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  • So Justin and I-- before the show starts,

  • some either lucky or unfortunate women

  • got to experience us hiding in the bathroom.

  • So this is what we did before y'all came in.

  • [upbeat pop music]

  • - [singing] Oh, whoa

  • Oh, whoa

  • [both scream]

  • [audience laughing, applauding]

  • [both scream]

  • [audience laughing]

  • [all laughing]

  • - Oh, my God, Justin Bieber!

  • [screaming]

  • - Aw.

  • [singing] Baby, oh, like

  • - Oh, jeez, [bleep].

  • - [singing] Oh, like, baby, baby

  • How you doin'? - [bleep].

  • [audience laughing]

  • - [vocalizing] [recorder screeching]

  • [both laugh]

  • [singing] Baby, baby, baby, oh

  • [both singing] Like baby, baby, baby, oh

  • [all screaming]

  • - Oh, my gosh! - Hi.

  • - Hi, Justin. - How are you?

  • - Oh, my gosh.

  • - You too.

  • Nice meeting you in the bathroom.

  • [chuckles] [cheers and applause]

  • It was fun.

So Justin and I-- before the show starts,


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B2 中高級 美國腔

【艾倫秀】有四腳獸!竟是小賈斯汀和艾倫互擁? (Justin Bieber and Ellen Scare Audience Members)

  • 8491 265
    Halu Hsieh 發佈於 2015 年 02 月 08 日