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  • With Daredevil out now, let’s take a look at 15 things you probably didn’t know about

  • Marvel’s TV series about a blind lawyer who’s also a masked vigilante.

  • When Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment, Joe Quesada saw Charlie Cox on crime drama

  • Boardwalk Empire, he knew he’d found the perfect actor to play Matt Murdock, and he

  • rang Marvel’s Head of TV, Jeph Loeb, to tell him just that.

  • At that point, the on-screen rights to Daredevil were still owned by Fox.

  • It was roughly two years later that those rights reverted to Marvel Studios in late

  • 2012!

  • When Charlie Cox first auditioned for Daredevil in New York, the mock scenes he read weren’t

  • from the actual script, and his character’s name was Alex Everett, not Matt Murdock.

  • The name Alex Everett was perhaps a nod to Daredevil co-creator Bill Everett, and to

  • one of Daredevil’s comic book artists, Alex Maleev.

  • Of course, Cox wasn’t the only actor up for the role. In fact, later when he had a

  • Skype meeting with the show’s exec producer Jeph Loeb, he could actually see photos on

  • the wall behind Loeb of other actors who were up for consideration! However, according to

  • Cox, he couldn’t quite make out their faces!

  • The comic book version of Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, is bald, 6 foot 7 inches tall, and

  • weighs 450 pounds. So, Vincent D’Onofrio, who’s 6 foot 3

  • inches tall, shaved his head and gained 30 pounds to play him, taking his total weight

  • to about 280 pounds. Of course, this isn’t the first time D’Onofrio’s

  • gained considerable weight or shaved his head for a role.

  • To play Private Leonard Lawrence in Stanley Kubrick’s war film Full Metal Jacket, D’Onofrio

  • shaved his head and gained nearly 70 pounds.

  • In addition to the show’s scripts, D’Onofrio found inspiration for his portrayal of Fisk

  • in the work of Daredevil comic book artists and writers David Mack, Bill Sienkiewicz,

  • and Frank Miller.

  • At the end of Charlie Cox’s first day on the Daredevil set, Joe Quesada gave the actor

  • some of his artwork as a welcoming present. The work was page 1 issue 1 of the mini-series

  • Daredevil: Father, which was both written and illustrated by Quesada.

  • And it was actually one of the few pages Quesada had kept from that series.

  • Elden Henson, who plays Matt Murdock’s best friend Foggy Nelson, auditioned for Daredevil

  • via Skype while he was in Berlin filming The Hunger Games: Mockingjay.

  • According to Henson, the audition was a bit of a nightmare as he couldn’t get Skype

  • to work on his laptop, and when he tried to Skype on his phone, there were problems with

  • the sound and people kept calling him! Straight after finishing Mockingjay in Germany,

  • Henson travelled back to LA where his son was born the next day, and he arrived in New

  • York less than two weeks later to start work on Daredevil.

  • Deborah Ann Woll had less than 48 hours between wrapping the last episode of vampire drama

  • True Blood and her first day filming Daredevil. Woll, who plays client-turned-secretary Karen

  • Page in the Marvel series, says the short turnaround helped take her mind off the sadness

  • of True Blood ending.

  • Playing Karen Page in Daredevil had a special, personal connection for Deborah Ann Woll,

  • as her real-life boyfriend EJ Scott suffers from Choroideremia, a rare inherited degenerative

  • disease that leads to blindness.

  • Writer Frank Miller and artist John Romita Jr’s 1993 Daredevil comic book mini-series,

  • The Man Without Fear, was a big influence on Marvel’s Daredevil show.

  • An example of that can be seen in the black ninja costume Daredevil wears in the series.

  • Costume designer Stephanie Maslansky wanted the costume to be as grounded and authentic

  • as possible, and said, “It needed to be made of things that anyone could buy on the

  • street, on the Internet or in an army-navy store. We wanted something that looked militaristic

  • and functional, but also dramatic and […] bad-ass.”

  • Before he joined the show, Charlie Cox wasn’t familiar with the Daredevil comics.

  • In fact, the only comics he read when he was growing up in the UK were The Beano and The

  • Dandy! But once cast, he spent a lot of time reading

  • the Daredevil comics and, because of the tone of Marvel’s TV series, he found the work

  • of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev particularly useful.

  • Cox has said that if he could choose any supervillains to appear in future seasons of the show, he’d

  • love to see Stilt-Man and the Jester; and he’d also like to see his character fight crime

  • alongside Black Widow.

  • Although Daredevil is set in modern-day Hell’s Kitchen, the show’s creative team wanted

  • their version of the New York neighbourhood to be more like the grittier place seen in

  • the comic books, and less like the gentrified location it is now in reality.

  • So, executive producer Drew Goddard came up with the idea that, in Daredevil, New York

  • City is still dealing with the aftermath of the Battle of New York that took place in

  • the first Avengers movie. And that’s why, in the show, Hell’s Kitchen

  • has been partly destroyed and is being rebuilt, a plot point which brings Marvel’s big-screen

  • and small-screen worlds together.

  • Charlie Cox had about a month to prepare before shooting Daredevil.

  • Part of his prep included hitting the gym to bulk up and gain muscle so he could look

  • and act the part. Cox also worked with his stunt double Chris

  • Brewster and the show’s stunt co-ordinator Philip J Silvera on martial arts and boxing

  • techniques including kicks, punches, and poses. According to Cox, filming the stunt scenes

  • was one of his favourite parts of the show, and he was keen to do as much of it himself

  • as possible. To help Cox master the routines he was allowed

  • to do, the fight sequences were broken down into sets of 6 to 10 moves at a time, which

  • the actor usually learned on the day of filming. Cox’s stunt double Chris Brewster has said

  • that the action in Daredevil surpasses any TV show or film he’s worked on, which is

  • quite something because while big action movies may shoot for many months, Daredevil filmed

  • each episode in nine days.

  • To further prepare for the show, Cox also worked with Joe Strechay, who’s blind and

  • works at the American Foundation for the Blind where he helps prepare visually impaired people

  • for employment. During his time with Strechay, Cox learned

  • how to use a white cane and navigate busy sidewalks while wearing a blindfold.

  • And he also learned how a blind person would find objects on a table by feeling for them.

  • In fact, locating an object without using his eyesight was something Cox found quite

  • difficult during filming, which meant quite a few retakes to get it right!

  • To find out how his eyes should appear when he takes off his glasses or mask, Cox filmed

  • some of his conversations with Strechay. By filming him, Cox noticed how Strechay’s

  • eyes were often directed towards the mouth of whoever was speaking.

  • So, Cox did the same with Matt Murdock in Daredevil.

  • The creative team behind Daredevil approached the series as a crime drama first, and a superhero

  • show second. With that in mind, they took inspiration from

  • HBO crime drama The Wire as well as 1970s American movies including William Friedkin’s

  • The French Connection, Sidney Lumet’s Dog Day Afternoon, Francis Ford Coppola’s The

  • Conversation, and Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver.

  • Well there you have it, 15 things you probably didn't know about Daredevil!

  • Now, let me know in the comments below, what do you think of Marvel’s Daredevil series

  • on Netflix? And what would you like to see happen in future

  • seasons? If you enjoyed this video, hit the thumbs-up

  • button and subscribe for more things you didn't know, as well as movie reviews and interviews.

  • Thanks for watching! Yippee-ki-yay, superhero lovers!

With Daredevil out now, let’s take a look at 15 things you probably didn’t know about


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關於漫威的《敢死隊》,你不知道的15件事--Netflix。 (15 Things You Didn't Know About Marvel's Daredevil - Netflix)

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    Zaphiel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日