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Acclaimed director Ang Lee has brazenly adapted Yann Martel's novel of the same name to create
a truly invigorating film- one that has grossed over a half billion dollars. Released in November
of 2012, this 127-minute fantasy adventure shares the story of Pi Patel, a 16-year-old
Indian boy who finds himself shipwrecked in the middle of the pacific ocean on a small
life raft with a dangerous Bengal Tiger. Irrfan Khan is featured the adult Pi, who reflects
on his incredible experiences during an inter-cut interview remarkably similar to the narrative
delivery of "Forrest Gump". Other background characters come and go, including a throwaway
appearance by a love-interest early in the picture, but the real star here is newcomer
Suraj Sharma - who is alone by himself for the majority of the picture: playing opposite
amazingly life-life CGI animals - who are honestly, fleshed out characters in their
own right. Winning the role from 3,000 other try-outs, the young actor is a true delight,
his performance expertly showcases the full range of emotions, from unadulterated joy
to hopeless despair, remaking on his bleak survival ordeal, "Hunger can change everything
you ever thought you knew about yourself."
This unlikely companionship between tiger and boy is the centerpiece of the picture,
both emotionally, and thematically. A complex, interesting, amusing, and heartbreaking one.
Opening inside an Indian zoo with playful and clever on-screen credits... this picture
has a sort of lyrical, storybook style to the proceedings, with inspired chroma-keyed
scene transitions and inventive use of changing aspect ratios. The imagery and cinematography
here is downright stunning... from the astoundingly exhilarating shipwreck sequence, to a breathtaking
scene involving a glow-in-the-dark whale. The first 30-minutes are brimming with so
much originality and flair, the prolonged portion of this film spent at sea isn't as
ideal paced, however enjoyable and inspirational the fantastical tale may be. Mychael Danna's
score is unobtrusive, but emotionally moving at all the right moments. A late scene, which
quickly shares an alternate version of the previous events only serves to raise needless
questions, and diminish the effectiveness of what was such a striking and engaging story.
This PG-drama will surely have audiences of ages gasping, and cheering with delight: as
it adeptly fulfils every trait of a satisfying and enjoyable motion picture. "Life Of Pi",
"Beautifully mesmerizing experience, emotionally captured." Now lets read your YouTube comment
A TEN and a NINE for "Life Of Pi"... your admiration for this picture was unanimous,
with everyone giving praise to the visual style, you thought it was AMAZING. There were
only a few issues I had with this otherwise incredibly solid motion picture that truly
dazzled with its unique imagery, and fascinating story. I thought it was AWESOME.