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  • It's Q & A Tuesday! Yeah! That's all we got!

  • Q: This is from Natalie in Switzerland, and Natalie writes:

  • "Dear Marie. Do you ever get consumed by stress and if you do, how do you turn that stressiness

  • into another energy? Thank you and lots of love."

  • A: Natalie, this is an awesome question. So thank you so much for asking it. Every single

  • successful person I know including myself has their own challenges with stress. So before

  • I tell you how I handle it, I think it's really important that we break down stress and really

  • look at what it is.

  • Stress is something that happens when we get overwhelmed by things happening in our life,

  • and if you break that down even further, the only time we experience stress is when we

  • leave the present moment and we caught up worrying about possible future scenarios that

  • may or may not even happen.

  • In fact, one of my favorite quotes that describe this is by Mark Twain and Mark Twain says,

  • "I have known a great many troubles but most of them never happened." Booya, Mark Twain!

  • First I want to share two truths that help me immediately stop being in stress mode and

  • shift into something more productive like action.

  • So, the first truth is something I love saying. You may have heard it before, everything is

  • figure-out-able. Everything! So if you find yourself stressing out; you got to slow down,

  • get out of your head and get into the moment. Anything can be solved if you break it down

  • to a series of steps and just follow one, two, three, and four and handle the problem.

  • Most stress is initiated in our minds; that's where 99% of stress lives. So if you get out

  • of your head, get out of your mind, get into the present moment that's where all of your

  • power and control exists; and, you can handle anything from that space. The key is stop

  • stressing and start engaging.

  • Take a look at what you can do right now. Sometimes it's a physical action like having

  • a conversation or making a phone call and other times it's a spiritual action. You need

  • to just slow down and maybe have a little prayer time. You know, ask for some guidance

  • and some wisdom, and some insight from whatever higher source you believe in.

  • Here's the other truth that I live by, nothing is worth getting stressed-out over. Haven't

  • you noticed that everything always seems to work out in the end? In my experience, every

  • time I freak myself out and get stressed over something, somehow it always works out. So

  • stress only makes you less effective and honestly, stress is poison to your productivity.

  • Now, here's a more direct answer to your question about how I personally handle stress. So what

  • I do is I like to kind of cut it off at the knees. I put three daily habits in place,

  • things that I do every single day that eliminates stress before it even happens. First thing

  • that I do; my daily mediation practice. I used to not be a very big fan of mediation

  • but I have to tell you, lately it's been working like a champ. You can Google mediation.

  • There's lots of different techniques but essentially I sit for anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes

  • every day before I do anything else. Clear out my vessel and I'm good to go. The second

  • thing that I do is I eat "super clean." So I've talked about Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet

  • before, it is my Bible. I've eliminated 99% of dairy. I eat a lot of vegetables, drinking

  • a lot of green juice, eliminated most caffeine.

  • Just eating super clean and I'll tell you if you don't think that what you put into

  • your body effects your stress, you're sadly mistaken, my love. And, the third thing that

  • I do that completely eliminates stress before it even comes up is daily exercise. Now I

  • have to tell ya, I know a little something about teaching people how to exercise.

  • (Exercising clips: "Here we go! We take it to the right, for four and the left for four.

  • Do it again!" "Take em' up. Squeeze." "Lean down into that lunge. Make it nice and funky.

  • Good!" "Three, really control it." "Really go for it! Shimmy back. "Here we go, we fit.

  • Right for two." "Good! Double lunge right here.")

  • That's what we got for your Q & A Tuesday, you all! Thank you so much for watching. Please

  • like it if you like it. Leave a comment, let me know if you have other ideas, tips or strategies

  • around how you handle stress. And last but not least, if you are not yet on the newsletter

  • list you better get your butt on there, you all!

  • Come over to and join myself and close to 40,000 other women from over

  • 108 countries around the world getting rich, happy and hot every single week. Thank you

  • so much for watching and I'll catch you next time.

  • (Exercising clips: "African arms to the right. African arms to the left. Mambo!")

It's Q & A Tuesday! Yeah! That's all we got!


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何立即停止壓力過大? (How To Immediately Stop Stressing Out)

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    Halu Hsieh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日