們從未有過這麼多的隊伍在這裡 這麼多頂尖的隊伍 We never had so many teams here that are like top level teams. 以歐洲的隊伍來說 For the European scene we've had maybe 有,四、五隊能夠穩定勝出比賽的 there's been, let's say 4 or 5 teams that could win the tournament 亦有其他能夠打亂賽果的隊伍 and other teams who can cause an upset 如果這些隊伍幸運的話 可以淘汰 1 至 2 隊 maybe eliminate 1 or 2 of these teams if they're lucky 但這一次,是非常之難去預測賽果的 In this one, it's incredibly hard to call 很多隊伍都進步了,而且... a lot of the teams have stepped up their game and ... 這是至今規模最大的了 yeah this is the biggest, by far. 對,規模最大的了 而且 .. Yeah biggest by far and I mean it's 要給社群崇高的敬意 great respect to the community themselves 他們資助了,提供了部分的資金 that have funded, partly funded 給北美洲的隊伍來參加這場盛事 the American teams coming over 而我的意思是非常歡迎美國隊伍的參與 and I mean it's great to have them here 經過差不多 4 年的決策 終於能夠有美洲隊伍的參與 it's been about 4 years in the making and finally we have them here 終於可以找出 究竟美國還是歐洲才是最強 finally, whoever will answer the, who is better, North America or Europe 目前為止規模最大的了 but yeah, biggest by far 也希望會是個美妙的週末 and it will hopefully be a great weekend. 讓我們來看美國最熱門 最有機會勝出的隊伍吧 We're going to take a look at the team that is possibly Americas best hope for the tournament 他們和另一隊美國的隊伍 They along with the other American team 會在 i46 這裡參與賽事 are getting ready to play in the tournament here at i46. 經過社群資助購買的機票 Some of them just flew in this morning 有些玩家今早才飛抵 using plane tickets bought through a community fundraiser. 所有人都想見到這兩隊美國隊伍 親自上場 Everyone wants to see these two American teams play in person 跟歐洲隊伍第一次進行 against the Europeans for the first time 不會被延遲和 ping 影響的賽事 where lag and ping won't be a deciding factor. 我打賭 ... My money is on... 我一定會買 ... I've got to stick with... Epsilon. Epsilon. 你不能賭 Epsilon 啦! You can't say Epsilon! 我一定要賭 Epsilon. I'm going to have to stick with Epsilon. 他們是全歐洲最水準一致的隊伍 They are the most consistent team in Europe 我的意思是他們就算會輸掉賽事 so what I mean by that is that they may lose games 但他們也會贏取其他的, 如果你懂的話 but they also always win others, if you understand 每人也會有輸過, 也會有自己的低潮期 everyone has their own loss as well they have downtime, 他們沒有在訓練, they haven't practiced, 出去派對甚麼的 going out to have parties, whatever 特別是在英國這種天氣不錯的夏天 一定會有人去玩的 that always happens to everyone especially in this nice summer weather of England. 雖然經常都在下雨不過 ... It's raining a lot but... 我的意思是, 他們總會振作起來 I mean, they always seem to put it back together and 到今天為止都沒有被打敗過 today they haven't been beaten so far 而對其他人來說 是很難去應付這類的本事 and it's hard to go against that sort of performance. 以他們個人的技術 足以勝出賽事 They have the skill in the individuals as well to just go through the tournament 應該會挺有趣的, 以美國的遊戲風格 it will be interesting to see what the sort of American taste of things 去影響歐洲的賽事 American flavour of things will do to the tournament 現在來說,我肯定會覺得他們能夠勝出 my money firmly sits with them, at the moment. 誰會勝出呢? Who's going to win the tournament? Epsilon, 也是我的選擇 Epsilon, is my pick as well unfortunately 不,我說過 Epsilon 會是我的選擇不過 ... no I've said that Epsilon are going to be the pick but... 其他的位置來說 我會覺得是 Classic Mixup ... the other positions, I honestly think that Classic Mixup... 倘若有誰能夠阻止 Epsilon 勝出的話 if anyone is going to stop Epsilon at this tournament Classic Mixup 就會是那一隊 Classic Mixup are going to be the team who could possibly take it from them 但是,LG 也是一隊 however, LG gaming as well 我確信 Epsilon 會 I honestly think that this could be an Epsilon 以第一名勝出 winning the grand final with Classic Mixup 第二, LG 第三 Classic Mixup second, LG third 可能 TCM 和 Infused 會爭奪第五名 but maybe an Infused - TCM battle for kind of the 5th place 你說過的是對的,Epsilon 他們... you're right with what you said, Epsilon they... 他們的戰略發揮得真的很美麗 their gameplay is just so beautiful to watch 感覺是很浪漫的方式 in a kind of romantic way 比方說,一個隊友因為 需要幫助而退後了 when one player falls back because he needs help 其他的隊友就會推前 支援這個在退後的隊友 players push forward with him to try and support him 有大半的戰略連是誰想出來的我也不知道 ... half of the strategies I don't know who comes up with them... 你的意思即是 So that means 如果你說 LG 和 Mixup 會 是第二和第三名 if you're going for LG and Mixup for 2nd and 3rd 即是你會覺得他們會在 that means that you think they're going to face each other 安慰賽對決了? in the consolation final. 安慰賽? Consolation final? 勝出了會跟 Epsilon 對決的。 The winner of that would go to face Epsilon. 所以你的意思是在某個時間點會有 一場全美國賽事 So you're saying that there will be an all American match at some point 是有趣的了。 which could be interesting. 我叫 pyyyour, Bradford Ross My name is pyyyour, Bradford Ross 我是 Classic Mixup 的 Medic。 and I am a Medic for Classic Mixup. 我大概是全隊玩最久的了 I've probably played the longest out of the crew 其他人跟我也差不多久了 and everyone else is about as long as me TLR 可能在我幾季後開始打比賽的吧 maybe TLR started a couple seasons later than myself. 以整隊來說 In terms of the crew 有 Enigma , Platinum there is Enigma, Platinum Ruwin 和我都是 Ruwin and myself we're just 超級好朋友 superduper friends Ruwin 是我最好的網友 Ruwin is like my best e-friend 我們傻著傻著,也相處得很好 we get along, we're both pretty corky. 我們玩得很開心,因為 We're having a lot of fun because 就像我說的,我們互相信任大家 like I was saying we trust each other 我們都很有經驗, 所以可以依賴對方 we're skilled, so we can count on each other 而且我們全部都有 LAN 經驗 and we're all LAN proven which has 令到今次的 LAN 比我上次 在德州達拉斯的 LAN 好多了 worked out a lot better this LAN than my previous LAN in Dallas, TX. 我叫 Sven, Ruwin My name is Sven, Ruwin 我是玩 Team Fortress 2 的 I play Team Fortress 2 我很享受這遊戲 I enjoy it 我很榮幸能來的歐洲, 這裡太棒了 and I'm glad to be here in Europe, it's awesome 我認識了 pyyyour, Brad 很久了 I've known pyyyour, Brad for a long time 他是這遊戲中其中一個主謀 he is one of the masterminds of the game 他是清楚明白整個遊戲, 整個遊戲的動態 he really truly understands it, understands the dynamic behind it 只有幾個人能夠做到這個地步 there's not a whole lot of people that do 我嘗試過 I try 不過我想我的腦袋應該不夠大 but I guess my brain is not big enough 我不記得有見過 Brad 發怒 I don't think I've ever seen Brad rage before 我意思是他會不高興 I mean he gets a little upset 但所有熱衷於電兢,熱衷於比賽的人 but anyone who is really into gaming, really into competition 都會有不開心的時候 will get upset 無論是電子遊戲,或是體育活動 whether it's a videogame or a sport 或是其他任何他們喜愛的活動 or just anything that they're passionate about 不我沒見過他發怒 對其他人大叫或是其他 no I've never seen him go over the top or yell or anything ever 他通常會暫停一下 he'll usually just step back 深呼吸一下 take a breath 挺鎮定的 pretty level-headed. 以整隊來說我們基本上 上線時都會在 mumble 裡 as a team we'll hang out in mumble pretty much whenever we're online 這對我們很有幫助 so we have that going on for us 我們很喜歡大家,這也對我們很有幫助 we like each other, which really helps 像 LG 一樣這幫助了他們很久的了 that's been going for LG for a long time 他們都是好朋友 他們都喜歡跟對方相處 they've all been friends they've all enjoyed each other's company 以我線上認識的朋友來說 in terms of my friends online 有些是可以跟我一起組隊的 there are those that I can be on a team with 而不令我感到痛苦的 and not rip my eyeballs out 這種我喜歡與他們對話 可以在他身上學到知識的朋友 the people that I like talking to because I have something to learn from them 或是很幽默的朋友 or the people that are just really funny 為了笑出來去聊天的朋友 to just talk to them they make you laugh 就像現實你可能會過慘不忍睹的一天 in real life if you have a poopy day 跟 Lange 說兩句話 you talk to like my friend Lange Lange 就可以讓你振作起來 Lange will like bring you back up in a heartbeat 這就是線上很好的一點 which is really cool about online 我們整隊都相處得很好 他與我很熟稔 we get along on the team and he knows me well 所以每當我覺得憂慮 so whenever I'm getting a little anxious 任何關於隊伍的事 他都能讓我振作起來 anything with the team he brings me back in 同樣的 如果有人跟 Ruwin 不和 and then the same thing with Ruwin if someone's upset at Ruwin 我會確保整個情況不會失控 I make sure that the situation is ok. 我們會盡量一起 we definitely try to hang out as much as possible 一起玩其他遊戲 play other games together 玩玩, offlclassing play, offlclassing 建立良好的團隊精神很重要 teambuilding is great 這應該是我想帶出的論點 I guess is what I'm getting at 如果你要去玩一種 團隊精神很重要的遊戲 if you're going to be playing a game and it's team based 一定要認識自己的隊友 make sure that you know your teammates in and out 亦要知道怎樣才能讓隊友發揮得最好 and know how to make them play at their best i46 Team Fortress 2 比賽規格是 The i46 Team Fortress 2 tournament 每隊六個人跟另一隊在目標是 has teams of six players competing against each other on maps 佔領據點的地圖上比賽 in which the goal is to capture control points. 大部分的地圖都是由五個據點組成