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  • I don't really have anything to say...

  • i-in here.

  • Look, I don't spend a lot of time in boardrooms.

  • Why don't we all adjourn this meeting...

  • to a place we're a little more familiar with, hmm?

  • All right, come on. Come on. Everybody in.

  • Ladies too. Don't be shy. Don't be shy.

  • Now, I want you all to go in those stalls and close the door.

  • Come on. Double up if you have to.

  • Milt, I'd like you in this one right over here.

  • Jonathan, this better be good. [Chuckles]

  • Okay, that's right. Go in. Take a seat.

  • Take a seat and close the doors. Excellent.

  • Now, at Harvard we call this...

  • field research.

  • Milt, will you please tell us what you see in front of you.

  • A door.

  • A Malkin door. [Chuckles] And what else?

  • - Who the hell wrote this? - Come on.

  • What does it say?

  • "Milt Malkin... is full of hot air."

  • Now, that...

  • is an advertising message.

  • Not necessarily the message we're trying to get across,

  • but a message.

  • You see, the average person spends seven and a half minutes of every day...

  • staring at the back of a bathroom door.

  • And we can write anything we want on 18% of those doors sold in America.

  • Why?

  • 'Cause we make 'em.

  • That's seven and a half minutes of every day,

  • three hundred and sixty-five days a year,

  • for an average life span of 72 years.

  • That's 3,280 hours of a captive audience...

  • at a time when they're most open to new ideas.

  • Because we all know...

  • that your major life decisions...

  • aren't made in the boardroom!

  • No. They're made...

  • in the bathroom.

  • [Milt] Yeah!

  • Jonathan!

I don't really have anything to say...


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A2 初級

機會來了 (8/10) 電影剪輯 - Boardroom to Bathroom (1990) HD (Opportunity Knocks (8/10) Movie CLIP - Boardroom to Bathroom (1990) HD)

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    fisher 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日