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- Hi guys.
So it is almost Valentine's Day,
and today I'm going to share a card that I designed
that all of you can make at home.
Before we get started though,
I just want to mention that this video
is part of a big collab with a ton
of other crafting channels, and I'm going to be
linking to all of their Valentine's Day DIY projects
in the end screen and also down in the description,
so make sure you go check those out
after you're done watching this video.
Okay. So now, on to the DIY.
So I recently saw Frozen and I loved it,
and there's this one line from "Love is an Open Door"
that I just thought would be so cute
on a Valentine's Day card.
So the front is all pink and girly and it says,
"We finish each other's...
Apparently this line is also from Arrested Development,
but I don't really like Arrested Development.
I know, throw your tomatoes at me.
But I just love how this card came out,
so let's find out how to make it.
So you're going to start with two pieces of craft paper,
one pink and one cream.
Find a card that you like the size of.
Open it up and trace it onto the first piece of paper.
Then use your Exacto knife and a ruler to cut that out.
Trace that onto your second piece of paper
and cut that out too.
And then use some rubber cement
to glue the two pieces of paper together.
Now use your ruler to mark
the length of the card into quarters.
My card is 8 1/4 inches long,
so I'm going to mark at 2 1/16 and 6 3/16.
Make those same measurements at the bottom of the paper
and then run your bone folder
between those two lines to make a crease.
If you're using really thick paper,
you could also use your Exacto knife
to score the paper rather than just creasing it.
Now fold both sides into the card
using your bone folder to flatten the crease.
And now you have your basic card.
Grab a piece of pink decorative paper
and trace the outline of the card onto the back.
Mark where the halfway line is,
and then sketch out half of a heart.
Cut that out with an Exacto knife,
and then trace it to make a full heart,
and cut that out too.
Then, use your rubber cement to glue the heart halves
to the front of the card.
(slow guitar music)
Let that dry for a minute,
and then grab some pink washi Tape.
Apply this to the top and bottom of the card
using your scissors to cut off the excess.
Now the front of the card is almost done,
but we just have to add the text.
I printed mine out from the computer
in the font "Amatic, "
but you can use any font you like,
or even hand write it.
Cut it down pretty close to the text,
so it's even on all sides.
Then, place it over some spare cardstock
and trace out a rectangle
that's slightly larger on all sides.
Cut that out and grab your washi tape again,
and cover the rectangle with it.
Don't worry about the patterns lining up exactly
since you'll only see the edges.
Trim the excess tape off with scissors.
And then for one finishing touch,
I'm going to use a red Prismacolor marker
to fill in the edges,
being careful not to get any marker
on the front of the tape.
Once done with that,
just glue the two pieces together.
And then apply glue to half of the rectangle
and glue it onto the card,
making sure that you don't glue the card shut.
And that's the front of the card finished.
Set it aside for a minute
while we make the sandwich for the middle.
For this part, you're going to need
green, red and brown paper.
You could use origami paper or construction paper,
but for the brown part, I'm just using packing paper
that came in a delivery in some box.
Trace out the shape of the card on the brown paper,
and then freehand the shape of a piece of bread.
Cut that out and erase any pencil marks still on it.
For some extra detail,
I'm going to grab my gray Prismacolor marker
and draw an outline for the crust
all the way around the bread.
Then I'm going to add some dots.
And this is going to fade and be really subtle,
so you could also do two layers
or use a darker marker.
After that, grab your red paper and trace a circle
that's about the size of a tomato.
Cut that out and then cut it in half.
Now grab your green paper and trace a squiggly line
around the bread for the lettuce.
Cut this out, but don't worry about it being perfect.
Here you can see essentially how it's going to be assembled,
but we have one more little touch to add.
this card is all about sharing sandwiches,
so draw a bite mark and cut that out
of the bread and the lettuce.
Print out the word "Sandwiches!" and cut that out too.
Now it's time to glue it all together.
I found that the brown paper doesn't take well
to rubber cement, so I'm going to be
using double-sided tape for this step.
Start by taping down the tomato halves,
testing out the placement under the bread
to make sure that the corners don't show.
Then, tape down the bread.
Once the sandwich is put together,
glue it inside the card.
And finally, tape down the "Sandwiches!" text on top.
And that's it, now you have a card
that is flirty and romantic on the front,
and then funny and unexpected when you open it up.
If you use thick paper
and the card has trouble staying closed,
you can just tape it shut with a small piece
of washi tape, which will easily come off
whenever you want to open it up.
Personally, I do not have a valentine this year,
so I decided to write a note inside of my card
for the beautiful Benedict Cumberbatch.
I'll just be over here waiting by the phone for his call.
And now, a few more beauty shots of the card,
because this is a DIY video after all.
(slow guitar music)
So that was my Valentine's Day DIY.
If you decided to make one, I would love to see a photo
on Twitter or Tumblr.
As for a materials list,
lately I've been making Sublime lists for those,
but this project doesn't really
have any special materials,
so I'm just gonna put that in the description.
However, if you did wanna go to Sublime,
I just put up a new list over there
of my favorite valentines cards from Etsy,
in case you want to buy one, or you're just looking
for even more inspiration.
So that is all for me, let me know in the comments
what your Valentine's Day plans are.
If you wanna see more of my DIY videos,
I will have a playlist link for you down the description,
and you can also subscribe
to make sure you don't miss any of them in the future.
But for now, check out
everybody else's Valentine's Day crafts,
which are all really awesome.
Thank you all so much for watching,
and I hope you all have a great day.
(romantic guitar music) ♫ Yeah, that's what love is
♫ And I have it for her
♫ That's what love is
♫ And I have it for her ♫