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  • Hi there, my name is Egils and I am dance teacher.

  • Today we gonna talk about Waltz Basic. If you want to learn three Basic Waltz Routines

  • then stay tuned and watch this video till the end.

  • Now we will show you Basic Waltz Routine including Closed Telemark and Open Impetus.

  • This is Silver Level Routine.

  • Natural Turn - Open Impetus - Wing - Closed Telemark - Natural Turn.

  • 123 - 123 - 123 - 123 -123 - 123

  • Waltz Music

  • We will show you Basic Waltz Routine including Open Telemark. This is Silver Level Routine.

  • Natural Spin Turn - 4-6 of Reverse Turn - Open Telemark - Wing - Chasse to Right - Outside Change - Chasse from PP

  • 123 - 123 -123 -123 - 123 - 12&3 - 123 - 12&3

  • Waltz Music

  • You will see exiting Routine in Waltz including Double Reverse Spin.

  • This is Gold level Routine.

  • Running Natural Spin Turn - Outside Change to PP - Wing - Double Reverse Spin - Double Reverse Spin - Open Telemark - Chasse from PP

  • 123 - 1&23 - 123 - 123 - 12&3 - 12&3 - 123 - 12&3

  • Waltz Music

  • Was this video helpful to you? If you have some questions about Waltz basics, please,

  • put there your questions in comment box. I'II be happy to answer your questions.

  • Don't forget SUBSCRIBE to my Channel.

  • You will find there many good ideas for your teaching or for your dancing.

  • And as always thanks for watching and happy dancing!

Hi there, my name is Egils and I am dance teacher.


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B2 中高級 英國腔

如何跳華爾茲舞--基本舞步 10 (How To Dance Waltz - Basic Routines 10)

  • 99 8
    Peiyu Chuang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日