字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I think I know what synesthesia is. 我想我知道「聯覺」是什麼。 It's sort of like what happens when you're tripping. 這有點像是產生幻覺時會遇到的情況。 [Do you have synesthesia?] [你有聯覺嗎?] Different parts of your brain control the sensation of the perception of vision, or of hearing, or of smell, or of taste, and a lot of those areas in the brain are neighbors. 大腦不同的區域分別掌控著視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺,而許多知覺的腦區彼此相連。 My name is Nadia Ortelt, and I'm a DIY neuroscientist. 我是 Nadia Ortelt,我是一位DIY神經學家。 In some people, the connection between those neighboring areas is much stronger than in other people, and those people have synesthesia. 某些人對於掌控不同知覺的腦區之間的連結比其他人還強很多,而這些人就有「聯覺」。 They can see colors associated with numbers, or shapes, or letters, or words. 他們可以看到與數字、形狀、字母、單字相關的顏色。 I'm Jordan. 我是 Jordan。 I'm Justin. 我是 Justin。 And we both have synesthesia, and we're dating. 我們都擁有「聯覺」,然後我們在交往。 Well, I see every letter has a color, and every number has a color. 嗯,我覺得每個字母都有顏色,而每個數字也都有顏色。 So, I had it my whole life, and I thought it was totally normal to associate colors and numbers and letters in my head. 我的一生都有聯覺,而且我認為把顏色和數字及字母串連在一起是件很正常的事情。 All my numbers are...they kind of correspond with the rainbow. 我的數字都......與彩虹有些關聯。 I have, like, ideas about, like, the personality of numbers. 我會去想... 數字的「個性」。 "Seven" is kind of a jerk. 數字「七」代表討厭鬼。 "Three" is like a really nice guy. 數字「三」代表好人。 It's a good number. 這是個好數字。 People of synesthesia are usually much better at memorizing things. 擁有聯覺的人通常記性比較好。 Because they always have two associations with every idea, or object, or thing. 因為他們通常將所有的東西、物體、或事情與兩樣東西做連結。 I remember distinctly like when I was a little kid remembering my phone number, my first phone number, with colors. 我印象很深刻,小時候我是用顏色背下第一組電話號碼。 Green, green, gold, red, red, gold, gold. 綠、綠、金、紅、紅、金、金。 My name's actually really ugly. 我的名字其實看起來很醜。 I don't like the way it looks. 我不太喜歡它的樣子。 It is estimated that 1 in 200 people might have some form of synesthesia. 研究發現兩百人當中就有一個人可能有某種聯覺。 Synesthesia is actually a really common condition, but also it's how our brains work most of the time. 聯覺其實是一個非常普遍的狀況,但我們大腦通常也是這樣運作的。 So you can do this really simple experiment at home to see what synesthesia actually looks like. 你可以在家裡嘗試這個簡單的實驗,來了解聯覺究竟是什麼。 Cut out a bunch of shapes, some like this, that are kind of pointy and spiky, and some like this, which are round and a bit softer. 剪下一些形狀,有些像這樣有稜有角的,其他的形狀像這樣,圓滾滾的。 Put all these shapes in front of your friend, and ask them to associate the two of them with one of two categories. 把這堆形狀混放在你的朋友面前,並請他們依照以下兩種類別來分類。 One which is a nonsense word "Kiki," and the other which is a nonsense word "Bouba.". 其中一類是一個沒有意義的單字 Kiki,另一類也是一個沒有意義的單字 Bouba 。 Who are "Kiki" and "Bouba"? 誰是「Kiki」和「Bouba」? They're like Miyazaki characters. 聽起來像宮崎駿動畫裡角色的名字。 "Kiki" kind of sounds like spiky and sharp, and "Bouba" kind of sounds round and soft. 「Kiki」聽起來有稜有角,而「Bouba」聽起來圓滑柔順。 And you'll find that actually everybody associates these types of shapes with "Kiki," and these types of shapes with "Bouba.". 你會發現所有人都將這種形狀歸到 Kiki,而這種形狀則歸到 Bouba。 Everyone feels this way? 每個人都這樣覺得? That's creepy. 這太詭異了。 No, that's not how it works. 不,不應該是這樣。 Is that how it works? 難道真的是這樣? I have no control over my mind. 我完全無法掌控我的思緒。 Oh, that looks exactly like what I did. 喔,這就跟我做的一模一樣。 I guess everyone has a little bit of synesthesia in them. 我猜每個人都多多少少有些聯覺。 Wow! 哇!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 聯覺 數字 形狀 顏色 單字 掌控 你可以「聽」到顏色嗎?!「聯覺」是什麼?(Can You Hear Colors?!) 15523 714 Derek 發佈於 2020 年 04 月 18 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字