字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 [music] [音樂] Dr. Charles Stanley: Money can do some things; it can do 錢可以拿來做很多事,錢可以 many good things in the right hands. 用來做善事。 But it can't satisfy the longing of your soul. 卻不能滿足靈魂的渴望。 It can't satisfy the longing of your heart. 不能滿足心之所向。 It can't satisfy that which God has placed in you that only He can fill; 錢不能取代主在你心中的位置 and that is a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. 就是你和耶穌基督的關係。 male announcer: Next on "In Touch," "Is Something Missing In Your Life?" 這一集的《保持聯繫》: 你的生命缺失了什麼嗎? Dr. Stanley: When you think about your life, 想到人生 what would you change if you--if you had the 你會想改變什麼?如果你有 privilege of changing anything, what would you change? 能力改變的話,那會是什麼? Would you change your income? 你會想改變收入? Your health? 健康狀況? Your job, your profession? 工作或是專長? Would you change where you live, what you drive? 你會想改變住所、每天開的車? Would you change who you're married to? 想和不同人結婚? That would be dangerous. 這種想法不太妥。 Would you change where you live? 你會想改變住所? Would you change some areas of your life that are personal and 你會想改變生命中的不願和其他人 private? 提及的某些部份? What would you change in your life, if you could just change 你會想改變什麼?如果你有機會的話 something, or if you feel the need to change something because 你會想要改變,是因為認為生命 something's missing? 缺失了什麼嗎? Maybe you don't know what it is, but deep down inside something's 也許你也不知道是什麼,但內心就是 missing. 有個空洞。 Because you have a good job, maybe. 也許你有份好工作。 You have a good income. 優渥的收入。 You like where you live. 你滿意現在的住所。 You've got good health; happily married maybe. 身體健康、婚姻美滿。 And so on and on you go but there's something hanging out 但是你總覺得有些地方不對勁 there that you can't put your finger on. 卻找不出原因 Something's missing. 感覺缺失了某種東西。 You've tried this and this and this. 你試過很多方法。 You've been here and yonder. 四處尋求、張望。 And people make changes in life that's not the real change they 有些人的改變並非真正順應需求 need; but there's something missing in their life and they 他們的生命仍缺失了某樣東西 want to find out what it is. 而渴望尋求解答。 Well, that's what our passage of scripture's all about, somebody 這就是今天的講章:一個什麼都有的人 who had it all, and yet something was missing. 卻感覺一股空虛。 So I want to encourage you to listen carefully and to turn in 希望各位可以仔細聆聽,看到馬可福音 your Bible to Mark, chapter ten. 第十章。 And I want us to read these verses. 大家先讀一下句子。 And I want to give you a little something right up front. 我想先提醒一下各位。 Sometimes people read this passage of scripture and they 有些人看過這些經文,會說 say, Well that doesn't apply to me because I'm not a rich person. 這些句子不適用於我,因為我不是富人。 Well, you don't know whether that applies to you or not till 在你仔細聽完我的解析後,你才會 you listen. 理解。 And so I want to encourage you to listen carefully because 我要大家子聆聽是因為 there are messages from this passage of scripture maybe 當中的經文可能是你們 you've never seen. 從未接觸的。 And I can tell you one thing: there is a message here for 我可以跟你們保證:當中有條信息適用 everybody, everybody. 每一個人。 And it just may be that you're one of those persons who wants a 也許你是那個想要改變 change in your life and you can't figure out what it is. 人生某個部份的人,卻不知從何開始。 It just might be that you figure out what it is in this 你可能會在接下來的時間,找到 particular passage. 解決之道。 So, let's begin and let me say right up front, in the--in your 讓我先把一些話說在前頭 Bible in this passage there's probably in dark, a little bit 聖經這章,有一行黑色大字 larger print a title called the Rich Young Ruler. 上面寫著富有的少年。 But if you read that passage, you say, Well, where is that in 當你看到聖經時,你可能會說 here? 在哪啊? And in Matthew, he's called a young man. 在《馬太福音》,他叫年輕人。 In Mark, this fellow's called a man. 在《馬可福音》,他叫做那個男人。 And in Luke, he's called a certain ruler. 而在《路加福音》,他被稱為年輕人。 So we have a certain, or a rich young ruler. 稱為年輕人,或是富有的少年。 That's however they get that title. 以上就是不同福音對他的稱呼。 So let's begin in this tenth-- seventeenth verse of the tenth 我們從第 10 章、第 17 行開始講 chapter, "As He was setting out on a journey," Jesus that is, "a 『當耶穌基督開始旅程時,一位男人 man ran up to Him and knelt down before Him, and asked Him, 'Good 跑到祂面前並雙膝下跪,問耶穌:「偉大的 Teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life?' 老師啊!如何得到永生?」』 And Jesus said to him, 'Why do you call Me good? 耶穌基督回答道:「偉大? No one is good except God alone. 只有人才是偉大的。 You know the commandments, "Do not murder, do not commit 十誡中紀載,「不可殺人、不可姦淫 adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not 不可偷竊、不可妄信祂神 defraud, honor your father and mother.'" 不可做假、孝敬父母。」 And he said to Him, 'Teacher, I have kept all these things from 那位男人和耶穌說:「老師,我自小遵守 my youth up.' Looking at him, Jesus felt a 這些訓誡。耶穌看著他 love for him and He said to him, 'One thing you lack: go and sell 感受到一股慈愛。耶穌回答:「你還缺少一樣東西,去把你的身家財產 all you possess, give to the poor, and you will have treasure 變賣,扶濟窮人,到天堂享樂時 in heaven; and come, follow Me.' But at these words he was 你將擁有財富,來吧,跟上我的腳步。」但這些話卻 saddened, and he went away grieved, for he was one who 令他難過,並潸然離去,為擁有眾多財富 owned much property. 感到難過。 And Jesus, looking around, said to His disciples, 'How hard it 耶穌環顧一周和信徒說:「多麼難啊! is, and how hard it will be for those who are wealthy to inherit 那些富有之人要進入神的王國 the kingdom of God!' The disciples were amazed at 是多麼艱難!」信徒被這段話 these words and-- But Jesus answered again and 震懾。耶穌接著說 said to them, 'Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom 「孩子啊!要進入神的王國 of God! 如此艱難! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than 駱駝要穿過針孔,還比富有之人進入天堂簡單。 for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.' 進入天堂簡單。」 They were even more astonished and said to Him, 'Then who can 信徒激動不已看著基督:「那麼哪種人 be saved?' Looking at them, Jesus said, 才能上天堂?」基督說 'With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things 「那些不與耶穌為伍,萬念皆 are possible with God.'" Now, you look at that passage 與神相連之人。」你現在可能會看著經文 and you say, Well, you know, I'm not rich. 然後說,我又不富有。 I don't know what in the world that has to do with me. 這與我何干? Well let me just say right up front you can have everything 容我實話直說,你可以擁有世間上的 the world has to offer. 一切事物。 You can have it all and yet something missing in your life. 你可以擁有一切,卻感到一種缺失。 And this is where many people are. 這就是大多人的情況。 They have it all; and yet there's something out there that 擁有一切,卻感覺生命中 sort of gnaws at them. 有某中缺失。 It just sort of hangs in there. 內心的某塊空洞。 It won't go away, some need that they have. 久久不曾消散,永遠存於心中。 And so when you think about this young man, the scripture says he 那位年輕人也這麼想,講章中提到 was rich, he was young, and let's say he was healthy and he 他年輕富有、身體健康,而且是 was a ruler. 一位領導。 So think about this. 想想看。 Isn't this what most people, this generation, younger folks 這不就是大多人,這一代年輕夥子 coming along, what do they want? 想要的一切嗎? They want riches. 年輕人想要財富。 They want some authority, some power, some position. 想要權力與地位。 And they want to be able to get along in life and they want it 年輕人一心想要追求這些,所以 usually pretty fast and they want it to come their way while 很快就得到心中所求,在年輕時就實現 they're young. 這些渴望。 And there's nothing wrong with having desires for your life. 擁有這些渴望並非錯誤。 But what do those desires do in your life when they become 但是當這些成果終於實現時 fruition? 會怎樣? And so the scripture says he was a rich young ruler and he had 講章中提到,他是為年輕的領導,他的渴望 all that you'd think he would possibly need, all he thought he 或許和你相同,他追求 needed, rich, young and authority; position in life. 財富地位與權力。 And so it sounds like he lived in the twenty-first century. 這些話也適用於現今世代。 So if I were to ask you, Would you like to be rich, young and 我問一下各位,你想一擁健康、財富 have position? 與地位嗎? If you were honest, most of you would raise your hand. 老實回答,大多人一定會舉手同意。 Well is there anything wrong with being rich, young and 想要擁有富有、健康 having position? 與地位有錯嗎? No, there's not. 當然沒錯。 You see, the truth is we are not thinking properly about life, 事實上,我們並未縱觀審視人生。 and we're short-sighted, if we think gold, money and so forth's 我們短視近利,只想著金錢利益,透過追求目標 going to satisfy us, position and good health and 滿足自我,地位與健康,和 opportunities are going to satisfy us, there's still going 機會可以滿足人,但生命還 to be something missing. 缺少一樣東西。 It was true in this young man's life in the scripture and it's 講章中這位年輕人的情況 true in life. 也適用於現代生活。 The second lesson I want us to notice is this. 第二個我想告訴大家的訓誡是。 That our love and desire for material things can cause us to 我們對於物質的愛與渴望,會導致 miss the most important thing in life. 錯失生命中重要的事物。 People don't realize that money is dangerous. 人們不了解金錢很危險。 Somebody says, Well what could be dangerous about money? 有人會說:「錢是會有多危險?」 It's what it does. 但事實如此。 It's the attitude people have, that if I have enough money, I 很多人有這種想法,如果我有錢 can go where I want to go, do what I want to do, marry who I 我可以四處旅遊、隨心所欲、和心儀之人結婚 want to marry, wear what I want to wear, drive what I want to 想穿什麼就穿什麼、開我想開的車 drive, live where I want to live, eat where I want to eat 想住哪就住哪、享受各種美食 and on and on and on it goes. 以及這種慾望。 That may be some of the things that money can do, but that 或許錢可以達成這些目的,但最終卻 doesn't satisfy you. 無法滿足內心。 But think about this. 想想看。 You can have all the money in the world you want; if you don't 即便你家財萬貫,再多的錢 have good health, you can't buy it. 也買不到健康的身體。 If you're not, listen. 各位也聽好了。 If you don't have anybody to love, you can't buy it. 錢買不到你深愛的那個人。 If you don't have anyone who loves you, you can't buy it. 錢買不到愛。 In other words, you don't--you can't buy peace, joy, happiness, 換句話說,錢也買不到和平、快樂、喜悅 contentment; and you certainly cannot buy eternal life. 滿足,錢也無法讓你永生不死。 Money can do some things; it can do many good things in the right 錢可以拿來做很多事,錢可以 hands. 做善事。 But it can't satisfy the longing of your soul. 卻不能滿足靈魂的渴望。 It can't satisfy the longing of your heart. 不能滿足心之所向。 It can't satisfy that which God has placed in you that only He 錢不能取代主在你心中的位置 can fill; and that is a personal relationship with God through 就是你和耶穌基督 His Son, Jesus. 的關係。 You may be one of those very, very wealthy persons. 你可能是最有錢的人。 You have it all. 你擁有一切。 You have the prestige and the prominence and the popularity 你擁有極上名望 and the position, the power. 地位與權力。 You have the money, you can buy anything you want, go anywhere 你有的是錢,可以隨心所欲地買、隨心所欲地 you want to go. 旅遊。 But deep down inside there's something missing. 但內心深處仍有缺失。 And that something that's missing is a personal 就是那種失去和耶穌基督 relationship with the Son of God. 的那種關係。 And this young man had all of it. 這位年輕人什麼都有了。 You could say, Well what is it that you need? 那他還缺什麼? He didn't need anything. 他根本什麼都不缺了。 He had everything. 他擁有一切。 But if you'll notice, he'd become so desperate when he 如果有仔細聽的話,他在聽完耶穌的話後 heard about Jesus, the Bible says this young man ran to him 非常沮喪,聖經紀載這位年輕人跑到基督面前 and fell on his knees. 雙膝跪地。 Somebody told him, Here's the man who can satisfy the longing 因為有人告訴他,耶穌基督也可滿足你 of your heart. 內心渴望。 Here's the man who can give you eternal life. 祂可以賜你永生。 And he ran to Jesus. 於是他找向耶穌。 And in those days, running in public was sort of a--if you had 以前,在公眾場合跑向他人請求協助,如果你有一絲尊嚴的話 any dignity at all, you didn't run in public. 不會這麼做。 He's running to Jesus, falling down before Him and what's 但是他跑向耶穌,雙膝跪地 happening? 然後呢? He simply says to Him, he asked Him, "Good Teacher what shall I 年輕人問耶穌:「偉大的老師,我要如何 do to inherit eternal life?" So, that in spite of all he had 得到永生?」即便他 and all he was and all his relationships he finally 擁有一切渴望事物 discovered that what he didn't have was the one thing his money 這時才驚覺自己並未擁有的,是金錢 couldn't buy. 買不到的。 His popularity couldn't provide for him. 他的聲望無法讓他得到它。 And none of his efforts seemed to make any difference. 其他所擁有的亦是如此。 He desired eternal life. 他尋求永生。 So he comes running to Jesus and says to Him, you know, "What can 所以才跑向耶穌問到:「我要如何 I do to inherit eternal life?" And I would say to you, The gift 得到永生?」我想告訴各位的是 of eternal life is not the result of our good works. 所以行動都不能得到永生。 In other words, you don't get there by good conduct. 換句話說,永生無法追求。 And if you'll notice how Jesus approached this. 耶穌的回答審慎洽當。 So, He didn't condemn him, when He said to him, He said, "What 耶穌並未譴責他,當那位男人問祂 shall I do to inherit eternal life?" 「我要如何得到永生?」 And look what Jesus does. 耶穌的做法是。 He begins with the commandments. 先用十誡來啟發他。 He skips the first four about loving God and so forth; and the 他跳過十誡中前 4 項關於耶穌的事,必須愛耶穌 Sabbath, He, he skips those. 以及安息日,他跳過這些。 And then He skips the last one. 也跳過第十誡:不可貪戀。 And then He says to him, He says, "You know the 接著說道:「你知道十誡的內容 commandments." 內容。」 He starts out with, "Do not murder." 耶穌先說:「不可殺人。」 See, He's just talked about how he lived. 他只說他已經做到的誡律。 He says, "'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, 耶穌說:「不可殺人、不可姦淫、不可偷竊 do not bear false witness, do not defraud, honor your father 不可做假、孝敬父母。」 and mother.' And he said to Him, 'Well 年輕人說:「老師 Teacher, I have done all these things all of my life,'" huh! 我已經做到這些了 Well, then if that's it, why don't I have any peace and joy 如果真是這樣,為何我沒感受到一絲和平與喜悅 and, why am I running to You and kneeling down before You and 不然我為何要追上你並雙膝下跪 asking, "What can I do to inherit eternal life?" 問你:「我要如何得到永生?」 Because I've done all these things. 因為這些誡律我都做到了。 Well, notice Jesus didn't say, Thou shall not covet at the end. 耶穌基督沒有提到「不要貪戀」。 He skipped the first four and the last one, because Jesus knew 耶穌故意跳過十誡中的前四點還有最後一點,因為她了解 what his problem was. 年輕人的問題所在。 He was very wealthy. 年輕人很富有。 In fact, in Luke He says he was extremely wealthy. 事實上,在路加福音紀載中,形容他富可敵國。 And so he says, "I have kept all these things from my youth up." 年輕人接著說:「我自小就遵從這些誡律。」 Then what he was expecting Jesus to say, well, if you've done all 期望耶穌的回答是,你遵守十誡 those things, you can have the gift of eternal life. 我將賜你永生。 But Jesus didn't tell him that. 但耶穌沒這麼做。 And so the scripture says that "Jesus looked at him and, felt a 聖經中寫道:「耶穌看著他 love for him and and said to him, 'One thing you lack,'" 帶著慈愛的眼光說:『你還缺一樣東西。』」 there's something missing in your life. 這是你生命中未擁有的。 "Go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you'll 賣掉去把你的身家財產、扶濟窮人 have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." 到天堂享樂時,你將擁有財富,跟上我的腳步。」 Now, his whole idea was that if he did enough good things, he 他滿心相信,如果自己做夠多善事 would be saved. 就能得永生。 Listen to me. 聽我說。 The majority of the world had the same--has the same idea. 大多人都這樣,都有這種想法 If I'm a good person and I don't steal, I don't lie, I don't 如果我是好人,我不偷、不說謊 cheat, I'm a good husband, I'm a good wife, or I give a little 不背信,做個稱值得丈夫、妻子,奉獻 bit to the church, I do all these things, then surely I'm 財富給教會,如果我做到這些,我就一定能 going to be saved. 上天堂。 When the Bible says so clearly, not by works of righteousness 聖經上寫得很清楚,並非人為義舉 which we've done, but according to His mercy He saved us. 使人永生,而是耶穌基督的慈悲之心。 If a person could be saved by doing good, Jesus wouldn't have 如果做善事就能上天堂,耶穌為何被 had to die on the Cross. 釘上十字架殉教? And so, he is coming to Jesus on the basis that here's what I've 所以,年輕人才會有想法去找耶穌 done, so therefore I ought to have the gift of eternal life. 做了善事,所以我該得到永生。 And the Bible says that Jesus looked at him and loved him. 聖經寫道,耶穌用慈愛的眼神看著他。 Watch this, He didn't condemn him; He loved him because He 耶穌並未譴責他,神愛世人,也因為知道 knew he was totally deceived. 他被蒙蔽了。 He thought that all this he'd accumulated and all the good 年輕人認為他所做的義行善舉 reputation he had would get him into heaven. 可以讓他上天堂。 And when Jesus gave him the Commandments and was bringing 當耶穌說到十誡時 him to the point to realize there was sin in his life, he 他才知道自己還有一種原罪, just--watch what happens, the Scripture says, "Jesus felt a 繼續聽下去,經文寫道「耶穌用慈愛的 love for him and said to him, 'One thing you lacked: go and 眼神對他說:「你還缺一樣東西,去把 sell all your possessions, give to the poor and you'll have 你的身家財產變賣、扶濟窮人,到天堂享樂時 treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.'" 你將擁有財富,來吧,跟上我的腳步。」 Now let's clarify one thing. 我要澄清一件事。 That's not the way you get saved. 變賣財產、扶濟窮人不會讓你得永生。 In other words, he's not saying if you give all this, you'll get 換句話說,就算你傾家蕩產做善事,也不會 saved. 得永生。 What he was dealing with here is this fact the sin in his life, 年輕人的原罪是 this covetousness that he was depending on all of this to save 貪念,為了上天堂而做善事的 him. 貪念。 And he's simply saying here's what you do. 耶穌說,這就是問題所在。 Now does that mean to, in order to be saved, or that Jesus meant 現在的意思是,要得永生就必須 in order to be saved, sell everything you got, give to the 照耶穌所說的?變賣財產 poor? 扶窮濟貧? No, because, watch this, this was an incident. 並非如此,當時算是個例外。 This was one occasion in which what he needed to deal with his 因為耶穌當時必須點出他的原罪,也就是 covetousness and his sin, and his understanding was that the 貪念,祂知道年輕人 thing that stood between him and salvation was his greed, his 救贖之路上有個絆腳石,就是他的 covetous spirit, his dependence on material things rather than 貪念,他喜愛物質,甚於 upon God. 耶穌基督的愛。 So in this given occasion for him, salvation meant look you're 這段故事表示,救贖並非 not going to get there by earning it. 努力爭取而來。 You've got to get there by surrendering everything to Me 救贖是由讓神性繚繞全身 and trusting Me as your Savior. 相信基督為救世主。 And so what did he do? 年輕人後來呢? He absolutely turned down eternal life. 他放棄了永生之路。 Listen, he tried to hold onto something he couldn't keep, when 年輕人試著留住那些留不住的 he could have had something he couldn't lose. 也無法失去那些會失去的事物。 And so people don't realize if they spend their time trying to 如果人不了解 accumulate this that and the other to get peace and happiness 怒力做善事並不會得到一絲安詳喜悅 and satisfaction, they'll end up missing the very thing that they 與滿足,最後會失去 spent their life trying to receive. 一輩子努力想得到的。 Because you just see, to some people it's a prideful issue, 對某些人而言,驕傲是種原罪。 you mean to tell me, and I've had people tell me, You mean to 曾有人告訴過我:「所以 tell me that all I have to do is accept Jesus Christ as my 我只要承認耶穌是 personal Savior? 我唯一的救世主?」 What else am I supposed to do? 我還得做什麼嗎? I said nothing. 我一語不發。 No-no-no. 不...。 They can't accept it. 有人無法接受。 You know why they can't accept it? 各位知道原因嗎? It's pride and here's the pride, listen, I must do something in 就是驕傲,他們驕傲,必須做善事 order to be saved. 以得永生。 You see that's absolute pride. 這就是驕傲所致。 They want to do something that they think to take credit for in 他們想要做點什麼,讓自己 order to be saved. 得到永生。 No, when I was twelve years of age, I didn't have anything to 我自己 12 歲時,我並不會為此 take credit for. 感到驕傲。 And no matter who you are whenever you were saved, you and 無論你的所作所為,是否會上天堂,我帶著 I came as sinners and asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save us by 原罪出世,我尋求耶穌基督救贖,懇求 His grace and love and mercy, not on the basis of anything 他的愛與慈悲,而非自己的善舉 we'd done, going to do, had, going to give, have given, 我們所做的善行義舉。 nothing. 不是這樣的。 And that's the wonderful thing about salvation. 救贖是一件美好的事。 It is a gift of God, it is not something that you and I own. 這是主的天賦,非人所與生俱來。 So, Jesus loves us even when we make the wrong choices. 就算犯錯,耶穌會無條件原諒我們。 The Bible says that Jesus looked at him and loved him for he 聖經寫道,耶穌用慈愛的眼神看著他 said, "Looking at him, Jesus felt a love for him and said to 然後說:「耶穌用慈愛的眼神看著他 him, 'One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess, give it to 然後說:「你還缺少一樣東西,去變賣所有財產,扶濟 the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven; come, follow 窮人,到天堂享樂時,你將擁有財富,跟上我的腳步。 Me.' These words he was saddened, and 但這些話卻令他難過, he went away grieving, for he was one who owned much 並潸然離去,未擁有眾多財富 property." 感到難過。」 And Jesus, looking around, said to His disciples, 'How hard it 耶穌環顧一周和信徒說:「多麼難啊! is for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!'" 那些富有之人要進入神的王國 He says it's hard. 是多麼艱難!」 Why? 為什麼? Because what they own becomes their security and the truth is 財富給人安全感 they don't think beyond this life. 就不必面對死亡? Death, when death comes, listen, it doesn't make any difference 死亡,當死亡來臨時,人人平等 how old you are or how long you've lived, how much you own. 不會因為年齡或你擁有的多或少而改變。 Life is very insecure. 生命無常。 Everything around us is changing but one thing, our personal 每件事都會變,但我們和耶穌基督的 relationship with Jesus Christ has settled once and for all 關係至死不渝。 when we die, we will be with Him. 當我們死亡,身心將歸於耶穌。 And then if you'll notice in this passage, Jesus acknowledges 如果你有注意到的話,耶穌說 that it's very difficult for wealthy people to get to heaven. 有錢人很難上天堂。 He makes it, listen, he makes it very clear. 他講得非常清楚。 Listen to what He says. 仔細聽耶穌的話。 He said, in verse twenty-four, "Well, Jesus, looking around," 第二十四行寫到,「耶穌環顧一周 Him in verse twenty-three, "looking around Him, He said to 第二十三行,「耶穌環顧一周和信徒 His disciples, 'How hard it is for those who are wealthy to 和信徒說:「那些富有之人要 enter the kingdom of God!'" You know what? 進入神的王國真艱難!」 Listen. 聽好了。 That's a warning. 這是一種告誡。 How difficult it is for very wealthy people to get to heaven, 富有之人要進入神的王國真艱難 "The disciples were amazed at His words. 「信徒被這段話震懾 But Jesus answered again and said to them, 'Children, how 耶穌反覆說著這句話:「孩子啊,要進入 hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! 神的王國真艱難! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than 駱駝要穿過針孔,還比 for a rich man enter the kingdom of God.' 有之人進入天堂簡單。」 They were even more astonished and said, 'Then who can be 信徒激動不已看著基督:「那麼哪種人 saved?'" Listen to what Jesus said, 才能上天堂?」 "Looking at them, Jesus said, 'With people it is impossible, 基督說「那些不與耶穌為伍,萬念皆 but not with God; for all things are possible with God.'" 與神相連之人。」 And so you think about this. 仔細想想。 If you're one of those persons who's very, very, very wealthy, 你是一個超級有錢人 it doesn't mean that you've sinned to get that way. 並不代表就有罪。 And you've trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, He's blessed 只要相信耶穌基督是救世主,祂會 you. 賜福於你。 But remember this. 記得這一點。 You are very, very, very blessed. 你備受神的恩寵。 You are saved because God saved you. 因為神拯救了你。 God worked in your life in such a fashion to open your eyes and 上帝在你生命降臨,擦亮你的眼 your heart, and to get you to confess your sins and receive 你的心,免去你的罪惡,並接受 Him as your personal Savior. 耶穌基督就是你的救世主。 He says, Only God can get a rich man into heaven. 年輕人說,只有神才能讓富有之人上天堂。 That's how hard it is. 這是多麼艱難的一件事啊! But what does wealth do? 財富帶來什麼? It gives people a sense of false security. 它帶給人虛假的安全感。 I have this much and that much and that much and that much. 我擁有好多好多東西。 And I give this much and I give that much and I give the other, 我奉獻好多好多東西出去。 but listen. 聽好了。 Whatever it may be, you're still betting on the fact that what 無論你奉獻了什麼,你還是認為 you're giving to God and what you're giving to the church, and 自己向上帝奉獻,奉獻給教會 what you're giving, giving, giving is going to atone for 只要奉獻... 就能赦免 your sin. 你的原罪。 The only thing that'll atone for your sin is the blood of Jesus. 唯一能免去你的罪惡是耶穌基督的聖血。 When He went to the cross, He went to the cross because that 當耶穌受難時... 那是 was the only way that a person can be saved. 唯一可以拯救人類的方法。 Jesus shed His blood for the sin of all mankind, which makes it 耶穌基督為全人類原罪受難流血 possible for anybody and everybody, rich and poor, 讓每一個人,無論貧富 whoever it might be, to go to heaven. 一視同仁,帶領到天堂。 It just so happens that those who are the blessed, so to 那些受到恩寵的人能進天堂 speak, with the most, or whom God allows to accumulate the 反而是做盡善事之人 most, have the most difficult time getting to heaven. 最難進到天堂。 He says it's like putting a camel through the eye of a 耶穌說,這就像把一隻駱駝穿過 needle. 針孔。 So all of you who have just been saying, I gotta have, gotta 所有常說,我一定要追到 have, gotta have, gotta have, you ought to lay that down. 某某東西的人,都不須放下那些。 You don't gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta have anything. 我不必追到某某東西 What you've got to have is Jesus, and everything else is 因為你只需要耶穌基督的愛,其他 superfluous to that. 言外之物。 So, I would ask you once last question. 我想問各位最後一個問題。 Is there anything missing in your life? 你的生命中缺少了什麼嗎? Well, the one ultimate question is, can you look back in your 這個問題的真正意涵是,你可以回顧到 life and point to a time when you said I know that this time 生命某個片刻,當你 in my life I made a commitment, I trusted Jesus, I believed in 開始信教、信耶穌基督、相信主 Him, that is, I accepted Him as my personal Savior? 我是否將他視為救贖者? I know that I've trusted Him as my Savior, now some people, now 我認為耶穌就是我的救贖。現在有些人 I remember Dr. Graham's wife said, I couldn't tell you the 我記得格拉漢姆博士的妻子說過,我不能確定 time, but I know at some point I gave my life to Christ. 我是何時將生命交給耶穌基督。 You may not be able to know the time, but you know for sure that 你可能不知道確切時間點,但你確實 at some point in your life you made the most important decision 在生命某個時機,做出最重要的決定 in your life; the decision that determined your eternal destiny, 決定,這個決定讓你得到永生。 the decision that nobody can change, the decision that nobody 一個他人無法改變的決定,一個沒有人 can steal from you under any condition. 能設法影響你的決定。 You're saved by the grace of God. 你被耶穌基督的仁慈救贖。 Amen? 阿們? And Father, we thank You that You made it simple and plain, 天上的父,我們感謝你的平凡樸實 placing our trust in You. 讓我們深信於你。 Thank You that You warn us in Your Word not to be betrayed or 感謝主的箴言警惕世人,讓我們免於背叛 deceived or accept the lies of the world that we can be good 欺瞞,或世間上的謊言,使我們 enough within ourselves. 獨善其身。 For all of us are sinners, all of us have sinned against You, 所有罪人,我們有罪之人 all of us come to the same Cross and all of us are washed in the 所有基督信徒,我們將一同沐浴在 same blood of Jesus. 耶穌基督的聖血中。 We love You and we praise You dear Father and we ask You this 天上的父,我們愛你,在場 morning if there's anybody here who is not certain of their 如果有人尚在質疑 salvation, that'll settle that right now. 救贖,請幫助他們。 And that they can settle it by simply asking You to forgive 請求主的原諒,從此堅定信仰 them of their sins and making this commitment to You, I commit 免去罪惡,全心為您付出,我將 my life to You, Lord Jesus, as my Savior and my Lord. 生命奉獻於你,主耶穌基督,我的救贖者。 And make that full surrender to You. 全心臣服於您的信念。 And I pray Father for those who maybe are uncertain that 我向天上的父禱告 whatever's necessary that they will take time alone on their 讓他們有足夠時間向您禱告 face before You on their knees and settle that issue. 解決內心質疑。 To know that from that moment on, their security is not based 從那刻開始,心中的安定感不再 on who they are and what they have, but on who You are and 來自擁有的多少,而是個人 what You've promised. 與信仰。 In Jesus' name, Amen. 以耶穌基督之名,阿們。 announcer: If you've been blessed by today's program, 如果今天的節目對你有幫助 please visit us at INTOUCH.org. 請搜尋 INTOUCH.org. 網站。 announcer: Leading people worldwide into a growing 帶領世人一同 relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local 投入耶穌基督,凝聚教會 church. 力量。 "In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley" is a presentation 《與查爾斯.斯坦利博士保持聯繫》 of In Touch Ministries. 為 In Touch Ministries 旗下節目。 This program is made possible by the grace of God and your 本節目由慈愛的耶穌基督 faithful prayers and gifts. 和虔誠信眾奉獻共同支持播出。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 耶穌 耶穌基督 永生 天堂 年輕人 救贖 你的生命中是否缺少了什麼?- 查爾斯-斯坦利博士 (Is Something Missing in Your Life? – Dr. Charles Stanley) 149 17 Fuyu Tang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字