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  • My name is Luis Rosado, I'll be playing Trevor Drift. Trevor Drift is kind

  • of just like me, kind of quiet, to himself, very respectful. He's like a good kid, like

  • he has good morals. I try to play Trevor Drift more like me. I try to like just put myself

  • in those situations and see how I would act. I guess right now the beginning episodes is

  • everyone getting together, discovering our powers. Like ah me, I don t even know my powers

  • yet. I've been dancing for about ten years now. My style is B-Boy, and when I mean B-Boy

  • it's like foundational. I do a lot of traditional B-Boying moves mixed with very intricate new

  • school moves. My moves are very aggressive. It's all about pride. You you wanna feel the

  • best at all times. You wanna look the freshest you can look at all times. For me it's a

  • lifestyle, something I live. So imagine I wake up and yawn, stretch a little bit and

  • I start breaking, then eat breakfast, you know. It's like one of those things. I learned

  • on my own. I used to go on and print out like how to do the moves, you know. And

  • I'll take it to school and then I'll read it, and then when the teacher wasn't looking

  • I would like try and move. But I was really light on my feet so she would like turn around

  • and like nothing, I was back on my chair like this and like everyone was like losing it.

  • No one really physically taught me until way later, until I was more developed as a dancer.

  • And you wanna be a dancer that's versatile all around. Well that's my goal. I have air

  • power, ground power, I have footwork, I have blow ups, I do head spins. I can do like all

  • the moves pretty much. Yeah, I can't do thirty nineties, but I almost can. I'm getting

  • there. You can see my calluses. Dancing makes me feel untouchable really. Like it makes

  • me feel special that I actually mastered something. I love dancing. I don t have no furniture

  • in my house because it's strictly for dancing. I need my space to like whenever I want to

  • get down and dance. I think LXD will take dance to the next level. I've never done anything like

  • this in my life. It's pretty cool for me. Yo, this is big. This is gonna be pretty big.

My name is Luis Rosado, I'll be playing Trevor Drift. Trevor Drift is kind


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A2 初級 美國腔

的LXD - 滿足的演員英尺。路易斯 "Bboy Luigi" Pink [DS2DIO] (THE LXD - MEET THE CAST ft. Luis "Bboy Luigi" Rosado [DS2DIO])

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    王聖淯 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日