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  • They couldve taken her anywhere.

  • They could be doing anything.

  • Sure.

  • But any money, LaF is with the other missing girls.

  • Theyre down by two and they need to make up numbers.

  • What do you mean down by two?

  • Well,

  • they already lost Sarah Jane and I stopped them from taking Laura here.

  • So you mean that because you

  • protected Laura they needed a replacement, and so they took

  • And you just let them? Why wouldn’t you have given her a bracelet too? Why would you have warned somebody?!

  • Cause whoever I help, they just end up taking more.

  • I didn’t think it’d be one of your friends.

  • Told you I’m not the hero of this peace.

  • What were you thinking, the two of you? Getting involved in all of this?

  • And putting everything you do up online

  • for everyone to see?

  • What if theyre putting those things in her brain?

  • What

  • What if the last thing she remembers is that I was awful to her?

  • [Curls up on Laura’s bed crying]

  • I did this.

  • They took LaFontaine because they couldn’t take me.

  • Cause they could see my videos and they knew what we were up to.

  • [overlapping] Alright, just stop all of this before I get queasy.

  • Cupcake,

  • you are ridiculous and headstrong

  • and naïve and this whole Lois Lane Junior gig is doomed,

  • okay? But unless youre going around kidnapping girls for some ancient unspeakable evil,

  • nothing that’s happening right now is your fault.

  • Really?

  • Yeah, [indicates to self] former minion of the evil?

  • Yeah.

  • Okay, but Perry’s not wrong either. We need to be smarter than this.

  • We need to make sure that weve warned anybody who might be in harm’s way.

  • [To the camera]

  • Which includes you. If you are on the Silas campus, you are in danger.

  • Duh.

  • Though, did anybody think to tell that big puppy that follows you around that his BFF’s a vampire?

  • Oh my god, Kirsch!

  • [Later]

  • No.

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • Yes.

  • Dude, no, okay? Will’s my bro.

  • He came with me to SJ’s memorial. Which was really sad.

  • Kirsch, I’m sorry.

  • The memorial was nice, though.

  • There’s, like, a little rock with her name on it.

  • I bring her flowers sometimes.

  • Pink ones. She liked pink stuff.

  • That’s sweet.

  • And look,

  • I get it. You guys are trying to help me because you think I’m dumb.

  • No!

  • Alright, you think I’m not good at math or science or English or whatever. But

  • I know bros.

  • And Zetas?

  • We walk through fire for each other.

  • And even if Will is a vampire, he’s a Zeta first.

  • Doesn’t work that way, beefcake.

  • Well listen, out of the two of you, my man Will never tried to bite me.

  • Just do me a favour, okay?

  • Just be careful around him.

  • I was not kidding when I said he tried to kill me.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah.

  • And hey, if youre not too busy fighting evil,

  • maybe you would come to the post-midterm bash on Friday?

  • Were wrapping the goat in bacon this year.

  • Yum.

  • [Kirsch leaves]

  • [Sigh]

  • You can send a dude to college, but you can’t make him think.

  • [Laura chuckles]

  • Must be nice sometimes, though. To be normal.

  • Or oblivious. Nothing to worry about except the

  • midterm bash and whether the person you like’s gonna be there.

  • That must sound so stupid to you.

  • Youve been to, what? A zillion dances.

  • Yeah, but most of the time I was bait in a supernatural con game.

  • So, you can’t remember what kids did for kicks back in 1698?

  • Ah, it wasn’t much different.

  • We drank a lot and danced like fools.

  • Waltzing was fun.

  • It had a

  • frisson scandal back then.

  • How is waltzing scandalous?

  • [Carmilla offers her hand to Laura]

  • Well...

  • Partners were face to face.

  • Chest to chest.

  • All of that, um, whirling.

  • [Carmilla spins Laura]

  • [Laura laughs]

  • In 1698 it may as well have been sex.

  • So you had some fun after all.

  • Uh, once or twice.

  • [Laura yawns]

  • Why don’t you just take mine

  • I’ll curl up on the floor.

  • No! I couldn’t make you

  • Vampiric constitution trumps lower back pain.

  • [Carmilla goes into the bathroom]

  • Thanks.

  • Worst. Crush. Ever.

They couldve taken her anywhere.


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B1 中級 美國腔

卡米拉|第28集|根據J.Sheridan Le Fanu小說改編。 (Carmilla | Episode 28 | Based on the J. Sheridan Le Fanu Novella)

  • 60 6
    Casandra Huang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日