字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 .... we're fundraising to send a North American team .... 我們在籌款資助一隊北美洲的隊伍 to battle it out, in person 到現場,親身 with the Europeans 跟歐洲人 at the i46 LAN in Telford, England. 在英國的特爾福德 i46 LAN 決一高下。 This is TF2 這就是 TF2 Insomnia 46 is open! Insomnia 46 開始了! Alright, welcome ladies and gentlemen to the i46 LAN 好了,歡迎大家來到 i46 LAN we're going to do a quick tour of what's going on here 讓我跟大家簡略說明一下 show you a little bit 現場比賽的規模之大 about the scope and the grandeur of this event. 在英國的特爾福德,有個巨型的會議廳 There's a huge event hall at Telford, England. 你在這裡見到的 This is just one half 只不過是大概一半的玩家 of the computer players that we have 整個會場有三個差不多大小的會議廳 there's three halls that are about this size 而 TF2 的玩家都在這個會議廳內 this one has all the TF2 players in it 除了幾隊有贊助商的 except for a few teams that are with organisations 這個 LAN 的規模是前所未有的 the scope of this LAN is huge 這裡有大概 2500 個玩家 there's so many players here, about 2500 players. 還有第三個會議廳 We also have third hall 來送獎品的、展示產品的 that is filled with exhibitors, sponsors, companies 展示科技和遊戲的 that are giving away products, showing of their products, 參展商、贊助商和公司都在這個會議廳內 showing off their technology and showing off their games. 這 LAN 大概會是 This LAN is probably 有著美洲隊伍的參與 it is the biggest LAN that we've had for TF2 這是 TF2 有過最大的 LAN 比賽 with the American teams coming over to the competition 比起上一屆有更多優秀的隊伍參加 we've got more top teams than we've had at the previous event. 我們從未有過這麼多的隊伍在這裡 這麼多頂尖的隊伍 We never had so many teams here that are like top level teams. 以歐洲的隊伍來說 For the European scene we've had maybe 有,四、五隊能夠穩定勝出比賽的 there's been, let's say 4 or 5 teams that could win the tournament 亦有其他能夠打亂賽果的隊伍 and other teams who can cause an upset 如果這些隊伍幸運的話 可以淘汰 1 至 2 隊 maybe eliminate 1 or 2 of these teams if they're lucky 但這一次,是非常之難去預測賽果的 In this one, it's incredibly hard to call 很多隊伍都進步了,而且... a lot of the teams have stepped up their game and ... 這是至今規模最大的了 yeah this is the biggest, by far. 對,規模最大的了 而且 .. Yeah biggest by far and I mean it's 要給社群崇高的敬意 great respect to the community themselves 他們資助了,提供了部分的資金 that have funded, partly funded 給北美洲的隊伍來參加這場盛事 the American teams coming over 而我的意思是非常歡迎美國隊伍的參與 and I mean it's great to have them here 經過差不多 4 年的決策 終於能夠有美洲隊伍的參與 it's been about 4 years in the making and finally we have them here 終於可以找出 究竟美國還是歐洲才是最強 finally, whoever will answer the, who is better, North America or Europe 目前為止規模最大的了 but yeah, biggest by far 也希望會是個美妙的週末 and it will hopefully be a great weekend. 讓我們來看美國最熱門 最有機會勝出的隊伍吧 We're going to take a look at the team that is possibly Americas best hope for the tournament 他們和另一隊美國的隊伍 They along with the other American team 會在 i46 這裡參與賽事 are getting ready to play in the tournament here at i46. 經過社群資助購買的機票 Some of them just flew in this morning 有些玩家今早才飛抵 using plane tickets bought through a community fundraiser. 所有人都想見到這兩隊美國隊伍 親自上場 Everyone wants to see these two American teams play in person 跟歐洲隊伍第一次進行 against the Europeans for the first time 不會被延遲和 ping 影響的賽事 where lag and ping won't be a deciding factor. 我打賭 ... My money is on... 我一定會買 ... I've got to stick with... Epsilon. Epsilon. 你不能賭 Epsilon 啦! You can't say Epsilon! 我一定要賭 Epsilon. I'm going to have to stick with Epsilon. 他們是全歐洲最水準一致的隊伍 They are the most consistent team in Europe 我的意思是他們就算會輸掉賽事 so what I mean by that is that they may lose games 但他們也會贏取其他的, 如果你懂的話 but they also always win others, if you understand 每人也會有輸過, 也會有自己的低潮期 everyone has their own loss as well they have downtime, 他們沒有在訓練, they haven't practiced, 出去派對甚麼的 going out to have parties, whatever 特別是在英國這種天氣不錯的夏天 一定會有人去玩的 that always happens to everyone especially in this nice summer weather of England. 雖然經常都在下雨不過 ... It's raining a lot but... 我的意思是, 他們總會振作起來 I mean, they always seem to put it back together and 到今天為止都沒有被打敗過 today they haven't been beaten so far 而對其他人來說 是很難去應付這類的本事 and it's hard to go against that sort of performance. 以他們個人的技術 足以勝出賽事 They have the skill in the individuals as well to just go through the tournament 應該會挺有趣的, 以美國的遊戲風格 it will be interesting to see what the sort of American taste of things 去影響歐洲的賽事 American flavour of things will do to the tournament 現在來說,我肯定會覺得他們能夠勝出 my money firmly sits with them, at the moment. 誰會勝出呢? Who's going to win the tournament? Epsilon, 也是我的選擇 Epsilon, is my pick as well unfortunately 不,我說過 Epsilon 會是我的選擇不過 ... no I've said that Epsilon are going to be the pick but... 其他的位置來說 我會覺得是 Classic Mixup ... the other positions, I honestly think that Classic Mixup... 倘若有誰能夠阻止 Epsilon 勝出的話 if anyone is going to stop Epsilon at this tournament Classic Mixup 就會是那一隊 Classic Mixup are going to be the team who could possibly take it from them 但是,LG 也是一隊 however, LG gaming as well 我確信 Epsilon 會 I honestly think that this could be an Epsilon 以第一名勝出 winning the grand final with Classic Mixup 第二, LG 第三 Classic Mixup second, LG third 可能 TCM 和 Infused 會爭奪第五名 but maybe an Infused - TCM battle for kind of the 5th place 你說過的是對的,Epsilon 他們... you're right with what you said, Epsilon they... 他們的戰略發揮得真的很美麗 their gameplay is just so beautiful to watch 感覺是很浪漫的方式 in a kind of romantic way 比方說,一個隊友因為 需要幫助而退後了 when one player falls back because he needs help 其他的隊友就會推前 支援這個在退後的隊友 players push forward with him to try and support him 有大半的戰略連是誰想出來的我也不知道 ... half of the strategies I don't know who comes up with them... 你的意思即是 So that means 如果你說 LG 和 Mixup 會 是第二和第三名 if you're going for LG and Mixup for 2nd and 3rd 即是你會覺得他們會在 that means that you think they're going to face each other 安慰賽對決了? in the consolation final. 安慰賽? Consolation final? 勝出了會跟 Epsilon 對決的。 The winner of that would go to face Epsilon. 所以你的意思是在某個時間點會有 一場全美國賽事 So you're saying that there will be an all American match at some point 是有趣的了。 which could be interesting. 我叫 pyyyour, Bradford Ross My name is pyyyour, Bradford Ross 我是 Classic Mixup 的 Medic。 and I am a Medic for Classic Mixup. 我大概是全隊玩最久的了 I've probably played the longest out of the crew 其他人跟我也差不多久了 and everyone else is about as long as me TLR 可能在我幾季後開始打比賽的吧 maybe TLR started a couple seasons later than myself. 以整隊來說 In terms of the crew 有 Enigma , Platinum there is Enigma, Platinum Ruwin 和我都是 Ruwin and myself we're just 超級好朋友 superduper friends Ruwin 是我最好的網友 Ruwin is like my best e-friend 我們傻著傻著,也相處得很好 we get along, we're both pretty corky. 我們玩得很開心,因為 We're having a lot of fun because 就像我說的,我們互相信任大家 like I was saying we trust each other 我們都很有經驗, 所以可以依賴對方 we're skilled, so we can count on each other 而且我們全部都有 LAN 經驗 and we're all LAN proven which has 令到今次的 LAN 比我上次 在德州達拉斯的 LAN 好多了 worked out a lot better this LAN than my previous LAN in Dallas, TX. 我叫 Sven, Ruwin My name is Sven, Ruwin 我是玩 Team Fortress 2 的 I play Team Fortress 2 我很享受這遊戲 I enjoy it 我很榮幸能來的歐洲, 這裡太棒了 and I'm glad to be here in Europe, it's awesome 我認識了 pyyyour, Brad 很久了 I've known pyyyour, Brad for a long time 他是這遊戲中其中一個主謀 he is one of the masterminds of the game 他是清楚明白整個遊戲, 整個遊戲的動態 he really truly understands it, understands the dynamic behind it 只有幾個人能夠做到這個地步 there's not a whole lot of people that do 我嘗試過 I try 不過我想我的腦袋應該不夠大 but I guess my brain is not big enough 我不記得有見過 Brad 發怒 I don't think I've ever seen Brad rage before 我意思是他會不高興 I mean he gets a little upset 但所有熱衷於電兢,熱衷於比賽的人 but anyone who is really into gaming, really into competition 都會有不開心的時候 will get upset 無論是電子遊戲,或是體育活動 whether it's a videogame or a sport 或是其他任何他們喜愛的活動 or just anything that they're passionate about 不我沒見過他發怒 對其他人大叫或是其他 no I've never seen him go over the top or yell or anything ever 他通常會暫停一下 he'll usually just step back 深呼吸一下 take a breath 挺鎮定的 pretty level-headed. 以整隊來說我們基本上 上線時都會在 mumble 裡 as a team we'll hang out in mumble pretty much whenever we're online 這對我們很有幫助 so we have that going on for us 我們很喜歡大家,這也對我們很有幫助 we like each other, which really helps 像 LG 一樣這幫助了他們很久的了 that's been going for LG for a long time 他們都是好朋友 他們都喜歡跟對方相處 they've all been friends they've all enjoyed each other's company 以我線上認識的朋友來說 in terms of my friends online 有些是可以跟我一起組隊的 there are those that I can be on a team with 而不令我感到痛苦的 and not rip my eyeballs out 這種我喜歡與他們對話 可以在他身上學到知識的朋友 the people that I like talking to because I have something to learn from them 或是很幽默的朋友 or the people that are just really funny 為了笑出來去聊天的朋友 to just talk to them they make you laugh 就像現實你可能會過慘不忍睹的一天 in real life if you have a poopy day 跟 Lange 說兩句話 you talk to like my friend Lange Lange 就可以讓你振作起來 Lange will like bring you back up in a heartbeat 這就是線上很好的一點 which is really cool about online 我們整隊都相處得很好 他與我很熟稔 we get along on the team and he knows me well 所以每當我覺得憂慮 so whenever I'm getting a little anxious 任何關於隊伍的事 他都能讓我振作起來 anything with the team he brings me back in 同樣的 如果有人跟 Ruwin 不和 and then the same thing with Ruwin if someone's upset at Ruwin 我會確保整個情況不會失控 I make sure that the situation is ok. 我們會盡量一起 we definitely try to hang out as much as possible 一起玩其他遊戲 play other games together 玩玩, offlclassing play, offlclassing 建立良好的團隊精神很重要 teambuilding is great 這應該是我想帶出的論點 I guess is what I'm getting at 如果你要去玩一種 團隊精神很重要的遊戲 if you're going to be playing a game and it's team based 一定要認識自己的隊友 make sure that you know your teammates in and out 亦要知道怎樣才能讓隊友發揮得最好 and know how to make them play at their best i46 Team Fortress 2 比賽規格是 The i46 Team Fortress 2 tournament 每隊六個人跟另一隊在目標是 has teams of six players competing against each other on maps 佔領據點的地圖上比賽 in which the goal is to capture control points. 大部分的地圖都是由五個據點組成 Most of these maps feature five control points 是要跟據次序續個佔領 that must be captured in sequence. 每隊會在地圖相對的末端開始 Teams begin on opposite ends of the map 通過嘗試佔領中間的據點去開始比賽 and start each round by trying to capture the middle point. 六人隊伍通常是以 Six player teams most often use 兩個 Scout two Scouts 兩個 Soldier two Soldiers 一個 Medic one Medic 和一個 Demoman 組成 去 Rollout and one Demoman during this opening rollout. 佔領據點需要站立在據點上 Points are captured by standing on them. 越多的玩家站在據點上 佔領的速度就會越快 More players result in a faster capture 而佔領的時候亦能被敵方阻擋 and captures can be blocked by the opposing team. 當有一隊佔領中間的據點的時候 Once a team has captured the middle point 下一個據點就能被佔領了 the next point becomes available for capture. 沒有佔領中點的隊伍 可以嘗試重新佔領中點 The team that lost the middle point can reclaim it 但一定要同時保護 自己的第二個據點 but must simultaniously defend their second-to-last control point 佔據第二個據點的速度亦相對較快 which captures faster. 輸了第二個據點會開放 一隊最後的據點 Losing that point opens up a teams last point for capture. 當一隊佔領了整個地圖的據點 When a team has captured all control points 回合就結束了 the round is over 而佔據全部據點的隊伍將獲取一分 and one point is rewarded to the winning team. 在限時三十分鐘內獲得最多分數的隊伍則會勝出 The team to score the most points within 30 minutes wins the map. 以 Best-Of-16 開始 Starting with the Best-Of-16 比賽以 Best-Of-3 的格式進行。 maps were played in a Best-Of-3 format. 我是 Seb Barton I am Seb Barton 我住在英國的普利茅斯 我現在 19 歲 I live in Plymouth in England and I am 19 years old. 為什麼你會玩 Demoman? Why do you play Demoman? 因為在我選擇玩甚麼 Class 的時候 我聽說過它是最難上手的 Class Because when I first tried to pick it up I heard it was the hardest class 我想要挑戰, 我選擇了 Demoman ,嘗試了 I wanted a challenge, so I've picked it up and tried it 到現在並沒有後悔過 and I've enjoyed it since. 我覺得這些美國玩家令大家都驚訝了 I think the Americans have wow'd everybody to be honest. 他們放了很多心機在 TF2 上 they've put in so much more effort 他們比起歐洲人要專業得多 they're far more professional than the Europeans 這裡所有的人 everyone over here 都把心機放在派對以及喝酒上 they're more focussed on the partying and the drinking really 當美國玩家來到他們都在練習 and then the Americans have come over they have been practicing 他們都在討論戰略 they've been talking tactics with each other 他們甚至想跟我們有 PCW, 或是 Scrims they've been even asking us for pcw's, scrims 我們沒預計過會這樣 we weren't expecting that 在結果裡你看得出的 and it shows, the results. 他們十分進取 They're very aggressive 非常之進取 沒可能阻止的 really aggressive, there's no stopping them. 有時歐洲的玩家會喜歡停一下 Sometimes the Europeans will like to stop build uber,商討一下 我們應該幹甚麼 build uber, talk about what we think we should do 上一次發生了甚麼事 what had happened last time 我們會在比賽中途解釋策略 and we like to talk things out mid-game 美國的玩家,他們不會給你們時間 Americans, they're straight in there 他們不能被阻止 只會一直向前壓制你 there's no stopping them, there's no time to think about anything 你要有能力去抵抗 有能力去應對 you have to react to be able to deal with it 在這個 LAN 他們顯然是做得更好的 they've done a lot better this LAN. 如果一個隊友在推前, 無論是甚麼遊戲 if one person is pushing in, no matter what game you're really playing 如果一個隊友在推前而你是在一個隊伍裡頭的 if a person is pushing in and you are in a team 他會想從你身上得到甚麼 and they expect something from you 他會預計你 they expect you to 向他的方向開火, 期望你對他的行動作出支援 fire in their direction, they expect you to help them 你一定要幫他 you have to help them 一隊不互相幫助的話是整隊的錯 it's on the teams that they don't help each other 這樣不能去作積極進取的打法 that you can't pull off being aggressive 這樣不能去作高風險的打法 and putting it all on the line 而我們,當有隊友要推前的時候 with us, when someone's going in 他會知道自己的隊友會為他作出支援 they know that they're going to get support from the rest of the team 而支援他的隊友會知道 and the people giving the support know that 推前的隊友會知道 that person going in knows that 不過是給予和接受 因為我們相信大家 it's just a give and take that tends to work out because we trust each other. 我會說到現時為止最讓我驚訝的是 Soldier 們 I'd say so far the soldiers have surprised me the most 在歐洲,我會覺得 Soldier 的技術比較差勁 here in Europe, I kind of expected them to be a little bit worse 不過他們的準繩度也不差 but their aim is pretty spot on 他們的站位也挺好的 scouts 打得不算差 and their positioning is pretty good as well their scouts have been doing ok 我還沒有跟 Epsilon 比賽過 I haven't played Epsilon yet 所以我沒甚麼可以說的 so I can't really say much to that 以 scouts 來說的話 以我跟 LG 打的經驗來說 in terms of Scouts but, how much experience I have against LG Clockwork 和 Cyzer Clockwork and Cyzer 基本上沒有 Scout 對是這樣的 there's really no Scout pair like that 加上 b4nny 的支援 沒有這種打法的 Scout 對存在在其他隊伍中 with the support of b4nny on any other type of team, any other dynamic like that. 歐洲的 Team Infused 跟 Classic Mixup 在勝者組決賽中對上 Europe's Team Infused plays Classic Mixup in the upper-bracket semi finals. 第一個地圖是場災難 The first map is a disaster 因為 Darn 砸他的鍵盤 with Darn smashing his keyboard 打砸他的電腦和整隊的氣氛 crashing his PC and his teams momentum in the process. 第二個地圖則較緊湊 The second map is closer 但 Classic Mixup 還是取下了勝利 but Classic Mixup take it and move on. 我當時挺醉的, I was quite drunk. 而且那是個謊話,我有一個十分、 十分之容易的機會 and that's a lie, I had a really, really, really easy shot 射中 Brad, pyyyour. on Brad, pyyyour. 我錯過了 I missed it 然後我就 ... and I just went like... #$&@! #$&@! 往鍵盤下砸了 and banged the keyboard 然後我的電腦就 ... and my PC went... "beep" "beep" 那就是 ... and that was... 不,那不是任何嚴重的事 no, like it wasn't anything serious 真的 like really 就是我往鍵盤下砸了 as in I just banged the keyboard 每天也在家中做的 what I do daily at home. 我是 Classic Mixup 的 Mike Miles, Platinum My name is Mike Miles, Platinum of Classic Mixup 我在這次的 LAN 玩 Demoman 不過在心中我是一個 Soldier I play Demoman at this LAN but I'm as Soldier at heart. 那從 TF2 競技裡有甚麼刺激的好看? So what's exciting to watch about competitive TF2? 從這是一隻超重團隊精神的遊戲事實上 The fact that it's such a team based game 但又需要很高個人技術 but it also showcases all the individual skills 第一身射擊遊戲 first person shooter 在 CS 要有一個 6K to get like a 6K, in CS 是正常的因為不難 is standard because it's very easy 但在 TF2,拿到一個 6K 是了不起的成就 but in TF2, if you get a 6K that's amazing 因為這遊戲很重團隊精神 卻又能展示個人的技術 because it's such a team based game but it can showcase individual talent 所以我覺得這遊戲很棒 and I think that's why it's awesome. Hey 我是 Anothony "Harbleu" Ballo Hey I'm Anthony "Harbleu" Ballo 有甚麼是令到 TF2 的競技比其他遊戲好玩的? What makes it fun to play competitive TF2 over other games? TF2 混合不同方面的比例之好 How well it mixes so many different aspects 策略的需要性以及個人的技術 the strategy involved with the individual skill 整個隊伍為一的技術 這不是所有遊戲也有的 and the team skill is something that you don't see in most of those games. 你可以在同一張地圖遊玩 you can play the same map 一百次然而也是會有樂趣的 a hundred times and it'll still be fun 因為有太多的可能性 太多可以做的 because there's so many different things that you can do on it 我不太清楚,但能在這個社群裡真的很好 I don't know, it's just a great community to be in 而這遊戲本身, 對我來說還是有很多的樂趣 and the game itself is just very fun still, for me. 為甚麼這是一個值得旁述的遊戲 Why is it a good game to shoutcast? 團隊的戰略是一點 the teamplay for one. 我很喜歡 Class 之間不同的特式 I love the difference of classes 不同可能性的策略實在太多了 the amount of possible strategies there is 即使我們旁述者也不知道 而我們是以第三身的角度觀看的 we as casters don't even know and we're watching through spectator mode 突然之間會有 Spy 把 Medic 背刺,我們就像 ... suddenly a Spy will get a stab on the medic and we're like... 發生甚麼事了? 哪來的? what's going on, where did that come from? 如果你從未看過 TF2 去看 Highlander if you haven't seen any TF2 yet watch Highlander 看看有多瘋狂 watch how crazy that is 哪是一種瘋狂的 由一開始到完結都在打的 now that is a game which is crazy, everything going on constantly 而且拋開這些不說 and I think aside from that... 在外頭, 各界對 TF2 的評語 just outside it, the way that TF2 is spoken about 在外頭來說太好了 just outside the game is great 你很少能夠聽到一些負面的評語 是有一個很好的原因去支持論點的 you don't usually hear negative comments and there's a good reason for that. 大家好,我叫 Tyrone 我是 Leviathan Gaming 的 Hey what's going on, I'm Tyrone from Leviathan Gaming 我的網名是把 Tyrone 調轉 所以很多人也會叫我 enoryt my ingame name is Tyrone backwards so enoryt is often what I'm called. 我是從加州來的 I'm personally from California 所以我要先飛到新澤西州 so I actually had to fly out from Newark 再轉到伯明翰機場 and then to Birmingham International 全程大概有 and the flight, I probably traveled about 十二個小時,我還有時差 所以我大概快瘋了 twelve hours, I'm still jetlagged now so I'm kind of losing my mind. 即使勝出了上屆的 ESEA LAN 我仍然有種感覺我們是較冷門的隊伍 We feel like the underdog even though we just won the ESEA LAN and 因為新的 all that good stuff Mixup 和一些我們從未 比試過的歐洲隊伍 because the new formation of 所以我覺得全隊的目標一致 Mixup and some of the European teams we never really played against 為這個比賽準備以及訓練 so I feel like everybody has got that common goal 所以我覺得大家的感覺都挺好的 to just work and prepare for the event 我是 Leviathan Gaming 的 clockwork so I think we're feeling pretty good about that. 你認為美國的隊伍 I am clockwork from Leviathan Gaming 於比賽中會如何聯合對抗歐洲的隊伍 how do you think the American teams 我不是完全肯定 are going to stack up against the Europeans in the competition? 不像有些人覺得我們會輕鬆勝出 I'm not a hundred percent sure 我們真的不知道他們的打法 like some people are that we're going to just blow their competition out of the water 尤其是他們於 on LAN 時的打法 we don't know how they play really 當我們與 Epsilon 在表演賽裡比試時 we don't know how they play on LAN especially 他們有很多 Epsilon, when we played them in the showmatch 很強的凝聚力 they had a lot of 這大概是沒有人預料到的 a lot of cohesion 他們是,作為一個隊伍很強 I kind of don't think anybody expected them to have 我認為我們有 they're really good, as a team 能力奪取第一或第二名 I think we have Mixup - LG, LG - Mixup the capability of becoming first - second 但我不肯定這會否發生 Mixup - LG, LG - Mixup 我會感到有點驚喜 but I'm not sure it's going to happen 因為我們在他們歐洲的領土之上 I'd be kind of surprised 當地的觀眾一定會支持他們 because we are kind of, in their territory 如果歐洲的隊伍奪冠的話 the home crowd, it's got their back 我不會感到驚訝 wouldn't be surprised... Leviathan Gaming 將會有激烈的競爭對手 if Europe comes over the win. 誰將會是你最大的競爭對手? Leviathan Gaming has got some competition here 我討厭每一次也要答 不過 .. who is the biggest competition for you? 無疑會是 Mixup I hate always having to talk about them but... Mixup 是一支夢幻的隊伍 it would definitely have to be Mixup 美國的明星隊伍 Mixup is the dream team 所以他們將會 the USA superstar team 他們將會是個障礙 so they're going to be... 而且還有 Epsilon ,他們是歐洲版的 Mixup they're going to be a problem Shintaz 是我見過之中最瘋狂的 scout then you also have Epsilon which is the Euro equivalent 似乎是吧,我還沒看過他玩 Shintaz is supposed to be the craziest Scout I've ever seen 但這是公認的 apparently, I haven't seen him play yet 與這兩支隊伍比賽時,將會有一場十分激烈的對戰 that's the word on the street 除了 Infused 之外,還有其他的隊伍 I don't know, those two teams are going to put up a pretty tough fight 我是不太熟識的 也可以打亂賽果 there's also Infused and there's also other teams 這將會是場緊張的比賽 that I'm not even familiar with who can also give us a run for our money 我是名 26 歲的成年人 just going to be a series of fights I guess. 來自亞利桑那洲的鳳凰城 let's see, I'm a 26-year-old grown man 只是偶爾玩玩 Team Fortress 2 hailing out of the desert, Phoenix Arizona. 而偶爾的意思是每晚也會玩 Just like to play some Team Fortress 2 every once in a while 然後 TF2 把我帶到這兒 which means every night 除了 TF2,我根本不擅長其他電子遊戲 and so it's got me here 在我12歲時,我有玩過 Counter-Strike I'm not even a big videogame player, aside from TF2 玩了好幾年,不過水平一般 I used to play Counter-Strike back when I was 12 years old 當時跟我一起玩的朋友買了 TF2 played that for a couple years, was never very good 他們叫我買,我就買了 guys who I was playing with bought TF2 而不知為何,我卻挺享受這款遊戲 they told me to buy it, I bought it 我找到幾個很酷的人一起玩 and for some reason, I don't know I just really enjoyed it. 其中之一是 Tyrone I think I just found a couple cool people to play with 我們於低端時開始一起 不知何故我們到了現在這層次 one of them named Tyrone 我與 Tyrone 一起開始 we kind of started from the bottom and somehow we're here now. 起初我們很差勁 me and Tyrone started out 我們依然差勁 we were awful, we were awful 不知何故,我們來了這遊戲的頂端 and we still are awful 我們於過程中招攬了幾個挺強的人 but somehow we've made it to the top 你一定要談及團隊的合作性 we just kind of picked up good players on the way Tyrone 是個很好的領袖 you got to say something about teamwork 他沒有最好的 DM Tyrone is a great leader 我的準繩度也不算高 doesn't have the best DM 我甚至被認為是挺差的 I'm not very good at aiming 不過, 我們之間的合作良好 大概是他支援我的戰略 I'm considered pretty bad 因為我們一起玩了很久 we've created this teamwork where he kind of plays off my plays 最終的結果是成功的 and because we've played together for so long 有其他的隊伍只會勉強把戰略拼湊起來 it just ends up working 以個人技術,他們是挺強的 and other people who just kind of piece themselves together 不過,這是個團隊遊戲 they're good individually TF2 有很多不同的策略, 有些隊伍於單兵上很強 but it honestly is a team game, at a point 有些隊伍則擅長於作為一個團隊 there's different tactics, some teams are really good individually 我認為你可以做任何你喜歡的事 some teams are really good playing as a team 對某些人來說,便是留中家中,玩一整夜的電子遊戲 I think you can do whatever you like in your life 我是在說你,Cyzer for some people that means staying home playing videogames all night 而其他人則喜歡外出和派對 looking at you, Cyzer 我相信你可以做任何使你高興的事 other people like to go out and party it up 你想打電玩的話,便打電玩 沒有任何不妥 I believe you can do whatever makes you happy 我們一個月前拿到機票,超興奮的 if you want to play games, play games. That's fine. 這是個很棒的經歷 We got the tickets a month before and we were pumped 有點不真實的感覺 it was such an awesome experience 因為是電子競技的原故 it felt a bit surreal "這使我們有機會去歐洲" because of gaming 這會有多棒? hey, it's going to take us to Europe 我們大部份根本也沒有到過歐洲 how awesome is that? 我們超興奮的,基本上不能再興奮了 Most of us especially haven't been to Europe 特別是買機票的瞬間 we're pumped, we were as pumped as can be 當下的一瞬,甚麼麻怨也沒有了 真的很了不起 especially when the tickets were actually purchased 線上的比賽 right then and there, no hassles no complaints. It was amazing. 並不是真正的 When it comes to online play 真實的 TF2 經歷 不過於 on LAN 時 it's not really representative of... 於 on LAN 時,大家在相同的地方,相同的ping the true TF2 experience, especially on LAN 相同的設備 on LAN everybody is at the same location, same pings 到最後能靠的 ... same machine 就只有你對這比賽的心態 what it really comes down to is... 沒有甚麼固有優勢 the mindset is what's going to give you games 我叫 Dante,又名 Shade there's no inherent advantages 我是 Leviathan Gaming 的 medic. My name is Dante, A.K.A. Shade 來談及一下你對 I'm the Medic for Leviathan Gaming. 整個歐洲社群的互動 Leading up to this event, what were your 歐洲玩家的風格 還有整個歐洲為一的評語吧 interactions with the European community 我對歐洲風格的 TF2 不太熟悉 and your views of their playstyle and them as a whole? 但有趣的是他們是玩 vanilla 的 I wasn't really up, on the European play 這對我來說很有趣 it is interesting that they play vanilla 他們好像很喜歡保持一種 I found that kind of interesting 嚴謹的遊玩風格 they sort of like to keep it very 但我確信美國風格的, 允許使用 unlocks straight-laced when it comes to their play 會為整個遊戲帶來更高的可玩性 I do think the American style, using the unlocks 我叫 Grant,又名 b4nny adds a little bit variety to the gameplay. 我是 LG 的 Demoman My name is Grant, known as b4nny 來到這裡,跟前所未聞的隊伍 I play Demoman for LG. 或是素未謀面的玩家比賽 Coming to play against these teams that we've never even heard of 真的有種分別因為 or players that we've never heard of 當你與敵隊的隊伍訓練時 it kind of does make a difference because 你會從中得知整隊的遊玩風格 when you practice against a team you get to learn 特別是個別隊員的風格 you get to learn their playstyle 每人也會有種特有的手段去處理同樣的情況 specifically like each players tendencies 練習的時候不止於學習自己隊伍的風格 the ways they like to approach certain situations 也要學習其他隊伍的 it's more than learning your own team when you practice 多年前當 Complexity 是美國頂尖的隊伍 it's learning the other teams too 他們甚少會去練習 令你很少機會 years ago when Complexity was the top team in America 能學習他們的遊玩風格 they wouldn't practice that much so you wouldn't really get to learn 而我覺得這樣真的幫了他們不少 exactly how to play against them 所以來到這裡的感覺也是差不多的 and that was something that I think really helped them out 跟歐洲隊伍比試 so it's kind of similar coming here 你不會完全掌握 playing against European teams 每一個玩家會怎做 you don't really know 你怎看北美洲的隊伍來到這裡 what each player is going to do. 是不是一個好的經驗, 你是怎想的? How do you like the NA teams coming over here 極好的 has that been a good experience, what do you think? 這是我們夢寐以求的 It's been fantastic 雖然可以在不是 it's something we've wanted for so long 北美最強盛的時期過來吧 maybe it could have happened when NA wasn't 說幾年前 當我們是比較強的時候 at probably it's prime, you know 但整體來說極好的 maybe a couple years ago when we had the edge 對,超好的 overall it's fantastic isn't it? 在我無數次 LAN 的經驗中 Yeah I got to agree it's actually really cool 這是從我開始玩 TF2 in all the LANs I've been too, which is a lot 就在等待的 LAN this LAN I've been looking for since 不止是解答誰是最強的問題 we started TF2 而是有一種 全世界的比賽的開始 not just to sell the score between the Americans 給最好的隊伍參與 but to actually have sort of a world thing going 能看出來的 between the best teams really 到現時為止他們都很強 and obviously they've come here 在雙淘汰賽的比賽制度下 and they're proving it so far. 兩隊美國隊都沒有被打敗 In the double-elimination tournament bracket 將歐洲的隊伍們都送到敗者組裡 the American teams remain undefeated Infused 被 TCM 淘汰了 dispatching the European teams to the lower bracket. 而 TCM 則被 Epsilon 淘汰 Infused gets knocked out by TCM 現在是唯一還在比賽裡的歐洲隊伍 who in turn get knocked out by Epsilon 在勝者決賽中 now the last European team in the tournament. Classic Mixup 擊敗了 Leviathan Gaming Classic Mixup defeats Leviathan Gaming 穩固了他們在總決賽的位置 in the upper-bracket finals LG 和 Epsilon 將要決一高下 to book their place in the grand finals. 去決定哪一隊 將會在大台上與 Mixup 比試 LG plays Epsilon to determine 會是 Epsilon 去代表歐洲比賽嗎? who will face Mixup on the main stage. 還是 Leviathan Gaming 將比賽 變成全美國的比賽呢? Will Epsilon be the European crowd's home team? clockwork 正在爬上 spire Or will Leviathan Gaming make it an all-American affair? Tyrone 跳入去支援 clockwork going up the spire right now 看來他們要一起將 Epsilon 的 uber force 掉 Tyrone jumping in clockwork 現在正在退後到 choke looks like together they are going to force that uber out of epsilon 他們知道自己有的是 kritz 而 kritz 對無敵的是沒轍的 clockwork retreating now back to the choke 他們現在會 pop kritz they realize they've got this kritz but they can't use it against invulnerability b4nny 把 crit stickies 射出 可是打不中 combo they are going to go ahead and pop it now though combo 退後了 b4nny shooting the crit stickies but they miss the combo 實際上 clockwork 在 house 裡找到了 combo combo retreats 看來他要一個人去與 actually clockwork has found them in the house 一個 Medic 和一個 Soldier 交戰 looks like he will be trying to take on 將會是 GeaR down both a Medic and a Soldier by himself 他追過了 doorway 去殺掉 F2 that's going to be GeaR down Epsilon 的 Medic down 了 and he chases F2 through the doorway to get the kill Epsilon 好像想要出去了 the Medic is down for Epsilon 但他們一定要小心, clockwork 可能會把 Medic pick 掉 Now Epsilon looks like they may want to move out here 他不會去做 they're going to have to be careful, clockwork could go for the Medic pick here 原來他想要直接把據點佔領掉 he's not going to go for it 這太瘋狂了 actually, oh my gosh he's just going to go for the backcap right now 他被發現了 this is insane 一個 Scout 將會嘗試去阻止他 he's been spotted out 不過他殺掉了 Shintaz a Scout going to try and stop him here clockwork 會拿掉這個回合! but he gets the kill on Shintaz uber 正在進來了 clockwork will take the round! 一個比較早的 pop The uber is coming in right now 我不清楚他們會不會把這帶到終點裡 a little bit of an early pop 看來他們已經拿到很多殺數了 I don't know they'll be able to bring this one into last GeaR 和 Extremer 已經 down 了 looks like they've got a lot of kills Shintaz,發生甚麼事了? GeaR and Extremer already down Shintaz 在往重生點走的時候 Shintaz, what the heck just happened? 決定開一槍試試 Shintaz walking back towards spawn 往 Medic 射過去了 我從未見過這會成功的 decided to take a little bit of a shot ... Epsilon 現在處於的防守的狀況 there at the Medic, and my god did that ever work? 看來 Shade 在一個挺有趣的位置 ... Epsilon they've got a pretty solid defence set up right now 他在據點旁邊被困了 looks like Shade is in an interesting position now 我不覺得他對現在的位置很舒服 he's caught next to the point 實際上他要前往終點去了 I don't think he likes where he is 沒有人能趕去阻止他 he's actually just going to go maybe for the capture here 而 Shade 將會佔領終點 nobody is in time to stop him 幫 LG 取得一個回合 and Shade is going to get the capture 這太荒謬了! 你不會經常看到這在 Medic 身上發生 winning the round for LG ... 開始 fading 了但是他們決定繼續前進 that is ridiculous, you don't see a Medic do that every day. b4nny 很喜歡現在能贏的可能性 ... Just actually fading but they're going to go ahead and take this anyway 將會把 KnOxXx 打低 b4nny likes his odds here 不讓他有任何退後的機會 going to take down KnOxXx right away 可是他現在被 Scouts 壓著了 not leaving him any room for retreat 打中了一個 pipe he's getting pressured by the Scouts right now 可是令一個 Scout 大概還是會把他打死 connects one pipe 不,這種避法很有趣 against the Scout, but this Scout probably going to take him down here 實際上有顆 pill 打中了 Scout 的腿部 no, interesting dodging 將會把他打低, schocky down and actually, a pill connected to that Scout's feet 那 pipe 是怎樣打中 Medic 的 going to take him down, schocky down 飛越地圖的 pipes and how did that pill even hit the Medic 把 Medic 打死了 cross-map pipes 加上 Tyrone 跳進來的支援 taking down the Medic 這回合將會由 Leviathan Gaming 取下 along with some help from Tyrone jumping in to finish things off 太有壓倒性了 that is going to be a round for Leviathan Gaming 在一連串震撼的事件 looking so solid here. Leviathan Gaming 把最後、最頂尖的歐洲團隊淘汰了 In a stunning series 在沒有 Epsilon 的比賽裡 Leviathan Gaming knocks out the last and best European team. 決賽將會是 Mixup 和 LG 的舞台 With Epsilon out of the tournament 兩隊美國的仇家 the grand finals will be Mixup versus LG. 將會在英國的土地 The two old American rivals 去爭奪世界之冠 will now fight for the grand prize 來讓我們說說 Epsilon 吧 on English soil. 他們有多容易被打敗 你覺得他們做錯了甚麼讓你們勝出呢? Let's talk about Epsilon a little bit 他們不是一隊弱隊 how easy were they to play against, what was their problem against you? 我覺得他們很有團隊合作性 They definitely were not an easy team 就像一幅會移動的牆 I feel like they were really coordinated 可幸的是 it was like playing against a moving wall 我們有很多擾亂敵方的策略 luckily with us 我們的 flank,我們放了很多心機從 flank 攻進去 we have a lot of disruption plays 我覺得這對他們很有效 對他們的風格 our flanks, we worked the flanks really hard 整隊就像一個單位 I think it kind of worked against them, the way they moved 因為我們在各方面都有嘗試攻下 like such a unit, you know 我覺得我們的戰略比較有彈性 because we attacked from all sides 比較更符合當時的情況 I feel like we were just a bit more organic with our strategies 他們玩的是機率的遊戲 things a little bit more on the fly 而他們十分擅長於那種風格 they play the numbers game 不過我們比較有彈性 能適應當時的情況作出反應 they play that all extremely well 我覺得我們的溝通 but we were able to adapt just a bit quicker in the fights 特別是二對二,三對三 I felt like our communication 比較好 especially in the two-on-twos, three-on-threes 而這大概是我們會勝出的原因 was just a bit better 雖然感覺上,第一個地圖比較容易打 I think that's what really edged out the fight 但我覺得兩邊勝算也很高 although it was, the first maps were easier 最後靠的不過是... I feel like it really could have gone either way 很好的 plays... it came down to... 我們只是剛好 just great plays 在他們走得太前是捉到他們 we were just catching them 一定是場 good game as soon as they stepped out too far 跟他們打很有挑戰性 definitely was a great game 我猜是我們今天比他們好 剛好勝出而已 great playing to them 我是 TLR,我是 Mixup 的 Pocket Soldier I guess we just edged them out, we were the better team today. 你覺得 LG 如何? I'm TLR, I'm the pocket Soldier for Mixup 在 LAN 之前,他們在線上不是打得好 How is LG? Tyrone 一直在掙扎 Before LAN, online they weren't playing very well 不停在改變自己的策略 Tyrone was really struggling 以一整隊來說他們比起以前 changing things up 更差,真的 just as a team they weren't playing like how they 但從他們來到歐洲起, 他們就很強勢了 have in the past, really 我看過 ... since they've been here, they've been playing really well 我不記得他們有輸過任何一場比賽 I've watched... 我是 enigma I don't know if they've lost any games. 我是 Classic Mixup 的 I'm enigma 我大概為這隊玩了三至四季了 I'm playing for Classic Mixup 而我是這隊的 Passive Scout I've been playing for them for about three or four seasons 你們怎樣去為與 Leviathan Gaming 比賽作出準備? and I'm the passive Scout. 我覺得會是精神上的準備吧 How are you guys going to prepare for Leviathan Gaming? 你要以對的心態應戰 I think it's more of a mentality thing 不能太害怕他們 you want to be in the right mindset to beat them 因為他們很有恐嚇性 not be too afraid of them 而這是不少隊伍輸在他們手上的原因 because they are intimidating 他們的過去 that's where they get most teams 以及人們對其的害怕 their past history and 我們不想被他們氣勢蓋倒 people being afraid of them 要在自己平常的心態應戰 we don't want to play into that 只是打之前 we want to play our own game against them 說一兩句準備的說話 we're going to prepare by just 準備一下自己的情緒比任何事來得要重要 a little peptalk 我們是比賽的,我們是仇家 and a little mental preperation, more than anything. 有時候這會讓兩隊不和, 但是以玩家來說 We are competitors, we're huge rivals 還有他們為社群的付出 sometimes that can get in the way but as players 他們都是大好人 and for what they do for the community 很有趣的事我們在線上可能會有不和 they're great guys you know 但面對面我們會像 "你過得好嘛" it's funny because online we might not get along "你的旅行開心嗎" but in person, we're always like "hey what's going on" 我的意思是私底下我們都是好朋友 "how was your trip" 但在遊戲裡 I mean we have a good relationship outside of the game 我們是仇家,我們都想打敗對方 but ingame 比起勝利 we're rivals, we want to beat each other 沒有更重要的了 nothing more 快要來到總決賽了 than you know, victory. 這裡的群眾都超興奮的 just about to get started with the grand finals 好像所有人都會支持 Leviathan Gaming the crowd here is super hyped 但怎樣也好,這一定會很精彩 sounds like everybody is going to be supporting Leviathan Gaming 上一場比賽的氣氛十分之好 but either way, it's going to be a great time Leviathan Gaming,他們勝出之後確保了決賽的位置 it was a great atmosphere in the last match 雖然歐洲的人們都想 Epsilon 勝出 Leviathan Gaming, their match to book their place here 但他們都給了一個溫暖,熱情的 the Europeans wanted Epsilon to make it 歡呼給勝出了的 Leviathan Gaming but they still gave a nice, hearty 你覺得 LG 已經變了所有人的支持之選了? round of applause for Leviathan Gaming once they booked their spot. 對阿 You think LG has become the default team to cheer for? 我跟很多的 Yeah 歐洲人談過 I've been talking 沒有人會支持 Mixup to loads of the EU guys 這就像 Mixup 跟群眾對決 and no one is going to cheer for Mixup 而不是 Mixup 和 LG 比賽 like this is, Mixup versus the crowd 你會看到的了 not Mixup versus LG 你還沒看到但你會的了 you'll see 群眾會用心理戰 you haven't seen it yet but you'll see 為甚麼你覺得會選 LG 呢? they're going to go, just mental. 基本上 LG,一直也很低調 Why do you think they chose LG? 而且 Tyrone 一直都在跟人聊天 Basically LG, has been really low key 就像贏取群眾的歡心一樣 and Tyrone has been chatting with everyone 請描述一下你現在的心情 you know, winning the crowd for himself. ... Describe your feelings right now? 當我們開始實况的時候 一定會超興奮 ... 這將會是超棒的 這將會是不可思議的 When we go live, it's going to be packed 在家的觀眾也會感受到 it's going to be awesome, it's going to be amazing 這將會是超不可思議的 people at home are going to be blown away 雖然應該是 Epsilon 在大台上 it's going to be incredible! 應該是歐洲跟美國的比賽 I would've loved to see Epsilon on the stage 但你知道的 這兩隊都是最好的 it would've been EU versus NA 這是他們應得的 but you know, these teams are the best teams out there 無論如何都會是一場精彩的比賽 they deserve it 兩隊都有 it's going to be an amazing match no matter what 都有在決賽比賽的經驗 they both have, you know 他們會讓這變得精彩 they have experience playing on grand finals 這將會是最好的 they're going to make a show out of it 歡迎各位來到 i46 it's going to be awesome. 這是 Team Fortress 2! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to i46 在主角們入場前, 我得要說說 it's Team Fortress 2! 我有些感性的話要跟你們說 I have to tell you, before we bring up some celebrities 特別是 Team Fortress 2 I have a little bit of a soft spot for you guys 因為每當我們搞總決賽 and Team Fortress 2 in particular 都是最好的 because everytime we did finals in the past 還有一樣要說的 they were always the best. 你們有最好的社群 And one other thing I'd like to mention is this 如果每一隻遊戲都有你們的支持 you guys have such an amazing community 我們一定會有很多精彩的遊戲 if every game had what you guys put into it 因為你們會互相扶持 we would have so many fantastic games 互相鼓勵 because you support each other 互相嘲笑 一起大笑 you cry with each other 你們會互相幫助 you laugh at each other, you laugh with each other 你會用錢資助 隊伍來到參賽 you support each other 太棒了! you put money into teams that bring them here. ... Mixup 將會有 uber Brilliant! 而 LG 不會有uber去作出反擊 ... Mixup are going to have an uber Soldier 跳進去了,可是到不了頂部 LG not going to have one to defend this Heavy 已經慢慢爬上去頂部了 Soldier goes in, doesn't make the rocketjump up to that top level 他們 uber 壓住對方 但 Medic 似乎會有些危險 and Heavy has run up to the point 他被藍隊的隊員包圍了 uber is right on them though, Medic might be in trouble Shade 落荒而逃 he's surrounded by BLU players 嘗試著用 crossbow 去治癒更多的人 Shade running for his life 但 Ruwin 把他打倒了 tries a crossbow to get him some more health 而 Mixup ... but Ruwin takes him down 據點上有很多玩家 有個 Soldier, Mackey 在往據點跳了 and Mixup... 能夠把 Harbleu 打到 we've got players on the point, we've got a Soldier, mackey jumping up 但這對一隻 Soldier 來說太多了 does manage to take down Harbleu on the point 他們都死了,而 LG ... but it's still asking a lot of the Soldier 他們會不會阻止到呢 clockwork? they're all dead, and LG... 不 are they going to be able to defend clockwork? 完了 No Mixup 取下了第一個回合 there it goes, so ... 在上面有隻正在接受治癒 很低血的 Heavy Mixup taking this first round Ruwin 打倒了 clockwork ... There is a Heavy up there as well that's very weak but is getting healed b4nny 跳了上去,可是被打死了 Ruwin does take down clockwork there 從 Medic Shade 裡有箭的支援 b4nny jumping up, does get eliminated 而 Tyrone 仍會繼續努力 arrows coming in from the Medic, of Shade Tyrone 打中了 airshot TLR 被打死了 Tyrone still going to try it LG 很大機會能勝出了 airshot there by Tyrone, TLR taken care of as well Platinum 來了防礙 LG are going to get this surely now 應該沒有更緊湊的了 Platinum comes in to block, wow 還有四分鐘 it doesn't really get much closer than this LG 很大機會能取下這個回合 four minutes remaining 還有在頂部的 Scout 今次輪到 Harbleu 來防礙 LG, in the tendency trying to win this round Arx 他們還沒有放棄 Scout on top as well, Harbleu coming in to block this time b4nny 飛過了據點 they're not giving it up Arx 今次沒有人能阻止佔領了 b4nny is up, over on the point 兩隊各自取下精彩的回合 no one up there to block this point 兩隊各分開 10 米 great rounds have been exchanged 在大台上 被旁述分開 The two teams sit ten meters apart 從未輸過的 Classic Mixup 選擇了第一個地圖 on the grand stage, seperated by the shoutcasters. Gravelpit The undefeated Classic Mixup pic the first map Gravelpit 是一個非常獨特的地圖 大部分玩家都不喜愛 Gravelpit Mixup 選了是因為 他們覺得 Leviathan Gaming 沒有準備 Gravelpit is a unique map that most competitive players don't like. 但他們意料不到 Mixup chose it because they thought Leviathan Gaming didn't practice it. Mixup 取下了第一回合 但無止竟的進取打法為 LG 取下了第二回合 But they're in for a surprise 決勝局十分之緊湊 Mixup take the first round but perpetual aggression from LG wins them the second. 但 Mixup 很不容易地取下了最後的回合 勝出了第一個地圖 The tiebreaker round is a nailbiter 接下來,兩隊將會來到 LG 最愛的地圖 but Mixup barely secure victory, on map one. Gullywash Next, the teams go to LG's favorite map 第一回合很容易就落到 LG 的手上 Gullywash 當 clockwork 轉到 sniper the first round easily goes to LG 打中了難以置信的 headshot 在 Mixup 的 Medic 頭上 when clockwork switches to Sniper pyyyour down 以及沒有 uber and gets an incredible headshot on Mixup's medic. Mixup 反擊不了 With pyyyour down and no ubercharge LG 的 Medic, Shade Mixup can't defend. 整回合基本上沒死 LG's own Medic, Shade 為他的隊伍帶來巨大的 survives almost the entire game ubercharge 和治療的優勢。 giving his team a significant advantage Classic Mixup 輸掉這張地圖, 比數為4-2 in ubercharge and healing. 觀眾們都很興奮 Classic Mixup loses this map, 4 - 2 還有最後一張地圖 The crowd is ecstatic Badlands there is one more map to go Mixup 差點輸掉第一回合 Badlands 但 pyyyour 成功生還 並以 uber 協助隊伍取下第一回合的勝利 Mixup nearly loses the first round 但在第二回合 but pyyyour survives and ubers his team to win round one 只是一步錯著就讓Mixup被全滅 but in round two LG wins round two. LG嬴了第二回合。 one false step is all it takes for Mixup to lose all their players 直下來兩回合均是教科書式的 TF2 LG wins round two. Shade死掉,LG輸掉一回合 The next two rounds are straight from the TF2-textbook 接下來pyyyour死掉,Mixup輸掉下一回合 Shade dies, and LG loses a round Mixup在第五回合取得領先位置 then pyyyour dies, and Mixup loses the next 更拿下第六回合 Mixup takes the lead again in round five 即使Shade做出精彩的雙殺也沒能扭轉敗局 and they even take round six 剩下一半的時間 despite Shade's amazing double-kill. Mixup決定祭出其重火炮 With half of the map time remaining Enigma換出了heavy Mixup decide to bring out the big guns. 他們捨棄速度,以換取防禦力量 Enigma plays the heavyweaponsguy 在冗長的戰鬥後 they're trading speed, for defensive power. LG 終於能擊破此戰術 After a long fight 並把分數追近成4-3。 LG finally defeat this strategy 賽事非常緊湊 and bring the score to 4-3. 但 Mixup 在剩下2分鐘時佔領中點 The scores are close 時間一秒一秒的倒數 but Mixup wins the middle point with two minutes to go LG 明白 as the clock ticks down 他們不可能在剩下的時間佔下所有控制點。 LG realise 在這有史以來最緊湊的賽事後 they can't capture points fast enough to win the game. Classic Mixup的成員 After the closest games of all time 成為了第一隊TF2世界冠軍 the players of Classic Mixup 那場TF2決賽怎麼樣? become the first TF2 world champions. 很精彩, 很棒 How was that TF2 final? 絕對是在這裡打過最精彩的決賽 Amazing, awesome 你有沒有一位最喜歡的玩家? definitely the best finals we've had since we got here. 我想是應該是 pyyyour 吧, 因為我自己也是玩 Medic 的 Do you have a favorite player from that event? 所以我會比較偏心 Medic 玩家 I think pyyyour, just because I'm a Medic 但他真的打得很好。 so I'm kind of bias towards Medics 我想我也會偏心 but he was really really good. 因為我常常看你玩 Medic I think I'll probably be bias as well 那是我認識最深的 Class since I always watch you play Medic 所以我也是偏心Medic玩家 that's the one I know most 所有人都喜歡 b4nny I'll go with Medic 人人都為他歡呼 他亦打出了一些很精彩的榴彈 everybody loves b4nny 我想我有看到過他連續打中四顆 everyone cheering from him, and he got some amazing pipes off as well 實在是太瘋狂了。 I think I saw him get like four in a row 基於某些原因 觀眾們好像比較喜歡LG it was just epic. 真的很有趣 For some reason they wanted to root for LG a lot more than us 所以每次我死了, 不論那可否被避免 which was interesting 每個人都發狂似的 so everytime I died, whether it was a bad death or just a random death 那還蠻搞笑的。 everyone would go crazy so 每個人都能輕鬆上手 it was kind of funny. 和玩, 和享受這遊戲 Anybody has the ability to pick it up 聽起來, 不太對但又很對 and play, and have fun. 搭配不同的地圖和9個不同的 Class Sounds like, not true but it's entirely true 加上 Valve 把 TF2 改成免費玩 with map variation you have and nine classes 和加入那些吸引的裝飾和帽子 and the public service you have, free to play, by Valve 我想這就是為何 TF2 是一個獨特的 eSport and making it so tempting with all their cosmetics. 很容易上手 I think that's the thing that makes it a unique eSport 很有趣 it's easy to pick up 但這正是為何, 我對TF2有保留 it's funny 它永遠不會成為 Starcraft2 and that's why, I've always been saving about TF2 永遠不會, 我知道這聽起來令人難過 it's never going to become like Starcraft 2 但它不會 因為它是搞笑類的遊戲 never, like I know it sounds harsh 很多人喜歡看單殺 but it won't because it's comedy 一對一, 個人技術之類的 a lot of people like seeing solo skill 這是令大眾想看的原因 one-on-one's, all that stuff 當我們看見 airshot and that's what drives people to actually wanting to watch it 那像是,很大的一件事 when we see an airshot in TF2 但當Medic做出了很精彩的 surf,那類表現則難以換來喝彩 it's like, a huge thing you know 這就是現實 when a Medic does like a sick surf or something like that it counts for nothing 很輕易上手 it's just how it is 那是好事, 這就是為何我們有那麼大的玩家群 you know, it's good, it's easy to pick up 當上到競技層面那就出問題了 which is great, and that's why we have a huge fanbase of it don't we 上到那水平並不容易 when it goes to competitive level that's when we struggle 群眾的反應很棒 because it's not easy to go into that level 我從來沒試過在這種環境玩遊戲 I think that the hype from the crowd was great 運動才是那樣 I've never been in an environment like that playing videogames 他們的反應真的很棒 doing sports has been like that for me 讓我很想玩得更好 the hype from the crowd was really awesome 當我知道, 我們很可能會嬴時 it made me want to play well 那種感覺真的很棒 when I knew, that we were probably going to win 我感覺放鬆了一點 it felt really good 當我知道我會受到歡呼,所有人都很開心 I relaxed a little bit 而且我很開心我們打出很精彩的一場賽事 and I knew that we would get cheered on and everyone had a great time. 這就是我一直在說的... Adding to that, I'm glad that we put on a show 在第一次來 insomania 以前 and that's what I've kept saying since... 我只想有一場精彩的賽事,不論我們最後是第一或第四 since we first got here and before that 我真的很愛看 I just wanted to put on a show regardless if we've finished first or fourth. TF2的競技 I really love watching 這是一個混合了 TF2 competitively 來自不同 eSports 的好東西的遊戲 it's a game that combines a lot of 我自己也看其他 eSports increddible stuff from different eSports 尤其是Starcraft and I've watched other eSports too. 我有參與過 Quake Live 有去過 Quake Con I've watched a lot of Starcraft especially 那真的很精彩 I've gotten my fair share of Quake Live, I went to QuakeCon 當然那裡的個人技術很高 that was pretty awesome. 我們也很喜歡展示這些個人技術高的玩家 There is ofcourse an increddible level of individual skill 我們在 eXtv 喜歡展示那些驚人的 airshots that we like to showcase 我們喜歡展示那些瘋狂並鬼祟的背刺 we love showcasing the huge airshots over at eXtv 當情況許可的話 也盡量讓 Medic 們上上鏡頭 we love showcasing those crazy stealthy Spy backstabs 做他們的事 這不容易,因為他們不會殺人 and whenever we can we try to get the Medics on camera too 但他們的站位很好 doing their stuff. It's tougher, because they don't get the kills 而當 Soldier 嘗試轟炸他們 試著打一兩發 but they do increddible positioning 我們帶來了 Shade 和 pyyyour and if some Soldier is bombing in at them, trying to take a shot or two 大家都在熱烈的歡呼 we've brought Shade, and we've brought pyyyour over here 當 pyyyour 會死 或是當 Shade 死的時候 and everyone was really cheering you know 當你是最頂尖的 Medic 時 when pyyyour would die, or when Shade would die 就只會在你全隊都在忙的時候 pretty much if you're one of the best Medics 你才會有機會會死 those are the only situations you ever die 絕對喜歡看TF2 it's when your entire team's hand is forced. 我認為這是最刺激的 eSport Absolutely love watching TF2 我真的希望我們能有更多觀眾 I think it's the most exiting eSport 我的意思是, 這就是我們一直想做到的 I really hope we get more viewers 以這紀錄片,就是想告訴大家 I mean that's what we're trying to do here 看,我們喜歡這遊戲 with this documentary, is tell you guys 來加入我們,加入我們的熱誠 look, we love it. 加入我們喜歡看到的 Come join us, join our passion 我們喜歡玩的TF2。 join what we love watching what we love doing here in TF2.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 隊伍 比賽 據點 回合 遊戲 歐洲 美國VS歐洲--《要塞2》紀錄片 (America VS Europe - a Team Fortress 2 Documentary) 1984 40 李鴻章 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字