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Hey it's David from the redneck garage I'm here in the kitchen today you can tell I'm
wearing a redneck apron it also doubles for a polishing buffing apron but I washed it
before this so there's no car buffing materials are going to get in the food if you're like
me on Thanksgiving you think about Turkey and its ok it's made well I'm going to go
ahead and cook I just cooked turkey breast I'm not a big lover of the you know the dark
meat stuff it's just not my forte I just don't likethat crap so I just get a big turkey breast
and I'll cook it so that people can say they had turkey on Thanksgiving but my favorite
thing to make is a ham and I've been doing this for five or six years and my kids love
it cause who wouldn't love it is awesome this ham is awesome you don't have to wait for
a holiday to do it because you can get these on sale after the holidays and then they're
really good and you can surprise your family and it's so simple you're going to go wow
I can do that that's so cool I can do that you know so it's easy to turn wrenches sometimes
but cooking is a challenge but this turns out really really well so the first thing
you want to do is go ahead and open your hands up I bought this one at our local Kroger there's
nothing special about it but you do one on that spiral cut not because you don't want
to cut the ham but because you want to be able to get the flavor into the ham and when
it sliced up like that it's easy to pull off the bone and B it's really a good way for
the flavor to go down into the cuts where the meat is so I'm going to cut this baby
open now I can I'm going to switch cameras so we can get a better idea what's going on
so I've got the ham halfway unwrapped here and we're going to go ahead and cut they cut
the plastic bag off of him going to drain out the juice AFAM going to drain out the
juice cuz there's a lot of juice okay so I have the extra juice drained out now 12 things
are going to need is a Reynolds oven turkey bag a box of these they're cheap they sell
them like in the Reynolds Wrap section but these things are awesome I cook my turkey
in them cook the ham in them and it keeps other juices in the bird or the piglet and
it tastes really really good when you get it out because you're not all dried out now
be careful when you open it up here is the ties that are flameproof don't lose them during
this little package right so we have those now I'm going to go ahead and get my first
bag ready for the hammer rue now these are the most durable bags in the world so you
have to be a little careful with him but not bad get that out of the way okay so I'm going
to go ahead and cut the plastic off the ham and these hams are pretty much cooked so you
don't have to worry about you know how many hours like with a turkey you have to figure out
weight everything else it kind of sucks so I'm just going to come over and we're going
to drop or turkey I mean are ham see that's what I'm talking about I just ripped the bag
okay I go extras dont worry that was dumb okay now I'm going to take my ham and put it in
the old bag Aroo now be careful because you don't want to rip the bag they're pretty easy
okay so there is our ham in the original bag now what makes this ham special you can see
that it is spiral cuts down in there so we want to mess with that right so the first
thing I'm going to do is go ahead and add are Coca Cola now you remember from your science
experiment in high school if you took a tooth and you put it in Coca Cola it would eat it
up well the same kind of concept here the Coca Cola is really good at breaking down
tissue which makes the ham really really soft okay now I'm going to go ahead and add two
cans of Coca Cola so we got our Coke in here now the next thing I'm going to do is I get
dark brown sugar it really doesn't matter where you buy it this is Kroger brand where
we shop for our food Osco jewel up north there's probably something ask Jerry where he shops
in Canada and I'm just going to take two pounds of brown sugar and pour it in the bag okay
so I got that in the bag with a Coca Cola now you want to take this and get the air
out because you don't want a lot of air cuz when it gets in the oven will start to balloon
up anyway a little bit we're going to twist our bag and then you take your little tie
and we're going to and tighten it down okay now with this what I always do is go ahead
and add another bag around it so just like the girl you didn't want to date in high school
you're going to double bag get it double bagger okay go ahead and put this in will drop her
down in the bag push it to the bottom okay then I'll double twist this one and then put
a tie on it not going to let this marinate now I'm going to let this marinate overnight
what I do with the ham is you can see I'm kind of rolling it around I'll take it out
every 2 or 3 hours and I'll roll this baby around the brown sugar will dissolve into
the coke Cola all this is going into the spiral ham slices and let me tell you that flavor
is unbelievable engrave it wont show can all the sugar can of a sweet taste if you like
sweet but Honey Baked hams what they do is they take blood torches and blow it in but
what I'm doing is marinating my ham and baking it now tomorrow I'm going to expand video a
little bit as it comes out of the oven but if you're trying to do the ham for today for
tomorrow go get one do it like this let it sit over night and in the morning what you
want to do is you want to take your hand and you want to put it in the oven about 250 and
you want to slow cook it because slow cooking it will get hot enough to take this juice and
make it go to the top to evaporate and go to the top can I go in the circle there's
no escaping with these bags so you want to get about 250 degrees you don't want to overcook
it and you just kind of let it simmer for about three or four hours so by the time you're
ready to eat you pull it out the spiral ham slices will fall off the bone and they are
excellent I will have a video I'm going to update this video tomorrow have it coming
out of the oven but for right now I wanted you to have a video of the ham how to prepare
it get it marinated overnight but it in the oven early and you will be amazed at the taste
of this stuff some David from redneck garage is a quick video if you want to make this
Pam tomorrow I'm going to have the updated video of the whole thing it's a great way
after the holidays in between Thanksgiving and Christmas sometimes certainly after christmas
deals hands go on sale like half of what they were before and you can take one and you can
make it up you can eat it for a couple days you can make ham sandwiches really super easy
to do and your wife will love you because you made something that she didn't have to
cook okay so now we're out in the redneck garage and I am drinking a beer its beer time
I'm drinking a Michelob Ultra Light cider which is kind of a beer kind of a cider kind
of a nothing it's not real good but anyway it's got alcohol in it okay I just want to
take a minute and talk about why you want to cook your ham like I'm telling you how
to cook it I watched a bunch of videos online about honey glazed baked ham glass hammer
all these other hams but none of them are marinated hams they just put a little aluminum
foil over them bake them dry em out and then slap some sugar on top juices in this is a
marinated ham baby and it's in the bag in the bag keeps all the juices in it's outstanding
you're going to see tomorrow but I'm going to show you how the ham is coming on in the
process of cooking the ultimate holiday ham for your family or for you if you're just
hungry you don't have to have a family alright somebody to put a worthless pile on top of
my ham get that out of the way oh yeah baby this is the stuff here's the ham Mr hammy
ham you can see that all the coke and the brown sugar the sugar has dissolved into the Coca
Cola and you can see that indeed all those spiral slices that mixture is running into
so every couple hours two or three hours it really doesn't matter when I'll come over
and kind of shake the baby up now you got to be careful not to break the bag but gently
mix it up then I'll put it back in the fridge tell in the morning till we start cooking
and let me tell you you will see tomorrow how great is him comes out of the oven in
the morning I'll put it in and probably 9 o'clock 8:09 o'clock are start cooking at
2 or 2:50 and watch it and you'll see it bubbling all that luscious goodness of ham juice and
in caramelized Coca Cola and the brown sugar o my youngest son Ethan was watching the little
video I put up already and he said my mouth is watering already so gonna go to bed
for the night after I finish my Michelob Ultra near whatever beer it is there's a poor ole
sad turkey breast in here who's thinking I'm not worthy compared this ham we're going to
cook tomorrow so I will see you in the morning okay so in all its goodness I have the ham
out of the refrigerator that has been marinating all night long and I've turned it over a couple
times and I can see that it is ready to be placed in the oven now I've got a redneck
oven my wife is really happy that when I broke the glass I did not replace the oven but it
still works so a lot of trailers have worse even than this we're going to go ahead and
put a ham in the oven because I'm cooking a turkey if you can see it in there can you
see the turkey it's going to have to be at 350 which it doesn't really matter if it's
at the lower temperature we're just going to watch it we're going to put it in there
and we are going to let her cook and it's in the oven and when it comes out it will be glorious will be back when it comes
out okay so we're about an hour and a half in and it's looking really good you can see
the juices in the bottom now im just going to shake it around a little bit and then I'm
going to put it back in the oven there's that Turkey starting to brown up a little bit but
it's still Turkey this is the ham see the juice right here see the juices it's just
marinating and so I'll shake it around and put it back in there okay so here's the ham
I'm cutting the bag back on the hammy ham let me tell you it is full of juice oh that
is so good so good now I'm going to try to flip it over a little bit and what you'll
find is that the spiral slices just fall off the bone and because it was marinated see
it's got a little bit darker color there's your ham oh
that is some good ham the marinating process caused the ham to get a little bit darker
and I'll just pulled off here with my tongs we're going to just taste this ham oh so sweet
so good so moist it's the best ham ever so that's how you make your holiday ham I'm going
to go ahead and put it in over here and we will be chowing down on it for tomorrow I
boughtt some extra rolls so we can make ham sandwiches but let me tell you you cook your
ham like this you will never be disappointed because this is so stinkin good I'm David
from the redneck garage hope you have a happy Thanksgiving