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And what kind of thrilling do we find ourselves on now, gentle viewers?
Our terrifying dean of students has dropped by
unannounced and she’s reprimanding my awful roommate in the hallway.
So, naturally, I thought I’d share the fun with you.
This is so childish. You’d think we were still six.
Shh! I can almost hear what she’s saying.
[mumbling through the door]
“I didn’t go out of my way to get you accepted here to have you behaving like this”!
Man, she is in trouble!
Well, if she’s as wonderful a student as she is a roommate.
Schadenfreude isn’t very attractive, Laura.
But so satisfying.
Oh, uh,
“if you don’t take care of the situation I will”.
Man, all that’s missing is “now straighten up and fly right, young lady”.
[Perry clears throat]
I know, it’s just… she so had it coming.
[Door opens]
Oh, hi, miss Dean sir, your disapprovingness.
So lovely to have you visiting the floor, ma’am.
[Awkward pause as Carmilla enters]
Well, as much fun as we’ve all been having, I’m sure LaFontaine and I have a
student crisis to attend to somewhere.
Oh, yeah, totally.
But before we go, I have some questions for you about—
You can ask her later.
Now, Susan.
[Carmilla throws a book]
Did you wanna talk about it?
‘Cause a personal chewing out by the dean of students, that is impressively badass or something.
But I so had it coming, didn’t I?
Look, I didn’t mean it like that.
You think the dean is raking me out over the coals because I don’t play along with your
passive aggressive chore wheel?
No. But,
well, why would she be?
I said some things she didn’t like.
When, in your seminar?
[Getting a tissue] God, this age doesn’t understand obligation.
It’s like an undersea anchor; impossible to escape.
Worried you aren’t, uh, living up to expectations, huh?
Only child of a massively overprotective dad here?
And I didn’t even have to get all Coleridge-y about it.
[Carmilla smiles]
[Laura brings a wastebasket to Carmilla, who drops the tissue in]
[Danny enters]
I return from the alchemy department victorious.
Wait, they are the ones behind it, taking the girls?
Oh, no.
More like they’re the ones using dander collected at parties
to seed an immense interconnected fungus throughout campus…
I’m sorry, what now?
Apparently it’s a communications experiment.
Or maybe a very complicated risotto recipe. I don’t know. That’s not the victory part
These creepy little proto scientists have been photo tracking every party on campus for their documentation.
We have pictures of every party where the girl has disappeared?
And we can track all the girls through all of them! Danny, you are brilliant.
I like the sound of that.
[clears throat] Sorry. I just forgot that I have to be anywhere but here.
[sarcastically] Oh, that’s too bad. No, come back.
What? Why not?
She’s just had kind of a rough day is all.
Oh, no. You are entirely too sweet.
Yeah, yeah.
Come on.
We have...
hundreds of photos to sort through.
Well, that is going to be incredibly boring.
[Laura asleep]
No, I don’t… I see the goldfish…
Hey, Laura.
Laura, you're dreaming.
Whaaa! I’m awake.
Don’t bite my head off or anything.
Okay, no, but I think I found something.
What, where?
Okay, look: Elsie. The sister who’s missing?
There she is at the party.
And take a look at who’s with her.
Holy crap.