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  • How to Use Sticky Notes to Improve Spoken English

  • Hi! It's Lisa Scott with where I help you speak English clearly and

  • confidently and be understood more easily.

  • Now, I know that you've been working hard to improve your spoken English, hoping that

  • soon you will speak with more of an American accent. But there is so much to rememberpronunciation

  • patterns, word stress, intonation, grammarit's enough to make you want to give up!

  • But don't despair! There are some simple tips and tricks you can use to boost your memory

  • and build your new English speaking habits more quickly.

  • In last week's video, we talked about using our senses to help us create new habits, and

  • today we will focus on the sense of sight.

  • Have you ever made a list of tasks you needed to complete? Did you find that just looking

  • at the list helped you remember to get those things done? That was using your sense of

  • sight to remind yourself to do something differentto finish a task on the list rather than

  • whatever else came to mind at the moment.

  • Have you ever used a sticky note to write yourself a message, and then stuck it somewhere

  • where you knew you would see it? That was using your sense of sight to remind yourself

  • to take action on whatever was written on the sticky note.

  • But how can that help me with my American accent, you may be thinking. You can't improve

  • your spoken English just by looking at a sticky noteor can you?

  • No, if you write on one sticky note "speak with an American accent" and stick it on your

  • desk, it probably won't have a great impact. But, remember when I mentioned last week about focusing

  • on one sound or goal at a time? Let's suppose you are working on the th sound,

  • as in think or thank you. I want you to take at least 10 brightly colored sticky notes

  • and write on each of them one word or picture that makes you think of the th sound. You

  • might write think on all 10, or 10 different words that start with th, or a picture of

  • thumb. It doesn't really matter what you choose, as long as it reminds you to say the th sound

  • correctly.

  • Now, I want you to put those sticky notes all over your house where you will see them

  • as you go through your daily routines. Put one on the bathroom mirror, one on the bedroom

  • door, one on the refrigerator, one near the TV, one in your office, and so on. There is

  • no magic place to put them; the best places are the ones you visit most frequently. Every

  • time you see that sticky note, it will trigger a response in your brain of "Oh yeah, I need

  • to remember to say th." If you have the freedom at work to put several

  • notes up around your office, that is even better.

  • The more times you look at them in a day and practice, the more quickly the new sound will

  • become part of your everyday speech. After a couple of weeks, if you find that the notes

  • are blending into the background but you don't feel like you've completely mastered the sound

  • yet, then get a different color of sticky note, make them again, and put them in slightly

  • different places. That will trigger in your brain the response that something is different

  • and once again, you will pay attention to the notes and they will be a reminder to improve

  • your spoken English.

  • If you find that this technique works for you, then you can repeat it every few weeks

  • with a new sound or grammar point. Of course, you can use this sticky note technique for

  • any new habit you want to establish, even if it has nothing to do with speaking English.

  • You could even make a family game of it, with each family member having a different colored

  • sticky note and a different habit. Challenge each other daily to remember to use your new

  • skills!

  • But maybe you are one of those people who just doesn't see visual details, and you could

  • walk right past a flashing neon sign without seeing it. If that is you, I still want you

  • to give this a try. Be sure to get the neon, brightly colored sticky notes and not the

  • pale yellow ones. If you can still walk past them without seeing them, maybe visual cues

  • are not the best way for you to remember new things. And that's okay, because we are all

  • created differently and I'm going to teach you several other ways to remind yourself

  • of your new skills. Next week, we'll be talking about how some

  • people can use listening to bells and alarms to improve their spoken English. Until then,

  • practice with those sticky notes! I'll see you next time!

How to Use Sticky Notes to Improve Spoken English


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A2 初級

第20集:用便籤紙提高英語口語水準 (Episode #20: Improve Your Spoken English with Sticky Notes)

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    Sam 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日