字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 We all know added sugar isn't healthy, but is avoiding it worth it? 我們都知道糖份攝取過多不健康,但為了健康不吃糖真的值得嗎? We wanted to find out, so we asked three sugar addicts to change their diets for a month to see what happens when you give up sugar. 為了知道答案,我們邀請了三位糖份重度上癮者挑戰一個月不吃糖,看看會發生什麼事。 For breakfast I usually have like a Starburst. 我早餐都吃水果軟糖。 I'm interested in this challenge because as I started working in office jobs I went from 125 to 165, so... 我對這個挑戰有興趣是因為從進辦公室工作後,我的體重從 125 磅直線上升到 165 磅(約 56.7 公斤到 74.8 公斤)。 Should I not be drinking this thing? 我是不是不該再喝這個了? I feel bad for everyone in my life because it does feel like my mood a lot of the time is directly tied to my diet. 我對我身邊的人感到抱歉,因為我的情緒常常直接受飲食影響。 I'll get like, stressed out. 我應該會壓力過大。 I get headaches if I don't have sugar. 我沒吃到糖就會頭痛。 I'm 27, I think it's time to start eating like an adult and not like a 16 year old. 我 27 歲了,是時候吃得像個大人而不是 16 歲青少年了。 It's just been an emotional roller coaster of a week. 這一週我的情緒起伏就像坐雲霄飛車一樣。 I fucked up and ordered an old fashion. 我搞砸了,還點了一杯古典雞尾酒。 What do I drink to get caffeine? 我喝什麼來攝取咖啡因? Soda. 汽水。 You could drink coffee. 你可以喝咖啡。 I don't want to drink black coffee. 我不想喝黑咖啡。 Black coffee straight is shitty. 黑咖啡難喝到爆。 Super Bowl sucks 'cause I just got to sit there and eat like corn chips that tasted really crappy. 連超級盃都變超難看,因為我只能坐在那吃難吃的玉米片。 And then today, work was free cupcake day. 今天還是公司的免費杯子蛋糕日。 This sucks. 爛透了。 Went to Disneyland yesterday. 我昨天去迪士尼玩。 Everyone was eating tasty treats. 每個人都在吃好吃的零食。 I couldn't have any of these tasty treats, so I had a pickle. 我不能吃那些,所以吃了酸黃瓜。 I feel like a weirdo 'cause I'm in the grocery store like looking at the back of everything to see what's in it. 我覺得自己像個怪人,因為我去雜貨店會看每個商品背後的標籤,看裡面有什麼成分。 And I never wanted to be that guy, and now I'm that guy. 我以前絕對不想變成這種人,但我現在就是。 Any positive changes? 你說有什麼正面影響嗎? I don't know, not really. 我不知道,應該沒有。 Ugh, I hope it's worth it. 呃,我希望這值得。 So, last week was really bad, but this week I'm kind of used to it. 雖然上一週超慘,但這一週我好像有點習慣了。 And I actually slipped up, and grabbed a can of Coke and drank it. 其實我偷偷做了一件錯事,我喝了一罐可樂。 Last night I drank a soda to try to stay up late 'cause I was doing work. 昨晚我因為工作要熬夜,所以喝了一罐汽水。 And I feel like junk this morning. 然後今天早上起來,我感覺自己像坨垃圾。 I have thinned down a bit. 我瘦了一點。 I've lost a few pounds. 我減了幾磅。 I feel like I'm more positive. 我覺得我變得更正向了。 I feel like my energy levels are more leveled. 身體能量好像也更平穩了。 And I don't have these lows. 也沒什麼低潮。 This is actually not that bad. 這其實沒那麼糟耶。 I feel like, I don't know, I feel like I could do this. 我覺得,不知道,我覺得我可以做到。 I feel like I can actually stop eating so much sugar. 我覺得我真的可以不要再吃這麼多糖了。 I lost five pounds. 我減了五磅。 That's crazy. 超猛的。 Five pounds of fat according to the body comp test. 而且根據我的全身體脂肪分析報告,是減了五磅的脂肪。 So yeah, I feel pretty good about the direct result. 這些直接影響讓我非常開心。 I actually can confidently say, "I don't miss sugar that much." 事實上我可以很有自信地說「我一點也不想念糖」了。 Crazy? mind blowing? life changing? 戒糖是瘋狂的、 驚奇的、逆轉人生的嗎? Yes, all of the above. 以上皆是。 Planning my meals, I'm using all fresh ingredients. 我準備我自己的食物,全部用新鮮食材。 The cool thing about this diet is it's making me cook again, which I haven't done in an embarrassingly long time. 這次節食最酷的事就是讓我重新開始做飯了,我已經有超久的時間不曾這麼做了。 Kind of like looking at what you're putting in your body, looking at the back of the ingredients, or just being conscious of it was huge. 就像是看著我要把甚麼東西放到自己身體裡。去看那些成分,或只是去覺察就意義重大。 In the third week I was like wow, I'm like happy. 第三週以後我就好像,哇,我真心感到快樂。 I'm really happy right now and I feel calm and not stressed out., 我現在真的很開心、很平靜,一點壓力也沒有。 I drink more water now. 現在我會喝更多水了。 I am glad I did it. 很開心我有這樣做。 It's all for the better. 一切都變得更好。 Yeah, I don't want that diabetes. 對,我不想得糖尿病。 My dad's got it. 我爸得了。 I don't wanna get that. 我不想跟他得一樣的病。 Ew. 啊。 At the beginning I was like I can't wait 'til the month is over so that I can go back and eat all the sugar that I'm missing. 最一開始我想:「我等不及這個月結束了,這樣我就可以吃到所有想念的糖了。」 And now I don't even think I'm gonna do that. 但現在我完全沒有這個念頭了。 I think I'm gonna stick with it for a little bit longer. 我覺得我會再保持這樣一段時間。 Who am I? 我到底是誰啊? Who am I? 我到底變成誰了? Am I an adult now? 我現在變成大人了嗎? It's so good. 這真是太棒了。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 BuzzFeed 汽水 開心 攝取 咖啡 大人 超神奇!一個月不吃甜食的驚人改變!(30 Days Without Sugar • LIFE/CHANGE) 152861 6802 Derrick Chen 發佈於 2021 年 12 月 26 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字