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  • The Y consonant sound. To make this sound, the mid/front part of the tongue raises and

  • presses against the roof of the mouth about here. The tip of the tongue comes down and

  • lightly touches behind the bottom front teeth, yy, yy, while the throat closes off to give

  • the Y sound that yy, yy quality. Here's a photo of the Y consonant sound on the right

  • compared with the mouth at rest. And here parts of the mouth are drawn in. The soft

  • palate is raised on this sound. The tongue stretches towards the roof of the mouth. Here

  • it is not shown touching the roof of the mouth because there is a passage down the middle

  • of the tongue that does not touch the roof of the mouth. This is where the sound travels.

  • The sides of the top of the tongue do press against the roof of the mouth. Sample words:

  • yeah, yard, yield, yogurt. Sample sentence: Did you buy the yellow kayak yesterday? Now

  • you will see this sentence up close and in slow motion, both straight on and from an

  • angle, so you can really study how the mouth moves when making this sound. Did, the tongue

  • tip up and the teeth closed for the D. And now the tongue goes straight into the Y here,

  • so the tongue is pressed against the roof of the mouth, 'oo' as in 'boo' sound, did

  • you. Lips together for the B, buy, with the 'ai' as in 'buy' diphthong. The, tongue through

  • the teeth. Yellow, mid-front part of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth. Tongue through

  • the teeth for the L. Kayak, now it's spelled with a Y, but it's actually the 'ai' as in

  • 'buy' diphthong, so the tongue doesn't raise quite high enough to press the roof of the

  • mouth. Yesterday, teeth together to make the S, the R consonant sound, day. Did. Tongue

  • tip up to the roof of the mouth and the teeth closed for the D sound. You, now here the

  • tongue is pressing the roof of the mouth and the lips are making the 'oo' as in 'boo'.

  • Lips together for the B, buy, with the 'ai' as in 'buy' diphthong. The, tongue tip through

  • the teeth, Yellow, tongue front-mid pressing against the roof of the mouth and the tongue

  • tip through for the L. Kayak, spelled with a Y but it is the 'ai' as in 'buy' diphthong,

  • -yak, and the tongue raises for the Y in yesterday. Lips form the R shape, yester-day. Tongue

  • tip up for the D and back down for the 'ay' as in 'say' diphthong. That's it, and thanks

  • so much for using Rachel's English.

The Y consonant sound. To make this sound, the mid/front part of the tongue raises and


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A2 初級

英語。如何發音Y[j]輔音。美國口音 (English: How to Pronounce the Y [j] consonant: American Accent)

  • 124 20
    Sam 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日