字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I am not really from the blogging, internet type of generation; I’m kind of old school. 【對青年人的邀請:獻上自己成為活祭】保羅華許 A Young Man’s Invitation to a Life of Sacrifice - Paul Washer And I suppose all that stuff really has some value to it, but 我不屬那種網路部落客世代,恩,我是屬於老式的那種 as I wrote recently, it really just burns my heart, you know, 我認為這些東西有特定的價值,但 you see all these young men blogging and fighting over theological nuances… 如同我前幾天寫的(2011/3/25 Twitter),我心焚如燒,你知道嗎? In a way many of them haven’t lived long enough to even know or at least experience what they are talking about. 這些年輕人,潛浮在網站部落格之間,為神學上的雞皮蒜毛事爭論不休 And we’ll sit there and we’ll fill up the internet with this kind of stuff, 其中很多根本就不知道自己在講甚麼,也沒有經歷過他們所講的事情 when there’s literally billions of people who have not heard the Gospel. 坐在螢幕前,用這些論言填滿網路空間 I mean, it’s insane. 而卻有上億的人民從來都沒有聽過福音 If you are listening to this and you’re a young man, 我想說的是:這真是荒繆! if you’re a young man, this is probably not your time to write a book and change the world 如果正在聽我講,你又是個年輕男人 or have a blog that gets hits from all over the planet. 如果你是個年輕男人,也許現在並非是你寫書來改變世界的時候 This is your time to prepare yourself to become a man of God. 或者寫個大受全世界歡迎的部落格 Not to be on the internet, but to be alone with God in prayer 這是你預備你自己,成為一個專屬於上帝的人 until He pours out His Spirit on you and makes you a useful servant. 別埋在網路中,而是在禱告中與上帝獨處 And then go out, and don’t be involved in pouring water, on a land that’s saturated. 直到祂的靈臨到你,改變你,成為有用的僕人 Go out with your life and preach the Gospel to the nations that don’t know Christ. 然後就去,別往豐饒溪水之處,別往福杯滿溢之地 Why be alive? The need is tremendous... 用盡你的性命,向不認識基督的國家傳揚福音 But I’m not going to tell you that the need is tremendous and that God won’t get it done without you. 我們活著是為了甚麼?禾場的需求是這麼的大 God will get it done without you. But what a loss, what a loss of joy. 但你別以為禾場太大了,所以上帝需要你的幫忙 You know, I invite you to a life of just real sacrifice and a life of joy unspeakable and full of glory. 上帝會成全祂自己的工,但你的虧損,失去那喜樂的虧損 Some of you young men, you need to think about this, you need to think about going out there and preaching the Gospel, 所以我邀請你,真的將自己獻上為祭(羅12:1),邀請你來這無法形容的喜樂與全然的榮耀 suffering for Christ and relishing that suffering. 年輕人,你要考慮,你真的要認真考慮,站出來並且傳揚福音 I’m 49 years old and my body is broken into a million pieces. 為基督受苦,親嘗受苦的滋味 Like Robert Murray M’Cheyne said: the Lord gave me a message and a horse, and I’ve killed the horse. 我已經49歲了,我的身體已經支離破碎 And I feel that way, but I can tell you this, I’m glad, I’m glad. 如同墨瑞錢尼牧師(Robert Murray M'Cheyne)說的:上帝給我一個訊息和一匹馬,我卻把馬弄死了 He’s worth dying for, young man. 我同感深受,但我跟你講:我很高興,我真的很高興 And don’t waste your life trying to be a theological expert to a bunch of people 祂配得你捨命,年輕人 who already probably know more than you do. 別浪費你的生命,企圖在人的面前證明你是神學專家 Get out there and preach the Gospel. Go to the fields; go to the places, where it’s dark. 搞不好他們知道的比你還多 Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 站出來,傳揚福音,去到禾場,去那些黑暗的地方 There is, you know, right now I’m just rejoicing in what God is doing in India and Nepal. 並傳揚耶穌基督的福音 But there is Tibet. You know, I ask God: when are you going to open the door for Tibet? 與你分享,現在,我大大的喜樂,因上帝在印度與尼泊爾所動的工 And China? And when are you going to open the door for Mongolia? 但是還有西藏,你知道嗎,我問上帝:你何時才會打開西藏的門呢? A friend of mine, out in California, an acquaintance of mine, Larry Pen, he has on his website or whatever, 甚麼時候才會打開與中國、蒙古的門呢? he said that he would rather be on the frontlines preaching, than jostling for prominence on the stage. 我的一個朋友,在加州(美國),一位好友,叫做陳鴿(Larry Pen)他有個網站還是甚麼的 Young man, go somewhere and die that only God and hell will know your name. 他說:我寧可去第一線上台講道也不願意當明星演員 God because He loves you and His Spirit is powerful upon you 年輕人,去一個地方並且捨身在那裡,願唯獨上帝跟地獄知道你的名字 and hell because hell hates you. 上帝知道是因為祂愛你,祂的靈在你的身上彰顯祂的大能 Go somewhere and preach the Gospel. 地獄知道你,是因為魔鬼恨你 I sometimes read the Puritans, and well, I like the Puritans a lot, 去某個地方傳揚福音 Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Charles Spurgeon. Then I look at the modern-day preachers 有時我讀清教徒的作品,我非常喜歡清教徒 that we’ve been so blessed with, you know, men like John MacArthur and John Piper and Joel Beeke and… 鍾馬田(Martyn Lloyd-Jones )跟司布真(Charles Spurgeon),然後我又看今日的傳道人 So many brilliant men. Wayne Grudem, and all these men. 有些特別的蒙福,像約翰麥克阿瑟(John MacArthur)、約翰派博(John Piper)、喬爾畢奇(Joel Beeke)跟... They’re older men and they’ve studied a lot and God has given them a voice. 全部都是非常傑出的人,古德恩(Wayne Grudem),這些人 Young man, don’t try to be them, at least not now. 他們都是年長的,他們認真的研讀,而上帝使用這樣的器皿發聲 And don’t think that America needs you so much. 年輕人,別模仿他們,至少現在不要 You know, it’s better to sometimes to be a... If I preach in the United States, I’m just another preacher. 你別以為美國非常需要你個人 But to go overseas and to preach where no one is preaching… 你知道,有時候最好是...如果我在美國講道,我只是一個多餘的講員 Even if you’re as pitiful a preacher as I am, you’re THE preacher. 但越洋過海,去到沒有人傳道的地方... Go somewhere where John MacArthur and John Piper are not 就算你是一個像我一樣卑微的傳道人,你還是個「傳道人」 and preach the Gospel and pray and intercede. 去一些麥克阿瑟與約翰派博無法去的地方 All the men that I’ve ever studied, all of them, it’s hard for me to find a common denominator in their lives. 傳揚福音,禱告,代求 Some of them were more Calvinistic, others not. 我讀過的偉人們,所有的,其實很難在他們生命中找出共同點 And some of them were well known and seemed prosperous, and others seemed to die as martyrs and no one knew their name. 有一些比較加爾文主義者,有一些不是 They are all so different. But I found one thing in common 他們有些成為名利雙收的人,有些殉道,也沒人知道他們的名字 and that was their life of prayer. 他們非常的不同,但我找到一個共同點 Prayer; enduring, persevering prayer. 就是他們的禱告生活 You know, who cares about what man knows your name? 恆切的、不住的祈求禱告 The question is: Does God know your name? 你要知道,人們認不認識你一點都不重要 And secondly: Does our archenemy know your name? Does he hate you with a great hatred? 問題是:上帝認識你嗎? Not because you’re some well-known preacher, but because on your knees you fight him, 次要的:我們的敵人撒旦認識你嗎?牠恨你嗎?牠大大的憎恨你嗎? on your knees you wrestle with him. You’ve grabbed hold. 不是因為你是有名的傳道人,是因為你用膝蓋(禱告)對抗牠 You need to be a man of prayer and because missions like India and Nepal, everywhere else, it’s based, it advances on prayer. 用你的膝蓋與牠爭戰,你要緊抓住這點 There's a few things that I have never heard. 你必須成為熱切禱告的人,因為像印度、尼泊爾這些地區的發展,都是倚靠禱告 I’ve never heard an old man say that he wished he had spent less time with his wife and children. 有些事,我從來沒有聽人家這樣說過 They always say the opposite. 我曾來沒聽過年長的人說他希望少花點時間跟太太和小孩子們身上 I’ve never met an old preacher who regretted spending too much time in prayer. 他們總是會說相反的話 But just about everyone I’ve ever met has regretted not spending enough time in prayer. 我也曾來沒有聽過資深的傳道人說他很後悔花太多時間在禱告上面 If you know the Word really well, and you’re just perfect in your thinking, and your logic is pristine, 但我所遇過的(資深的傳道人)都說非常後悔沒有多花些時間在禱告上 but you’re not a man of prayer, 如果你真的認識上帝的話,或者說你完整無誤認識上帝的話,你的邏輯無懈可擊 you’re not worth two cents in the Kingdom of Heaven, 但你卻不是一位熱切禱告的人 you’re just not worth two cents in the Kingdom of Heaven. 你在上帝的國度當中兩分錢都不值 You’ll be full of a lot of knowledge, and proud, and no power. 你在上帝的國度當中,就是連兩分錢都不值 No power. 你充滿了知識與驕傲,但沒能力 And I pray that you would not jostle for prominence on America’s stage, 沒能力 but you’d go and die somewhere for Christ that your name would be known in Heaven. 我禱告你不會在美國舞台上出人頭地 That you’d be a man of prayer, that you’d study deeply, 我希望你去,為基督捨身在某處,並且你的名在天國被紀念 not in order to preach to other brilliant men. 願你成為熱切禱告的人,願你深入研讀 But to preach properly to those who have never heard and to pastors, whom God has raised up in foreign lands, 目的不是對其他傑出的人傳道 who’ve never had the privilege of studying, as you’ve had the privilege to study. 而是恰當的傳講給那些從來沒有聽過福音的人們,也對那些傳道人,就是上帝在外地地區所興起的傳道人 Well, this was impromptu. I got back yesterday from India and Nepal, 他們沒有你研讀神學的這種榮幸 and tomorrow I head out to the strange land of California to preach, so I’ll be needing your prayers. 恩,這些話不在講稿裡,我想我是昨日從印度與尼泊爾回來 And then, when I get back, I’m going to have several weeks of just to kind of get back 而明天我就要去陌生奇怪的加州(美國)講道,所以,我將需要你們為我禱告 in the groove of things here at HeartCry and especially to get back with my family, with my wife and my three little children. 在那之後,我再回來的時候,我會有幾個禮拜休息的時間 Please, I covet your prayers. My life, for whatever it is, it depends upon the prayers of the saints, 在HeartCry(保羅華許的事奉機構)一同歡樂,特別是跟我的家人在一起,跟太太與三個小孩 so please pray for me, and pray for us, and 懇求,我真的需要你們的禱告,我的生命,無論如何,都依賴聖徒們的祈禱 pray for Nepal and India, and all the other countries of the world, 所以,請為我禱告,也為我們禱告 that Christ’s name would be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun 為尼泊爾跟印度,也為世上其他的國家禱告 and that He will receive the full reward for all His suffering. 願基督的名在外邦中必尊為大,從日出之地到日落之處 God bless you, have a great day. 使祂因所受的苦難,都全然得著榮耀 Please visit our website at heartcrymissionary.com 願上帝祝福你,願你有美好的一天 There you will find information about the ministry, our purpose, beliefs and methodologies 更多資訊請上:heartcrymissionary.com and extensive information about the missionaries we are privileged to serve. 在這網站中,有我們的事奉、目的、信仰宣告與傳道方式的介紹 "My name will be great among the nations." (Malachi 1:11)\r� 還有我們有榮幸所事奉的傳道士們的相關豐富資訊
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 上帝 尼泊爾 基督 年輕人 神學 喜樂 【對青年人的邀請:獻上自己成為活祭】保羅華許 A Life of Sacrifice Paul Washer (【對青年人的邀請:獻上自己成為活祭】保羅華許 A Life of Sacrifice Paul Washer) 479 31 林雅歌 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字