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  • The next recipe we're about to do

  • is about being all man.

  • I'm going to make some beautiful fairy cakes. So, let's get on with the recipe. Dead simple.

  • Okay.

  • First things first let's go two eggs. Two eggs in the bowl. Nice free range eggs, these are large eggs.

  • Straight in.

  • So I want about eight heaped tablespoons of nice golden unrefined sugar,

  • so that goes in first.

  • I quite like using tablespoons

  • when they are kind of quick recipes, you know - instead of getting the scales out.

  • And then I want eight heaped tablespoons of self-raising flour.

  • Really simple recipe,

  • two eggs,

  • eight

  • and eight.

  • One twenty five grams of butter, just dice it in like that.

  • So this is the basic mix done, okay, now we want to just flavor it nicely. So for that I'm

  • going to use an orange and a lemon and then what I want to do is just run

  • the orange down

  • like that and what you'll find is it takes of the fine,

  • beautiful, sort of

  • fragrant zest.

  • Then the lemon,

  • this can go straight in to our batter mix here -

  • get your spoon in there give it a good old mix up. So you've got a basic, kind of batter

  • like that. Sometimes what I do just to sort of even pimp that flavor a little bit more is just get

  • an orange or a lemon and just put a tiny bit of that juice in,

  • just a tiny bit, just to loosen up the batter

  • it's not really gonna change the recipe per se but it just puts a little bit of

  • fragrance in there

  • as well.

  • So just give that one last little mix.

  • Lovely.

  • And you know what, if there's a few little bits of butter

  • in little chunks don't worry about them, leave them in there, they will melt.

  • I've got myself some nice tartan cupcake moulds, nice thing is these days

  • you can kind of get all different ones. Obviously this suits my nature, it's pink.

  • So if I just get my spoon and just sort of

  • fill it up just underneath the top like that.

  • So just

  • divide out your batter

  • just finished dividing

  • those amongst here.

  • Beautiful.

  • Okay look at those

  • beautiful, they are going to rise and go gorgeous and I'll show you how to check if they're cooked

  • in a little bit.

  • We've got some one's we've made earlier,

  • so simple. Once they've had fifteen minutes get yourself a little knife

  • put into the middle of our little fairy cake.

  • Count to three, if it comes out and it's clean happy days your in a good place.

  • Let's get making some toppings, take any fruit - I've got blackberries,

  • and uh... raspberries here. So first things first get yourself a punnet of raspberries

  • like this.

  • You could use half a punnet if you wanted too,

  • but enough to really get some decent colour and flavour going.

  • Add a gesture of sugar,

  • you can use icing sugar if you want,

  • a heaped teaspoon.

  • Get a fork and just crush this out,

  • and of course you get that reflective beautiful,

  • you know, colour and flavour.

  • It just screams out,

  • screams out fun and cooking.

  • Any fruit, kiwi - mash it up.

  • You know, in the winter, when it's miserable instead of buying horrible strawberries

  • get some nice pear.

  • Also, if I just get some Philadelphia

  • I'm going to put half in each, there's no real rules here,

  • and then

  • just scrunch it up like this.

  • Notice I'm just mixing the bulk of the juice into one side

  • and then I'll just gonna mix into each other so you got like, black, you've got quite dark

  • and then you've got white bits here as well. So I quite like half whisking it,

  • just get your fork

  • splurge it

  • squash it down

  • and then some of that - look at that, rustic blackberry -

  • look at that.

  • Bosh

  • The colour is incredible.

  • The just put some of these fruits in, you could even swap them over. Put a blackberry

  • on the raspberry one, there's no rules of course. So look at that, absolutely

  • brilliant

  • loads of fun. That, go around someones house - cup of tea, bit of cake - kids birthday party...

  • come on!

The next recipe we're about to do


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傑米-奧利弗的美味仙女蛋糕 (Jamie Oliver's zesty fairy cakes)

  • 317 38
    Miragi She 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日