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  • In this American English pronunciation video,

  • we're going to go over the pronunciation

  • of the word 'people'.

  • [Music]

  • This week's Word of the Week is 'people'.

  • It's a two-syllable word

  • with stress on the first syllable.

  • DA-da. People.

  • It begins with the P consonant sound,

  • lips are together for that, pp-.

  • Then we open into the EE as in SHE vowel,

  • pe-, pe-. So the tongue tip is down here,

  • but the front part of the tongue is

  • stretching up towards the roof of the mouth,

  • pe-, pe-. Now we have the P, schwa, L sound.

  • This is unstressed, so it's going to be

  • low in pitch and very fast,

  • -ple, -ple, -ple. People.

  • So the lips will come together again

  • for the P. People. -ple.

  • Then we go into the schwa/Dark L sound.

  • Don't worry about making

  • a separate schwa sound,

  • just go straight

  • into the the Dark sound of the Dark L.

  • So, to make that sound,

  • your tongue will pull back,

  • so the back part of the tongue here

  • is shifting towards the throat a bit,

  • people, -le, -le.

  • And that's how we get that dark sound.

  • Now, it should be very short

  • because it's unstressed, people, people.

  • The second half of the Dark L involves

  • bringing the tongue tip

  • to the roof of the mouth. People.

  • But you can actually leave that out.

  • A lot of people will just make, people, -le,

  • the Dark sound to signify the Dark L

  • and not necessarily bring the tongue tip up.

  • People, people.

  • There are a lot of people here.

  • That's it, your Word of the Week.

  • Try it out yourself:

  • Make up a sentence with this word,

  • record it in a video,

  • and post it as a video response

  • to this video on YouTube.

  • If there's a word you'd like to suggest

  • for the Word of the Week,

  • put it in the comments below.

  • That's it, and thanks so much

  • for using Rachel's English.

In this American English pronunciation video,


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A2 初級

如何給 "PEOPLE "發音---美式英語的發音 (How to Pronounce PEOPLE --- American English Pronunciation)

  • 57 31
    Sam 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日