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CAR__R: Dear Edward. l've gone back and forth the last few days...
...tryíng to decíde whether or not l should even wríte thís.
ln the end. l realí2ed l would regret ít íf l dídn't...
...so here goes.
l know the last tíme we saw each other...
...we weren't exactly híttíng the sweetest notes.
lt certaínly wasn't the way l wanted the tríp to end.
l suppose l'm responsíble. and for that l'm sorry.
But, ín all honesty, íf l had the chance. l'd do ít agaín.
Vírgínía saíd l left a stranger and came back a husband.
l owe that to you.
There's no way l can repay you for all you've done for me...
...so rather than try, l'm íust goíng to ask you to do somethíng else for me.
Fínd the íoy ín your lífe.
You once saíd you're not everyone.
Well, that's true.
You're certaínly not everyone.
But everyone ís everyone.
My pastor always says:
''Our líves are streams...
...flowíng ínto the same ríver...
...towards whatever heaven líes ín the míst beyond the falls_
Hello. sweetie. Hi.
CARTER: fínd the joy ín your lífe, Edward.
My dear fríend...
...close your eyes and let the waters take you home.