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So guys, Magic in the Moonlight was such a beautiful film. How would you get people who
don't usually see this type of film to go and see it? What would you tell them was so
good about it?
I don't know that I'd say there are things that are really good about it, but there are
many things that are very good about it.
Well listen, it's very hard to comment on our own department. She's very good in it,
and it looks beautiful.
He's great.
You know...
But it is hard to talk about your own movie, and tell people to go see your own movie.
It is.
Which is the irony of doing press.
I think it's taking you on a virtual journey into a world, which is heightened and beautiful.
It's playing with the idea of magic in its different forms, whether it's theatre craft
or just people falling in love or people finding things they don't expect, and it is... He's
described it. What did he call it?
A soufflé.
A soufflé. It's wilfully light. It doesn't come in the character of weighty material,
and so I think if you're in the mood for something which is - has a light, clever, highly pleasing
dexterity about it, it certainly worked for me. And I've only like about three things
I've ever done my whole life.
And Colin, your character, he doesn't care what other people think. You know, often refers
to him as a genius himself. So if you guys could not worry about what other people thought,
could be completely egotistical, what would you say were your best qualities?
Well, that wouldn't be egotistical, if you weren't worrying about what other people thought,
would it be? Or is that narcissistic? To not consider anyone else...
It can be, yeah.
What would we say are our own best qualities? What's your best quality?
That's actually an utterly impossible question. That really is where you plead the fifth.
That is really impossible.
No, nice try.
Dammit. Never mind. Obviously, there's a lot of telepathy kind of theme in this, looking
into the future. If you could see into the future, how would you like your lives to play out?
Oh God. These are really hard-hitting questions.
I don't want to for a start. That may sound like a dodge, but I'm on the record with this,
I don't want my palm read. I don't want a crystal ball, and I don't want any giveaways.
I suppose if you could convince me beforehand that it was all rosy, and it was going to
last for a very, very long time, then I might have a peek, but I don't want to find out
anything other than that. You know, I think struggling with one's relationship with the
present is challenging enough, so I wouldn't. I mean, if I could do one of the sci-fi films
where you get the chance to avert disaster, I suppose that might be something worthwhile,
but I don't want to know.
How about you, Emma?
I always want to know. I always want to know how things will turn out, what I can do to
change the future, how I can avoid certain disaster, and I think it's actually... It
is what Colin's saying. It keeps you from... It's just like living in the past. It keeps
you from staying in the present to constantly be focused on the future, and if you knew,
I mean God I don't know what that would do to you.
I'm guessing, sorry, was Colin there with what your'e saying, you kind of have that
similarity to your character then with not kind of completely believing everything that...
I don't resist knowing the future because I don't believe it's possible to know the
future. I don't know. I don't know if anyone has that power or not. And I'm not certain
enough to be as sceptical as Stanley is. It's because it might be real that it would make
me nervous or because it might not be real that I would worry about wasting my time,
so either way, I just don't see a case for it, and if one thinks about this, I mean,
can you imagine before taking a risk whether you could be sure... If you could look into
a crystal ball and guarantee the outcome, you wouldn't be risking it. You would know,
and therefore you wouldn't have to apply your judgement, and therefore what would it do
to us and our faculties? I think it would probably change the way we operate as human
beings, so I think that having to make a judgement using our wisdom or trying to find some wisdom
is all dependent on not being told.
Well if you guys then - hopefully you can answer this one - if you could contact someone
from the spirit world, who would it be and what would you ask them?
I think that would be wildly private.
Yeah. Oh there... You know, I can't think of them now, but there are a few mysteries,
you know.
Well they just solved Jack the Ripper.
I just heard this.
Is that beyond all doubt? From DNA or something? But they got who it is or just the nationality?
No, him.
We know who he is.
Isn't that amazing?
See, I'd probably start with the crime stuff. I'd go back to solve them.
Alright then, I'll end on a nice one. What would you say was the best thing about working
with each other? I always like to hear when people are in different rooms, what they say.
But when you are together, what would you say?
Here we are in couple's therapy.
I always appreciate it. You may not see this.
You don't show. You don't show it. You really don't.
You think I know. You think I just know.
-But you should know. -I can't read your mind.
It's been wonderful being able to relate.
Thank you so much.
No, thank you guys.
Sorry we had no answers.