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  • High this is Tony from Cookingaround

  • you know it's really really cold outside

  • the winter has really hit hard here in Poland

  • raining mixed in with snow and it keeps snowing

  • This is the time that you know one usually a lot of people catch colds and flu

  • so I come up with my famous

  • Garlic Soup

  • Now this soup will help your amunity system to

  • fight off your

  • Colds and whatever ugly virus comes your way

  • Now you now that garlic is a natural antibiotic

  • I'm not saying this is to prevent you you know

  • If you still need you flu shot please go get it, any medical advice

  • please see a doctor not me I'm just letting you know how this helps me.

  • so try this Garlic soup

  • and you will see that it is absolute awesome, my friends love it

  • and it will give you onfffffff to your day

  • once you eat this, but

  • no kissing for one hour after you eat this

  • Ok let's start get started.

  • Ok take a medium pot or larger or smaller and we are going to add

  • about

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

  • and you can use regular oil if you want

  • and we will just wait for it to heat up, and we throw 1 onion in there

  • and wait for the sizzle, okay it's sizzling.

  • So I take 1/2 of an onion

  • or a small one like I have here and roughly chopped

  • Put that in

  • and we basically keep it at medium high until we get

  • until we get it about , say , half soften.

  • Ok they are about half soften

  • I add about a 1/4 cup of butter

  • and we wait for that to melt

  • Now I will add about 1/2 a bulb of garlic that is about 6 to 8 cloves.

  • and I pressed it with this handy dandy presser.

  • If you do not have a presser then chop it as fine as you can.

  • And we add that to the pot.

  • Now at this point I do not want the garlic

  • to be over cooked

  • or burned

  • if it is on high

  • Keep moving it

  • until we break down the onions.

  • so keep it on low.

  • Now this is as far as I go, now

  • Grab some water and just pour that in

  • until I am about 2 inches from the top

  • with this size pot.

  • Just about like that.

  • now you can add water or less, but this is about where

  • I want it here for this size soup.

  • Now

  • to there we add 4 small potatoes

  • or 3 large potatoes, I usually cut them this way this way because

  • they basically cook faster for some reason

  • is a proven fact.

  • And put that in.

  • and about 1/2 of a large parsnip

  • or 1 small one, I kept them to about this size.

  • you are going to see why later.

  • Put that on there.

  • and 1 carrot, do not dice it for I will show you why later.

  • and that goes in.

  • and 1 cube of chicken stock, now if you do not

  • want to use this stock then you can use veggie stock

  • Since this is for me and my Vegetarian Girlfriend is not here, I will use this.

  • In you go, stock.

  • So because we used the stock we have to be careful how much salt we use

  • so I will add about 1/2 teaspoon of salt only.

  • Then I will taste it later.

  • Now we increase the heat, cover it, once it boils

  • reduce the heat to medium-low and keep and it on

  • a boil for about 25 to 30 minutes.

  • and we will be back.

  • Ok here we are rwe're back again now we do here

  • is grab the carrot and remove it

  • and put that on the side and now

  • you turn off the heat, let it cool down

  • and this is going to the blender. I will be back.

  • Where back, the soup has cooled down and everything is here.

  • Except for the carrot. Now what we do

  • Just turn it on

  • and

  • this what we want we want.

  • We take the liquid soup and

  • and we pour it all back into the pot

  • If you made a lot of soup then you may have to do this in two batches.

  • Okay all the soup is back again, had to do

  • this in two parts. Because of the size of my blender.

  • And now we add

  • out add our carrot we took out and sliced.

  • Now you can add more or less carrots.

  • Take 1 1/2 green onion stems

  • chopped just to give it some

  • color to this soup, add more or less.

  • Also the fresh ground pepper

  • Now here again you can add more or less

  • depending on whatever makes you happy.

  • I will add about 1/2 of a teaspoon.

  • Now stir that all around, see how that's coming, if you could smell this nice aroma.

  • of that garlic, boy oh boy your mother would be proud.

  • Now when you eat this, do you have any neighbors

  • that are bothering you, believe me when you eat this

  • they will all disappear

  • So

  • Cover it

  • Bring it to a boil

  • and now let it cook for about 15 to 20 minutes.

  • and will be back we're back

  • We are back

  • it's been about 15 minutes and you can see it has been boiling here really nicely.

  • Now I did come to it every five minutes

  • gave a nice stir, see how this has turned out.

  • really good but we're not done yet. Now

  • At this point it's important for the taste test.

  • see if it needs more salt or not.

  • Now remember this is for you not for me.

  • so you can add more or less, like you want.

  • and for me

  • It requires

  • a pinch of salt, some more

  • pepper and 1 1/2 tablespoon of parsley.

  • I am using dry you can use fresh.

  • Now

  • To finish it off

  • some 18 percent cream or you can use milk

  • now when you add this I want you to keep stirring

  • just add it very slowly to the soup

  • until you get it clear and the way you want it. .

  • Now we don't want to overdo it for it will become to milky.

  • and that's how we do it and how I want it.

  • Now look how that soup looks like,

  • and the smell is awesome.

  • So here is the soup it's now finished

  • you can see that it looks absolutely awesome

  • have a bowl of this we will clean your sinuses it will help you fight

  • any type colds or fever

  • it also is guaranteed

  • that once you eat a bowl like this

  • you keep all the neighbors away for awhile.

  • So here it is.

  • Enjoy

  • and thank you very much for being with me thank you very much for haven

  • given the opportunity to share this recipe with and

  • it brings enjoyment and good health. Thank you see you again on my next

  • cooking video,

High this is Tony from Cookingaround


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B1 中級

大蒜湯--天然抗生素--減肥--神奇計劃。 (Garlic Soup - Natural Antibiotics - Weight Loss - Magic Plan)

  • 239 41
    Dai-Jei Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日