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Hello, Mark Ferguson with Invest Four More. I am standing in my garage because I'm about
to go on a journey for my birthday. But before I go, I wanted to show you the point behind
my trip. This is my 91 Mustang 50 convertible. It’s got a supercharger on it, full exhaust,
white leather interior, white top—that was my daily driver for about 10 years while I
was in college and after that. Many of those years without a heater in Colorado winter,
so that was always fun in a convertible. This is my 1986 Porsche 928, 5 liter, all aluminum
engine. Most people don't realize Porsche had a V8 in the eighties, but it sounds pretty
mean with an exhaust on it. This is my 1999 Lamborghini Diablo VT. This is the reason
I'm taking my trip.
Not this particular car, but I bought this from Cats Exotics, which is in Seattle. I'm
in Colorado. This spring, it was a dream of mine for a long time to have a Lamborghini.
And I bought this car sight unseen, without driving it—in fact, I’d never driven in
a Diablo at all, I just sat in one one time to make sure I fit. But Cats Exotics now has
a 1989 Lamborghini Countach in their inventory. And Roy Cats is nice enough to let me take
a trip there and go check out Countach, take a ride in
It. And a pretty rare event because they didn’t make many of those cars, and it’s for sale
for 369,000 right now.
Here's a look at the inside the Diablo. 23,000 miles now, I bought it with 21,000 miles.
I definitely drive it. I will drive this three, four times a week sometimes, if the weather’s
nice. It’s a little dark in here, so I’m not sure you can see very well. The V12, 5.7
liter, 530 horsepower. So I am taking a trip to Seattle to go see the Countach for one
day, then I'm flying back. Will see a few other cars while I'm there, but hopefully
I’ll have some exciting more videos to show you, and we will see what happens.
Okay, I think we're on the right road now. It’s a little hard to find, but we’re
on the way to the dealership. Hopefully we'll see it here soon. My first glimpse of where
I bought my Diablo from, even though I never saw it before I bough it. Ah, I believe that
is it, right here in on the left. And there’s even a driveway to get into it, and they're
unloading cars up there, too. This is a good sign. We're a little early, I don't think
they're open yet, but it looks like there's still people here. And this is it. So we’ll
walk around and wait to see if anybody's here.
All right. I made it to Cats. We found the dealership, and this is the Countach, 1989,
white with the cream interior. You can see it's got the big fender flares, the crazy
gills coming out of it, the giant spoiler, the huge tires. I sat in it. I kind of fit,
if I scrunch way down. If I try and sit normal, my head does smash the ceiling pretty good.
A beautiful car. This dealership is just amazing. Cats Exotics, again, if anybody wants an exotic
car, I highly recommend them. Here's the interior, very good shape. Here, I’ll show you some
of the other cars they’ve got. That’s a silver Diablo GT, one of the rarest Diablos
you’ll ever see. They actually sold it, 488,000. McLaren’s, Gyarados, we’ll take
a look at some other Diablos back here. This is a special SCR race Diablo. That's another
GT, the SE30 purple—awesome place. The blue Murcielago. Al right. I'll be sure to take more videos, and we’ll drive the Countach
a little later.
[engine noise]
Here a Lamborghini SE30, 800 miles. Here’s what a Diablo transmission and engine looks
like taken out. This car’s in for major service. See how massive the engine bay is?
All right, still at Cats Exotics in another one of the showrooms, these are T-birds. Awesome
lifts, which I want to get for my garage. Here’s an original Camaro Z28 rally sport,
an old Porsche 911, Murcielago SV, and this—I’m not even sure what this is, I believe it’s
a Jaguar—but it's absolutely gorgeous.
Here’s the Countach. Getting ready for a little drive in the Seattle rain.
[engine noise] Beautiful sound. [engine noise]
>> A lot of them are pretty beat, this dash is in really good shape, you know.
>> It’s perfect.
>> So overall it’s a really good car. See, back when this car was out and popular, there
wasn’t, you know, a ton of street lights and freeways, you know. It was just regular
two lane roads, soft sides, and you could just keep driving.
>> Right, yeah.
>> You didn’t have to keep stopping and going, stopping and going.
>> So they built them. There’s guys that rebuild them. Because when they made them,
the companies that produced the parts would sign a contract with Lamborghini for like
25 years not to reproduce it. Then after 25 years goes away, they sell the patent to another
company that makes them.
>> Okay.
>> It’s not like there’s 5,000 a year, you know.
>> Right.
>> There’s not even that many cars made. So it’s not cost effective for one company
to keep doing it. Yeah, the Countach’s not an overly fast car.
>> Road Runner Super Bee, the
Chevelle SS convertible, the Z28, and there’s a little Bentley tucked in over here.
All right, here’s one last look at the Countach. Been here since about 10 this morning to almost
four, with a little break for lunch. I did not get to drive the Countach, but I did ride
in it, and it was a great drive. One last look at the dealership. I think my favorite
other car here is this Ford GT, beautiful car. McLaren’s, Gyarados, so great day.
Definitely worth
the trip.
[engine noise]
All right. We’re going to go on a short test drive in the Diablo, after driving the
Countach. The fist interesting thing on the Diablo is I can raise up the front about 2
inches, 3 inches to go over bumps so I don’t scrap the front bumper spoiler in this extremely
low car. And you can raise it back down or up. If you hit about 35 it lowers itself automatically.
Compared to the Countach, I have a ton more room in the Diablo. I’m about 6’1” and
in the Countach, I had to be crunched down with my butt way forward in the seat to avoid
not smashing my head against the roof. I fit, but I wasn’t exactly comfortable. In the
Diablo, I mean, if I stretch myself all the way up as tall as I can, I can hit the roof.
But there’s way more room.
And this car is ten years newer, it’s a ’99 and that Countach was an ’89. Really
a world of difference in the drivability. The Countach is a cool car, I mean, you’re
buying it for looks, for, you know, great sounds, rarity, possibly an investment, but
the Diablo is much more of a driving car. Much easier clutch to use, more power. I actually
think my Diablo sounds a lot better than the Countach. It’s just got a deep growl to
it that I’ve really never heard before in a car. And the Diablo is faster, too. The
Diablo was the first car to hit 200 miles an hour—the first production car stock.
Definitely a fun car to drive, and for a third of the price of a Countach.
It’s really hard for me to justify buying a car, not that I could right now, because
I can’t financially buy a Countach, but if I was at that point, it just seems insane
to pay 500,000, 400,000 dollars for a car like that. It’s a fun car, it’s a cool
car, but you’re really buying the rarity and the investment value of it. And I really
like to drive my cars and have fun with my cars, and I would almost be scared to take
it out or drive it anywhere, unless I just had a billion dollars and didn’t care.
So for the time being, I love my Diablo. It’s a fun car. You definitely can’t be too shy
when you have it, you get lots of looks. Every time I stop at the gas station, about five
people come over to talk to me about it. It’s really a lot of fun. And it’s such a beautiful
car. I don’t get too many, you know, dirty looks or bad reactions from it like some people
might think you would. Really, it’s 95 percent just good reactions, people smiling, people
asking questions, having fun with the car.
So I like this car. I love it. It’s more comfortable. It’s roomier; my knees aren’t
jammed up against the steering wheel, and my head isn’t smashed against the roof.
So for right now, I think we’ll stick with the Diablo. But seeing the Countach, seeing
those other cars definitely was an awesome experience. You know, put some goals in my
head for the future, some future motivation for sure. I really liked the Ford GT—I can’t
get that out of my head, it’s just such an awesome car. But we’ll see what happens.
Hey, Mark Ferguson, back from my trip. As you can see, I didn’t actually get to drive
the Countach, but I did get to ride in it. It was a fantastic time, lots of rain in Seattle.
The other car dealers that were at the dealership were incredibly surprised that Roy even took
me out in the rain in the Countach. And I do not blame them, because I do not drive
my Diablo in the rain, and it’s all wheel drive. The Countach is rear-wheel drive, huge
tires, 350-plus thousand dollar car, and he was nice enough to take me in a spin in the
rain, and he wasn’t very shy about showing me what it could do, either. So, great trip.
Well worth it. I was there for Saturday, basically, saw so many cool cars.
My takeaways from the trip: The Countach is awesome. I really liked it. I think I like
the styles before the anniversary edition, the early eighties, mid eighties Countachs
the best. But those are 500,000 right now, or more. It’s crazy what prices have done.
You know, five years ago you could get a Countach for 100,000 dollars, no problem. Now you can
barely get them for under 400,000. And the really desirable ones are 500,000, the seventies
Countachs are over a million now. It’s insane what they've done. And I have to ask myself—you
know, I’m not in a position where I would buy one now, but if I could—is that car
worth that much money? And it's pretty awesome, I love it looks, but I don't know if I would
want to spend that much money on a car.
And while I was at Roy's, I saw a Ford GT, a 2005 gorgeous midnight blue car that caught
my eye. And I think if I had a choice—that one’s 294,000, super comfortable super cool,
amazing engine, supercharged V8—I think I might buy a car like that instead of the
Countach. So, I’m not going to buy either one, you know, for a while. We’ll see. But
for right now, I’m happy with the Diablo, I love it. It’s been awesome having that
And for those of you wondering how I was able to get the Diablo, I've been a realtor since
2001. I run my own team now with eight people on it. I fix and flip houses. I flipped twelve
homes last year. I own 11 rental properties, which pretty much covered all the expenses
for the Diablo. And I talked a lot about that on my blog, InvestFourMore.com. So if you're
interested in learning about real estate, learning about how I've been successful, and
made enough money to afford a Diablo, check out the blog. Lots of information on my properties,
lots of information on the car, as well. Again, it’s InvestFourMore.com. Thanks for watching.
Have a great night.