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字幕列表 影片播放

  • Here we go 开始咯

  • We can go all around the world 我们可以走遍全世界

  • We'll visit every corner of this earth 我们会拜访这世界每个角落

  • We'll go all around the world 我们会走遍全世界

  • You and I, we'll visit everywhere 你和我,我们将走访每一个地方

  • I wanna go on a safari in Africa 我想要在非洲来一趟狩猎旅行

  • And visit Namibia and Zambia 还要拜访那米比亚和尚比亚

  • Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my 狮子、老虎、还有熊,我的天

  • Um..bears aren't common in Africa. Why? 呃...熊在非洲不常见吧。为啥?

  • You ever take a stroll in a fur coat in really hot weather? 你曾穿着毛皮大衣在超级热的天气散步过吗?

  • No. Well, a bear wouldn't wanna do it either 没有。那,一隻熊也不想这样做啊

  • let's get back to the song 好吧...现在回到这首歌

  • So many places to go and we can start with Niger 好多地方要去,我们可以从尼日开始

  • Benin, Burundi, and Botswana 贝南、蒲隆地、还有波扎那

  • We'll go there and then visit Ghana 我们会去那裡然后再拜访迦纳

  • I bet you didn't know English is the official language of Nigeria 我打赌你不知道英文是奈及利亚的官方语言

  • Togo sits right below a country called Burkina Faso 多哥位在一个叫布吉纳法索的国家正下方

  • We should visit Maseru, which is the capital of Lesotho 我们应该造访马塞鲁,那是赖索托的首都

  • Kenya, Chad, Malawi, Congo, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Gabon, Morocco 肯亚、乍得、马拉威、刚果、辛巴威、苏丹、加彭、摩洛哥

  • Mali, Uganda, and Comoros, Rwanda, Ethiopialet's go 马利、乌干达、和科摩洛,卢安达、衣索比亚--我们走吧

  • Cote d'Ivoire, Mozambique, Central African Republic 象牙海岸、莫桑比克、中非共和國

  • Cameroon, South Africa, Sierra Leone, and Senegal 喀麦隆,南非,塞拉利昂和塞内加尔

  • So many places I wanna go 那么多我想去的地方

  • And I hope that you'll be coming along 我希望你会跟着一起来

  • We can go all around the world 我们可以走遍全世界

  • We'll visit every corner of this earth 我们将拜访这世界每个角落

  • We'll go all around the world 我们将走遍全世界

  • You and I, we'll visit everywhere 你和我,我们将走访每一个地方

  • Yep, still in Africa 对,还是一样在非洲

  • That's right, you guessed it 没错,给你猜到了

  • It's a huge continent of course we haven't left yet. No 这是个很大的洲我们当然还没离开。还没

  • Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea 几内亚,几内亚比绍,赤道几内亚

  • Can't wait to pay a visit to all three 等不及去拜访全部三个国家

  • Cape Verde, Eritrea, and Djibouti 维德角、厄利垂亚、还有吉布地

  • Madagascar 马达加斯加

  • I remember that movie 我记得那部电影

  • Let's see Tanzania and Swaziland 我们去看坦尚尼亚和史瓦济兰

  • Tunisia, Somalia, and South Sudan 突尼西亚、索马利亚、和南苏丹

  • Sao Tome and Principe are really beautiful islands I've got to say 圣多美和普林西比是超美的岛屿,我必须这么说

  • Can't wait to inhale the air of Seychelles 等不及要呼吸塞席尔的空气

  • Some more beautiful islands where I want to sail 还有更多我想到那航行的美丽岛屿

  • Mauritania, Libya, and Liberia 茅利塔尼亚、利比亚、和利比里亚

  • Where are we going next? 接下来我们要去哪?

  • After that is Algeria 在那后是阿尔及利亚

  • Egypt has a rich history 埃及有一段丰富的历史

  • We should visit the pyramids 我们应该去参观金字塔

  • What a sight to see 多麽值得一看的景点啊

  • Mauritius, Angola, and Gambia 毛里求斯,安哥拉和赞比亚

  • Western Saharanow we're leaving Africa 西撒哈拉--现在我们要离开非洲

  • So many places I wanna go 那么多我想去的地方

  • And I hope that you'll be coming along 我希望你会跟着一起来

  • We can go all around the world 我们可以走遍全世界

  • We'll visit every corner of this earth 我们将拜访这世界每个角落

  • We'll go all around the world 我们将走遍全世界

  • You and I, we'll visit everywhere 你和我,我们将走访每一个地方

  • Palau, Nauru, Tonga, Samoa 帛琉、诺鲁、东加、萨摩亚

  • Solomon Islands in Australia 在澳洲的索罗门群岛

  • Those are places I wanna take you 那些是我想带你去的地方

  • Let's explore Micronesia 让我们探索密克罗尼西亚

  • These are the Pacific Islands 这些是太平洋群岛

  • Fiji Islands, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, and Tuvalu 斐济群岛、马绍尔群岛、瓦努阿图、和图瓦卢

  • Can't forget New Zealand 不能忘记纽西兰

  • Papua New Guinea is gorgeous 巴布新几内亚美极了

  • Kiribati is also known as Kiribus 吉里巴提也被称做吉里巴斯

  • Who wants to come along with us? To... 谁想要跟我们一起去?到...

  • Venezuela, Guyana, Paraguay 委内瑞拉、盖亚那、巴拉圭

  • Peru, Suriname, Uruguay 祕鲁、苏利南、乌拉圭

  • Chile, Ecuador, Colombia 智利、厄瓜多、哥伦比亚

  • Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia 巴西、阿根廷、玻利维亚

  • So many places I wanna go 那么多我想去的地方

  • And I hope that you'll be coming along 我希望你会跟着一起来

  • We can go all around the world 我们可以走遍全世界

  • We'll visit every corner of this earth 我们将拜访这世界每个角落

  • We'll go all around the world 我们将走遍全世界

  • You and I, we'll visit everywhere 你和我,我们将走访每一个地方

  • Tourists visit the Mayan temple in Mexico 观光客参观墨西哥的玛雅神庙

  • We'll head there after Trinidad and Tobago 我们会在特立尼达和多巴哥之后去那

  • I love Saint Lucia, Panama, Nicaragua 我爱圣露西亚、巴拿马、尼加拉瓜

  • The first chocolate bar was invented in Guatemala(Thank you!) 第一条巧克力棒是在瓜地马拉发明出来的(谢啦!)

  • Rihanna is a singer that we all know 蕾哈娜是我们全都认识的歌手

  • But did you know she was born in Barbados? 但你知道她是在巴贝多出生的吗?

  • It's so beautiful just like Jamaica 那儿就像牙买加一样美丽

  • Just like Cuba, Honduras, and Grenada 就像古巴、洪都拉斯、和格瑞纳达

  • El Salvador, Costa Rica, Dominica 萨尔瓦多、哥斯大黎加、多明尼克

  • After Belize, I'm gonna go see Canada 贝里斯之后,我要去看看加拿大

  • Guess what? What? 猜怎麽样?怎样?

  • Pirates of the Caribbean was shot in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 加勒比海盗是在圣文森及格瑞那丁拍摄的

  • In my last song I toured the United States 在我上一首歌中我游历美国

  • Now I'm all over the world and it feels great 现在我在世界各地而这感觉棒透了

  • Haiti is where I was born 海地是我出生的地方

  • If you don't mind I had to throw that in the song 如果你不介意的话,我要把它放进这首歌里

  • Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua, Barbuda, Bahamas, Dominican Republic 圣基茨和尼维斯、安提瓜、巴布达、巴哈马、多明尼加共和国

  • We can go all around the world 我们可以走遍全世界

  • We'll visit every corner of this earth. Switch it up 我们将拜访这世界每个角落。换个地方吧

  • Taiwan, Iran, Iraq, India, and Malaysia 台湾、伊朗、伊拉克、印度、还有马来西亚

  • Cambodia, Georgia, China, Indonesia 柬埔寨、乔治亚、中国、印尼

  • Syria, Mongolia, South Korea, and North Korea are on the continent of Asia 叙利亚,蒙古,韩国和朝鲜都在亚洲大陆

  • Vietnam, Thailand, Japan 越南、泰国、日本

  • Uzbekistan and Tajikistan 乌兹别克斯坦还有塔吉克

  • We plan to travel to many different lands 我们打算旅游到许多不同的土地

  • Like the Philippines and Turkmenistan 像是菲律宾和土库曼

  • Wait, slow down. This tour is moving quickly, man 等等,慢一点。这趟旅行也移动得太快了,老兄

  • OK, I'll give more information 没问题,我会提供更多资讯

  • Now that's a good plan 现在那是个好方法

  • Did you know cinnamon originated in Sri Lanka? 你知不知道肉桂源自斯里兰卡?

  • Nope, but I love it on my French toast, so thank you 不知道,但我喜欢加它在我的法式土司上,所以谢啦

  • Let's go to Qatar then Nepal and Singapore 让我们去卡达然后去尼泊尔还有新加坡

  • Great, but don't forget the info 好极了,但不要忘了资讯

  • Give a bit more 给多一点吧

  • Do you like mocha? 你喜欢摩卡吗?

  • I love mocha 我爱死摩卡了

  • That originated in Yemen 那源自叶门

  • Pass me a big cup 递给我一大杯

  • Oman and the United Arab Emirates 阿曼和阿拉伯联合大公国

  • Both have very hot climates 两国都有很炎热的气候

  • East Timor, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Maldives 东帝汶、缅甸、沙乌地阿拉伯、马尔地夫

  • We're going really far. Israel, Lebanon, Bhutan, Kuwait 我們要去很遠的地方。以色列、黎巴嫩、不丹、科威特

  • Jordan, Bruneilet's go miles away 约旦、汶莱--我们来去千里之外

  • Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Bangladesh, Bahrain 吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、老挝、孟加拉、巴林

  • Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Armenia 巴基斯坦、阿塞拜疆、阿富汗、亚美尼亚

  • Take me away 带我走

  • Come on, let's go 来吧,我们走

  • Everybody let's go all around the world 大家出发环游全世界

  • Come on, let's go 来吧,我们走

  • Everybody let's go all around the world 大家出发环游全世界

  • Come on, let's go 来吧,我们走

  • Everybody let's go all around the world 大家出发环游全世界

  • Come on, let's go 来吧,我们走

  • Everybody let's go all around the world 大家出发环游全世界

  • In Italy we'll see the Leaning Tower of Pisa 在义大利我们会看到比萨斜塔

  • And the Roman Coliseum 还有那罗马竞技场

  • Let's visit Latvia, Albania, Austria 让我们拜访拉脱维亚、阿尔巴尼亚、奥地利

  • And then we'll go to Belgium 接下来我们再去比利时

  • We can run with the bulls and then take a look at Pablo Picasso's artwork in Spain 我们可以在西班牙和公牛奔驰,然后看看毕卡索的作品

  • We'll take the train from Serbia to Slovakia 我们将搭火车从塞尔维亚去斯洛伐克

  • To Slovenia and spend a few days in the Ukraine 去斯洛文尼亚,然后在乌克兰待几天

  • We'll see the Pope in the Vatican City 我们将会在梵谛冈城看到教宗

  • And then Sweden and Romania and then we'll go to Turkey and Ireland 接着是瑞典还有罗马尼亚,然后我们会去土耳其和爱尔兰

  • We'll walk around all day in Kosovo, Monaco, San Marino, and Norway 我们会在科索沃、摩纳哥、圣马力诺,还有挪威闲逛整天

  • Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and England make up the United Kingdom 北爱尔兰、威尔士、苏格兰、还有英格兰组成联合王国

  • A place very well known for watches, and cheese, and chocolates is the country of Switzerland 一个以手表,和奶酪,还有巧克力闻名的地方是瑞士

  • The scenery is beautiful in Portugal 葡萄牙的风景很美丽

  • In Poland, you'll get more than an eyeful 在波兰,你会看到比大饱眼福更棒的

  • Speaking of eyeful, let's go to France 提到大饱眼福,我们来去法国

  • We can look at the Eiffel Tower and stare at it for hours 我们可以看看艾菲尔铁塔,然后盯着它好几个小时

  • Croatia, Bulgaria 克罗地亚、保加利亚

  • Let's have fun in Iceland and Estonia. Come on, let's go 让我们在冰岛和爱沙尼亚大玩一场。来吧,我们走

  • Everybody let's go all around the world 大家出发环游全世界

  • Come on, let's go. 来吧,我们走。

  • Everybody let's go all around the world. Switch it up 大家出发环游全世界。换个地方吧

  • We'll go to Russia and the Czech Republic 我们要去俄罗斯还有捷克共和国

  • And Cyprus I promise you'll love it 还有赛普勒斯,我保证你会爱上它

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina 波士尼亚及贺塞哥维纳

  • We'll party in Greece and Andorra 我们要在希腊和安道尔狂欢

  • Liechtenstein, Lithuania 列支敦士登、立陶宛

  • Let's see Belarus and Macedonia 让我们去看白俄罗斯还有马其顿

  • Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova 卢森堡、马耳他、摩尔多瓦

  • You're invited so come on over 你被邀请了所以一起来吧

  • The Netherlands, Finland, Montenegro 荷兰、芬兰、黑山

  • Germany, Hungary, Denmarklet's go 德国、匈牙利、丹麦--我们走吧

  • So many places I wanna go 那么多我想去的地方

  • And I hope that you'll be coming along 我希望你会跟着一起来

  • We can go all around the world 我们可以走遍全世界

  • We'll visit every corner of this earth 我们会拜访这世界每个角落

  • We'll go all around the world 我们将走遍全世界

  • You and I, we'll visit everywhere 你和我,我们将走访每一个地方

  • We can go all around the world 我们可以走遍全世界

  • We'll visit every corner of this earth 我们会拜访这世界每个角落

  • We'll go all around the world 我们将走遍全世界

  • You and I, we'll visit everywhere 你和我,我们将走访每一个地方

Here we go 开始咯


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A2 初級 美國腔

暢遊世界 Tour the World (畅游世界 Tour the World)

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    Li-Ying Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日