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  • Raycasting is the process of shooting

    射線檢查(Raycasting)會從指定座標和軸向 投射一條隱形線並偵測是否有碰撞體在線上

  • an invisible ray from a point, in a


  • specified direction to detect whether any

    舉例來說, 我們的主角 想要射死那背叛他父親的邪惡方塊

  • colliders lay in the path of the ray.


  • One such example of this would be


  • shooting a gun. In this instance our

    但當你明白每個參數所代表的內容 就會變得容易理解

  • character wants to shoot the evil box that

    首先, 射線的原點(origin)是一個世界座標的點

  • betrayed him and killed his father.


  • The syntax of the raycast function looks like this.

    我們將原點設定在槍口的位置 利用一個三維向量(Vector3)儲存X, Y和Z軸座標

  • It can be confusing at first


  • but once you understand what each part does

    因此我們還需要第二個向量值 來儲存我們的射擊軸向(direction)

  • it makes much more sense.


  • Firstly, the origin of the ray is a


  • point in world space.

    因為射線變數是一個可以儲存 兩個三維向量的資料類別

  • So in this instance we'd choose a point in


  • front of the barrel of the gun, stored

    下一個參數是射線碰撞參數(RaycastHit) 用來儲存射線碰到的碰撞體資料

  • as a Vector3, an X, Y and Z position.

    有了這個變數程式就可以呼叫 並找到射線路徑上的遊戲物件

  • However, because our world coordinates


  • direction won't be facing in the direction

    第一個是射線距離(Distance) 用來設定射線的長度

  • we're shooting we will need a second Vector3


  • to store our direction in.

    然後是圖層遮罩(Layer Mask) 用來指定射線檢查可忽略的Unity圖層

  • These two Vector3 variables make up

    如果你希望射線忽略某些物件 那你可以指定到圖層遮罩裡

  • our ray. But we can also substitute


  • in a Ray variable, as this data type

    這個範例裡我們有一個空投箱 它在接近地面時會打開它的降落傘

  • can store two Vector3's.

    這個空投箱是由兩個部分組成 降落傘和箱子

  • Our code would then look like this.


  • The next argument in the function is a


  • RaycastHit variable that stores


  • information on the colliders hit.

    同時我們需要射線檢查的軸向往下 這樣才知道空投箱與場景地表的距離

  • So that it can be queried in code as to which


  • objects are intersected by the ray.


  • Finally there are two optional arguments,


  • Distance, which defines the length

    我們將射線函式放在IF判斷式內 所以當傳回True時表示線上有碰撞體

  • of the ray, if omitted the ray will default

    然後就會進入判斷式 並將射線碰撞參數用hit帶出

  • to an infinite length.


  • And Layer Mask. This is the number


  • of a particular layer in Unity's layer system


  • on which you can place objects if you

    然後將landingRay帶入檢查射線函式 而被帶出射線碰撞參數叫hit

  • wish to make the ray ignore them.


  • Let's look at another practical example of

    我們已設定了deployment height變數 來儲存射線距離

  • using raycasting.

    所以當射線碰到了environment標籤的碰撞體 就會執行開啟降落傘的函式

  • In this example we have a parachute crate

    在此函式裡會把deployed布林值設為True 用來限制這行為只能被執行一次

  • that opens a parachute when it's

    然後我們把物件剛體的線性阻力指到 parachuteEffectiveness這個變數

  • nearing the floor.

    所以當降落傘開啟時 空降箱的移動速度會變慢

  • The crate is made up of two parts,


  • the chute and the crate itself.

    開傘動畫就是我們會指定到 全域遊戲物件變數(parachute)的物件

  • The chute has two animations


  • one to open the chute

    讓空降箱在碰到地面或其他物件時 播放收傘動畫

  • and another to close it.

    我們設定射線距離為4 所以將Deplayment Height設定為4

  • In this example we need to cast a ray

    設定剛體的線性阻力為8 所以將Parachute Effectiveness設定為8

  • downwards in order to see how far the crate is


  • from the floor, and we check for the

    因為它是附有動畫元件的降落傘物件 這樣我們就可以播放開傘和關傘的動畫

  • floor by looking for the environment collider.


  • Our collider for the environment is tagged


  • with the word environment.


  • And in our script we are looking for that tag.

    但你可以在程式腳本內加入一行 Debug.DrawRay函式來畫出射線

  • The RayCast function gets placed inside


  • an IF statement so that if it returns true,

    Debug.DrawRay函式內 我們帶入了空降箱的座標(transform.position)

  • meaning if it intersects with anything,

    以及軸向往下的簡寫(Vector3.down) 然後將它乘上射線距離(deploymentHeight)

  • then the comments within the IF statement


  • will be carried out and the RayCastHit

    所以, 當我們在播放一次成果時 可以看到場景視圖畫出了一條預覽射線

  • variable can be queried as to what has been hit.

  • So within an IF statement we've written

  • Physics.Raycast, we have a landingRay variable

  • that's storing the position of the box

  • and a downward direction. We're using

  • the shortcut Vector3.down,

  • and we're using this as the ray to cast.

  • Our RaycastHit variable - 'hit' -

  • is storing anything that gets hit by the

  • ray as it is cast downwards,

  • and the distance, or 'length' or the ray

  • is defined by our 'deployment height' variable.

  • If the ray intersects with a collider

  • then we call the deploy parachute function.

  • This function then simply sets our Boolean

  • 'deployed' flag to true so that this cannot repeat.

  • And then we set the drag of the rigid body

  • to the variable 'parachuteEffectiveness'.

  • So we slow down the crate as if it's being

  • held up by the parachute.

  • We also play the animation

  • on the parachute object,

  • which is a game object that we'll assign

  • to the public variable.

  • We then have a separate OnCollisionEnter function

  • which simply plays the closing animation.

  • So we know that as soon as it hits the ground

  • or another object the parachute can close.

  • So here we've set the length of the ray to 4

  • by setting 4 as our deployment height

  • And we're setting the drag of the rigidbody to 8

  • by setting the parachute effectiveness to 8.

  • And we've simply dragged our parachute

  • chute object on to the parachute variable.

  • Because this is the object that has an animation

  • component in order to playback

  • it's opening and closing animations.

  • So let's see that play one more time.

  • It's also worth keeping in mind

  • that although you cannot see

  • raycasts drawn in the scene view

  • or in the game. You can also use the

  • Debug.DrawRay function

  • in order to preview where a ray would be going.

  • By adding Debug.DrawRay

  • we're drawing a visual ray from

  • the position of the box in the direction

  • of Vector3.down, multiplied by

  • the deployment height - the length of our existing ray.

  • And by doing this we've matched the actual

  • ray that we're casting in the IF statement below.

  • So when we play this back you can see that

  • Unity demonstrates the ray

  • by showing us the drawn ray in the scene view.

Raycasting is the process of shooting

射線檢查(Raycasting)會從指定座標和軸向 投射一條隱形線並偵測是否有碰撞體在線上


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