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  • The other day I did this video about time dilation, or the idea that time is relative to your

  • current speed, but that got me to thinking: there's no such thing as not moving!

  • You might think you're just sitting there, watching this video, maybe you're in a car,

  • on a train or even on an airplane. But even if you were at home on your couch trying to

  • be as still as possible, you're still traveling XXX,XXX miles per SECOND. EVERY SECOND. Sit

  • still and think about that for a second

  • The questionhow fast are we moving?” is FAR more difficult to answer than I thought

  • because there are so many moving parts -- literallypun intended. So, let's go through each level

  • of motion and then add it all up at the end.

  • Starting small, you're not moving. Just to keep it simple, you're standing still on the

  • equator. As the Earth rotates, the equator is going the fastest, and the poles are going

  • slowest. If you were standing right on the north pole, you'd simply rotate once every

  • day, but on the equator, you're going about 1,000 miles per hour (1600km) in a circle,

  • every day. You don't feel it, for the same reason you aren't stuck in your seat while

  • a plane is flying, speed is relative, you only feel it when it changes. So anyway, you're

  • already going 1,000 MPH AS A PERSON.

  • The Earth is traveling around the sun, once per year. It's a trip of 584 million miles

  • (942 M km) to get the sun back to the exact same point in the sky. That means, the whole

  • planet is flying at 66,667 mph (107k kph) AS A PLANET! Then, zooming out further, we

  • are ALL tied to the movement of the sun. The sun is flying through the galaxy with all

  • of us planets tucked into its gravity. Scientists determined, the sun is moving toward other

  • stars at around 45,000 miles per hour (72,420kph) but we're ALSO moving "up" relative to our

  • galactic disc at about 15,700 miles per hour (25.2k kph). We're not going to fly out of

  • the galaxy, the gravity of all those other stars is going to slow us down and pull us

  • back in over the next 14 million years. AND since we're about halfway out of the center

  • of the Milky Way, and as far as we can tell the galaxy rotates once every 200 to 250 million

  • years; we're moving approximately 550,000 miles per hour AS A SOLAR SYSTEM.

  • We're not done yet either! You, the planet, the solar system andThe MIlky Way. Our

  • galaxy is heading toward the Andromeda galaxy at a pretty good clip. Numbers vary, a recent

  • 2013[a] piece clocked it at 252,000 miles per hour. Again, with the three dimensional

  • thinking, the Milky Way is ALSO moving toward the constellation Hydra at about 1,342,000

  • mph (216M kph) and toward Virgo at like half that. So overall the Milky Way MIGHT be traveling

  • as fast as 2,237,000 mph (3.6M kph).

  • Another sidebar: the further away from YOU that you get, the more difficult it gets to

  • measure your speed. The reason we use constellations and other galaxies is the same reason we use

  • trees or mountains here on Earth to gauge distance. They're large and far enough away

  • that they become a point of reference. We can measure our SPEED relative to theirs,

  • but of course, all the stars and galaxies in Andromeda -- like a mountain -- are moving,

  • Andromeda is moving, the stars of the constellation Hydra -- like the tree -- is movingEVERYTHING


  • AND the whole universe might be moving. Yep. The whole damn thing. I can get into that

  • if you want! Lemme know with a like and if we get to 10,000, we'll come back to it. It's

  • big, y'all.

  • Now, to the MATHS!! Your 1,000 mph, plus Earth's 66,667 mph, plus our system's 550,000 mph,

  • plus the galaxy's 2,237,000 miles per hour equals = about 2,855,000 miles per hour or

  • about 800 miles every second. Think about that. That's mind-boggling, and incredible.

  • The reason you're not clinging to the ground in fright is because again, speed is relative.

  • YOu're not feeling it because we're all on this supersonic jet together. Us, and all

  • the stars in the galaxy.

  • How does all this make you feel? Small? Tiny? Insignificant?! Or super amazing and important!

  • There's WAY more to this than this simple video is going to explore, but if you're like

  • me, this video gave you some feels. Express yourself! Go on!

  • We'd like to take a moment to thank Subaru making this big thinking video possible and

  • for keeping us in motion.

  • Especially the all-new 2015 Subaru Legacy. Every sedan has its benefits, but only one

  • combines them all. It’s not just a sedan. It’s a Subaru.

  • ########## how fast overall


  • how fast milky way

  • how fast earth


  • relative speed


  • universe expanding


  • sun moving

  • *B-ROLL VERSION* In 9/24 Folder

  • [SUBARU BILLBOARD- Use Trace’s read from Dnews-091914-Time-Dilation-YT]

  • (TRACE) The other day I did this video about time

  • dilation, or the idea that time is relative to your current speed, but that got me to

  • thinking: there's no such thing as not moving! [[DNEWS OPEN]]

  • (TRACE) [[greet and welcome]]

  • You might think you're just sitting there, watching this video, maybe you're in a car,

  • on a train or even on an airplane. But even if you were

  • [VO: image 167449679] at home on your couch trying to be as still

  • as possible, you're still traveling XXX,XXX miles per SECOND. EVERY SECOND. Sit still

  • and think about that for a second

  • The questionhow fast are we moving?” is FAR more difficult to answer than I thought

  • because there are so many moving parts -- literallypun intended. So, let's go through each level

  • of motion and then add it all up at the end.

  • Starting small, you're not moving. Just to keep it simple, you're standing still on the

  • equator.

  • [VO: DA video 80801014_t022] As the Earth rotates,

  • *add arrow pointing to the equator* the equator is going the fastest,

  • [Cut to @ 0:04] and the poles are going slowest. If you were

  • standing right on the north pole, you'd simply rotate once every day, but on the equator,

  • you're going about [TEXT ON SCREEN: 1600 km/hr ]

  • 1,000 miles per hour (1600km) in a circle, every day. You don't feel it, for the same

  • reason [VO: DA video 8088762_013_m @ 0:13]

  • you aren't stuck in your seat while a plane is flying, speed is relative, you only feel

  • it when it changes. So anyway, you're already going 1,000 MPH AS A PERSON.

  • [VO: videoblocks 37007-8] The Earth is traveling around the sun, once

  • per year. It's a trip of [TEXT ON SCREEN: 942M km]

  • 584 million miles (942 M km) to get the sun back to the exact same point in the sky. That

  • means, the whole planet is flying at [TEXT ON SCREEN: 107,000 kph]

  • 66,667 mph (107k kph) AS A PLANET! Then, zooming out further, we are ALL tied to the movement

  • of the sun.

  • [VO: DA video 808055_033_m @ 0:12] The sun is flying through the galaxy with

  • all of us planets tucked into its gravity. Scientists determined, the sun is moving toward

  • other stars at around [TEXT ON SCREEN: 72,420 kph ]

  • 45,000 miles per hour (72,420kph) but we're ALSO moving "up" relative to our galactic

  • disc at about 15,700 miles per hour (25.2k kph). We're not going to fly out of the galaxy,

  • the gravity of all those other stars is going to slow us down and pull us back in over the

  • next 14 million years. AND since we're about

  • [VO: image 453410847] halfway out of the center of the Milky Way,

  • and as far as we can tell the galaxy rotates once every 200 to 250 million years; we're

  • moving approximately [TEXT ON SCREEN: 885 kph ]

  • 550,000 miles per hour AS A SOLAR SYSTEM.

  • We're not done yet either! You, the planet, the solar system andThe MIlky Way. Our

  • galaxy is heading toward [VO: image 465695791]

  • the Andromeda galaxy at a pretty good clip. Numbers vary, a recent 2013[b] piece

  • clocked it at

  • [TEXT ON SCREEN: 405.5 kph] 252,000 miles per hour. Again, with the three

  • dimensional thinking, the Milky Way is ALSO moving toward

  • [VO: image 503564979] the constellation Hydra at about

  • [TEXT ON SCREEN: 216M kph] 1,342,000 mph (216M kph) and toward Virgo

  • at like half that. So overall the Milky Way MIGHT be traveling as fast as

  • [TEXT ON SCREEN: 3.6M kph] 2,237,000 mph (3.6M kph).

  • Another sidebar: the further away from YOU that you get, the more difficult it gets to

  • measure your speed. The reason we use constellations and other galaxies is the same reason we use

  • [VO: videoblocks utahmountains-082712-1-mov] trees or mountains here on Earth to gauge

  • distance. They're large and far enough away that they become a point of reference. We

  • can measure our SPEED relative to theirs, but of course, all the stars and galaxies

  • in Andromeda -- like a mountain -- are moving, Andromeda is moving, the stars of the constellation

  • Hydra -- like the tree -- is movingEVERYTHING IS MOVING.

  • [VO: videoblocks tmh-030514-galaxy-v1] AND the whole universe might be moving. Yep.

  • The whole damn thing. I can get into that if you want! Lemme know with a like and if

  • we get to 10,000, we'll come back to it. It's big, y'all.

  • Now, to the MATHS!! [FULLSCREEN GRAPHIC: *pop up each line as

  • he reads it* ] You 1,000 mph

  • Earth 66,667 mph Solar System 550,000 mph

  • Galaxy 2,237,000 mph = 2,855,000 mph (800 miles / second)

  • Your 1,000 mph, plus Earth's 66,667 mph, plus our system's 550,000 mph, plus the galaxy's

  • 2,237,000 miles per hour equals = about 2,855,000 miles per hour or about 800 miles every second.

  • Think about that. That's mind-boggling, and incredible. The reason you're not clinging

  • to the ground in fright is because again, speed is relative. YOu're not feeling it because

  • we're all on this supersonic jet together. Us, and all the stars in the galaxy.

  • How does all this make you feel? Small? Tiny? Insignificant?! Or super amazing and important!

  • There's WAY more to this than this simple video is going to explore, but if you're like

  • me, this video gave you some feels. Express yourself! Go on!

  • We'd like to take a moment to thank Subaru making this big thinking video possible and

  • for keeping us in motion. [VO: video 2015 SUBARU LEGACY @0:14]

  • Especially the all-new 2015 Subaru Legacy. Every sedan has its benefits, but only one

  • combines them all. It’s not just a sedan. It’s a Subaru.

  • [[YT]] Leave em and sub [[TT]] Leave em

  • [[AR]] Go to social

  • CTA How Scientists Slowed Down Time


  • What Is El Niño?

  • [a] [b]

The other day I did this video about time dilation, or the idea that time is relative to your


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你在宇宙中移動的速度有多快? (How Fast Are You Moving Through The Universe?)

  • 184 10
    Cheng-Hong Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日