字幕列表 影片播放
The Canadian-English Dictionary. Over 500 sold. Not many Canadians, I think, eh?
Just joking. It's 500,000, and my name is James from EngVid. Welcome.
開個玩笑。是 50萬本,而我是 EngVid 的詹姆士。 歡迎你。
I'm going to help you today learn to use this thing and not this thing.
And there's a reason why, and I'm going to tell you why today because I think it's an important lesson that I don't see people really talk about a lot.
They -- in classes, and I teach classes, we mention it.
他們 -- 在課堂上,而我教課時,會談論這個主體。
And students always come -- not always. Bad. You're so forward.
而學生通常會來 -- 不是通常。糟糕。你們都太先進了。
They usually use an electronic dictionary, but I prefer the paper because today I'm going to teach you how to build your vocabulary using this, something that's a few hundred years old.
So let's start off: "Know your dictionary."
Do you know what your dictionary -- do you know who your dictionary is or what your dictionary is?
你知道你的字典 -- 你知道你的字典是什麼或是誰嗎?
I ask you because I'm going to ask you do you know "prescriptive" versus "descriptive"?
我會這樣問是因為我要問你,你知道 "prescriptive" 和 "descriptive" 差別嗎?
Most students don't know the difference, and it's a very important difference for you to know.
If you're a native English speaker, this is your dictionary. It's good. It's great.
It says things like, "'Choral' -- or of a choir.
它會說類似 : 'Choral' -- 或屬於一個合唱團。
'Chorale': slow stately hymn tune", and you're thinking, well, if you're learning English, "What did James just say to me?"
'Chorale' : 慢慢哼出的音調,然後你會想,嗯,如果你正在學習英語的話:「詹姆士剛剛到底說了些什麼?」
There are many of these things.
"'Retrench': reduce expenditure, cut." You know, like, "What?"
'Retrench' :縮減之出,修剪。你會說:「什麼?」
Well, this is because it's prescriptive. "Prescriptive". Think of a doctor, you know, the guy who checks your chest, like, your heart.
He prescribed something to you, right? Gives you something.
But he doesn't give you any kind of extra information. He's the doctor. He's the expert. They tell you and you know.
Well, if you have a command of the English language or you speak English, of course you know all the other words they use.
"'Critic': Professional judge." I know all these words.
'Critic' :專業判斷。我知道這全部的字。
I don't have to learn these words, so it's great.
But if you're learning English -- and learning English -- and I want to tell you this because a lot of people don't know.
但如果你正在學習英語 -- 而學習英語 -- 我想要告訴你這些是由於許多人都不知道。
You know my name, right? My name is James ESL, right? James. I can't even spell my own name. It's a lie.
你知道我的名字,對吧?我叫詹姆士 ESL,可以嗎?詹姆士。我甚至不會拼我自己的名字。騙人的。
My name is James ESL. And some of you said, for sure, What is "ESL?"
我的名字是詹姆士 ESL。而你們有些人會問,廢話,什麼是 ESL?
That's a funny name. Because it's not my name.
"ESL" stands for "English as a Second Language". That's what it stands for.
"ESL" 意思是「以英語為第二外語」。就是這個意思。
Many of your teachers use it, and they never tell you what it means.
So it means James is teaching English as a second language. And that's for you guys.
You have French, Hindi, Arabic as first languages, and you want to get another language.
What you need is a descriptive dictionary. What does that mean?
Well, let me explain something to you.
There is a thing that is long, has a big head, a smile. It has little lines on its body. Its first name starts with M. His last name starts with E.
這裡有一件東西很長,有很大的頭,和一張笑臉。這是一些在他身上的細小的線條。他的名字是 M 開頭。他的姓氏是 E 開頭。你知道我在說誰了嗎?
Do you know whom I'm describing? It's Mr. E. Right? I described it to you.
就是E 先生,對吧?我描述它給你聽。
An ESL dictionary is descriptive, right? So the first thing you should know is, is your dictionary prescriptive or descriptive?
"Prescriptive", like a prescription from a doctor -- it just tells you this is what the word means.
"Prescriptive",像是來自醫生的處方籤一樣 -- 就只告訴你這些字的字義。
It does not give explanation -- it gives an explanation, but no diagrams and no definition, okay? Or explanation.
它不會給你任何解釋 -- 它給一個解釋,但卻沒有圖表和定義,明白嗎?或解釋。
For example, a descriptive one not only tells you what the world is, it gives you an example of its use in speech. It helps you.
Maybe even a picture to show you. That's for the ESL.
So when you're looking for a paper dictionary, go to your bookstore and ask for a descriptive dictionary because you're studying ESL, and they'll give you the perfect dictionary for you, okay?
So what are we going to do next? That's the first thing: Know what dictionary you have because this one will help.
Now, I will tell you this, though: Once you start going from the beginning and intermediate, you need the prescriptive because that's what a fluent native speaker would use, and that's what you use.
So there's a reason for both. Don't forget that.
所以這就是 同時使用這兩種字典的原因。不要忘了。
If you're advanced, get prescriptive. If you're new, get descriptive.
Know your dictionary.
Next. Does your dictionary use phonetic or does it use syllables to tell you how the word sounds?
"Huh?" Well, I investigated because I'm like a reporter -- like Clark Kent, Superman -- and I discovered that not every dictionary is the same.
「蛤?」這個嘛,我調查這個的原因是我本身是個記者 -- 就像超人克拉克.肯特,我發現不是每部字典都相同。
Some use phonetics, and they use the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Some of you have studied it in school, right? Where you have those funny little things, where, you know, like the upside down E -- I can't even do it.
你們當中有一些人在學校應該有學過,對吧?在那兒會有那些有趣的小玩意兒,那兒會有,你知道的,像是上下顛倒的大寫字母E -- 我甚至不會寫。
I think it's like -- and it means something to you people, okay?
我想它是像這樣 -- 而你們可能會產生一些共鳴,了解嗎?
But in international language, you would use these symbols to show language, right?
They use this phonetic alphabet because they know it's international, and people who study languages will also use it.
But a lot of English dictionaries just use syllables.
They break the word down into, like -- sorry -- numb nuts? Number. Number.
他們把字拆解成像是 -- 抱歉 -- 麻木的花生?數~字。數~字。
And what they're looking for is vowel sound, not vowels. Don't make a mistake.
I've often done it and told students -- I say, you know, "When we use syllables we break it down to units of a word with a vowel."
我常常會弄錯然後告訴學生們 -- 我說阿:「當我們使用音節來標示念法時,我們把字拆解成一組組以母音們組成的單位。」
And what I mean to say is "with a vowel sound" because sometimes there will be two vowels, but they make a sound.
For example, "ee" or "ei" can make one sound, okay?
And that can be in a vowel unit. So check to see if your dictionary is either phonetic -- and that means you're going to need the International Phonetic Alphabet -- or syllable-based, which means they will break the word into units with a syllable sound.
而這就組成了一組母音單元。所以,去查查看你的字典是語音學發音法的 -- 也就是說你會需要國際語音字母系統 -- 或音節式為基礎的,也就是說他們會把一個字以音節發音為單位拆成幾個小單元。
Easy? Is that understood? Let's move on, okay?
So that's something you're going to look at because this will help you build your vocabulary because knowing what a word looks like and what it sounds like is very, very different, okay?
And this is to help you pronounce the word.
Remember: Learning vocabulary is (1) know when you see it, (2) know when you hear it, (3) know how to say it, (4) understand what it means.
Then you build vocabulary. And this is "know what it sounds like", okay?.
Next, (C) What part of speech? Well, what is the word?
下一個。(C) 詞性式?嗯,那是什麼字?
I can spell less "beaty" like "Ned Beatty", but that's not what I wanted to write.
When you "beautify" something, it's not the same as "beauty".
"He's a right beauty." "She's a beauty." Right? They're different words. So we're asking ourselves, what, what do these words do, right?
"She's a beauty", so we're looking at an adjective and adverb.
Beautify, adverbs do a different job than an adjective, right? So the dictionary will tell you how to use it.
Remember we said, "What does it sound like?"
First part is, it tells you what it looks like, right? It gives you the word, the word.
The next it tells you what it sounds like. The next it tells you how to use it, right?
"That girl is a beauty." Or "What a beauty she is." Versus, "We need to beautify our house." It's not the same.
「這個女孩是個美人。」或者「她多麼美呀。」 對上,「我們需要美化我們的房子」這不一樣。
And you have to know what part of speech to use it otherwise you'll use it badly, okay?
Next, we're going to go over to "other possible forms".
So other possible forms are -- well, let me correct something I made a mistake on. I said it. I made a mistake because I'm human.
其他可能的形式是 -- 這個嘛,如果我有說錯,讓我更正一下。我說過。我犯個了錯,因為我也只是人而已。
I was so busy thinking about the mistake I made with "beauty," I said this was an adverb. It's a verb.
So I know you guys who love to catch me, you caught me. Ow, ow, bad teacher, all right?
It's a verb, all right? So we've got noun, verb.
Now, let's go to "other possible forms", okay? Now, what the dictionary will also do to help you is after it tells you this is a noun or this is a verb -- noun, verb, okay -- it'll tell you other forms.
現在,我們來看「其他可能的形式」。現在,字典能幫助你的除了告訴你詞性是名詞或是動詞外 -- 名詞,動詞,可以嗎 -- 它還告訴你字的其他形式。
It might tell you, okay, you could do something "slow" or "slowly".
Or you can have "pant", which is completely different.
或者是 pant,是完全不同的意思。
"Pant" is [pant like a dog] and "pants", which I'm wearing, but you can't see.
I am wearing them, trust me. I'm not doing it in my underwear.
E goes naked; I come clothed, okay?
E 它是裸體沒錯 ; 而我有穿衣服,好嗎?
So it'll tell you other possible forms that you can use of that word, right?
Now, I've given you something to help you with the dictionary, and this is fun. It's a nice, short lesson. I'm hoping it's going to be very useful because even Canadians -- I say "Canadians";
好,已經給了你一些知識關於你的字典如何幫助你,而且富饒趣味。這是個短而質精的課程。我希望這對你們來說是有用的因為,甚至加拿大人 -- 我說"加拿大人",
I'm sorry, but a lot of English speakers don't know how to use the dictionary because it's set up in a way they just kind of look for the definition, and they don't know that these things are there to help them.
There have been words I've looked for where I've said, like, "discombooblate" because I don't know it's "discombobulate" because I don't understand if it's phonetic or the symbol -- syllable.
這邊有些字是我找到之前曾經說過的,像是,"discombooblate" 因為我不知道它是"discombobulate",因為我不知道懂它是語音標示法的或是符號 -- 音標標示法。
I can speak English, really.
And I had to learn when I started teaching students. When they say, "Teacher, why?" And I go, "Well, this is for this. This -- oh, golly, it is."
而當我開始要教學生的時候開始我也需要學習更多。當他們說:「老師,為什麼呀?」而我說:「這是因為這樣。這樣 -- 喔~,天呀,這是這樣喔。」
This is very helpful stuff, right?
But before I go too far off course, which means away from the subject, I want to give you some tips because this is good.
This gives you power like a super power. You can use this and go, "I can learn words without the use of any other human being. Read, see, and hear."
But how about we build, because that's what the nature of this lesson is, to build our vocabulary. So let's go over here.
Ready? Tips. Tip No. 1: Look up words you hear every day, and then look at the words above and below the word to understand prefixes.
This sentence makes no sense whatsoever. But it does because I'll explain it.
What I mean is, every day, when you're learning English, you're going to learn a new vocabulary word or whatnot.
And what I want you to do is take that word, write it down, then go home, open your paper dictionary, okay?
And then look at the word, but look at the word above and below because -- I'm going to give you one right now.
然後看著那個字,但看它的上方和下方,因為 -- 我現在就要給你一個單字。
I'm looking here, and it says -- I'm looking at "implore".
我看這頁,它說 -- 我正看著"implore"。
It means "beg", which means to go, "Please, please, please, please come back to EngVid and see James! Please! I beg you!"
Okay? So "implore".
明白嗎?所以這就是 "implore"。
Then, I look down at "imply". Then, I look at -- it says "implicit".
然後我往下看"imply"。然後,我看到 -- 它寫著"implicit"。
And each one I get the idea that there's something inside. Then I realize "im" means "inside" or "in". Ooh. That was interesting.
So then, I start looking down and there's "impossible" and "importune", "impose", "impostor", "impotent".
I'm not impotent. Maybe the worm. He's soft, but not me.
Anyway. Well, what I'm saying is, all of these "im" words are in here, and I start going, "Oh, my gosh. They all kind of have a similar meaning."
It helps me build my vocabulary faster because I learned what's called a "prefix".
A "prefix" means -- "pre" is before -- something in front of a word that gives meaning to the word or adds meaning to the word, right?
一個"字首"意思是 -- "pre"是之前的意思 -- 在字的前面給予那個字意義或增添多一層意義,明白嗎?
And that's what we're doing. We're learning it, so it helps me build my vocabulary by learning prefixes.
Kind of cool, huh? How about the second one?
Let's go to the monitor. He's going to talk again. Ready?
Actually, it's not a monitor, it's Mr. E.
You've always wondered what I sound like, and yes, I have a sexy voice.
So, the next thing you want to do -- tip No. 2 is: Randomly -- "randomly" means not in order, just whenever -- for 2 or 3, 2 or 3, and try to make sentences.
所以,下個你想要做的是 -- 小撇步二號是:Randomly -- "randomly"意思是沒有次序的,就隨時翻開字典-- 找兩到三個字,兩到三個字,試著造句。
What the heck does that mean?
Well, Mr. E, that's why I'm here.
這麼嘛,E 先生,這是我在這邊的用處。
What Mr. E meant to say was this: Randomly take, take -- Mr. E -- 2 or 3 words, okay?
E先生說的意思是:隨機取,取 -- E 先生 -- 兩到三個字,可以嗎?
I want to make sure you can see it because I'm running out of room here. So I'm just going to put 2 or 3 words -- and try and make a sentence with it.
我要確定你能看到因為快沒空間寫了,所以我要寫二到三個字 -- 然後試著用它們造個句字。
So I've got "word" -- S. See? Two mistakes. Are you happy now? Bad, bad James. Okay, look.
所以我有"字" -- 漏了個 S。看吧?兩個錯誤了。你現在開心了吧?糟,糟糕的詹姆士。好吧,看這。
So look at randomly for 2 or 3 words.
And just open up the dictionary, and you take, "bloom", and then take "incentive", and then take "platinum".
"As an incentive for my blooming business, I got a platinum card."
Oh, he teaches English. That's right. I do.
What I'm saying is you take two or three words randomly, right?
And you try and make a sentence with them using the rules you find from the dictionary. Is it a verb? Is it an adjective? Put them in place. That will help teach you syntax.
So here are two ways you can, by yourself, use this book by yourself and work on your English, learn things that you haven't been taught, and then prove or, as I said, build your vocabulary.
Do you like that? Our little moderator, Mr. E, that voice of his, will be back -- right? -- to help you build your English vocabulary, syntax, conversation skills, grammar, and whatnot. I like that word. It's my word of the day.
這樣有興趣嗎?我們的小小主席,E 先生,它的聲音,會在出現 -- 對吧? -- 來幫助你建立你的英語字彙量,學習句法,對話技巧,文法,和諸如此類的。我喜歡那個字。它是我的每日一字。
Anyway. Thanks a lot. Mr. E -- out.
總之,非常感謝。E 先生 -- 你可以走了。
Know your dictionary, and know yourself, and you'll be victorious in every conversation you have.
Know only -- shut up with the Sun Tzu already. Okay.
就只要知道 -- 跟孫子一樣靜默就好。好的。