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  • bjbjLULU GWEN IFILL: Finally tonight: a report on the power of music therapy in treating

  • brain injuries and helping patients recover. It's a field of science and medicine which

  • has captured new attention because of its role in helping Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords

  • recover from her serious brain injury. NewsHour correspondent Spencer Michels reports. SPENCER

  • MICHELS: When Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to Washington for this year's State of the

  • Union address, it was clear she had made a dramatic recovery after being shot in the

  • head a year ago. Her family credits music therapy for helping to get her voice back.

  • REP. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, D-Ariz.: With liberty and justice for all. SPENCER MICHELS: Giffords'

  • treatment with specially trained music therapists has called new attention to a field that's

  • been around at least 100 years. While research on the neurological effects of music therapy

  • is in its infancy, what is known is that a number of regions in the brain are activated

  • by listening to music. And scientists say the brain responds to music by creating new

  • pathways around damaged areas. MEAGAN HUGHES, music therapist: Just give it a tap. There

  • it is. MICHAEL HENDRICKS JR., suffers from muscular dystrophy: Change it. MEAGAN HUGHES:

  • Change that? MICHAEL HENDRICKS JR.: Yes. MEAGAN HUGHES: Do you think that gets higher? It's

  • all right? SPENCER MICHELS: Music is now being used to help patients with a wide variety

  • of illnesses not just brain trauma. That's the case with 16-year-old Michael Hendricks

  • Jr. of Pinole, California, who has muscular dystrophy, a disease that progressively weakens

  • the muscles. Meagan Hughes, a music therapist, has been working with him at the Benioff Children's

  • Hospital at the University of California, San Francisco. MEAGAN HUGHES: Due to his condition,

  • there's a lot that he doesn't have control over. And so we use music as a means to help

  • him get in touch with that control. SPENCER MICHELS: Do you see it working? MEAGAN HUGHES:

  • I think that hopefully we all saw it working today. I think that was evidenced through

  • Michael's smiles, through his focus on the music-making process. MICHAEL HENDRICKS JR.:

  • Get some food. Then I'm going home because I'm tired, because I'm tired. SPENCER MICHELS:

  • Hendricks' father also believes music, in his case, rap or hip-hop, is one of the few

  • ways to reach his son. MICHAEL HENDRICKS, father: He has got a new pair of headphones

  • to listen to his favorite music, which is Lil Wayne and Drake. Okay? He definitely has

  • music in his brain all the time. He loves the beats. SPENCER MICHELS: So, can you tell

  • if music helps in his situation, with his mood or with anything? MICHAEL HENDRICKS:

  • Yeah. It helps in his attitude. He kind of mellows out. And he doesn't think about his

  • medical problems. MEAGAN HUGHES: What did I just do with my hand when we were playing?

  • GIRL: You were going up and down to make this noise sound louder. SPENCER MICHELS: Hughes

  • works for the Center for Music National Service. The program sends therapists into hospitals

  • and schools to expand the use of music. The program is the brainchild of musician Kiff

  • Gallagher, who worked on AmeriCorps in the Clinton administration. KIFF GALLAGHER, Center

  • for Music National Service: It's definitely been shown that music can make a positive

  • impact on people suffering from early-onset dementia, kids with autism, with veterans

  • who are coming back and trying to learn to walk without a limb. SPENCER MICHELS: Music

  • therapy professor Eric Waldon, who teaches at the University of the Pacific in Stockton,

  • Calif., says he's seen and studied patients with brain injuries where music makes a difference,

  • as it apparently did in former Representative Giffords' case. ERIC WALDON, professor of

  • music therapy, University of the Pacific: It's the rhythmic aspects of music that are

  • providing that structure, that organization within time that are allowing her to learn

  • to walk again or to gain speech sounds. I think what we find in people that have had

  • brain injuries, sometimes it's easier for them to sing words, rather than to say words.

  • Music is providing that pathway or almost like a cerebral bypass around the damaged

  • areas, allowing someone to regain mobility or regain speech. SPENCER MICHELS: A growing

  • number of studies do suggest music can aid healing in various ways. One recent scientific

  • paper out of Harvard showed music therapy helped stroke patients regain speech. And

  • other studies found music may improve heart and respiratory rates and blood pressure,

  • as well as anxiety and pain in cancer and leukemia patients. MAN: Listen. Now, where

  • does it go? Where does it go? SPENCER MICHELS: Dr. Rob Goldsby, a pediatric oncologist at

  • Benioff Children's Hospital, has seen that happen. DR. ROB GOLDSBY, Benioff Children's

  • Hospital: Music therapy quite literally can soothe the soul, I think helps them get through

  • the process of cancer therapy. They have to endure the pokes and prods of exams and the

  • multitude of tests that they have to go through, the vile chemotherapy they have to endure,

  • the vicious radiation and surgery. SPENCER MICHELS: But scientifically studying quantifying

  • and proving the effects of music therapy on patients with different ailments and different

  • treatments presents a big challenge, says Julene Johnson, a Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience

  • at the University of California. JULENE JOHNSON, University of California, San Francisco: One

  • of the challenges in doing clinical research is actually getting a homogeneous enough group

  • to really look at the effects of an intervention on a group of patients. I think we're still

  • really trying to understand the mechanisms that influence the therapeutic effects of

  • music. SPENCER MICHELS: Johnson has been studying how music appears to lower depression rates

  • among senior members of choirs in Finland. She says music can actually change the brain.

  • JULENE JOHNSON: There now are several studies showing that participating in music has an

  • impact on the structure of the brain. SPENCER MICHELS: And involvement in music can benefit

  • anyone, says Heidi Clare Lambert, a fiddle player who teaches folk dancing to health

  • professionals as a means of healing. HEIDI CLARE LAMBERT, musician-dancer: One of the

  • things in healing is a frame of mind, correct? You have to get the -- you have to get the

  • will of the person. It's not about the technique. It's about enjoying, about moving, about just

  • being in the moment. SPENCER MICHELS: And is this in your opinion a kind of -- a form

  • of therapy? HEIDI CLARE LAMBERT: Absolutely, I believe unequivocally. SPENCER MICHELS:

  • But dancing or singing is not strictly music therapy argues Eric Waldon at the University

  • of the Pacific. ERIC WALDON: It isn't Johnny went to choir and Johnny got better. It's

  • that Johnny has a music therapist, and together, with the music therapist, he got better. SPENCER

  • MICHELS: But Johnny taking part in a chorus actually could be therapeutic, couldn't it?

  • ERIC WALDON: Absolutely, it could. But it's not music therapy. The term therapy itself

  • says that there's a therapeutic relationship and there's an intentional use of music to

  • address non-musical goals. SPENCER MICHELS: The University of the Pacific has one of 73

  • music therapy programs in the country. Students in the four-year program are already musicians

  • when they arrive on campus. WOMAN (singing): You say stop, and I say go, go, go. SPENCER

  • MICHELS: At a Stockton school for medically fragile, severely disabled children, music

  • therapy students are trying to engage those with special needs. Even with this hard-to-reach

  • group, Professor Waldon argues, the therapy has an effect. ERIC WALDON: Music can provide

  • a mechanism for children with developmental disabilities to communicate. What we know

  • about the brain science in general is that whenever you experience something new, new

  • brain connections are being made. What you're doing is you're providing an opportunity for

  • them to grow new pathways within their brain. WOMAN (singing): Will you high-five, say hello?

  • Hi, Lexi. Can you high-five to say hello? Nice, smiling. MAN: High-five. Up here. WOMAN:

  • Up high. Yes. Nice high-five. SPENCER MICHELS: The fact that music often can encourage and

  • stimulate patients who are hard to reach has spurred scientists to delve deeper into how

  • it affects the brain and how that knowledge can be used to improve the therapy it provides.

  • WOMAN (singing): We're glad you're here. We're going to have some fun. urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags

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  • on the power of music therapy in treating brain injuries and helping patients recover

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B1 中級 美國腔

音樂的治癒力 (The Healing Power of Music)

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    TeacherJennifer Bryne 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日