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  • The hotel was purchased in 2001.

  • But they re-opened in 2003, so there were a couple of years

  • of renovation--

  • The camp week was designed to immerse

  • these rising high school seniors into a one-week condensed

  • four-year program, and also to get

  • them engaged in the hospitality industry as a profession

  • and career.

  • It's a $3.5 trillion industry.

  • It's probably one of the largest in the world.

  • No matter what you do, where you go,

  • you're going to be involved in hospitality.

  • I really want to work in the hotel industry.

  • I could never picture myself like in an office sitting

  • all day.

  • It's nice to meet new people, and like

  • get a preview of what college is going to be like.

  • Ultimately, to be a manager you have to know how all processes

  • work effectively.

  • They had lectures on social media marketing.

  • They had lectures on event planning and marketing.

  • They had lectures on lodging operations.

  • But again, then they have to go visit all these places

  • and experience it.

  • --start working our way down and check out the spa--

  • We took a trip to the Wentworth by the Sea, a high-end Marriott

  • property in Newcastle, Hampshire.

  • And they toured the different pieces and parts

  • of the property to get a working understanding of what it's

  • like to run a four-star property.

  • This is kind of, you know, more historic.

  • But the rooms are definitely modern.

  • We went to another property that was called the Portsmouth

  • Hotel.

  • It's more of a 30-room moderate to upscale inn.

  • And so the students got to see two different ways of serving

  • the lodging and resort industry.

  • You can all come up here and pick a blueberry or two.

  • Part again of this week immersion into our program,

  • we went to Tuckaway Farm, because we

  • wanted them to understand this concept of where the food comes

  • from, what the work and effort is from a farmer.

  • And so they got that opportunity to create a meal

  • around stuff they actually either pulled out of the ground

  • right then and there or they could have actually said,

  • I touched and felt that when I was there.

  • Now I see how it comes to me.

  • Once again, you can kind feel.

  • You don't want them overdone.

  • The concept behind cooking at what you eat really

  • wasn't to teach them culinary skills.

  • We're not a culinary program.

  • I'll be the first to admit to that.

  • We're just another form of a business program,

  • except our focus and emphasis is on hospitality industry.

  • For us, we recognize again that concept of team building.

  • And so we wanted to make sure that using this cooking what

  • you eat was not about the culinary skills,

  • but about their learning to work in teams, to start this again

  • team concept that we wanted to demonstrate to them,

  • that in this industry working in teams and working together

  • is critical for their success.

  • It's been a really fun experience.

  • I know I've heard like a lot of kids say that they don't cook

  • and that they were nervous.

  • So it's like skills that we didn't

  • have before that we're going to take with us.

  • We had a generous donation that helped

  • us fund this tuition-free for these students for the next two

  • years.

  • I think this opportunity is incredible.

  • And I cannot even believe my luck that that happened.

  • I was like really excited to come here,

  • because I knew there was people that wanted me here.

  • I didn't just want to come here, you know?

  • It's a big confidence boost.

  • I'll be honest.

  • I'm like more sure now that it's something

  • that I would want to do and that UNH is somewhere

  • that I would want to come.

The hotel was purchased in 2001.


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A2 初級 美國腔

UNH酒店管理暑期課程 (UNH Hospitality Management Summer Program)

  • 393 22
    陳達元 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日