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  • Gemma's Bold Baking Breakfast Italian Baked Eggs

  • Hi Bold Bakers! This is the third week of my breakfast series. After today, you'll have

  • a lot of new recipes to create any breakfast or brunch menu for Mother's Day or any special

  • occasion. These recipes are guaranteed to fuel you and start your day off right. This

  • week, we are making Italian Baked Eggs. So let's get started.

  • So what are Italian Baked Eggs? They are eggs cooked in a marinara sauce. Eggs and tomato

  • sauce go really well together. It's a little bit zesty. A little bit sweet. We're going

  • to put some cheese on top and it's going to be gorgeous.

  • We're going to start out by making our marinara sauce. You want to finely chop some onion.

  • And some garlic. A little tip when chopping garlic is sprinkle some salt on the

  • chopping board. Salt causes traction on your chopping board and it allows you to mush your

  • garlic like this.

  • It's a really good trick my mammy Stafford taught me many years ago.

  • Our next step is to gently sauté our ingredients. So in a heavy bottomed pan, we're going to

  • add in some olive oil and gently saute our onions. Saute means to cook. To get nice and

  • tender and translucent but not to brown. Once your onions are cooked off well, we're going

  • to add in our garlic.

  • You never add in your garlic at the same time as the onions because it cooks so much faster.

  • So you add it in when the onions are done.

  • The secret to getting really good flavor in your sauces is cooking off your onions and

  • garlic really well. It gives it really good flavor and then you can add in the rest of

  • your ingredients.

  • Something that's not as traditional, I'm adding some dried chili flakes or you can use fresh

  • chilies. Chili works really well with eggs. A little bit of spice gives it really good

  • flavor.

  • I like to cook in any spices or even herbs directly on the pan before I add in any liquid.

  • I feel like it releases the flavor a lot better.

  • Once these ingredients are cooked really well, we're going to add in our crushed tomatoes.

  • To this sauce right now you can add in some thyme or even oregano. It will taste really good.

  • So all we're going to do is let this come to a simmer and cook it for a few minutes

  • and then it's done.

  • As you can see, marinara is incredibly easy to make and it's not just good for this dish.

  • It is good for pizza sauce, for pasta, and even for meat sauce. It is so versatile. And

  • for this, you can make it in advance and just have it in your fridge for whenever you want

  • baked eggs.

  • After a few minutes of simmering, our marinara sauce is done.

  • The very last thing I want to do is just to season it with a little bit of salt and pepper.

  • I want to give it a little taste just to make sure this seasoning is right. Oh, it's yummy.

  • One thing it is is a little bit acidic which comes from the tomato so how you can balance

  • that out is to add a little bit of sugar. Not a lot of people think about sugar as seasoning

  • but it actually works really well with tomatoes to balance out that acidity.

  • Give it one more taste. Yes, it's perfect. It has a nice kick from the chili. It's going

  • to be really good. We're going to set this aside and let it cool down a little bit and

  • then we're going to assemble our dish.

  • To cook my eggs, I'm going to do single servings in a little terra-cotta dish that I have.

  • You can use any dish you want or even one large dish just make sure they're oven safe.

  • Spoon your marinara sauce into your little dishes. And then make a little well in the middle where

  • your egg is going to go. Into the center of your marinara, crack in one big lovely egg.

  • And on the top I like to sprinkle on a little bit of sharp cheddar. But you can add any

  • cheese that you like.

  • So one of the reasons that I really wanted to show you how to cook eggs is because they

  • are the ultimate fast food. They're really inexpensive, you nearly always have them in

  • the fridge, and you can have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  • This is such an incredibly easy dish to make and yet so rewarding.

  • So our little eggs are ready for the oven. If you want them a little bit softer then

  • you can cook them less. It's all up to your preference and how you like your eggs cooked.

  • The measurements for my recipes can be found below the video on YouTube in the description

  • box. And if you're new to my channel, then welcome and don't forget to subscribe.

  • Our timer has gone off so let's check on our eggs. Oh, my gosh. They're bubbling and brown.

  • And they smell gorgeous. I can't wait to try these. They look fantastic.

  • I like to serve mine with freshly chopped basil on top it just brings a nice element

  • of freshness. And of course a little bit of toast to dip into your egg. This dish will be

  • the perfect start to your day.

  • This is so delicious. I really hope you guys get to try this out.

  • Thank you so much for watching my breakfast series. I really hope you enjoyed it. This

  • is the first time I've done sweet and savory recipes so let me know what your thoughts

  • are or if you have any other recipe requests. Thank you so much for subscribing to my channel

  • and I'll see you back here again next Thursday for more Bigger Bolder Baking.



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母親節早午餐食譜:義大利烤蛋 Italian Baked Eggs (Mother's Day Brunch Recipe) - Gemma's Bold Baking Breakfast Episode 3

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    Ashley Chen 發佈於 2015 年 05 月 09 日