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  • Bish, l thinkyou better come over here.

  • [Whistler] Carl, you got your little black book?

  • Give me the number for something impossible to access.

  • Okay. What about this?

  • Federal Reserve transfer node, Culpepper, Virginia.

  • Yeah, sure. Good luck.

  • [Whistler] That'll do. Punch it in.

  • Okay. We won't get in.

  • lt's encypted.

  • See?

  • Mother, that Iast contact.

  • [Whistler Gasps ]

  • Look at this, boys.

  • Anybodywant to shut down the Federal Reserve?

  • [ Carl Chuckling ]

  • Hey, don't screw around with that thing!

  • [ Whistler] Carl, what else you got?

  • Okay.

  • Here we come. Hey, Mother.

  • Probing.

  • Wow. Unbelievable.

  • [ Whistler] Anybodywant to black out New England? Carl, what else?

  • - Air traffic control system. - Hmm.

  • Okay, Mother.

  • Oh, my God.

  • [ Mother ] How is this possible?

  • Cyptography systems are based on mathematical problems...

  • so complex they cannot be solved without a key.

  • Janek figured out a way to solve those problems without the key,

  • - and he hard-wired it into that chip. - Turn it off.

  • - Want to crash a couple ofpassengerjets? - l said turn it off.

  • Turn it om.

  • So it's a code-breaker.

  • No, it'sthgcode-breaker.

  • No more secrets.

  • Honey, you and Melissa getyour things.

Bish, l thinkyou better come over here.


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B1 中級

運動鞋 (4/9)電影剪輯 - No More Secrets (1992) HD (Sneakers (4/9) Movie CLIP - No More Secrets (1992) HD)

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