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  • The F and V consonant sounds. These two sounds are paired together because they take the

  • same mouth position. FF is unvoiced, meaning only air passes through the mouth, and vv

  • is voiced, meaning, uh, uh, vv, you're making a sound with the vocal cords. To make this

  • sound, the bottom lip raises and touches the very bottom of the top front teeth. Ff, vv.

  • You don't want to see your bottom lip disappear like that. It's actually the back side of

  • the lip that's making contact with the teeth, ff, vv. Here is a photo of the F and V consonant

  • sounds on the right compared with the mouth at rest. Here parts of the mouth are drawn

  • in. The soft palate is raised for these consonant sounds. The bottom lip simply raises to touch

  • the top teeth. The tongue touches lightly behind the bottom teeth. Sample words. Fan/van,

  • fault/vault, photo/vote. Sample sentence: They served a very fresh oven-baked flounder

  • fillet. Now you'll see this sentence up close and in slow motion, both straight on and

  • from an angle, so you can really study how the mouth moves when making this sound. They,

  • tongue comes through the teeth for the TH sound. Served, here is the R consonant sound,

  • and now watch the bottom move up for the V. A very, again, the V sound, bottom lip up.

  • Fresh. The bottom lip once again makes the F sound, and the SH lip position. Oven, with the V

  • sound. Baked, lips together for the B. Flounder, bottom lip up for the F. And fillet.

  • Again, the bottom lip up for the F position.

  • The 'ay' as in 'say' diphthong. They, tongue through the teeth for the TH sound, and the

  • 'ay' as in 'say' diphthong. Served, R position and then the bottom lip moves up for the V. A very,

  • bottom lip up for the V. Fresh, bottom lip up to make the F sound, Fresh. Mouth takes

  • the SH position. Oven, bottom lip up to make the V sound. Lips together for the B in baked.

  • Back of the tongue up to make the kk sound. Flounder, bottom lip up for the F sound.

  • The 'ow' as in 'now' diphthong. And again the bottom lip up to make the F in fillet. Fillet

  • with the 'ay' as in 'say' diphthong.

  • That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

The F and V consonant sounds. These two sounds are paired together because they take the


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B1 中級

英語。F和V輔音的發音方法。美國口音 (English: How to Pronounce F and V consonants: American Accent)

  • 47 19
    Sam 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日