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  • The President: Hi, everybody.

  • Every day, we get thousands of letters

  • and emails at the White House from Americans across

  • the country - and every night, I read ten of them.

  • They tell me about their hopes and their worries,

  • their hardships and successes.

  • They're the Americans I'm working for every day -

  • and this year, several of these letter writers will

  • join me at the Capitol when I deliver my annual

  • State of the Union Address on Tuesday night.

  • Carolyn Reed wrote to me from Colorado to tell

  • me she was able to expand her business, thanks

  • to a loan from the Small Business Administration.

  • Today, she and her husband own seven

  • Silver Mine Sub Shops - and last year,

  • they raised wages for all their hourly employees.

  • Victor Fugate, from Butler, Missouri, wrote

  • to tell me that he was unemployed for a while

  • a few years ago, but today he's earned his degree

  • and found a full-time job.

  • Victor said that he and his wife were able

  • to afford their student loans because our country

  • offered millions of Americans the chance

  • to cap their monthly payments as a percentage of their

  • income - and, because of the Affordable Care Act,

  • they now have the security and peace of mind

  • of affordable health insurance.

  • While serving in Afghanistan, Jason Gibson

  • was gravely wounded-he lost both his legs.

  • When I first met him in the hospital, he was

  • just beginning his long, difficult road

  • to recovery.

  • But last year, Sergeant Gibson wrote to tell

  • me that with the help of our extraordinary doctors and

  • nurses, he's making extraordinary progress.

  • He just moved into a new home,

  • and he and his wife just had a baby girl.

  • Stories like these give us reason to start

  • the new year with confidence.

  • 2014 was the fastest year for

  • job growth since the 1990s.

  • Unemployment fell faster than any year since 1984.

  • Our combat mission in Afghanistan has come

  • to a responsible end, and more of our

  • heroes are coming home.

  • America's resurgence is real.

  • Our job now is to make sure that every American

  • feels that they're a part of our country's comeback.

  • That's what I'll focus on in my State of the Union -

  • how to build on our momentum, with rising

  • wages, growing incomes, and a stronger middle class.

  • And I'll call on this new Congress to join

  • me in putting aside the political games and

  • finding areas where we agree so we can deliver

  • for the American people.

  • The last six years have demanded resilience and

  • sacrifice from all of us.

  • All of us have a right to be proud of the progress

  • America has made.

  • And I hope you'll tune in on Tuesday to hear about

  • the steps we can take to build on this progress,

  • and to seize this moment together.

  • Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend.

The President: Hi, everybody.


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每週講話。國情諮文是本週二 (Weekly Address: State of the Union Is this Tuesday)

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    rain 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日