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In 2008, something incredible happened: a man was cured of HIV.
在 2008 年發生了神奇的事情:一個男人的「人類免疫缺陷病毒」 (HIV) 被治好了
In over 70 million HIV cases, that was a first and, so far, a last.
在超過 7,000 萬筆 HIV 病例中這是首件,至今也是最後一件
We don't yet understand exactly how he was cured.
We can cure people of various diseases, such as malaria and hepatitis C,
我們可以治好很多種疾病像是瘧疾或是 C 型肝炎
so why can't we cure HIV?
Well, first let's examine how HIV infects people
首先讓我們來檢視HIV 對人體的影響
and progresses into AIDS.
以及如何進化成愛滋病 (AIDS)
HIV spreads through exchanges of bodily fluids.
HIV 會透過體液交換散播出去
Unprotected sex and contaminated needles are the leading cause of transmission.
It, fortunately, cannot spread through air, water, or casual contact.
Individuals of any age, sexual orientation, gender and race
can contract HIV.
都可能會感染到 HIV
Once inside the body, HIV infects cells that are part of the immune system.
一但進入了體內,HIV 會影響免疫系統的部分細胞
It particularly targets helper T cells,
它又特別針對輔助 T 細胞
which help defend the body against bacterial and fungal infections.
HIV is a retrovirus,
HIV 是一種「反轉錄病毒」
which means it can write its genetic code into the genome of infected cells,
co-opting them into making more copies of itself.
During the first stage of HIV infection,
在第一階段的 HIV 感染期間
the virus replicates within helper T cells,
病毒在輔助 T 細胞裡面做複製
destroying many of them in the process.
在過程裡摧毀掉大量的輔助 T 細胞
During this stage, patients often experience flu-like symptoms,
but are typically not yet in mortal danger.
However, for a period ranging from a few months to several years,
during which time the patient may look and feel completely healthy,
the virus continues to replicate and destroy T cells.
病毒繼續在複製本身並摧毀輔助 T 細胞
When T cell counts drop too low,
當輔助 T 細胞的數量下降到太低時
patients are in serious danger of contracting deadly infections
that healthy immune systems can normally handle.
This stage of HIV infection is known as AIDS.
這階段的 HIV 感染就是你我熟知的愛滋病
The good news is there are drugs that are highly effective
at managing levels of HIV
在控制 HIV 的程度有高度成效
and preventing T cell counts from getting low enough for the disease to progress to AIDS.
並防止輔助 T 細胞的數量降低到足以讓病情演變成愛滋病
With antiretroviral therapy,
most HIV-positive people can expect to live long and healthy lives,
大部分的 HIV 陽性反應者能預期活得長久又健康
and are much less likely to infect others.
However, there are two major catches.
One is that HIV-positive patients must keep taking their drugs for the rest of their lives.
第一、 HIV 陽性反應患者在往後的日子裡一定要持續服藥
Without them, the virus can make a deadly comeback.
So, how do these drugs work?
The most commonly prescribed ones prevent the viral genome from being copied
and incorporated into a host cell's DNA.
及被整合進宿主細胞的 DNA 裡頭
Other drugs prevent the virus from maturing or assembling,
causing HIV to be unable to infect new cells in the body.
造成 HIV 無法感染身體的新細胞
But HIV hides out somewhere our current drugs cannot reach it:
但是 HIV 深藏於最新藥方仍無法碰觸的某處:
inside the DNA of healthy T cells.
健康的輔助 T 細胞的 DNA 裡面
Most T cells die shortly after being infected with HIV.
大部分的輔助 T 細胞感染到 HIV 很快就會死亡
But in a tiny percentage,
the instructions for building more HIV viruses lie dormant,
製造更多 HIV 病毒的指令會潛伏
sometimes for years.
So even if we could wipe out every HIV virus from an infected person's body,
因此即便我們可以將所有的 HIV 病毒趕出受感染者的身體
one of those T cells could activate and start spreading the virus again.
潛伏指令的輔助 T 細胞能激活並再次開始傳播病毒
The other major catch is that not everyone in the world has access to the therapies that could save their lives.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for over 70% of HIV patients worldwide,
在亞薩哈拉非洲有著世界上超過 70% 的 HIV 病患
antiretrovirals reached only about one in three HIV-positive patients in 2012.
2012 年抗反轉錄病毒療法只能及於大約1/3 的 HIV 陽性反應病患
There is no easy answer to this problem.
A mix of political, economic and cultural barriers
makes effective prevention and treatment difficult.
And even in the U.S., HIV still claims more than 10,000 lives per year.
即便在美國每年 HIV 照樣奪走一萬多條人命
However, there is ample cause for hope.
Researchers may be closer than ever to developing a true cure.
One research approach involves
using a drug to activate all cells harboring the HIV genetic information.
利用藥物活化所有藏著 HIV 基因資訊的細胞
This would both destroy those cells and flush the virus out into the open,
where our current drugs are effective.
Another is looking to use genetic tools
to cut the HIV DNA out of cells genomes altogether.
把 HIV 的 DNA 全部趕出細胞的基因組
And while one cure out of 70 million cases may seem like terrible odds,
7,000 萬個案例裡才一個被治癒可能看起來是非常糟糕的機率
one is immeasurably better than zero.
We now know that a cure is possible,
and that may give us what we need to beat HIV for good.
這就可能帶給我們想永遠解決掉 HIV 所需要的東西