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  • So we're in the heart of Addis Ababa, and Plan Ethiopia has this wonderful

  • program

  • for urban farmers urban agricultural program.

  • There are about 1,700 families involved in this program

  • and as you can see, it's very intensive agriculture,

  • everything from hanging the planters

  • off the walls over up the

  • front yard of her home

  • to a very diversified mean any farmer in the world would be

  • quite impressed I think by what is happening here

  • because there's great diversification of the

  • things that are being grown.. the chard

  • and basil and herbs, and as you can see banana plants etc.

  • Plan starts this by giving high-grade seds to

  • these farmers so that they have a high

  • opportunity for success but then they just take over and do it all on their

  • own.

  • You'll see that there's even a water reservoir

  • because she's been so successful Plan Ethiopia provided a water reservoir

  • so that

  • she's able to keep the crops going during the dry weather

  • but this is a great example of a different type of business enterprise

  • so it's a condition of the assistance to being part of the program to be part of

  • the credit program

  • the village Savings and Loan so these urban farmers are all part of that

  • so that they're able to leverage their their work

  • and leverage their income as a result. They're able to make the

  • investments necessary.

  • This is a pretty self-sustaining little enterprise here,

  • with compost from home being used to fertilize etc.

  • High-quality seeds again being maintained

  • and as you can see the quality of the product is

  • is quite significant and so sales in the market are

  • good we're told and and thats pumping household income quite substantially.

  • So all of this is an important part of

  • being able to make sure that the household

  • is food secure and is economically secure.

So we're in the heart of Addis Ababa, and Plan Ethiopia has this wonderful


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B1 中級

衣索匹亞的城市農業 (Urban Farming in Ethiopia)

  • 134 15
    劉若凡 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日