字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey, what’s up? It’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, 嘿,過得還好嗎?我是瑪莉.芙萊奧(美國跨多行業專家),你正在收看的是Marie TV the place to be to create a business and a life that you love. 這裡能讓你學會創造你所熱愛的事業與生活唷 And today is Q&A Tuesday and today’s question comes from Sonya and she writes: 今天是星期二的你問我答時間,今天的問題來自桑雅,上面寫道: "Hi Marie. Thanks for all the great advice you put out there. I love watching your show every week." 「嗨,瑪莉,非常謝謝妳在妳的影片裡,提出許多寶貴的建議,我每個禮拜都會固定看妳的節目,超級愛唷❤」 Thank you so much. 謝謝妳! "I'm a naturopath and promote a healthy lifestyle through raw food and juicing. 「我是一位自然療法醫師,提倡生機蔬果飲食的健康生活方式 I'm working on the outline of an online course about how to get started, 我目前正在籌畫準備,有關如何著手開始這種療法的線上課程 but as I browse the internet I see plenty of folks sharing videos on the subject for free. 不過我上網的時候卻發現,不少人把我相關主題的影片免費分享出去 I know I have valuable information to share, but I have a hard time moving forward 我知道我這些寶貴資訊值得分享,但我實在難以想像,如果大家都在YouTube上 thinking no one will buy if they can watch free videos on the subject on YouTube. 觀賞相關主題的免費影片,這樣還會有誰願意買線上課程呢? But on the other hand, there are a ton of free YouTube videos about every business niche. 不過從另一方面來看,YouTube上倒是有不少關於各種商業利基的免費影片(譯註:niche 是商業環境下的優勢,換言之,就是策略與環境契合良好程度) That doesn't seem to stop them from selling. 但他們的產品也一樣賣得嚇嚇叫 Should I rethink my strategy or is this just some fear based brain chatter that I need to ignore? Thanks, Sonya." 我是不是該重新調整策略,還是這只是我腦中擔心害怕的雜念,忽略它就好了呢?謝謝妳,桑雅上」 Sonya, this is a super common question and, I've gotta tell you, it is mostly fear based brain chatter, 桑雅,這個問題其實非常常見,我老實告訴妳,這確實是妳心中憂慮害怕的雜念罷了 but it is a question that's worth asking. 不過這問題仍然值得一問 I mean, after all, why would anyone pay for something when in theory they could find it online for free? 畢竟,原則上如果網路就能找得到的免費東西,誰還會想花錢當冤大頭呢? Since you're in the nutrition industry, I think you'll really understand this. 既然妳是在營養產業工作,那我想妳肯定很能了解這點 I love food, I love cooking, and I love searching for recipes. So, yes, I go online and I find free recipes all the time. 我愛珍饌美食、喜歡自己下廚,甚至會自行尋找食譜,所以沒有錯,我會去網路上搜尋資料,也總是能夠獲取免費的食譜 However, when I find a chef that I really relate to: I love their approach, 不過呢,如果我找到我非常喜愛的廚師,像是喜歡他們的做菜方式 their philosophy, I love all of the meals they put together, 與料理哲學,喜歡所有他們做出來的料理 I am happy to go out and buy their cookbook. 這時候我就會願意掏出錢包,購買他們的食譜 Why? Because I want to learn everything I possibly can from them and I want to support their work in the world. 為什麼?因為我想盡可能從他們身上學到不同的東西,而且我想要支持他們在這世界上所付出的努力 Same thing is true in dance. 同樣道理用在跳舞也是 You can go on YouTube and there's a ton of free dance tutorials, amazing teachers and choreographers, 只要你打開YouTube就會發現不少免費舞蹈個別指導影片,裡面通常有著很讚的舞蹈教師 and often times when I check out a cool one I poke around and I find out, wow, they have a paid dance tutorial download. 而我在隨意閒逛點擊任一個影片觀看之後,通常我會發現,哇,原來他們也有提供付費舞蹈個別指導教學的下載連結 And I'm happy to pay for it. Once again, why? Because I think they're awesome, 我也十分樂意買單,再一次,為什麼呢?因為我覺得他們太讚了 I want to learn everything I can from them, it usually goes more in depth, and I want to support their artistry. 我想在從中學到各種不同事物,通常會有深度地進行學習,我也很願意繼續支持他們這樣的藝術才能 So the same thing can be true for you. So when that mind chatter just starts going off, 所以同樣道理一樣能套用在你身上,所以如果你腦中那堆雜念又開始浮現 here are 6 things that you can offer that free videos on YouTube just don't. 以下 6 項理由,能幫助你心無旁鶩地安心提供YouTube的免費影片 Number one is results vs. random information. So you have to understand that when people 第一,「完美成效 vs. 紊亂無章的資訊」,當人們付錢買你的課程的時候 are paying for a course, what they're paying for is a result that you're helping them get 你就得了解到他們付了錢,就是希望你能幫助到他們 rather than just a hodge podge of information. So, for example, in B-School, we don't just 而不是隨便資訊丟一丟,變成大雜燴給消費者,舉例來說,在B-School裡面 have, you know, this total mess like a mental throwup of information about online business. 不會出現一大堆亂糟糟、讓人精神錯亂的網路企業經營新知 We have everything neatly structured to give people the best possible chance to actually create a result. 我們提供的內容資訊都經過完善組織規劃,以提供人們擁有最佳機會創造完美的成效 And when you're finding stuff online, no matter how awesome and free it is, 通常你在網路上所搜尋到的東西,不論它表面揚言其多棒而且又是免費 often times it is pretty random and it doesn't really equal up to a specific outcome. 大多數它們給予的資訊都雜亂無章,也未必能為你帶來什麼確切的成效 Number two is sequence. So remember, in any learning experience the raw information is not enough. 第二則是「順序」,記得不管是什麼學習經驗,僅僅只是原始訊息是絕對不夠的 You have to put it in the right order. I mean, think about phone numbers, for an example, 你還得將其依序擺好。好比說,舉個電話號碼的例子, If I give you all the digits to my phone number but I didn't tell you the order to dial it in, 如果我今天告訴你我電話號碼的所有數字,卻沒有告訴你撥打的順序 you would have a really hard time reaching me. 那你肯定很難聯繫到我 And the same thing is true for your information. 給予學生學習的資訊也是如此 What your students are actually paying you for is to take them on a journey from start to finish in a very specific order. 你的學生付錢給你,其實是希望你帶領他們學習的過程中,是以特定的順序來學習 Number three is convenience. Alright, so show of hands. 第三,「便利性」。好,我們來表決一下 Who wants to scour the internet for a bunch of random information from different people 有沒有誰想在網路上四處搜索來自不同人 with conflicting opinions and somewhat questionable credibility? 看法相互矛盾、而且可信度又不高、紊亂無章的資訊來學習呢? You guys? Anyone? Anyone? No? It's free. It's totally free. 有人嗎?確定?都沒人?它是免費的耶!完全免費耶 You know? Enough said. 知道嗎?很明顯了吧! Number four is the missing pieces. So you're not just giving your customers things they could look up on YouTube, 第四,「搜尋不到的才是精華」,你不能只是給顧客在YouTube上就可以查得到的東西 you’re telling them about all the things they don't even know to look up on YouTube. 而是你得傳授他們根本不知道如何在YouTube上搜尋的新知 So, for example, your customer knows she doesn't know everything about healthy eating. 舉例來說,你的顧客很清楚,自己對健康飲食這方面不是很懂 She wouldn't even know the first thing potentially to look up. 她甚至可能連一開始找尋資訊的方向都搞錯了 So she’d look up cooking with seeds. Is kale better than spinach? 比方說她可能會去查種子料理,或是「甘藍菜比波菜來得好嗎?」 So what you’re doing is actually educating your customers on all the things she doesn't know, 所以你要做的其實就是要教你的顧客,她所不知道的那些事情 which is why she's happy to pay you. 這也就是她會樂意付你錢的原因 Number five is accountability and motivation. 第五則是「究責性與鼓勵你的動機」 Like it or not, most of us are so much more likely to use something and get value out of the thing that we actually pay for versus something we get for free. 不管你贊不贊同,比起那些免費取得的東西,通常大部分的人從收費的東西當中,能獲得更多益處,且挖掘出更多價值 Plus, it feels awesome when you genuinely connect with someone 此外,能夠和你的顧客真實連結在一起,是一件非常棒的事 and you have someone there to support and motivate you through your journey. 如此一來,你不但能獲得顧客的支持、這也將成為你繼續向前邁進的動力 Number six, you! The free stuff online is lacking your perspective, your teaching ability, your personality, your heart and soul. 第六,「你自己!」網路上那些免費學習的資源,都少了你那獨有的洞察力、專業的指導能力、你的特性還有心靈 It's missing that special gift that only you have 它所缺少的正是你與生俱來的天賦 and all of the love and encouragement that you're gonna give to your customers and students. 以及你願意為你的顧客與學生付出的愛與鼓勵 So remember, as great as free is, it can't compete with you. 所以請銘記,即使「免錢」的東西人人搶著要,但它終究贏不過有人性的你 Now, if you want to know how to add more heart and personality and soul into everything that you offer, 現在呢,如果你想知道如何為你的事業或商品,注入更多心力還有特色的話 you'd best get your butt in B-School. I have a particular knack for helping people do this amazingly well, 那你最好快來逛逛B-School,我有非常神奇的訣竅,能幫助大家做得更好 and I gotta tell you, I am way better than free. 真的不是我在自誇,真的比免費的還要好呢! In fact, I got so fired up about this topic that we're gonna have our first ever Tweet off. 好啦,現在呢,我要來以推特的轉發訊息,來為我們這次的主題做個總結 So we got two to choose from. You can pick one, you can pick the other, or you can pick both 這次我們會有兩則,你可以擇一、又或者兩個都選 if it floats your boat. 任君挑選 "People don't buy information, they buy results." 「1. 人們不只是想買到新知、而是還想要的是成效。」 Or "the best things in life may be free, but some of the best things online are not." 或者「2. 生命中美好的事物也許是免錢的,但網路上某些很棒的東西可就未必如此。」 That was my A to your Q Sonya, I really hope it helps. And now I would love to hear from you. 以上就是我針對妳的問題,所提出的解答,桑雅,我真的希望它能幫助到妳,現在我想聽聽看你們的想法 Have you ever bought anything online that in theory you could've learned for free? 你是否曾在網路上購買過任何東西,即使你知道你其實可以免費學到? What made you buy? And what advice do you have for Sonya or for anyone who shares these same fears? 是什麼原因促使你購買?而你有沒有什麼建議想提供給桑雅,或是那些有著相同憂慮的人呢? As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at MarieForleo.com, so come 如往常一樣,每一集結束後,在MarieForieo.com網站裡,都會出現熱烈的討論,所以現在 on over and leave a comment now. 就請你到網站上,留下你的想法吧 Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to our channel and share it with all of your 你喜歡這部影片嗎?如果喜歡,不妨訂閱我們的頻道,並且將它分享 friends. And if you want even more awesome resources to create a business and life that 給你的朋友們,如果你想要更多超讚的資源,去創造你熱愛的事業及生活 you love, plus some personal insights from me that I only get to talk about in email, 或者想要我只會在email裡,提到的個人洞見的話 come on over to MarieForleo.com and sign up for email updates. 那就來MarieForleo.com網站,並且註冊以利收到電子報 Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams, because the world needs that special gift that only you have. 繼續闖蕩你的事業,並繼續朝著你的夢想邁進,因為這世界正需要你那獨一無二的天賦 Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time on MarieTV. 非常感謝你的收看,我們下回再於 Marie TV上見
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 免費 顧客 網路 資訊 學習 影片 【MarieTV】六個理由說明為何我們付費學習 v.s. 線上免費學習 (6 Reasons We'll Pay You To Teach Us vs. Learn It Free Online) 1046 117 Adam Huang 發佈於 2015 年 03 月 01 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字