字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 -All right. Let's get to work. -Hey, Roman. You freaking out? -No. -Yes, you are. -Can somebody just walk me through what we're supposed to be doing? -Just when you didn't think it could get any better, huh? -Here we go. -Hell yeah! Oh, [BLEEP]. -Hook him up. [GUNSHOTS] [SCREECHING TIRES] -Brian, you're up! -I'm going to get you out of here. You're going to have to jump! [SCREAMING] [CREAKING] -Dominic Toretto. You don't know me. You're about to. -Looks like the sins of London have followed us home. -Remember Owen Shaw? This is his big, bad brother. -We're being hunted. -One last ride. [MUSIC DILLON FRANCIS, "GET LOW"] -Now we're talking. -Daddy's got to go to work. -This is a world that doesn't play by your rules. Like it or not, you and friends are a part of it now. -I don't have friends. I got family.
A2 初級 美國腔 速度與激情7|官方預告片 (2014) 保羅-沃克 Vin Diesel Dwayne Johnson (Fast & Furious 7 | official trailer (2014) Paul Walker Vin Diesel Dwayne Johnson) 3096 126 Noelle Hsieh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字