字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - By the time we reach these, we're just like, 當我們喝到這杯的時候,我們就覺得 "This is the best!" 這個最好喝! Which Country Drinks The Best Beer? Vinepair.com recently released a map showcasing the most popular beer in each country 這個聞起來像兄弟會 So we did a blind taste test to see which popular beer was the best 聞起來有水果味 - This one smells like a fraternity floor. 喔,我愛這個 - It smells a little fruity. 很像杯水 - Ooh I like that one. 這個還不錯 - Very watery. 有點果香 - This is fine. 有一點點鳳梨果汁的味道 It's kinda like, fruity. 我只想要一口氣乾掉這杯 - Has a little bit of a pineapple juice taste. 然後霸氣把杯子反蓋 - This one, I kinda wanna just chug it 喝完了 and then flip-cup it. 蓋 - Done and... 聞起來像蘋果汁 Done. 可不是喔,老兄,聞起來像蜂蜜 - [Man] Smells like apple juice. 顏色稍深 - [Woman] Naw dude, smells like honey. 這是時尚的指標 - Slightly darker. - Slightly darker. 恩~喔! Which is a sign of fanciness. 喔!好喝吧? - Mmm. - Oh! 感覺有點微酸 - Ooh! - Yeah, right? 我們是不是應該 - There's like, a sourness to it. 漱一漱然後吐出來? - Are we supposed to 看起來好可怕! swish it and spit it out? 可怕的啤酒 - [Woman] This is scary beer! 是什麼呢? Scary beer. 水 What is it? 不是!我愛黑啤酒 (bleep) water. (laughing) 我不愛黑啤酒。閉嘴 No! - I love dark beer! 喝起來像巧克力 - I don't like dark beer. - Shut up. 有點像培根 - That tastes like chocolate. 喔,太多咖啡味了 - It kinda tastes like bacon. 喝起來好像咖啡 - Ooh, too coffee. - Yeah, 但是它們其實根本相反 tastes a lot like coffee. 這真是耐人尋味 But it does the opposite thing. 很好喝,只是有點太濃 - This is intriguing me. 可能是某種燕麥黑啤酒 - This is pretty good, it's a little heavy. 或是巧克力黑啤酒。我前幾天才剛吃燕麥 - Probably an oatmeal stout of some kind 看起來一點都不像這個 or a chocolate stout. - I had oatmeal the other day. 聞起來有點像栗子 And it looked nothing like this. 或類似核桃什麼的 - [Woman] Smells kind of like chestnuts 聞起來像男人的浴室 or like walnuts or something. 噁! - Smells like a men's bathroom. 它看起來像尿! - Ugh! 你怎麼會這麼說? It looks like pee! 這是味道與眾不同 Why would you say that? 我喜歡這個 - This is a different flavor. 這個喝起來真的像是擺很久的啤酒 - I'd be down for this. 像是啤酒祖先。這個是海膽啤酒? - This definitely tastes like a really old beer. 這個的確喝起來有點像海的味道 Like an ancient beer. - Is this a sea urchin beer? 再來繼續喝! - Oh it does taste kind of like the sea. 喔耶! - Keep 'em comin'! 這才像大學生活。對啊 - [Man] Oh yeah! 這是演唱會的啤酒。聞起來像黏黏的地板 - [Woman] This is college. - [Man] Yeah. 我一聞這杯酒,美好的回憶湧上心頭 - This is concert beer. - Smells like a sticky floor. 這個是不是比較苦?比較苦一點 - I'm smelling this and I'm getting good memories. 這個像是啤酒乒乓遊戲的那種酒。 - It's a little bitter huh? - It's bitter. 這就像是你犯下錯誤,但絕不反悔 - It's like beer pong beer. - This is like, 你喝越多越好喝 mistakes but ones you don't regret. 我知道這是什麼 - The more you drink, the better it tastes. 這是比爾森啤酒。聞起來像肉湯 - I know what this is. 這個來自捷克共和國 This is a pilsner. - Smells like broth. 我正在呼喚它。我真希望 - This is from the Czech Republic. 這不是比爾森啤酒 I'm calling it now. - I really hope that 聞起來很棒。聞起來好香 it's not a pilsner. 對啊 - [Man] Smells good. - [Woman] Smells fragrant. 聞起來有花果香 - [Man] Yeah. - [Woman] Smells like, 我不知道這是什麼 smells fruity and flowery all at the same time. 喝起來完全不像其他啤酒 - I don't know what this is. 到目前為止,這杯是我的最愛 It doesn't taste like any of the other beers. 我什麼都不知道 - This one's probably my favorite so far. 但是這杯看起來像比較高級的啤酒 - I know nothing. 我喝越多越愛它 But this seems to be a higher quality beer. 但是很有可能是因為你喝醉了 - The more I drink it, the more I like it. 這杯啤酒真多汁 - Yeah but that's probably 'cause you're getting drunk. 拜託不要再用 - This is a juicy beer. 多汁這種形容詞。多汁 - (laughing) Please don't describe anything 痾 as juicy ever again. - Juicy. 這杯聞起來像棒球比賽 - Ugh. 它們全都聞起來像... 它們全部 - [Man] This one smells like a baseball game. 聞起來像棒球比賽 They all kinda smell like... - They all 這杯絕對是墨西哥的 smell like baseball games. (laughing) 這個... 就像當你知道這杯酒 - Ooh, this one's Mexican for sure. 如果有配萊姆會更好喝 - This is... - Like when you know it'll 大概都是墨西哥啤酒。沒錯 taste good with a lime, 我喜歡,喝起來很清新 it's generally Mexican beer. - Right. 很不錯。喝起來像大麻! - I like it, it's really refreshing. 我也不排斥這杯 Really nice. - This tastes like weed! 不會吧。它聞起來像大麻 - I'm not mad at this one either. 如果你走近它,就馬上聞起來有那個味道 - No - That smells like weed. 那就是大麻 If you walked in and you smelled that 聞起來像蘋果酒 that would be marijuana. 蘋果酒,老兄。這真有趣 - [Woman] Smells like cider. - [Man] Woah. 這個喝起來有點像葡萄酒 - [Woman] Cider, dude. - This is interesting. 又更濃一點,你知道的 This tastes a little like wine. 這杯喝起來像多芬的肥皂 - It's a little bit stronger, you can tell. 他說的沒錯! - This one tastes like Dove soap. 我真的很喜歡這杯。這杯就像水果酒 - (laughing) He's right! - I really like 這個就像應用程式介面 (API)。印度淡色艾爾 India Pale Ale (IPA)? this one actually. - This is like, fruity. 痾...是應用程式.... - This is like an API. - IPA? 印度的?沒錯! - Uh, AP... 你們超讚!老兄,你們超棒的! Which beer was your favorite? 你們有最美味的食物和啤酒 - India? 嘿! - You guys rock! - Dude, you guys are awesome! 嗨~祕魯 - You guys have the best food and the best beer. 我們喜歡愛爾蘭的培根啤酒 - Hey! 它是印度的 What up Peru. 印度的朋友們,你們超會釀啤酒 - Here in Ireland we like bacon beer. 嗨嗨~祕魯 - Ahhh. - It's from India. 喔! Indians, you know how to make your beer. 這就是為什麼我有美好回憶的原因 - Ooh, what up Peru. 我愛可樂娜。那正像我們說的 - Oh! - Oh! 感覺就像去夜店的啤酒 That's why I have the good memories. 我去夜店都喝那個 (bleep) I love Corona. - That's the one we said, 耶,阿根廷!是多汁的那杯嗎? feels like we went clubbing with that one. 你的是可樂娜 - I did go clubbing with this one. 你覺得那是皮爾森,不是嗎? - Yeah, Argentina! - Is that the juicy one? 對啊。它不是 - Yours is Corona. 可能有東西影響我的判斷 You thought it was a pilsner, right? 印度? - Yeah. - It's not. 當然啦! - It's as if something has impaired my judgement. 他們有很多種香料 - India? 讓這個更可口 Way to go! 愛爾蘭,我知道健力士 They have a lot of spices. 建力士,你是我的老朋友 That was the more flavorful one. 我愛啤酒。它們贏了 - Ireland, I already knew Guinness. 謝謝。耶,啤酒! Guinness, you're an old friend. 活著就是要不停的喝,不停享樂 - I like beer. - It wins. 還有注意安全 Thank you. - Yay beer! 我覺得捲毛打嗝了 Yay world, keep drinking, keep having fun and be safe. 抱歉,真臭 - I think Curly got the burps 喔我的天啊,更大的嗝要來了 (belch) 我的嗝都很臭 - Sorry they stink. 等等,我想聞聞看,飛高高,飛到上帝那邊 Aww man I got a deep burp coming 給上帝聞 - My burps always smell. 它聞起來總是很像義大利香腸 - Wait I wanna smell it, give it to the Lord. Give it to the Lord. - It always smells like salami.
B2 中高級 中文 BuzzFeed 啤酒 好喝 印度 大麻 多汁 全世界最受歡迎的啤酒滋味如何?來喝喝看吧! People Try Popular Beer From Around The World 6429 450 王妍心 發佈於 2015 年 05 月 29 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字