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This episode of Shot Mechanics is brought to you by Hoop Diaries.com separation series
skill pack. This mobile download contains 8 timed drills for a killer workout that you
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dollar go to help the show! So click the button now and tighten up those handles. Hi I'm Coach
Collin Castellaw with Shot Mechanics.com and today because of Allen Iverson's retirement
we are going to teach his signature crossover move. Allen Iverson was so good at this move
he devastated his defenders over and over again even if they knew it was coming. There
are a few simple keys the will help your footwork and really sell the move and you will be snapping
ankles like AI in no time. And don't forget if you like what we do over here at Shot Mechanics
feel free to give us a like, comment, or subscription that way you help the channel grow and we
can keep spreading the word. Alright let's learn how to drop your defender like a sack
of hammers. So there are really 3 main keys to this move and it all begins with a long
outside step. Check out how Iverson steps out wide making it look like he is going to
the left. Once you have this long outside step it is important that you keep that leg
locked and loaded so you can spring off of it in the opposite direction. Then you keep
the crossover below your knees that way as the defender is sliding by they can't swipe
it with their hand. Now just explode your hips by theirs in a direct path to the basket.
if you really want to sell the move like AI throw your shoulders over knee as your leg
is extended. That should really sell the move. So keep in mind there are 3 main keys you
want to think about when preforming this crossover. Number 1 you want to have a long outside step
that way it sells it and really makes the defender think you are going that direction.
Number 2 after that long step you want to make sure that leg is locked and loaded that
way you can spring back the opposite direction. And number 3 you want to make sure you keep
the crossover below your knees. Because your defender is going to be moving that direction
their only chance to get the ball is going to be to swipe at it as the are moving by.
keep it low and they won;t be able to get to it. And that is everything you need to
keep ion mind when doing the allen iverson crossover.And becuause we have not done it
in a while and because you guys are the best fans on the internet we are going to give
away another jersey. So we are giving away this crazy crisp LeBron James jersey courtesy
of our sponsor UnboxingJerseys.ru. They recently changed from .com to .ru. To be eligible to
win the jersey all you have to do is leave a comment down below and then tag 3 friends
on Google+ it's kind of a win win. You get a shot at winning the jersey and you help
the channel grow. Alright I'm coach Collin Castellaw with Shot Mechanics.com as always
thanks for watching and stay tuned because we have some pretty big stuff coming up in
the future. Peace!