字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 The machine sitting on my lap is just a laptop. 在我腿上的就是一台筆電 But it’s more than that. It’s the future of laptops. 但它絕不只是如此。它是一台"未來"筆電 And it might not be your next laptop. But it’s definitely going to be the one after that. 也許它還不是你下一台筆電的選擇,但你將來一要有一台。 It’s the new MacBook, and it’s AMAZING! 這是新的MACBOOK,而且它超帥的! TINY MACBOOK, BIG FUTURE 小Macbook , 大未來 The MacBook has one purpose in life Macbook一身的終極任務就是 to be as small and portable as possible 能小則小,讓你能隨身帶著走 without making you give up having a real laptop with a real keyboard. 但你毋需扔了實體鍵盤 It’s a ridiculously thin, incredibly light, almost impossibly small machine. 因為它真的是超薄超輕,可以說是地表最小的機器了 It has a high-resolution display, a fancy new keyboard, 有著高解析度螢幕和新鍵盤 and a trackpad that fits inside this tiny frame. 還有置於小框框裡的觸控板 And it lasts about a full day of single charge. 它的電池充一次電可用上一整天 Oh, and it’s beautiful. 哇,而且啊它真是美呆了 To make it this small, 為了讓它能這麼小 Apple had to invent some parts that go into it and compromise something like speed and ports. Apple得有新的發明,且也犧牲傳送的速度和插槽量 But the result is a 12-inch, aluminum laptop that only weights about 2 pounds. 它最後成就了只有2磅重,卻有著12吋螢幕的鋁合金筆電 I seriously can’t get over how small and light this thing feels. 我實在很難相信這部電腦這麼輕巧 It’s like the first MacBook Air all over again. 就像當時第一次見到第一代的MacBook Air一樣 And like the first MacBook Air, it’s expensive,starting at about $1299. 它的起價也和第一代的MacBook Air一樣很貴,要1299美金 So, how did Apple make this? Apple到底怎麼做到的? Like I said: Inventions and Compromises. 如我所言,藉著新發明和妥協 Let’s start with the inventions. 我們來看看這些發明 The regular check-click keyboard that you see in every other Mac was too thick for this MacBook, 相較這新一款的MacBook來說,以前其它Mac的鍵盤厚的多了 so Apple redesigned the keys. 所以Apple重新設計了它的按鍵 They're wider but shallower. 它雖然變寬了,但也薄了許多 With all new mechanism underneath, 也有了新的結構 even though they don't travel as far, they still feel really clicky. 就算他們鍵不是壓的那麼深,同樣可以感受到它的俐落順手 And they even press down more evenly. 按鐽按起來也更平穩 The first time you type on it, it does feel a little weird, 第一次用它來打字,一定會覺很詭異 and it sounds kind of weird, too. But then you get used to it. 連它發出的聲音也很特別,但你很快就會習慣的 You can let your fingers gently glide over the keys, 你的手指點以在上頭飛快地移動 or if you're like me, you can bang away as though you are using a typewriter. 或是,如果你可以像我一樣,跟敲擊打字機一樣用力 Either works, and either way feels really good. 無論你是屬於哪種,這種感覺都很不錯。 I also love the screen. 我也愛死了它的螢幕 It’s a Retina screen with 2304 by 1440 pixels. 2304 * 1440晝素的Retina顯示器 But Apple gives you four different scales to few things APPLE 有提供四種不同的規格應付不同的狀況 because at full resolution it would be impossible to see anything. 因為全像呈現你會什麼都看不清楚 The smallest scale is the one I use. 最小的一種規格,就像這樣 It gives me the same effect of screen size of a 13-inch MacBook Air only inside this tiny package. 給我和13吋MacBook Air相同感覺,只是小了點 Apple also changed the screen technology Apple同時也對螢幕的技術有了新改變 to make it thinner, brighter, and more energy-efficient. 它變得更輕薄、明亮絢麗、也更節能 It’s probably my favorite thing about this laptop. 我想這也是我最愛的部分 But the craziest invention is this forced-touch trackpad. 但最新奇的莫過於這種forced-touch(觸控式軌跡板)了 Inside it are four sensing-pads that can detect pressure. 它的裡頭有四個可偵測壓力的感應墊 That means when you click the top and the bottom, it feels exactly the same. 也就是說不論你想按哪,效果都是一樣的 When you press down, there is a click, but you’re not clicking. 你會感受到按壓的感覺,或許你並沒有真的那麼做 Instead, there’s a electronic magnate inside that makes you feel a click. 相反的,是內部的感應器讓你有這樣的感覺 You can even adjust how strong that click feels. 你甚至能夠改變你施力的大小 Apple has built a all-source of tricks into the OS 10 to take advantage of it. Apple已經在OS 10內建了各種可搭配使用的方法,讓人可以好好利用它 You can force-click to get definition of a word, 你可以透過重壓長按來查單字 you can speed through a video in a variable speeds, 也可以改變影片快轉速度 and eventually software of Mac could give you physical feedback depending what you are doing. 最後Mac的軟體會依照你的按壓動作,有不一樣的反應 Like in iMovie, where the trackpad gives you a small click when you reach the end of a clip. 例如iMovie會在影片結束時,給你震動回饋 It’s a little weird, but it’s fun to imagine other possibilities. 的確有點怪,不過,想像它不同的可能性,真的很好玩 And there’re other invention inside the MacBook. MacBook裡也有其它的新發明 The batteries are tiered, so the more that we can canned inside. 因為排列緊密階梯式電池電池, 因此我們可以充更多的電 Apple says it lasts around 9 hours. Apple表示電池可以續航9個小時 And our test says it lasts around 8 as long as you don’t push the processor too hard. 測試表示,只要你不給它太大的工作量,它可以撐上8個小時 And if you really take it easy, you can have it last a long as 10 hours. 且如果給它的工作量很輕,它可以撐到10個小時之久 Those are all the inventions. 以上是些新發明 But now, let’s talk about the compromises. 現在,我們來談談它的妥協 The first thing is that it uses a processor that we haven’t really seen on a Mac yet 第一,它配有你從沒在mac上看過的處理器 —the Intel Core M(首款採用 14 奈米製程技術的處理器). 就是 Intel Core M The base model, which is what I’m testing, 我正在測試它的基本型 runs what seems like a pretty pokey 1.1 gigahertz, 1.1十萬赫茲似乎跑起來很慢 but it can go into a turbo-mode, 但卻可以提升到渦輪加速到turbo-mode的高運作率 that makes about as fast as a four-year-old 11-inch MacBook Air. 使它和用了四年的11吋MacBook Air一樣慢 That seems pretty slow, but what matters is that 看起來慢的誇張,但重點是 this Mac feels fast enough for most of what I do, and a little bit too slow for the rest of it. 對我來說這早已夠快了,或許於其它方面也許仍有些太慢 Web-browsing, E-mail, Twitter, Evernote, 無論是上網,收email,上twitter,或用evernote. all the usual apps that I use the fast majority of time runs just fine. 這些我常用的軟體大部分都運作得很不錯 But open up a big photo library or try to edit a video in iMovie 不過要是要看照片圖庫 ,或想在iMovie上編輯影片時 and you'll eventually end up waiting. 我們就得等等了 It’s kind of like the ChromeBook 這有點像ChromeBook but instead of being limited by the web, you're limited by the speed. 但,你不是被網速限制住,而是被你電腦的速度綁住了 For a lot of people, that tradeoff is worth it. 對很多人來說,一切還是值得的 It probably would be for me. 對我應也是如此 Using that processor means that Apple can have a tiny logic board inside it. 採用這種處理器,指Apple可以有個更小的logic board(邏輯板、主機板) And it doesn't need a fan at all. 而且它完全不需要風扇 It’s completely silent and though it does get a little warm, it’s never hot. 十分地安靜,主機會溫溫的。但它絕不會發燙 But there’s one more tradeoff that probably isn't worth it 但有個妥協可能不太值得 -at least it’s not yet-it’s this port. 至少目前不太值得的,就是它的插孔 It’s called USB Type-C. 它被稱為USB Type-C Other than the headphone jack, it’s the only port. 除了耳機孔,這是唯一的插孔。 You use it for the power, you use it for connecting a monitor, 它可以被用來充電、連結螢幕 you use it for USB devices, iPhones, cameras, SD card readers, whatever. 或用來連結有usb的設備,如iPhones,相機,讀卡機等等 And for all of those things, right now, you are going to need adaptors. 對於以上這些東西,現在,你都需要轉換設備 Since USB Type-C is brand new, 因為USB Type-C是個全新的規格 there aren't any devices that use it yet without using an adaptor. 目前還沒有可以不用轉換器的裝置 So, for example, I haven’t been able to plug in my Apple computer into my Apple Cinema Display 例如,我現在還不能接上Apple Cinema Display(Apple的平面電腦顯示器) because I don't have the adaptor yet. 因為我還沒有轉換頭呢 That’s weird and annoying. 的確很怪,也很煩 You can spend the same or less money on a laptop 你可以花同樣或較少的錢,買一台筆電 that’s a little bit bigger and that doesn’t have any of these hassles. 也許大了點,但不會有這些麻煩出現 Now here’s the thing about those two compromises, they’re about the future. 這兒有兩項妥協,它們十分地前衛 Someday, we'll have a processor that fits inside this tiny body 有朝一日,會有個更好的處理器可以裝進這個小產品 that is powerful enough to everything you really need it to do. 它會強到讓你能隨心所欲 And someday, we won't need adaptors 在未來,你就不會需要轉換器了 because everything will just use the same plug. 因為大家都用相同規格了 For example, I was able to charge this MacBook of a standard battery brickthat was meant for a phone. 好比說,我可以用手機的充電器來充MacBook More than that, Apple’s betting that the only thing that you'll ever bother plug into this is the power cable. 不只如此, Apple大膽地說,將來會困擾我們土法煉鋼般接線的事也只有接電源線了。 But we're not there yet. 但我們尚未到這樣的時代 Wifi and Bluetooth are great, Wifi和藍牙很棒 but they're not as easy or as simple as plugging something in. 然而還不能和插條連結線那麼簡單 I think a lot of people remember the moment 我想很多人都記得那個瞬間 when Steve Jobs pulled the original MacBook Air out of that interoffice memo envelope. 當Steve Jobs從辦公室的牛皮紙袋中抽出MacBook Air吧 It was jaw-dropping. 那讓人瞠目結舌 But a lot of people forget that the very first MacBook Air had problems. 但很多人忘了,其實第一代的MacBook Air也是有過不少狀況 And some of the same problems as this MacBook. 而某些問題跟這台MacBook面臨的問題一樣 There’re won’t enough ports, it was slow, and it was really expensive. 插孔不夠多,太慢,又貴。 But the next version became the MacBook Air that you know now. 但下一版本,就成了我們熟知的MacBook Air了 The one that everybody either uses or copies. 很多人不是用它,就是模仿它 The one that change laptops for five years. 它在筆電界造成了五年的大翻轉 That’s this MacBook. 就是這台MacBook Even if you don’t buy it, it’s going to make your life better, 就算你沒有買,他也將讓你的生活更完美 because in the future, all laptops are going to look like this. 因為在未來,全部的筆電將會成為這個樣子 But the problem with the future is it’s not here yet! 但未來的問題現在還沒出現 In the present, this laptop is kind of a hassle. But someday it won't be, and I can't wait!!! 現在,這款新筆電造成不少的新問題。但日後將大不相同。我實在等不及了!!!
B1 中級 美國腔 apple 筆電 電池 螢幕 處理器 發明 Apple新MacBook開箱文:從科技預見未來 (New MacBook review: a tiny glimpse at the future) 6694 348 Chrissy Lin 發佈於 2015 年 08 月 02 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字