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  • A really huge portion of the study tips you'll get from professors and other people who want

  • you to be better in school and maybe that you'll find here on YouTube are really basic.

  • They'll tell you to sit in front in class, scan your textbooks instead of reading every

  • single chapter. Bring your cat to class to reduce stress and so you get to meet the nice

  • folks at animal control. These tips, while they're good, they're really really useful,

  • they are basic. Maybe you're like me. You're a classical detail-driven nerd. When I play

  • fighting games I want to learn about frame data and every single move sets and all the

  • match-ups instead of just playing the game and "having fun." So, applying to study I'm

  • the same way and I want to find really advanced tips, ways to hack my learning, things that

  • usually don't come up when you get your basic study tips. To that end, maybe you're like

  • me and want to get some advanced study tips, and I am happy to oblige. In this video, I

  • am going to give you 8 of those Advanced Study Tips, so let's get started.

  • The first tip is to use the Corson Technique when asking professors for help. Now, Dale

  • Corson was the eighth president of Cornell University. Yes, the same Cornell University

  • that spawned the famous Cornell Note-Taking System. He was also a chemistry professor.

  • He said that students in chemistry and other science and math programs often have to really

  • work to crack problems one sentence at a time as they go through their textbooks or problem

  • sets, but sometimes eventually you get to a point where you just can't crack the problem

  • on your own and you need to ask for help. So, you go to your professor, and what Dale

  • Corson wants you to think about before you actually talk to your professor is pause and

  • ask yourself, "What is it that I don't understand? Truly, what is it that I don't understand?"

  • What he wants you to get away from is this thing that a lot of students do is where they

  • go to their professors and with a "general wave of the hand," as he says, they say, "I

  • don't understand what I'm looking at." This is just confusing to me, I don't get it."

  • What he wants you to do is avoid that, rather, pick apart the problem one sentence at a time

  • and figure out the exact point at which you don't get what's going on. Right here, I understand

  • this, this process makes sense to me, but here's where I'm getting a little shaky and

  • I just don't get this. After that, I'm cool. When you can pinpoint that, you're going to

  • impress your professor with your preparation and the amount of effort you put into the

  • problem, so you get some brownie points there, but you're also working to practice the art

  • of recognizing confusion and following it down to its actual source. This will help

  • you immensely in all of your learning going forward.

  • Tip #2 is to learn facts quickly with a technique called space repetition. Now, space repetition

  • is the art of studying things at increasingly bigger and bigger intervals of time and it's

  • a very efficient way to study, but it also takes advantage of the way your brain works.

  • Basically, space repetition is a system where you'll study something, and if you know that

  • individual fact very well, you will not see it for quite a while, but the facts that you

  • don't know well, you're going to see them more and more frequently. The way that it

  • works on our brain level is that you are trying to recall information. You're forcing your

  • brain to pull it out at the closest time possible to when you are about to forget it, so your

  • brain actually has to work as hard as it possibly can to recall this information and it encodes

  • it better, so its more efficient and you can actually learn a lot faster.

  • The best way to take advantage of this is to use an SRS or space repetition software

  • to do your studying for you instead of using index cards or something. Now, when I was

  • studying Japanese, and I will be doing this again soon, I used one called WaniKani that

  • was very, very efficient and helped me learn hundreds of Kanji and Japanese vocab words.

  • There is actually a free and generalized one called Anki and you can find it on

  • where you can actually create your own card sets for any type of data that you think you

  • would want to study with SRS or you can actually find shared card decks from people who have

  • already made things. So, definitely check that out. I think the preparation aspect of

  • making your own card decks is very useful, but simply going through and studying them

  • using space repetition is usually going to be more efficient than using just typical

  • linear flashcard study methods on paper. Tip #3. We're getting a little more advanced

  • here, so this one is to try out the Method of Loci for memorization. The Method of Loci

  • goes back to the Greek and Roman times and it is a memorization technique that has been

  • used by memory champs for a long time. It essentially takes advantage of your brain's

  • ability to remember spatial information very well. It's all about visualization. The classic

  • way to do it is to associate certain sets of the set of data you're trying to memorize,

  • certain groups of that with different rooms of a house. Let me give you an example. This

  • is the Kanji for king in Japanese, and the pronunciation, the way that you say king in

  • Japanese is "Oh," and "Oh" is really simple pronunciation. It doesn't really lend itself

  • too well to mnemonics, which is a shame because mnemonics is a great way to learn Kanji. Now,

  • what if I want to adapt the Method of Loci to learning this Kanji along with lots of

  • others. What does a king sit on, a throne, or as we could say, the toilet, and I am not

  • averse to using 5-year-old humor here. What do you say when you smell the toilet, "Oh."

  • Yeah, work with me here. Also, the Kanji for king looks like a towel rack so I can associate

  • king with the bathroom in a house, and if I really want to make this study technique

  • useful for me, I would go into the bathroom and I would put up flashcards on the walls

  • and then I'd walk through my house and study this. Now, the Method of Loci is difficult

  • to use. It's an advanced technique and usually you're going to be better off with SRS or

  • mnemonics if you have a smaller set of data, but if you've got a lot of work with and nothing

  • else has worked for you, it's something that you can try.

  • Tip #4 is to hack akrasia. Akrasia is a term that has been written about for centuries

  • and it goes back to Plato, and it's essentially a lack of command over oneself. There's another

  • even more complex term called picoeconomics, which talks about this hyperbolic discounting

  • that we do. Essentially, we discount the value of a task the more it is delayed, the more

  • the reward is pushed off into the future, which in short means that we tend to procrastinate

  • and do fun things that don't really align with our values in the short term, and we

  • avoid doing things that really do line up with our values because the reward is delayed.

  • The way you can hack akrasia or avoid becoming a victim to it is two-fold. One, use a commitment

  • device, bind yourself to getting your task done on time, and the way I do this is by

  • using an app called Beeminder, which I've talked about before. I absolutely love Beeminder

  • and I've been using it to ensure I publish three things a week for quite a while now.

  • If you look at my graph here, which I'll throw up, you can see that I have been actually

  • publishing much, much, much more frequently than I was before, and it's largely because

  • I use a commitment device to buy myself to do this.

  • Now, another way that you can hack akrasia, the second part of the fold, is to add a shorter

  • term reward to completing a task. The classic way, you've probably seen this image before,

  • is to put gummy bears on your textbook, and as you read paragraphs you allow yourself

  • to eat them, but you can do all sorts of other things. Let yourself watch an episode of Game

  • of Thrones once you finish an assignment or maybe use a tool like HabitRPG and give yourself

  • some experience and goals when you finish the study, problem set or something. Just

  • find a way to make sure that the only reward isn't that far-off delayed one that causes

  • akrasia. All right. Tip #5 is to improve the Pomodoro

  • Technique. You may have heard of the Pomodoro Technique,. Everyone talks about it, but in

  • case you haven't, it's simply a technique where you set a timer for about 25 minutes

  • classically, and then you work only on one task during that 25-minute session. I think

  • a lot of people do this and it's very useful, but there are some areas for improvement that

  • I don't a lot of people take advantage of. So, let me just rapid fire give them to you.

  • Number one, and I've talked about how much I'm a fan of the Beeminder app, and the Beeminder

  • blog is also a good resource for productivity techniques and experiments. One of things

  • that they talk about is this thing they do called Tocks. A

  • Tock is essentially a Pomodoro session except they use about 45 minutes and then take 15-minute

  • breaks instead of the classic 25-minute, 5-minute break structure. The tip here is to experiment

  • with the time intervals. Don't just set yourself to 25 minutes and assume that's the only potential

  • interval that you could study at. Find what works for you.

  • The other one is to put a piece of paper next to you during your Pomodoro session, and whenever

  • anything that comes up that distracts you, maybe a phone call or the urge to check Facebook

  • or something, write it down. This lets you do two things. One, you can remember what

  • the distraction was and if it happened to be something urgent you can take care of it

  • during your break time, but two, as you continue to lots of Pomodoro sessions over months and

  • months, you start to see what are the common problem points. What comes up a lot that distracts

  • you, and then you can take steps to prevent these things. Maybe it's your phone, you forget

  • to put in do not disturb mode; well, you can do that now. If its a certain website that

  • you really want to visit because it's just so distracting and draws you in, then you

  • can use an extension like Stay Focused on Chrome to block it during your study session.

  • Very useful stuff. Tip #6 is when learning new concepts, use

  • both focused and diffused thinking. This is a concept that I learned about in a book called,

  • Thinking in Numbers. Look at this guy, Magnus Carlsen. He is currently the #1 chess player

  • in the world, but back in 2004 when he was just 13 years old, he played Garry Kasparov,

  • who was considered the best chess player in the world a couple of decades ago and who

  • was often considered to be the best chess player of all time. He played Garry to a draw,

  • and look at what he does from these screen shots here. During the match he actually gets

  • up and walks around, looks at other tables, and what he's doing, what the author of this

  • book has pointed out, is he's using diffused thinking. So focused thinking really takes

  • advantage of your prefrontal cortex to focus on one specific set of data, one specific

  • problem, and it really concentrates on one that thing, but it doesn't let the rest of

  • your brain become activated. A lot of ideas come from different nodes of your brain connecting

  • different completely unrelated ideas in new different ways, and that's the diffused mode

  • of thinking. When you're leaning something new, you want to use diffused thinking, so

  • you can grock it, you can tie it to other nodes in your brain and understand it. If

  • you only try to focus on the problem and do nothing else, you're going to have a lot harder

  • time solving the problem. Now, focused thinking is very, very good for problems you already

  • understand, for processes that you've gone through before, and that's why you want to

  • use these two modes of thinking in combination. Now, tip #7 and I've talked about this before

  • in terms of textbooks is to gauge your classes, and the specific area I want you to think

  • about here is gauge the speed at which your professor moves and at which you're able to

  • understand. If your professor tends to go too fast and you can't really understand everything

  • he's presenting. Maybe he writes too fast and you can take notes fast enough or he just

  • moves through the material too fast for you to really understand it and give time to process

  • in your brain. Then, you want to take some steps to mitigate that problem. One thing

  • you could do is to read through the chapter before a lecture. Maybe if you have some material

  • that outlines what's going to be in the lecture, you can use that to look at the most relevant

  • parts of the textbook and prime your brain for the lecture. One other thing you can do

  • if the class pace is just too fast, and I can't really emphasize this enough is to simply

  • ask your professor for help or ask questions in the middle of class. Professors are there

  • to help you and you should take advantage of that.

  • My 8th and final tip is to start your problem sets alone. When I was a sophomore I had a

  • statistics class, and I actually had a partner and she would come over to my dorm basically

  • every time we had a homework assignment to do and we would do it together. Now, I realize

  • that this isn't really the best strategy. Now, I got a pretty good grade in the class

  • anyway, but going forward, I wouldn't do this again. Here's the reason why. When you do

  • a problem set with a partner, you're robbing yourself the opportunity to really pinpoint

  • gaps in your understanding because two people going at the same problem at the same time,

  • if one person is able to do the entire thing and the other person can kind of get where

  • the first person's coming from. So, if you don't really understand a problem or maybe

  • there's one tiny little section that you wouldn't have gotten, but your partner does, you're

  • going to latch onto their answer. You're going to say, "Yeah, I sort of get that," and you're

  • going to move on, but if you do it alone, then you're going to be able to pinpoint those

  • areas of confusion and shore them up before you get into a group and finish the assignment,

  • so start them alone. Those are my 8 Advanced Study Tips. I know

  • this video is a bit longer than normal, but if you've got any questions about these and

  • want to learn more about any specific ones, then be sure to leave a comment below and

  • let me know. Otherwise, I will see you in the next video.

  • Hey guys, thanks so much for watching my video on Advanced Study Tips. Now, if you want to

  • get more study tips every single week and other tips on being an awesome college student,

  • then hit that big red Subscribe button right there, and you'll get those videos every single

  • Thursday. Also, if you want to find the companion blog post where I link to any resources for

  • research I did or other things I mentioned in the video you can click the orange button

  • right there to find that. If you missed the last video, there's a clip of it playing right

  • there, and also if you want to get better grades, I wrote a hundred plus page book called,

  • 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades while Studying Less, and I want to give it to you for free.

  • If you want to get that book, just click the picture of the book right there. Lastly, if

  • you want to connect with me or ask questions or submit new ideas for new videos, you can

  • either follow me on Twitter at Tom Frankly or simply leave the comment in the video below

  • here, and I will respond to you no matter what.

A really huge portion of the study tips you'll get from professors and other people who want


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