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Hey, guys. I'm Alex, thanks for clicking.
嗨!你們好,我是 Alex。
And man, it is really coming down out there.
So, today, you're lucky.
I've been inspired to talk about the rain with you guys today.
On the board, I have a lot of vocabulary, nouns, verbs, expressions, words associated with rain and talking about it.
So, first, we have, "Rain falls from the clouds."
第一個:「Rain falls from the clouds (雨從雲裡下下來)」。
So, here's a picture of a cloud and the rain is falling.
Different things we say about the rain.
So you can say simply: "Oh, look. It's raining!"
你們可以說:「喔!看看外面,It's raining (下雨了)!」
So "rain" can be a noun, like "rain falls," "rain."
所以 rain 可以是名詞,就是 rain 加上 動詞 falls 下雨。
It can also be a verb, so: "It's raining."
rain也可以是動詞,像是「It's raining (正在下雨)」。
You can say: "I love the rain." or "I hate the rain."
你們也可以說:「I love the rain (我喜歡下雨天)」或是「I hate the rain (我討厭下雨天)」。
You can also just say in general, without the article "the": "I love rain.," "I hate rain." One or the other.
通常,你們也可以不用冠詞 the,像是「I love rain (我喜歡下雨天)」或是「I hate rain (我討厭下雨天)」。
One or the other.
You can say: "It's gonna rain.," "It's going to rain."
你們可以說:「It's gonna rain/ It's going to rain (要下雨了)」。
If you're making a prediction, you look at the clouds, it looks dark.
You can say: "Uh-oh. It's going to rain."
Very common phrase.
-"How is it outside?" -"Well, it's a little rainy."
-「外面的天氣怎麼樣?」 -「嗯,It's a little rainy (有點在下雨)」。
So, you can use the term "rainy" to mean there is a little rain outside.
所以,你們可以用 rainy 這個字形容外面有點下毛毛雨的情況。
And you can also talk about rainy days.
你們也可以用 rainy 這個字形容外面有點下雨的狀況。
So: "I love rainy days, on rainy days, I love to stay inside, and read a book, watch a movie."
像是:「我喜歡下雨天 (rainy days)。下雨天時,我喜歡待在家裡看書、看電影。」
Maybe you hate rainy days, because you want to be outside.
Now, when the rain gets very extreme, you have a storm.
So, this is when you can see lightning.
Here's a picture of a lightning bolt, and you can hear thunder.
So, lightning is the flash you can see; thunder is the sound you can hear.
你們可以看到一道lightning (閃電) 發出來的閃光,而thunder (雷聲) 是一個你們會聽到的聲音。
And you might say: "Uh-oh, look, it's a thunderstorm."
然後,你們可能就會說:「哦喔!看看外面,有雷雨 (thunderstorm)」。
So there is a thunderstorm outside.
Lots of thunder, lots of lightning, lots of rain.
So, obviously, when it rains, you need to bring an umbrella, so I have mine here with me today.
當然,下雨時你們一定需要帶把傘,所以今天我有帶傘 (umbrella)。
And during a rainstorm, you also need a raincoat.
在暴風雨中,你們也會需要一件雨衣 (raincoat)。
I don't have a raincoat.
I never thought to buy one really, I don't know.
A lot of people have raincoats.
And you can also wear boots or rain boots, because they are waterproof.
另外,你們也可以穿雨靴 (boots/rain boots),因為他們可以防水 (waterproof)。
Now, "waterproof" is an adjective that you can use in many contexts.
waterproof 是一個形容詞,可以在很多情況下用。
So, you can have a waterproof watch, right?
Waterproof boots, waterproof clothing, okay?
So, to protect you from the rain or from water in other situations.
Below, we have some more intermediate and advanced vocabulary related to rain.
So if you want to talk about the difference between light rain or heavy rain, here are some words and expressions you can use.
First, if the rain is light outside, it's possible to say: "It's drizzling, it's just drizzling." or, "It's just spitting."
第一個,如果外頭只是毛毛雨,你們可以說:「嗯…下毛毛雨了 (drizzling),只是在下毛毛雨而已。」或是「只是在飄雨 (spitting)而已(spitting)」。
So, if you look at "spit," it's the same as the verb "spit," which is to go like this: ptoo
你們看 spit 這個字,跟吐口水的動詞 spit 是同一個字。
Then, think of the rain like spitting down on you.
So you can say, "it's just drizzling." or "it's just spitting," okay.
所以,你們可以說:「嗯…只是在下毛毛雨 (drizzling)」、或是「只是在飄雨而已 (spitting)」。
If it's very heavy, you can say: "It's pouring."
如果是大雨,你們可以說:「It's pouring (傾盆大雨)」。
So, you can pour juice, pour milk, pour liquid out of a container, same idea.
你們會倒 (pour) 果汁、牛奶、或是其他液態,一樣的意思。
It's pouring outside, or you can use the expression that I used when I first started the video.
"It is really coming down, like really coming down."
「雨下得非常大 (coming down),感覺雨一直從天空降下。」
And when, you know, when you say "it," everyone understands you're talking about the rain, because when it's raining, most people know that it's raining outside.
而且當你們說 it 時,大家都知道你們講的是雨,因為大多數的人都會知道外頭在下雨。
Unless you work in an office with no windows, and then I'm sorry.
So, if (it) the rain is very heavy and you didn't bring an umbrella, and you come inside and you have water on your clothes, on your shoes, on your face, everywhere.
You can also say: "I am drenched" or "I got soaked by the rain." Okay?
你們也可以說:「我被雨淋濕了(get drenched / get soaked)」。
So, here's a causative sentence.
"I got drenched.," "I got soaked by the rain."
「我被雨淋濕了 (get drenched / get soaked by the rain)」。
And here, if you're wondering what we call the little space of water, the little holes of water that appear after a rainfall, they are called "puddle."
在這裡,你們可能會想,下完雨出現的小水坑要用什麼英文字,它們被稱為「puddle (水窪)」。
"Puddles," I'm sorry.
So: "Look at that huge, big puddle"—not poodle, which is the dog, but puddle, which is the water.
所以,「看看那個非常大的水窪 (puddle)。」
Not poodle, which is the dog, but puddle, which is the water.
不是貴賓狗 (poodle),而是puddle,指的是水。
So, just to review: "Rain falls from the clouds."
讓我們來複習一下:「從雲落下的雨。 」
You can say: "It's raining."
你可以說:「正在下雨 (It's raining)。」
"I love the rain."
「我喜歡雨天 (I love the rain)。」
"I hate the rain."
「我討厭下雨天 (hate the rain。)」
"It's a little rainy outside.," "I hate rainy days."
「外面在下毛毛雨 (be a little rainy)」或「我討厭下雨天 (hate rainy days)」。
If the rain is light: "It's drizzling/spitting."
如果是小雨:「在下毛毛雨 (drizzling/spitting)。」
If it's heavy: "It's pouring.," it's really coming down."
如果是大雨:「正在下大雨 (pouring / coming down)。」
"I get drenched.," "I get soaked."
「我被雨淋濕了 (get drenched /get soaked)。」
"Look at that puddle."
「看看那個水窪 (puddle。)」
"Bring an umbrella.," "bring your raincoat.," "bring your boots."
「帶把傘吧!(umbrella)」、「帶著你的雨衣 (raincoat)」、「帶著你的靴子 (boots)。」
And "stay dry," Okay?
還有:「不要被雨淋濕 (stay dry)。」
So, if you want to test your understanding of all of this material, as always, you can check out the quiz on www.engvid.com.
如果你們想要看看你們了解了多少,一如往常的你們可以到 www.engvid.com 做個小測驗。
And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
不要忘記訂閱我的 YouTube 頻道。
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go because it's starting to come down again.
Okay, see you guys later!