字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 ♫ I have permission to do it I want, I do it I want ♫ ♫我有權利決定我要做什麼,我有權自己決定未來♫ Hey there, it’s Marie Forleo and you’re watching MarieTV, the most beautiful place 嘿各位,我是瑪莉.芙萊奧(美國跨多行業專家),你正在收看的是Marie TV,這裡能讓你 to be if you want a business and a life that you love. And today is one of the best days 學會創造你所熱愛的事業與生活,今天是一周當中最棒的一天了 of the week. It’s Tuesday. It’s Q&A Tuesday and that means Q’s and A’s and today’s 沒錯,就是星期二!又到了星期二你問我答時間,這表示我們會新的問題待我為你解惑 Q comes from Ajah and she writes: 今天的問題來自雅賈,上面寫道: “Hi Marie, how are you? I’m a 15 year old girl from Montreal, Canada. First I’d 「嗨瑪莉,妳好嗎?我是一個來自加拿大蒙特婁的15歲女孩,首先 like to say thank you for your videos; they really help me. Smiley face. Here’s my Q, 非常謝謝妳做那些影片,它們真的幫了我許多,:D,我的問題是 a lot of times I feel like I’m not needed and I’m useless and a mistake and an ugly 很多時候我會覺得自己不被需要、像個廢人、生下來就是個錯誤,我長得也不好看 girl. I’m so alone and it feels like I’m drowning and cannot breathe. Is there a way 我覺得很孤單,這種感受常壓得我難以喘息,有沒有方法 that you can help me and other kids out there who go through the same thing? Love, Ajah.” 能幫助我還有其他小朋友,解決這樣的困境呢?雅賈敬上」 Ajah, this is a really important question and before we get into the answer I wanna 雅賈,這是非常重要的人生課題,在回答妳的問題之前,我想先告訴妳 tell you 5 things that I know about you as a human being just by reading your question. 在看完妳的問題之後,我在妳這個人身上找到的 5 件偉大特質 Number one, you are so brave. You shared something publicly that’s clearly painful for you 第一點,妳非常的勇敢,妳向大家表現出妳內心痛苦難受的一面 right now. Number two, you are kind and you’re considerate. First of all, you asked how I’m 再來第二,妳很善良也很體貼,首先,妳即使是處在低潮時 doing when you’re having a really rough time and you also included the phonetic pronunciation 還是很親切地向我問候,還很體貼地在妳的名字下面 of your name, which is unique, and you did that so I wouldn’t have to stumble figuring 附上音標,這點還滿酷,因為這樣我就不會為了發音的問題 out how to pronounce it. Number three, you are a really gifted communicator. You asked 弄半天,第三點,妳其實是個非常有天賦的溝通高手,妳問問題時 your question so succinctly and out of all of the thousands of questions I get yours 非常地簡明扼要,在我收過成千上萬的問題當中,妳是我頭一個 was one of the first that I didn't have to shorten. You’re also a leader because you’re 不太需要縮短問題的人,第四,妳同時也是一位領導者,因為 asking this question not just for yourself but on behalf of all other kids that go through 妳問題不只是為了自己,更是代表其他正在面臨同樣 this too. And finally, you are an action taker. You know, not everybody who feels the way 困境的孩子,再來最後,妳是個付諸行動的人,妳知道嗎,並不是每個人遇到問題時 that you do would actually write the email and send it in to get help. So that’s something 都會像妳一樣寫電子郵件並送出,來尋求幫助,所以光是這點 you should really take pride in. 妳就應該引以為傲 When I was a teenager, I often felt the same way that you do. I remember thinking that 當我還年輕的時候,我也曾經像妳一樣,我都還記得我那時候 my eyes were too far apart, that I had way too much arm hair, I had braces, I had glasses, 覺得自己雙眼太開,我手上的體毛太濃密,我戴牙套,還戴著一副書呆眼鏡 and I often hated the way that I looked. But I wanna tell you something that I wish someone 我曾經很討厭我的外表,但我要告訴妳,我多希望我在妳這個年紀的時候 told me when I was your age. You know, we all have this voice in our head that says 也能有人這麼告訴我,妳知道,在我們心裡總是會一直有股聲音 mean things to us, but as Eckhart Tolle teaches us, you have a mind but you are not your mind. 在批判自己,但就如艾克哈特·托勒教我們的:「你有你的內心想法,但它絕不能完全代表你」(譯註: Eckhart Tolle是美國最受歡迎的心靈作家) In other words, that voice in your head that calls you ugly and useless, that voice is 換句話說,在妳心裡不斷告訴妳很醜又沒用的那股聲音,其實它並不是 not you Ajah, and it’s not true. Some people like to call that voice our ego, other people 真正的妳,更不是真實的,有些人會將這股內心的聲音稱作「自我」,也有的人 call it our monkey mind. I like to think about it like a radio station that plays in all 稱之為「如猴子般騷動不安的心」,我自己會把它想成是一個在我們頭腦裡 of our heads in the background and that radio station is called W-KRAP FM. 不停在背後播音的廣播電臺,我稱它為「W-KRAP FM廣播電臺」(譯註: krap音近crap,瑪莉這邊暗指一整天都在傳送負面訊息的電臺) Look Ajah, I know that we’re poking a little bit of fun here, but this is something that 聽著雅賈,我知道剛剛稍微開了點小玩笑,但我非常希望妳能了解的 I really want you to get. That voice doesn't know Jack. Seriously. Who you are is the awareness 重點是,妳內心的那股聲音根本就不能代表什麼,我講真的,妳要意識到真正的妳 beyond that voice. And one of the secrets to happiness in life is to train yourself 絕不是靠妳內心的聲音說什麼就這麼定,生命中獲取幸福的秘密之一,就是要訓練妳自己 to recognize when you’re listening to that voice, it really is crap radio. And here’s 能辨識出內心的那股負面聲音,它還真是垃圾廣播電臺!重點來了 the thing, that voice seems to pop up for all of us throughout our entire life and the 這股內心的聲音會不斷出現在我們的生活裡,躲都躲不掉 real secret is to recognize when you’re listening to crap radio and then change the 真正的秘訣就在於當你發現到這個垃圾電臺(負面內心聲音)時,記得趕快 station. These three tips will help. 轉臺,以下 3 招或許對你有用 Number one is meditate on the daily. I know we’ve talked about this before, but it is 第一招,每天記得冥想,我知道這之前就提過,但它真的是 so important. I’ve been meditating since I was 17 and it has completely changed my 太重要了,我從17歲開始就在冥想,它也真的完完全全改變了我的 life. Every single time that you meditate you strengthen your connection to your true 人生,每一次冥想,就能更有效幫助你找尋到那個真我 self, not to crap radio. And the other thing is, every time you meditate you strengthen 而不是垃圾電臺(負面內心聲音),還有另一個好處就是,之後垃圾電臺(負面內心聲音)再找上門時 your ability to disengage from crap radio whenever it comes up. You know, you don't 你就有能力斷絕與它的牽連,你不用 need to do a ton. Again, I usually do 10 minutes a day, more if I have time. But if you wanna 做太多冥想,我一天大概只冥想 10 分鐘,有時間我就會拉長時間,如果你想要 check it out, there is boatloads of research that proves scientifically how beneficial 證據,有一拖拉庫的科學研究數據都指出冥想 meditation is for your mind, your body, and your soul. 對你的心靈、身體以及靈魂都很有幫助 Number two is you can help someone. So one of the best ways to disengage from crap radio 第二招,從幫助他人做起,最有效摒除內心負面聲音的方式之一 is to actually engage with the world around you. So Asia, maybe you can help someone else 就是努力關懷這世界,所以呢雅賈,妳可以試著從 with their homework or give someone a genuine compliment. You know, if you enjoyed hearing 協助他人功課或給予對方誠摯的讚美開始做起,妳知道嗎,如果妳聽完 those five great things about you maybe you want to write down five great things about 妳 5 個偉大優點覺得很高興的話,那妳或許也會想將他人 5 個很棒的優點 somebody else onto a card and send it to them. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get that? 寫在卡片上然後寄給他們,我說這樣做,誰會不想被讚美呢? Number three is change the station, and I mean literally change the station. If you 第三招,轉臺收聽,而我指的真的是字面上的意思,如果你 find yourself listening to crap radio I want you to change the station and put on some 發現內心負面聲音又再做怪,建議你打開電臺,聽點 killer music and dance it out. In fact, I think we should do that right now. 殺手音樂,然後盡情舞擺,其實啊,我真覺得我們現在就該來做 But seriously Ajah, crank up those tunes and get moving. It’s really important that you 講句實在話啦,雅賈,終結妳內心的負面聲音、把它趕跑就對了!做到心靈與身體的相互結合 make the mind-body connection. Any time that you exercise, which, yes, includes dance, 其實是非常重要的一件事!無論你何時運動,當然跳舞也是種運動 you’re gonna release all of these endorphins that will completely change how you feel about 你就會釋放腦內的內啡肽,並且大大改變你對自我 (譯註: endorphin又作腦內啡,是人在快樂的時候,腦內會產生帶來快感的激素) yourself and the world around you. 以及周遭人事物的感受 So as we wrap up I wanna leave you with one last idea that I want you to take into the 最後在影片結束之前,我想再分享一個觀念給你們,希望你們能將它 rest of your life and, yes, it’s a tweetable. 帶進你們的生活中,沒錯,是推特轉發訊息 That mean voice in your head is not you and not true. 「你內心的那股負面聲音,絕對不是真的,更不會是真實的你」 That was my A to your Q, please keep in touch with us and let us know how it goes. Now I 以上就是我針對妳的問題,提出的解答,別忘了繼續和我們保持聯繫,讓我們知道後續發展 would love to hear from you. Did you ever feel like Ajah does? Or do you feel that way 現在我想聽聽看你們的想法,你是否曾和雅賈有過相同感受?或者你現在正在面臨 now? How do you deal with crap radio? And, of course, if you have something special that 當中?你怎麼處理心裡那股負面聲音?當然如果你還有什麼話 you wanna tell Ajah, please let her know in the comments below. 想告訴雅賈的,也請在下面留言讓她知道 And for extra credit, you should copy and paste the prompt below so you can share 5 另外呢,你也可以複製貼上下面的標記提示(#5GreatThings),以分享你 great things about somebody you know. 所認識的人當中最偉大的 5 項特質 As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at MarieForleo.com, so go 如往常一樣,每一集結束後,在MarieForieo.com網站裡,都會出現熱烈的討論 on over and leave a comment now. 所以現在就請你到網站上,留下你的想法吧 What’d you think? Did you like this video? If so, consider subscribing to our channel 覺得怎麼樣?還喜歡這部影片嗎?如果你喜歡,不妨訂閱我們的頻道 and we would be so appreciative if you shared this with your friends. And if you want even 若能將它分享給你的朋友們那當然是再好不過了,如果你想要 more great resources to create a business and life that you love plus some personal 更多超讚的資源去創造你熱愛的事業及生活,或者想要我 insights from me that I only get to talk about in email, come on over to MarieForleo.com 只會在email裡提到的個人洞見的話,那就來MarieForleo.com網站 and make sure you sign up for email updates. 並且註冊以利收取電子報 Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special 繼續闖蕩你的事業,並繼續朝著你的夢想邁進,因為這世界正需要 gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time 你那獨一無二的天賦,非常感謝你的收看,我們下回再於 on MarieTV. Marie TV相見
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 多益 內心 電臺 聲音 負面 冥想 【MarieTV】當你覺得自己沒用或孤獨的時候,該怎麼做? (What to Do When You Feel Useless and Alone) 31216 1881 Adam Huang 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 25 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字