字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 On the extensive grasslands of The Plains of Venezuela, 在委內瑞拉平原的廣闊草原上。 small patches of jungle provide oases for the local fauna. 小片的叢林為當地動物提供了綠洲。 These jungles are mere specks on the vast open plains, but during the dry season, 這些叢林只是廣袤的平原上的斑點,但在旱季。 when the heat turns the grasslands into an inferno, they are the only the shade, 當炎熱的天氣把草原變成了地獄,他們是唯一的陰涼。 the only refuge for many of the animals of this forgotten corner of the world. 在這個被遺忘的世界角落,許多動物的唯一避難所。 In the shelter of the forest, the animals find food and protection. 在森林的庇護下,動物們找到了食物和保護。 While out on the plains the abundance which follows the rains is soon replaced by the scarcity of the long dry season, 而在平原上,雨後的豐收很快就被漫長的旱季的匱乏所取代。 here, among the trees, it is always possible to find food, in the form of fruits, leaves and seeds. 在這裡,在樹木之間,它總是有可能找到食物,以水果,樹葉和種子的形式。 And with so many vegetarians around, hunters, naturally, are also drawn here. 而周圍有這麼多的素食者,獵人,自然也會被吸引到這裡來。 The "matas", as these small Venezuelan forests are called, also contain dangers. 這些委內瑞拉的小森林被稱為"matas",也包含著危險。 The shadows of the enormous trees provide relief from the burning sun, 巨大的樹影為我們緩解了烈日下的壓力。 but may also at times conceal death. 但有時也可能隱藏著死亡。 Our story begins here, in the heart of the forest. 我們的故事從這裡開始,在森林的中心。 In the shade of the impressive ceibas and mangos our heroine, a morrocoy tortoise, 在令人印象深刻的塞巴斯和芒果的樹蔭下,我們的女主角,一隻莫羅科伊龜。 is enjoying the abundance and the cool of the mata, 正享受著馬塔的豐盛和清涼。 little suspecting her luck is about to change. 小懷疑她的運氣要變了。 Though it is a species in danger of extinction, the morrocoys are a sought-after delicacy on the plains. 雖然它是一個瀕臨滅絕的物種,但在平原上,莫洛可伊是一種受人追捧的美味。 From time to time, people enter the forest in search of a change from their usual diet of rice and beans, 人們不時地進入森林,以尋求改變平時的米飯和豆類的飲食。 and the tortoises are both tasty and easy to catch. 而烏龜既好吃又容易抓。 Unaware that her life hangs by a thread, our heroine now begins an extraordinary journey. 我們的女主角不知道自己的生命已經岌岌可危,現在開始了一段不平凡的旅程。 The plains-dwellers cook them in their shells as soon as they get back to the village. 平原居民一回到村裡,就把它們放在殼裡煮。 But luck is on her side. 但運氣是站在她這邊的。 In her white prison, in a world she is incapable of understanding, 在她的白色監獄裡,在一個她無法理解的世界裡。 the morrocoy tortoise does not know she is about to discover the different worlds of the Plains of Venezuela. 摩羅科伊龜不知道自己即將發現委內瑞拉平原的不同世界。 It will be a long, dangerous journey to get back home. 要想回家,將是一段漫長而危險的旅程。 This is her story, the adventure of a voyage in search of paradise in hell. 這是她的故事,是一場在地獄中尋找天堂的冒險之旅。 During the hot months night comes as a great relief out on the open plains. 在炎熱的幾個月裡,夜晚在空曠的平原上顯得格外輕鬆。 For the plains dwellers, this is the time to sit around the fire and exchange their experiences of the day. 對於平原居民來說,這時候圍坐在火堆旁,交流一天的經歷。 Alcohol is passed round, relaxing both mind and body, and making them less alert. 酒精傳來傳去,身心都放鬆了,警惕性也降低了。 For the captured tortoise, their relaxed mood offers a chance to make a dash for freedom. 對於被抓的烏龜來說,它們輕鬆的心情為它們提供了一個衝向自由的機會。 With slow steps, she leaves behind certain death and escapes into the night. 她邁著緩慢的腳步,拋下必死之局,逃進了夜色中。 But her odyssey has just begun. 但她的奧德賽才剛剛開始。 Because far away from the forest, the plains are a constant survival test. 因為遠離森林,平原上的生存考驗不斷。 At dawn, life, until then hidden, again stirs on the vast open expanses. 在黎明時分,生命,直到那時被隱藏起來,再次在廣闊的開闊地上激盪。 Three hundred thousand square kilometres of apparently deserted horizons fill with living shadows. 三十萬平方公里明顯荒蕪的地平線,充滿了活生生的影子。 The animals take advantage of the hours before the heat sets in to eat and gather together. 動物們利用炎熱來臨前的幾個小時,吃東西,聚在一起。 The entire plain comes to life with the constant movement of thousands of living beings. 整個平原隨著成千上萬的生靈的不斷移動而變得生機勃勃。 The capybaras scare great flocks of red-billed whistling ducks, 薺菜嚇壞了大群的紅嘴哨鴨。 whose wing beats sound out over the swamps every day at dawn. 他的翅膀每天在黎明時分都會在沼澤地上響起。 They are just one part of the incredible community of birds on the plains, 它們只是平原上不可思議的鳥類社區的一部分。 where there are more different species than in the United States and England put together. 在那裡,有更多不同的物種比在美國和英國加起來。 The forest also comes to life at dawn, 黎明時分,森林也會變得生機勃勃。 and it does so with the cries of the howler monkeys. 而且它還用吼猴的叫聲來做。 This noisy communication between groups, marking out their territories, 這種群體之間的嘈雜交流,標出了他們的領地。 shows that no predator can reach them up in the treetops. 說明沒有任何捕食者能到達它們的樹梢。 But down below, on the ground, things are very different. 但在下面,在地面上,情況就大不相同了。 The peccaries are permanently on the alert. 啄木鳥長期處於警戒狀態。 They also take advantage of the cool hours around dawn to make short trips beyond the limits of the forest. 它們也會趁著黎明前後的涼爽時間,到森林的極限之外進行短途旅行。 It is a less frequented area, so it is easier to find fruits which have fallen from nearby trees; 這裡是人跡罕至的地方,所以比較容易找到附近樹上掉下來的果子。 a trophy which is often the cause of disputes. 獎盃,經常引起糾紛。 Beyond, stretches the sea of grass, a world open to the sun, 後面,是綿延的草海,是向陽的世界。 the natural habitat of animals adapted to these conditions, but an unknown world for a tortoise 適應這些條件的動物的自然棲息地,但對烏龜來說卻是一個未知的世界。 who has spent her entire life in the shade of the jungle. 她的一生都在叢林的陰影下度過。 Thinking only of returning home, 只想著回家。 the morrocoy tortoise sets out across the landscape of parched grasses, 莫羅科伊龜在乾枯的草地上出發。 unaware that attentive, yellow eyes are closely observing her. 殊不知一雙細心的黃眼睛正密切觀察著她。 A burrowing owl sees her approach his nest, and is not prepared to tolerate intruders. 一隻穴居貓頭鷹看到她接近自己的巢穴,並不準備容忍入侵者。 Under the ground, in a pleasant, cool tunnel, his chick is hidden, 地底下,在一條宜人的、涼爽的隧道里,藏著他的小雞。 and the owl plucks up his courage and tries to scare off the armoured stranger. 貓頭鷹鼓起勇氣,試圖嚇退鎧甲的陌生人。 The tortoise does not know what is happening. 烏龜不知道發生了什麼。 No bird in the forest in which she lived had ever attacked her. 在她生活的森林裡,沒有一隻鳥攻擊過她。 There, they all know that the morrocoys are inoffensive. 在那裡,他們都知道,莫洛可人是不進攻的。 But this is the open plain, and here any animal is a potential enemy. 但這裡是開闊的平原,在這裡任何動物都是潛在的敵人。 Confused, the tortoise changes his course, away from the little owl's nest. 烏龜困惑地改變了自己的路線,遠離了小貓頭鷹'的巢穴。 This has been her first contact with this new, harsh and hostile world to which she does not belong, 這是她第一次接觸這個不屬於她的、嚴酷而充滿敵意的新世界。 a world she will have to cross if she wants to again reach the safety of the forest. 如果她想再次到達森林的安全地帶,就必須穿越這個世界。 As the tortoise scuttles off, life again returns to normal for the owl family. 隨著烏龜的飛奔,貓頭鷹一家的生活又恢復了正常。 Once the danger has passed, the female emerges from the hole, 一旦危險過去,雌性就會從洞裡出來。 accompanied by the only surviving chick from the eleven eggs she had laid, 伴隨著它下的11個蛋中唯一倖存的小雞。 while the male flies off in search of nearby prey. 而雄鳥則飛去尋找附近的獵物。 The burrowing owls eat almost any animal which is not bigger than them. 穴居貓頭鷹幾乎吃任何不比它們大的動物。 If you hope to survive in this harsh environment you can't afford to be a choosy eater, 如果你希望在這種惡劣的環境中生存,你就不能挑食。 and these small birds of prey happily devour anything from insects and amphibians to squirrels and lizards. 這些小鳥的獵物快樂地吞食任何東西 從昆蟲和兩棲動物到松鼠和蜥蜴。 On this occasion it is a mouse that has fallen into his claws. 在這場合,它是一隻落入他爪中的老鼠。 The male breaks its neck with his beak, and then carries it back to the hole, 雄性用喙折斷它的脖子,然後把它抱回洞裡。 where the female tears it apart and prepares it. 在那裡,女性把它撕開,準備。 But the chick, which has already developed feathers, becomes impatient, 但已經長出羽毛的小雞卻變得不耐煩了。 and decides to take the largest part of the booty into the safety of the nest to devour it in peace. 並決定把最大部分的戰利品帶到安全的巢穴中去安然吞食。 The burrowing owls rarely dig their own holes. 穴居的貓頭鷹很少自己挖洞。 Generally, they use the tunnels made by another inhabitant of these wide plains, 一般來說,他們使用的是這些寬闊的平原上另一個居民開闢的隧道。 an ancient animal which in the early morning retires underground. 一種古老的動物,它在清晨退居地下。 The nine-band armadillo is one of the descendents of a race of armour-plated creatures 九帶犰狳是鍍甲生物種族的後裔之一。 that have lived on earth for millions of years, with virtually no physiological changes. 在地球上生活了數百萬年,幾乎沒有生理變化的。 The armour from which their name comes protects them against enemies 他們的名字所來自的盔甲保護他們免受敵人的傷害。 and allows them to make their way through the undergrowth. 並允許他們在灌木叢中開路。 But it presents a distinct disadvantage during the hot hours on the plains. 但在平原上的高溫時段,它卻呈現出明顯的劣勢。 The leathery surface of its dark scales rapidly absorbs heat. 其黑色鱗片的皮革表面能迅速吸收熱量。 When the sun comes out and temperatures rise, the armadillo's protective shields cause it to overheat, 當太陽出來,溫度上升時,犰狳'的保護罩會導致它過熱。 and it has to seek cover underground. 而它必須在地下尋求掩護。 And this curious survivor of former ages not only does this rapidly and efficiently, 而這位奇特的前世倖存者不僅能快速有效地。 but what's more, digs its burrows at the base of the termite mounds that are scattered across the plains, 但什麼'的更多,挖它的洞穴在白蟻丘的基礎上,是散佈在平原上。 an impressive adaptive strategy. 一個令人印象深刻的適應性戰略。 These structures offer the armadillo two great advantages. 這些結構為犰狳提供了兩大優勢。 On the one hand, they have a sophisticated ventilation system 一方面,他們擁有先進的通風系統。 and, on the other hand, they are full of termites. 而另一方面,它們又充滿了白蟻。 The lodger thus has an air-conditioned room and a larder full of food. 是以,住宿者有一個有空調的房間和一個裝滿食物的貯藏室。 For our tortoise, the sun becomes increasingly unbearable. 對於我們的烏龜來說,陽光變得越來越難以忍受。 Its reptile physiology will help it to bear the heat, 它的爬行動物生理機能會幫助它承受高溫。 but she is disorientated in this dry, suffocating world. 但她卻在這個乾燥、令人窒息的世界裡迷失了方向。 Finally, a breeze carries across the smell of water, and indicates which way she should proceed. 最後,一陣微風帶過水的味道,並訓示她該往哪邊走。 And slowly, patiently she enters the lowlands where the water 慢慢地,耐心地,她進入了水的低地。 left behind after the rains still feeds the last patches of green on the plain. 雨後留下的,還在餵養著平原上最後的那片綠色。 Swamps and low-lying areas still hold water until well into the dry season. 沼澤地和低窪地帶在進入旱季前仍有水。 The soil of the plains is thick clay, 平原的土壤是厚厚的粘土。 and this is the essential factor making such incredible biodiversity possible 這也是使這種令人難以置信的生物多樣性成為可能的重要因素 in a place where conditions are so harsh. 在一個條件如此惡劣的地方。 Because the clay prevents the water from draining away, and so pools form. 因為粘土會阻止水的流失,所以形成了水池。 For the animals of the plains, the flooded areas provide relief from the intense heat. 對於平原地區的動物來說,洪澇區為它們提供了緩解酷暑的機會。 While the burning sun paralyses life on the grasslands, 當火熱的太陽使草原上的生命癱瘓時。 the fauna of the plains gathers here in search of food and water. 平原上的動物群聚集在這裡尋找食物和水。 During the day, thousands of birds come here to feed. 白天,成千上萬的鳥兒來到這裡覓食。 Under the shallow waters of the flood areas swim innumerable fish. 洪水區的淺水之下,遊動著無數的魚兒。 As the dry season advances, the patches of water become increasingly smaller 隨著旱季的到來,成片的水面越來越小。 and the fish progressively concentrate, making them easier to catch. 而魚兒逐漸集中,使其更容易捕捉。 And so, the pool is crowded with fishers. 於是,池子裡擠滿了釣魚的人。 The American ibises search the cloudy waters for small fish. 美國的伊壁鳩魯在雲霧繚繞的水中尋找小魚。 They move their extraordinarily specialised beaks from side to side until they find their prey, 它們的嘴會左右移動,直到找到獵物。 fish of between three and five centimetres in length. 三到五釐米長的魚。 If they touch weeds, branches or fish of different sizes they calmly continue their search. 如果它們碰到了雜草、樹枝或大小不一的魚,它們會冷靜地繼續尋找。 But if the beak brushes up against one of the fish they are looking for, 但如果喙與它們要找的魚擦肩而過。 it will clamp shut with amazing speed, 它將以驚人的速度夾緊關閉。 trapping the victim in twenty-five thousandths of a second 在二萬五千分之一秒的時間內將受害者困死 one of the fastest reactions of any vertebrate in the world. 是世界上所有脊椎動物中反應最快的一種。 Scarlet ibises, spoonbills, ducks and egrets, American ibises 緋紅朱鷺、琵鷺、鴨子和白鷺、美洲朱鷺。 each one uses a different technique, 每個人都使用不同的技術。 hunts different prey and has a different shaped tool, the beak. 獵殺不同的獵物,有不同形狀的工具--喙。 It is a mass gathering of specialists with jaws adapted to a specific type of prey, 它是一種大規模的專家聚集,其下顎適應於特定類型的獵物。 and so reducing competition among species. 從而減少物種之間的競爭。 From up in the air, too, there is a beak that can skim the water in search of fish close to the surface, 從空中看,也有一張嘴,可以在水面上掠過,尋找靠近水面的魚。 and that beak belongs to the scissorbill. 而那張嘴屬於剪刀鳥。 Like the ibises, the scissorbills are selective and only close their beaks 像朱䴉一樣,剪刀鳥是有選擇性的,只關閉他們的嘴。 if they touch a fish of the right size. 如果他們碰上大小合適的魚。 Even so, it is a risky fishing technique because on occasions 即便如此,這也是一種危險的釣魚技術,因為在某些情況下 the obstacles they come across turn out to be spectacled caimans. 他們遇到的障礙物原來是眼鏡凱門鱷。 The water masses of the Orinoco basin are often covered in a blanket of bright green. 奧裡諾科盆地的水體常常被一片翠綠的毛毯所覆蓋。 Millions of water hyacinths colonise the pools, forming small floating forests. 數百萬株水風信子在池子裡繁殖,形成了小型的漂浮森林。 Below the water, the hyacinths form an intricate network, a tangled aquatic maze. 水面下,風信子形成了一個錯綜複雜的網絡,是一個糾纏不清的水生迷宮。 Floating on the swollen shoot of its base leaves, the hyacinths spread out their roots 風信子漂浮在基部葉子膨脹的嫩枝上,舒展著自己的根部 until they join with those of neighbouring plants, 直到它們與鄰近植物的植物結合。 to such an extent that they completely cover the surface of the pools, 以至於它們完全覆蓋了池子的表面。 preventing sunlight from penetrating into the water, or gases being exchanged. 阻止陽光穿透到水中,或氣體交換; This could be fatal for the aquatic fauna and flora. 這對水生動植物來說可能是致命的。 But the plains also have a powerful army of hyacinth-eaters, 但平原上也有一支強大的食風信子大軍。 which clear the surface of the water as they incessantly graze. 它們在不斷地吃草,清除水面。 Thousands of capybaras daily feed on the succulent leaves of the aquatic plants. 每天有成千上萬的capybaras以水生植物的肉質葉子為食。 These powerful rodents, the largest in the world, 這些強大的齧齒動物,是世界上最大的。 live an amphibious life between the warm clear banks 水陸兩用 and this enormous vegetable soup where they find food, 和這個巨大的蔬菜湯,他們在那裡找到食物。 protection and relief from the implacable sun. 保護和緩解無情的陽光。 To be able to dominate this aquatic world, 為了能夠主宰這個水生世界。 the capybaras have acquired important physiological adaptations over millions of years of evolution. 在數百萬年的進化中,capybaras獲得了重要的生理適應性。 These are their weapons with which to conquer the water: 這些都是他們征服水的武器。 paws with webbed fingers to swim and dive, and eyes, ears and nostrils placed at the top of the head, 爪子上有蹼手指可以游泳和潛水,眼睛、耳朵和鼻孔放在頭頂。 so they can receive all the information from the surface when they are submerged. 以便它們在水下時能接收到來自表面的所有資訊。 A great part of their success in colonising the plains is due to their social behaviour. 他們之所以能成功地在平原上殖民,很大程度上是由於他們的社會行為。 The capybaras are very gregarious animals. 薺菜是非常喜怒無常的動物。 The groups are normally composed of thirty individuals, 這些小組一般由三十人組成。 but can be of up to one hundred, so social links, which begin with the family from the moment they are born, 但可以達到一百個,所以社會聯繫,從出生的那一刻起,就開始與家庭。 are vitally important, and must be constantly reinforced. 是至關重要的,必須不斷加強。 When it is time to reproduce, the capybaras go into the water. 到了繁殖的時候,capybaras就會下水。 On land they are more vulnerable so, when they are going to mate, 在陸地上,它們比較脆弱,所以,當它們要交配時。 the male follows the female into a shallow pool 牝雞司晨 and, beneath the protection of the water, they copulate. 並且,在水的保護下,他們交配。 The heat, which becomes increasingly intense as the morning advances, 炎熱的天氣,隨著早晨的到來,變得越來越強烈。 brings new dangers to the water. 給水面帶來新的危險。 An anaconda approaches the capybaras' pool. 一條蟒蛇接近capybaras';池。 It is an adult, over four metres in length, 它是一個成年人,身長四米多。 and its life is now not as aquatic as it was during the early stages, when it fed on frogs and small fish. 而現在它的生活已經不像早期階段那樣以青蛙和小魚為食的水生動物了。 But when the heat becomes unbearable out on the plain, 但是,當炎熱的天氣變得難以忍受,在平原上。 it returns to its former hunting grounds. 它回到了以前的狩獵場。 It knows it is now strong enough to catch larger prey, 它知道自己現在的力量足以捕捉更大的獵物。 and silently moves its powerful rings until it is submerged in the water. 並悄悄地移動它的強大環,直到它被淹沒在水中。 The group of capybaras senses the danger. 這群capybaras感覺到了危險。 The adults, who have seen the reptile arrive, keep a careful watch on it. 大人們看到爬行動物的到來,都會小心翼翼地看著它。 Only the head of the anaconda is above the water, 只有蟒蛇的頭部在水面上。 as it hopes to go unnoticed until one of the young comes close to its jaws. 因為它希望在其中一隻幼獸靠近它的下巴時,能不被發現。 But this time, it has been discovered. 但這一次,已經被發現了。 The experienced parents raise the alarm, and the group swims off beneath the hyacinths. 有經驗的家長髮出警報,大家在風信子下面遊走。 Without the surprise factor, the giant anaconda will have no chance of catching them. 如果沒有驚喜因素,巨蟒就沒有機會抓到他們。 Meanwhile, on the banks, a group of turtles has silently witnessed this scene, the anaconda's frustration. 與此同時,在岸邊,一群海龜已經默默地見證了這一幕,蟒蛇'的沮喪。 And now, they watch on as an exhausted morrocoy tortoise arrives. 而現在,他們眼睜睜地看著一隻筋疲力盡的摩羅科烏龜到來。 Our heroine has reached the water, guided by the smell. 我們的女主角在氣味的指引下,已經到了水邊。 Here, along the bank, she finally sees animals she recognises. 在這裡,沿著岸邊,她終於看到了她認識的動物。 Turtles sometimes go into the forest to lay their eggs, 烏龜有時會到森林裡去產卵。 and the tortoise has seen them before, close to her home. 而烏龜以前也見過它們,就在它家附近。 But now, she is the intruder. 但現在,她是入侵者。 Though they are very close relatives, in the water the turtles have a great advantage. 雖然它們是很近的親戚,但在水中,烏龜有很大的優勢。 She hesitates, raises her head, not daring to advance. 她猶豫了一下,抬起頭,不敢前進。 In the distance, she can see the treetops of her beloved jungle. 遠處,她可以看到她心愛的叢林的樹梢。 But in between lies a daunting challenge. 但這中間又有一個艱鉅的挑戰。 The width of the pool is almost an ocean for the little morrocoy, 池子的寬度對於小莫羅科伊來說幾乎是一片海洋。 and she can't swim as well as her cousins the turtles. 而且她不會游泳,就像她的表兄弟海龜一樣。 She has never crossed a pool. 她從來沒有穿過游泳池。 In truth, in the jungle where she was born she has never had to swim at all, 事實上,在她出生的叢林裡,她根本就不用游泳。 so, very unwillingly, she decides to turn back and try to reach the jungle by going around the pool. 所以,很不甘心的她決定回頭,試圖繞過水池到達叢林。 And now, out on the plain, the day is really heating up. 而現在,在平原上,天真的熱起來了。 During the midday hours the beats down mercilessly on the plains. 正午時分,拍子無情地打在平原上。 The air is burning hot. 空氣中燃燒著熱氣。 A scorched atmosphere robs the ground of humidity, dehydrating everything, 灼熱的氣氛會使地面的溼度下降,使萬物脫水。 soil, plants and animals. 土壤、植物和動物; It is a time of immobility, of extreme stillness. 這是一個不動聲色、極度靜止的時代。 The entire plain appears to crystallise. 整個平原出現了結晶。 While the animals near the pools spend hours submerged and immobile, 而水池附近的動物卻要在水下呆上幾個小時,動彈不得。 on the plains of the interior the scarce shadows become much sought-after shelters. 在內地的平原上,稀少的影子成為備受追捧的庇護所。 The dry season advances, and for the weakest the heat proves too much. 旱季來臨,對於最弱小的人來說,炎熱的天氣實在是太多了。 For many, like this cow, the rainy season will never come. 對於很多人來說,就像這頭牛一樣,雨季永遠不會到來。 This time of death is a period of abundance for the scavengers and opportunists of the plain. 這個死亡時期,是平原上的拾荒者和機會主義者的富足期。 Animals which are sick or have some physical deficiency 生病或身體有缺陷的動物 die during these days of suffocating heat. 在這悶熱的日子裡死去。 The dead capybaras attract the turkey vultures and black vultures, 死掉的capybaras吸引了火雞禿鷲和黑禿鷲。 the scavenger birds of the plains, who fight the spectacled caimans for the bodies. 平原上的清道夫鳥類,他們與眼鏡凱門鱷爭奪屍體。 The caimans' normal diet is fish, so they take advantage of any occasion to eat a capybara, 凱門鱷'正常的食物是魚,所以它們會利用任何場合吃掉一隻capybara。 or at least the skin left behind by the voracious scavengers. 或者至少是貪婪的食腐動物留下的皮膚。 In a world of such open landscapes, an animal has hardly died 在這樣一個開闊的世界裡,一個動物幾乎沒有死過。 before a entire horde of black undertakers arrives. 在一大群黑人殯儀館的人到來之前。 They are not exactly the most appealing of animals, 它們並不是最吸引人的動物。 but they play a vital role in sustaining the ecosystem. 但它們在維持生態系統方面發揮著至關重要的作用。 The relentless heat, and the many dead bodies could cause epidemics and diseases 無情的高溫,和眾多的屍體可能會引起流行病和疾病。 if these death-loving scavengers did not act swiftly and efficiently. 如果這些愛好死亡的清道夫沒有迅速有效的行動。 The water levels of the pools continue to fall, and the surface of the plains dries out. 池塘水位持續下降,平原地表乾涸。 The smaller lagoons become small marshy pools where fish concentrate, 較小的瀉湖成為魚兒集中的小沼澤池。 fighting for the last mouthfuls of air and water. 爭取最後一口空氣和水。 And once again, disaster for some becomes a time of abundance for others. 而有些人的災難又一次變成了另一些人的富足時光。 For the caimans, the small pools represent a veritable feast. 對於凱門鱷來說,這些小池子是名副其實的盛宴。 The piranhas crowd together in muddy waters, where the lack of oxygen makes them deathly slow. 食人魚在泥濘的水域裡擠在一起,缺氧使它們的速度慢得要死。 So, to catch them all you need do is dive down into the water and swallow them down one by one. 所以,要想抓住它們,你只需要潛入水中,把它們一個個吞下去就可以了。 Our tortoise is now travelling across dry ground which until just a few days ago lay beneath the water. 我們的烏龜現在正在穿越幾天前還在水底的乾地。 It is fifty degrees centigrade, and her dark shell rapidly absorbs the heat, 這是五十攝氏度,她的黑殼迅速吸收了熱量。 while the dust from the dried-out mud chokes her. 而乾涸的泥土上的灰塵卻讓她窒息。 This is the plains at their most cruel. 這就是平原最殘酷的地方。 At least she is lucky in that she doesn't depend on the water as much as the fish, 至少她是幸運的,她不像魚那樣依賴水。 or on body temperature as much as the mammals, 或在體溫上與哺乳動物一樣。 otherwise she too would be dead by now. 否則她現在也會死掉。 Exhausted but persevering, the morrocoy reaches the shore of another pool, 疲憊不堪但堅持不懈的摩羅科伊到達了另一個池子的岸邊。 this one on such low-lying land that it will retain some water right through until the rains come. 在這種低窪地上,它將保留一些水,直到雨季來臨。 This time she doesn't hesitate. 這一次她沒有'猶豫。 A group of leafy trees rises above the water at some distance and, thinking this is the forest, 一群枝繁葉茂的樹木在一定距離上升起,以為這就是森林。 she enters the cool water which cools down her burning shell, bringing relief from the heat. 她進入涼水中,涼水能讓她燃燒的外殼冷卻下來,使她從炎熱中得到緩解。 But what the tortoise does not know is that what she thinks is the forest is in fact a group of trees in the water, 但烏龜不知道的是,它以為的森林,其實是一群水中的樹。 a place chosen by the American ibises to establish their breeding colony. 美洲伊比西斯選擇的一個地方建立他們的繁殖地。 These jabiru storks, or wood ibises, always live close to the water. 這些jabiru鸛,或木䴉,總是生活在靠近水的地方。 For them, this is the time to make the nests and bring their young into the world. 對它們來說,這時候是做窩的時候,也是把小鳥帶到這個世界上的時候。 The pools shrink and the fish are concentrated, so there is plenty of food and it is easy to catch. 池子縮小,魚兒集中,所以食物多,容易釣到。 The ideal time to ensure the chicks get enough to eat. 是保證雛雞吃飽的理想時間。 In years when food is abundant, the storks can raise up to five chicks, 在食物豐富的年份,白鸛最多可以養育5只雛鳥。 though three is the normal number. 雖然三是正常的數字。 Feeding these voracious young is a never-ending job, which both parents share. 餵養這些貪吃的幼崽是一項永無止境的工作,父母雙方共同承擔。 But survival is not just a question of food. 但生存不僅僅是食物的問題。 Living directly above a pool presents certain dangers. 住在游泳池的正上方會帶來一定的危險。 The chicks know no other world but the leaves and branches, and must stay here, 小雞除了樹葉和樹枝,不知道其他的世界,必須留在這裡。 close by the nest, until they develop feathers, their wings gain strength, and they are able to fly away. 靠近巢穴,直到它們長出羽毛,翅膀獲得力量,它們就能飛走。 Until then, their lives will depend on prudence. 在此之前,他們的生活將取決於謹慎。 Beneath the breeding colony lies death. 在繁殖地的下面是死亡。 The apparently peaceful waters hide sharp teeth beneath the green blanket of the water hyacinths. 看似平靜的水面,在風信子的綠毯下隱藏著鋒利的牙齒。 They are a silent, invisible army with powerful weapons, 他們是一支無聲無息的隱形軍隊,擁有強大的武器。 patiently waiting to gain revenge on the beings that pursue and devour them on the surface. 耐心地等待著報復那些在地表上追逐和吞噬他們的生命。 They are the piranhas. 他們是食人魚。 The very name inspires respect among the local people: 這個名字本身就能激發當地人的敬意。 piranhas, fish armed with powerful jaws and razor-sharp teeth, 食人魚,魚的武裝 與強大的下巴和剃刀鋒利的牙齒。 shadows among the maze of roots, impatient to receive prey coming from above. 影子在迷宮的根部間,迫不及待地接受從上面來的獵物。 If it loses its balance for just a second, the chick will fall to its death. 如果它只是失去平衡一秒鐘,小雞就會摔死。 The army swiftly moves into action, with incredible ferocity, 軍隊迅速行動起來,以不可思議的凶猛姿態。 reducing the victim to bones in just a minute or two. 在短短一兩分鐘內將受害者還原成骨頭。 And then, in seconds, calm is restored the false calm of lurking death. 然後,在幾秒鐘內,恢復了潛伏在死亡中的虛假平靜。 Immobile among the hyacinths, our heroine has discovered that this is not her jungle home, 在風信子中不動聲色,我們的女主角發現這裡不是她的叢林家園。 but rather a patch of forest floating on water which bites. 而是一片漂浮在水面上的森林,它咬人。 She decides to return to the shore as quickly as possible. 她決定儘快回到岸上。 Luckily, she is not wounded, nor does she give out smells that would attract the piranhas, 幸運的是,她沒有受傷,也沒有發出會吸引食人魚的氣味。 and so, moving slowly, she remains unnoticed in the cloudy waters of the pool. 就這樣,慢慢地移動著,她在渾濁的池水中依然沒有被發現。 But, at the surface, close to the shore she is heading for, other eyes are on the lookout. 但是,在海面上,靠近她要去的岸邊,還有其他的眼睛在觀察。 The tortoise is unaware of the presence of the caiman lurking among the hyacinths. 烏龜不知道風信子中潛伏著凱門鱷的存在。 Hidden and immobile, only his eyes emerge from the water, like periscopes, fixed on the nearby prey. 隱而不發,只見他的眼睛從水中浮現出來,像潛望鏡一樣,盯著附近的獵物。 The tortoise continues to swim, and then, just a few metres away, the predator attacks. 烏龜繼續遊動,然後,就在幾米開外,掠食者發動了攻擊。 An exhausted capybara has fallen into the jaws of the caiman. 一個筋疲力盡的捲尾猴已經落入了凱門鱷的口中。 On the plains, weakness means death. 在平原上,軟弱意味著死亡。 But, the tragic end of the capybara has left the way clear for the frightened morrocoy. 但是,capybara的悲慘結局,卻給受驚的morrocoy留下了道路。 Again on dry land, she continues on her way, dreaming of the peace of her lost paradise. 同樣是在旱地上,她繼續前行,夢想著失落的天堂的安寧。 Since the men took her from her jungle home, many times she has witnessed violence and death. 自從男人們把她從叢林中的家帶走後,她多次目睹了暴力和死亡。 The plain seems increasingly threatening. 平原似乎越來越有威脅。 And, though she doesn't know it, the greatest dangers lie ahead. 雖然她不知道,但最大的危險就在前方。 A growing commotion shatters the burning silence. 越來越大的動靜打破了燃燒的寂靜。 The plains are divided into large cattle-breeding estates, and thousands of head of emaciated cattle daily roam across the parched grassland. 平原上被劃分為大型養牛場,每天都有上千頭憔悴的牛在乾枯的草原上游蕩。 For the tortoise, the cattle present no danger, thanks to the protection of her shell. 對於烏龜來說,由於有龜殼的保護,牛群不會帶來危險。 But, among the forest of legs, she spots the cause of her misfortune, an enemy she has now learnt to avoid. 但是,在腿部的森林中,她發現了她不幸的原因,一個她現在已經學會避免的敵人。 So, camouflaged among the cattle, she remains immobile until the men pass by. 所以,偽裝在牛群中,她一直不動聲色,直到男人經過。 The plains-dwellers move off without spotting her. 平原居民沒有發現她就離開了。 Their only concern now is to round up the cattle and take them to the nearest ranch. 他們現在唯一關心的是把牛圍起來,送到最近的牧場去。 Just like the wild animals, the domesticated cattle are more vulnerable in the dry season. 和野生動物一樣,家養的牛在旱季也比較脆弱。 Infectious diseases attack with virulence, 傳染性疾病以毒攻毒。 and the cattle-breeders carry out exhaustive vaccination campaigns to prevent epidemics. 和養牛戶進行詳盡的防疫運動,以防止流行病。 For the vets it is a race against the clock. 對於老兵來說,這是一場與時間賽跑的比賽。 The cattle are threatened by numerous diseases: 牛群受到多種疾病的威脅。 Leptospirosis, anaemia and derrengadera 鉤端螺旋體病、貧血和脫肛 a trypanosomiasis which attacks equine populations. 錐蟲病,攻擊馬群。 The cattle can infect wild animals such as the capybaras. 牛可以感染capybaras等野生動物。 And hundreds of thousands of zebus and horses roam free across the dry plain, endangering the ecological stability of the entire system. 而成千上萬的斑馬和馬匹在乾旱的平原上自由遊蕩,危及整個系統的生態穩定。 The tortoise continues on her way. 烏龜繼續上路。 She has overcome the dangers of the water, the threat of the caiman, 她已經克服了水的危險,凱門鱷的威脅。 a close brush with man, and the torture of the sun. 與人的親密接觸,和太陽的折磨。 And now, for the first time on the worst day in her life, 而現在,第一次在她生命中最糟糕的一天。 a light breeze blows across the plain, announcing sunset. 一陣微風吹過平原,宣告日落。 Fields of death surround her. 死亡的領域包圍著她。 The scavengers have had a busy day. 拾荒者們忙碌了一天。 But our tortoise has survived, and now, as the sun goes down, she regains her strength. 但我們的烏龜卻活了下來,現在,太陽落山了,它又恢復了體力。 She will not rest during the night, but will take advantage of the shadows and the cool 她不會在夜裡休息,而是會趁著陰影和涼意 to advance towards her goal: the jungle, her lost paradise. 向著她的目標前進:叢林,她失去的天堂。 At dusk, the plains again come to life. 黃昏時分,平原又煥發出勃勃生機。 Now that the suffocating heat has passed, the animals renew their activities, as the inferno declares a temporary truce. 現在,令人窒息的高溫已經過去,動物們重新開始活動,因為地獄宣佈暫時休戰。 And the plains shimmer and glow, showing a different face, 而平原上波光粼粼,呈現出不同的面貌。 rewarding the survivors with this incredible beauty. 用這種不可思議的美來回報倖存者。 Sunset marks the change between two worlds. 日落標誌著兩個世界的變化。 Grasslands, pools and jungle are transformed in the light of the moon. 草原、池塘、叢林在月光下變幻莫測。 New creatures come out with the night, creatures that never see the sun, 新的生物隨著黑夜的到來而出現,這些生物從未見過太陽。 the least well-known inhabitants of the plains. 平原上最不知名的居民。 In the jungle, the moon guides the way for some old friends of ours. 在叢林中,月亮為我們的一些老朋友引路。 As they did at dawn, the peccaries return to the edge of the jungle, 如同黎明時分,啄木鳥回到叢林邊緣。 again in search of the treasure that has fallen from the trees during the day. 又在尋找白天從樹上掉下來的寶貝。 But, as they feed on the fruits, this time the two wild boar are watched by eyes of fire. 不過,在它們吃果子的時候,這一次兩隻野豬被火眼金睛盯上了。 A jaguar has heard movements in the undergrowth. 一隻美洲虎聽到了灌木叢中的動靜。 He is perfectly equipped for night-time hunting, and silent as a shadow he approaches the peccaries. 它完全具備夜間狩獵的條件,像影子一樣悄無聲息地接近啄木鳥。 Unfortunately for him, the wind is not in his favour, 不幸的是,他的風向不對他有利。 and though there is just the slightest breeze, thanks to their keen sense of smell, the boars have detected the feline, 雖然只有一絲微風,但憑藉著它們敏銳的嗅覺,野豬已經發現了這隻貓科動物。 and they immediately run for safety. 他們就會立即跑到安全的地方去。 The most beautiful killer in the jungle will have to continue on his nocturnal round. 江湖上最美的殺手還要繼續夜巡。 Outside, in open territory, another lover of the dark has emerged from the termite mound where he has spent the day. 外面,在空曠的領地上,又有一個黑暗的愛好者從它呆了一天的白蟻堆裡出來了。 And the capybaras leave the pools and venture out onto the meadows to eat the last remaining grass that the sun has not yet scorched. 而capybaras離開池子,大膽地來到草原上,吃著太陽還沒有烤焦的最後一根殘草。 An army of shadows comes to life on the plains and, among them, our heroine plods on, 平原上出現了一支影子大軍,而在他們中間,我們的女主角也在蹣跚前行。 steadfast in her determination to reach home. 堅定了她回家的決心。 Nightfall seems to mark a kind of truce. 夜幕降臨,似乎標誌著一種休戰。 The tortoise now comes across more relaxed animals, feeding. 烏龜現在遇到比較輕鬆的動物,餵食。 Or, like this turtle, laying their eggs in a hole, 或者,像這隻烏龜一樣,把蛋產在洞裡。 which she will scrupulously cover before dawn to keep them safe from predators. 它在黎明前會小心翼翼地覆蓋在上面,以保護它們免受掠食者的傷害。 Night will soon be over, and you have to be ready for a new battle in the inferno. 夜晚馬上就要結束了,你要準備好在地獄中進行新的戰鬥。 The arrival of the dawn marks the beginning of the cycle of the plains. 曙光的到來,標誌著平原週期的開始。 The creatures of the light return, and those animals that fear the sun take advantage of the early morning hours. 光明的生物回來了,那些懼怕太陽的動物也趁著清晨的時候回來了。 For the morrocoy tortoise the new day brings pleasant surprises. 對於摩羅科烏龜來說,新的一天帶來了驚喜。 On the horizon, in the distance, she can see the outline of a forest, 在遠處的地平線上,她可以看到一片森林的輪廓。 and with renewed strength she continues on her way. 並以新的力量繼續上路。 A little further on, another surprise awaits her. 再往前走,又有一個驚喜在等著她。 He comes across another morrocoy tortoise walking in the opposite direction. 他遇到了另一隻朝相反方向走來的摩羅科伊龜。 For our tortoise, this meeting is something extraordinary. 對於我們的烏龜來說,這次會議是不平凡的事情。 He knows the hardships the other morrocoy will face if he ventures out onto the plain, 他知道如果他冒險到平原上,其他摩洛可人將面臨的困難。 but she has no way of telling him this. 但她沒有辦法告訴他這些。 Finally, she continues on her way, without having been able to share information and experiences. 最後,她繼續上路,沒有來得及分享資訊和經驗。 If she had, perhaps our tortoise would have understood why the other one was fleeing from the forest. 如果她有,也許我們的烏龜就會明白為什麼另一隻烏龜要從森林裡逃出來。 Ahead, a column of smoke signals the greatest danger of the plains. 前方,一柱煙昭示著平原的最大危險。 Vast extensions of dry grass are rapidly devoured by the flames, 大片的枯草迅速被火焰吞噬。 and the fire advances at the speed of the wind. 而火以風的速度前進。 The flames pass swiftly by. 火焰迅速地過去了。 There is no wood to slow them down, 沒有木頭可以讓他們慢下來。 and the fire literally flies across the grasslands without reaching high temperatures. 而火苗真的飛過草原,卻沒有達到高溫。 But, though they quickly pass, the flames prove fatal for many of the animals on the ground. 但是,雖然它們很快就過去了,但事實證明,火焰對地面上的許多動物是致命的。 And, as always, opportunists appear to take advantage of the misfortune of others 而且,和往常一樣,機會主義者似乎是在利用他人的不幸。 For a tortoise out on the pasture these fires are a deadly trap. 對於草原上的烏龜來說,這些火是一個致命的陷阱。 The unfortunate morrocoy knows that her home is close by, 不幸的莫洛可知道她的家就在附近。 but experience out on the open plain has taught her that here death is even closer than any goal, 但在開闊平原上的經驗告訴她,在這裡,死亡比任何目標都更接近。 so when she smells the smoke he turns back and desperately seeks shelter. 所以當她聞到煙味的時候,他就回過頭來,拼命地尋找避難所。 Death is biting at her heels when, finally, luck smiles on her. 死神正咬著她的腳後跟,終於,幸運向她微笑。 Below a bush, an armadillo's tunnel will be a lifesaver. 在灌木叢下面,犰狳'的隧道將成為救命稻草。 The wind rapidly spreads the fire. 風迅速將火勢蔓延。 From inside the burrow, the flames can be seen for just an instant, 從洞穴裡面,僅僅是一瞬間就能看到火焰。 and the smoky breath of their passing indicates the moment it is safe to return to the surface. 而他們所經過的煙氣,表明了安全返回地面的時刻。 Outside, the sea of grass have been laid to waste. 外面的草海已經被鋪滿了。 Slowly, the tortoise continues on her way, somewhat disorientated. 慢慢地,烏龜繼續往前走,有些迷茫。 The smoke blinds her, and there are still glowing embers on the ground which cause painful burns. 煙霧矇住了她的眼睛,地上還有發光的火苗,讓人感到痛苦的燒傷。 With a firm step, though still frightened, 邁著堅定的步伐,雖然還是很害怕。 she tries to make it to the forest across a now unrecognisable landscape. 她嘗試著去森林裡,穿過一片現在已經無法辨認的風景。 She sniffs for the smell of the humus and the trees, but the only smell she detects is that of death. 她嗅著腐殖土和樹木的味道,但她唯一察覺到的是死亡的味道。 Not everyone has been as lucky as her. 不是每個人都像她一樣幸運。 The other tortoise did not find a burrow, and in his case the fire won the race. 另一隻烏龜沒有找到洞穴,在它的情況下,火災贏得了比賽。 The proximity of death confuses her. 死亡的臨近讓她感到困惑。 The shell of another of her species makes the dangers and tragedies of the plain affect her 她的另一個物種的外殼使得平原的危險和悲劇影響到她 as they had not done up to now. 因為他們到現在還沒有這樣做。 It is time to return to the safety of the jungle where she was born. 是時候回到她出生的叢林安全地帶了。 And, above the smell of scorched pasture and meat, 而且,在焦糊的草場和肉的味道上面。 she finally detects the sweet, cool smell of the forest. 她終於察覺到了森林裡甜美而清涼的味道。 The humidity retained by the trees has prevented this low-intensity fire from entering the jungle. 樹木所保留的溼度,阻止了這種低強度的火種進入叢林。 Here, life is easier, the surroundings fertile, and food abundant. 在這裡,生活比較輕鬆,環境肥沃,食物豐富。 Despite appearances, the forest also contains serious dangers. 儘管表面上看,森林中也存在著嚴重的危險。 Many animals, such as the howler monkeys almost never come down to the ground. 很多動物,比如吼猴幾乎從不下地。 Away from the safety of the treetops, 遠離安全的樹梢。 the forest floor is a land of shadows where powerful hunters prowl. 林地是一片陰影之地,強大的獵人在此徘徊。 An unsuspecting iguana rests among the lower branches of a young monkey-pod tree. 一隻毫無戒心的鬣蜥在一棵幼猴莢樹的低枝間休息。 Its natural camouflage hides it among the intense green vegetation 它的天然偽裝將它隱藏在濃郁的綠色植被中。 but, believing it is safe, it is not sufficiently cautious in its movements, 但是,它認為自己是安全的,所以在行動上不夠謹慎。 and is immediately spotted by vigilant eyes. 並立即被警惕的眼睛發現。 The ocelot doesn't yet know what animal it is, but the iguana's movements have alerted him to the fact that there is something alive here, 鴕鳥還不知道是什麼動物,但鬣狗的動作讓它警覺到這裡有活物。 and for any feline in the forest something alive means something to eat. 對於森林裡的任何貓科動物來說 活著的東西就意味著有吃的。 Finally, the ocelot emerges from the jungle, and the iguana sees him. 最後,鴕鳥從叢林中出現,鬣狗也看到了它。 Immediately, the reptile freezes. It knows that immobility will be its only chance against such an agile enemy. 爬行動物馬上就凍住了。它知道,不動將是它唯一的機會 對付這樣一個敏捷的敵人。 But this strategy has been employed too late. 但這一策略採用得太晚了。 Now, he knows what it is and where it is. 現在,他知道這是什麼,在哪裡了。 And the iguana's fate has been decided. 而蜥蜴'的命運已經決定了。 Though they are small in size, these patches of jungle on the plains are home to large hunters. 雖然它們的體型不大,但平原上的這些成片的叢林卻是大型獵人的家園。 The cats are the most efficient of all, and in the forests there are five different species. 貓的效率最高,在森林裡有五種不同的貓。 Outside, on the grasslands, they have been virtually exterminated by man, who considers them a threat to the cattle, 在外面的草原上,它們幾乎已經被人類滅絕了,人類認為它們是對牛的威脅。 but here, hidden in the dense foliage, 但在這裡,隱藏在茂密的樹葉中。 they survive thanks to the abundance of prey and the green wall that keeps men out. 它們之所以能生存下來,要感謝豐富的獵物和將人類拒之門外的綠牆。 After an unsuccessful night's hunting, the jaguar is hungry. 經過一個晚上不成功的狩獵,美洲虎餓了。 He rarely hunts during the day 他很少在白天打獵 fear of humans has turned him into a nocturnal predator. 對人類的恐懼讓它變成了一個夜行的掠奪者。 But since the peccaries managed to escape the previous night, 但自從前一天晚上啄木鳥成功逃脫後。 he has not eaten, and his hunger is now urgent. 他還沒有吃東西,現在他的飢餓感很迫切。 Unfortunately for him, the howler monkeys have seen him, and raised the alarm. 不幸的是,吼猴已經看到了他,併發出了警報。 Now, the entire forest, knowing he is prowling around, is on the alert. 現在,整個森林的人,都知道他在附近徘徊,都在戒備著。 He is not the only hunter searching for prey in the forest. 它不是唯一一個在森林裡尋找獵物的獵人。 At the other end of the little jungle another creature of the night lurks among the vegetation. 在小叢林的另一端,另一種黑夜的生物潛伏在植被之中。 Almost all the black jaguars have fallen victim to the bullets of the fur hunters. 幾乎所有的黑美洲虎都成了皮毛獵人子彈的犧牲品。 But their colouring, fatal out in the open, protects them in the darkness of the jungle. 但它們的顏色,在外面是致命的,在黑暗的叢林中保護著它們。 The vigilant howlers don't take their eyes off him, and scream out the threat of his presence. 警惕的嚎叫聲不曾從他身上移開,叫出了他的存在的威脅。 But a dozing iguana has not heard them. 但一隻打瞌睡的鬣狗並沒有聽到它們的聲音。 He is warming up beneath the first rays of sunlight, 他正在第一縷陽光下暖和起來。 and only when the jaguar is virtually on him does he seem to realise just how close death is. 只有當美洲豹幾乎盯上他時,他才意識到死亡離他有多近。 It was a close shave, but the reptiles ability to dive has saved its life. 雖然險些喪命,但爬行動物的潛水能力救了它的命。 The jungle offers as many opportunities to catch a prey like this 叢林裡有很多機會可以抓到像這樣的獵物。 as for these to escape from their hunters, and so the ecological balance is preserved. 以免它們從獵人手中逃脫,這樣生態平衡就得到了維護。 Finally, the longed-for jungle lies before her. 終於,嚮往已久的叢林擺在她面前。 Hungry and tired, exhausted after crossing the inferno, 又餓又累,穿越地獄後疲憊不堪。 our tortoise finally reaches her personal paradise. 我們的烏龜終於到達了她的個人天堂。 The jungle hides dangers, but ones she is aware of and knows how to avoid. 叢林中隱藏著危險,但她意識到並知道如何避免。 It is her home, the place she is adapted to, and after her many trials, 這是她的家,是她適應的地方,也是她經過多次考驗後的地方。 she victoriously enters the shady undergrowth, 她勝利地進入了陰暗的灌木叢中。 the final goal of his risky adventure. 他冒險探險的最終目標。 And there to welcome her, shortly after entering the green canopy of the trees, 並在那裡歡迎她,在進入綠色的樹冠後不久。 the morrocoy tortoise finds tasty flowers which restore her strength. 莫羅科伊龜找到了美味的花,恢復了它的力量。 And this is not the only pleasant surprise. 而這並不是唯一的驚喜。 Another morrocoy tortoise has seen her arrive, 另一隻摩羅科烏龜看到她的到來。 and approaches, to check out this intruder who has wandered into his territory. 並走近,查看這個闖入自己領地的入侵者。 The saddle-like shape of its shell tells us it is an adult male. 它的殼的馬鞍狀形狀告訴我們它是一隻成年雄性。 And our travelling tortoise is a female, so there are no problems of territoriality. 而且我們的旅行龜是雌性的,所以不存在地域性的問題。 The nightmare is over. For her, the jungle means returning to life. 噩夢已經結束了。對她來說,叢林意味著重獲新生。 She is back in her natural surroundings, the world into which she was born, and now the future is promising. 她又回到了她的自然環境,她出生的世界,現在的未來是很有希望的。 She has shelter, food, and even a mate. 她有住處,有食物,甚至有伴侶。 But she will not easily forget her journey across the open plains. 但她不會輕易忘記她穿越開闊平原的旅程。 After all, not everyone ventures into hell and lives to tell the tale. 畢竟,不是每個人都能冒險進入地獄,並活到最後。
B2 中高級 中文 烏龜 動物 叢林 森林 獵物 危險 自然奇觀 (Morrocoy Turtle Journey. Paradise in Hell | Full Documentary - Plantet Doc Full Documentaries) 917 26 kevin 發佈於 2015 年 03 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字