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Before we start to write the program we first need to select a name that is representative
of the facilities shown here. Within this machine we have these two level
switches and this stop switch, these are the machine's inputs;
the outputs are these two pumps, the mixer and this valve.
If the “Low level”, “high level” and “stop” switches are connected respectively
to the “first”, “second” and “third” inputs of the PLC input module, their addresses
in sequence will be: “I 0.0” , “ I 0.1” and “ I 0.2” .
Similarly, if pumps one and two, the mixer and the valve are connected respectively to
outputs one to four of the PLC's output module, their addresses will be “Q 4.0”, “Q
4.1”, “Q 4.2” and “Q 4.3” sequentially. OK now that we know all the addresses of the
inputs and outputs, we can go to the option menu and open the symbol table" to give each
address a representative name”. We enter the name “L_LEVEL” for the "low
level" switch and leave the type as Boolean because the switch is digital.
We continue naming the addresses with representative names until all addresses have a name, then
we save the table and navigate back to the "OB1"
OK so as we said before, we want this switch here and both pumps to be energized when the
level of the liquid in the tank drops to the minimum.
We do this by inserting an "SR” flip-flop from the “bit logic” folder here.
The functions of the flip-flop are quite basic. It has two inputs and one output; when the
"set" input is energized, the "Q" output is true, and when the" reset" input is energized,
the "Q" output is false. So now we are going to add two coils, one
will be assigned the address of pump number 1 and the other will be assigned the address
of pump number 2. In order to turn on the two pumps when the
"low level" switch is energized, we place an open contact here and assign to it the
address of the "low level” switch. As we know already, the switch has an open
contact inside it, and when the level of the liquid in the tank drops to the minimum, a
24 volt signal is sent to the “I 0.0” input causing this contact to be closed and
the "set" input to be energized, resulting in the two pumps being turned on.
Now that our pumps are running, at what point should they be shut down?
Well, as we said before the pumps should run until the level of the liquid in the tank
rises to its maximum when the "high level" switch is energized.
So let's insert another open contact here and assign it the address of the "high level"
switch. So now when the switch is energized both pumps will be shut down.
We also add the address of a memory bit here for the flip-flop.
OK so after the tank has been filled and the pumps shut down, we want this mixer to start
up automatically to mix the liquid in the tank for seven seconds.
So first we need to add a new network here then insert an “extended pulse timer”
here, giving it an address of "T0." Now we add an open contact here for the "set"
input, assigning it the address of the "high level" switch, and then we add a coil here
for the output giving it the address of the mixer.
Now we need to set the duration of time for the mixer to run in the "time valve" input,
using "S5 Time" formatting. In our case we want to enter 7 seconds, so
first we enter "S5T," then the "#" sign, and then "7s" which represents 7 seconds.
We also need to add an open contact and assign it the address of the valve for the "reset"
input. Now with these settings, when the "high level"
switch is energized, the mixer will be turned on and run for seven seconds.
So because the "reset" input has an open contact with the address of the valve, the mixer can
never be energized while the discharge valve is open and liquid is being discharged from
the tank. Now, what should happen after the mixer is
turned off? That's right! The discharge valve should open to discharge the liquid from the
tank to be used elsewhere in the factory. So now we need to insert a new network and
insert another "SR" flip-flop here. Now, which one of the outputs do we need to
turn on with this flip-flop? Yes, it's the valve that we need to activate
with this instruction. So we place a coil in the flip-flop output, assigning it the
address of the valve. Now, when exactly should this valve be energized,
or in other words when should the valve open? Right again! As we said earlier, the valve
should open after the tank has been filled and the mixer has finished mixing the liquids.
So we need to insert an open contact for the "high level" switch here and following that
we insert a closed contact for the mixer. With these settings, when the tank is full
and the mixer is off, the valve will open. So how long will the valve stay open?
Well, it will remain open until level of the liquid drops to the minimum set level, which
means the tank is fully discharged at this point.
So which one of these facilities will be energized when the level reaches the minimum? Right!
The "low level" switch. So we should insert an open contact into the “reset" input so
that when the switch is energized, the valve will be closed.
We also assign an address of “M 0.1” to the flip-flop memory
OK our program is almost complete but we also have a “stop" switch here.
Stop switches normally remain closed. This means that the contact within the switch usually
remains closed allowing the signal to pass through them. When the switch is pushed, the
contact is opened and the signal is disconnected. The stop switch here is normally closed too,
so we can add a closed contact on the "reset" input of this flip-flop, and we can also copy
and paste it for the other networks. With these settings, when the stop switch
is pressed, all outputs will be turned off. So that completes the programming, now we
can save our program and move on to test it. Here, because we are using "PCS7" instead
of "STEP 7" this download icon is disabled, so we need to go to the SIMATIC Manager and
click on this icon in the toolbar to open the "online" window.
In the window, open the "block" folder and drag the "OB1" from the offline window to
the online window like this.... The offline window contains our computer's
data and the online window contains the PLC's data.
This “HMI Station” has been added to the project tree because we are going to use “WinCC
flexible” to test the program in addition to the “PLC Simulator” but it is not imperative
to use this station, you can test the program using the “PLC Simulator” alone.
OK now we are going to put the CPU into "RUN" mode and then put the program into "online"
mode. We know that the "stop" switch is normally
closed so we need to close it manually in the simulator before we can test the program.
So to start, we first energize the "low level" switch and as expected pump numbers 1 and
2 are both turned on. Note that in the simulator the relevant outputs
of “Q 4.0” and “Q 4.1” are now "true" and illustrated in this graphic you can see
both pumps are turned on, and are pumping liquid into the tank.
When the liquid rises past the level of the "low level" switch and it stops being energized,
the pumps will continue operating because the tank is not yet full.
When the level of the liquid rises to the maximum, the "high level" switch is energized,
which turns off the pumps and starts the timer. Here you can see that the mixer is going to
be turned on for 7 seconds and after it has been shut down the discharge valve will be
opened automatically. This process continues until the level of
the liquid drops to the minimum again. At this point the low level switch will be energized
again, the valve will be closed and the pumps will be turned on, thus repeating the cycle.
At any point during the machine's operation if we press the "stop" button all the outputs
are turned off, as you see here. OK so in this lesson we learned how to write
a program to control this machine automatically using an “S7 300” PLC and “STEP 7”
software. Thank you very much for watching this video!
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