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  • Today I'm going to go over how to pronounce plural nouns. A noun is made plural when an

  • S or an ES is added to the end of the word. For example, cat, cats. Church, churches. The

  • The way this ending is pronounced depends on the last sound of the noun in singular form.

  • In determining how to pronounce the S or ES of a noun, there are three different cases. First,

  • when the last sound of the noun in singular form is voiced, second, when it is unvoiced,

  • and third, both voiced and unvoiced, special cases. When the last sound of the noun in

  • singular form is voiced, then the ''s' is pronounced as a [z], as in, beds, zz, zz,

  • zz. What would be a voiced sound? First, any vowel or diphthong. So let's take for example

  • the word 'tree'. This noun ends in the 'ee' as in 'she' vowel sound. It is voiced. So,

  • the 's' in the word 'trees', zz, zz, is pronounced as a [z]. Zz. Example with a diphthong:

  • the word 'cafe' ends in the 'ay' as in 'say' diphthong. As a diphthong, it is voiced. Therefore,

  • the 's' will be pronounced as a [z]. Cafes, zz, zz, zz, cafes. Also, a consonant can be

  • voiced. But not every voiced consonant is in that category. That is because some are

  • in the third category for special cases. The ending consonants in this category, where

  • the plural will be pronounced as a Z, are:

  • An example, the word 'apple'. 'Apple' ends

  • in the L consonant sound, which is one of the ending voiced consonant sounds in this

  • category. Therefore, it will be pronounced as a [z] when it is in plural form. Apples,

  • zz, zz, apples. When the final sound of the noun in singular form is unvoiced, then the

  • S will also be unvoiced, pronounced as an [s], ss. For example, the word 'ship'. P is

  • an unvoiced consonant sound, therefore, ships, ss, ss, ss, the plural will be an unvoiced

  • sound as well, the S. Ships. The unvoiced consonants in this category, where the 's'

  • is pronounced as an [s], are:

  • In the third category, the plural is made not simply by

  • adding an -S, but by adding an -ES. Therefore it is pronounced with the 'ih' as in 'sit'

  • vowel followed by the Z consonant sound: -es, -es,-es. There are six ending sounds that make

  • up this category.

  • Because this category adds a vowel sound and a consonant sound, the IH and the ZZ sound, words

  • in this category will have an extra syllable added on when they are made plural. In the

  • other two categories, we were simply adding one sound, and it did not change the number

  • of syllables in the word. Let's take an example. The word 'wish'. It ends with sh, which is

  • one of the sounds in this third category. Therefore, the plural will be spelled with

  • an -ES, and it will be pronounced 'wishes', zz, with the 'ih' sound followed by the Z

  • sound. Wishes. So, 'wish', one syllable, 'wishes', two syllables. The extra syllable added by

  • the plural will always be unstressed. So it will be lower in pitch than the stressed syllable

  • in the word. Wishes. Now, let's look at some example nouns and determine how the plural

  • will be pronounced. Age. It ends with the 'dj' sound. This is in the third category.

  • Therefore it is pronounced 'ages'. Two syllables, with the 'ih' as in 'sit' vowel followed by

  • the Z consonant sound. Ages. Time. It ends with the mm M consonant sound. It's voiced,

  • it's not a special case, therefore, the S is pronounced as a [z]. Times, times, zz.

  • Box. The final sound in this word is the 's' sound. 'S' falls in the third category.

  • Therefore, we make it plural by adding an 'e' and an 's'. And it is pronounced with

  • the 'ih' as in 'sit' and the, zz, Z consonant sound. Boxes, boxes. Dog. Dog. It ends with

  • the G sound. That's a voiced sound. It is not in the third category, therefore, the

  • 's' is pronounces as a [z]. Dogs, dogs. Cat. The final sound here is the T, which is unvoiced.

  • It is not a special case, so the plural S will be pronounced simply as an [s]. Cats,

  • cats. I hope this video has made how to pronounce a plural noun more clear. That's it, and thanks

  • so much for using Rachel's English.

Today I'm going to go over how to pronounce plural nouns. A noun is made plural when an


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如何給複數名詞發音。 美式英語 (How to Pronounce Plural Nouns: American English)

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    Sam 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日