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>> Yes, so as you may have noticed this is
from your homework, and I want to do this
as a demonstration regardless
of whether you've already solved this problem.
In fact, I hope that you've solved this problem
because what I'd like you to do is to be able
to think really deeply about it, and show you my perspective
on structure solving and in particular we're going
to be talking about using HMBC as a very focused tool
to help solve structures and specifically for the problem
of putting the pieces together.
You've seen on the templates that I've given you,
I've had this tremendous emphasis, or at least I've tried
to have this tremendous emphasis on thinking your way
through the problem, reading the spectrum, getting the formula,
writing out fragments, jotting down what you know,
jotting down what you don't know if possible, and then being able
to ask focused questions.
HMBC is an incredibly data rich technique,
it also has ambiguities to it because we get two bond
and three bond couplings.
So you've got a huge amount of information, a huge amount
of data and what I'd like us to do today is to learn how
to use it as a focus tool.
So I want to zip through the problem from Silverstein
at the beginning and then focus on the HMBC angle.
So this is problem 8.43 from Silverstein, and I want to jot
down my -- you know I've worked this problem,
just like you folks, and I want to jot down my impressions
on working the problem.
So I look at this problem and I generally start with --
I have -- I mean what's the most useful thing you can get?
Molecular formula and functional group.
That's sort of the most general stuff, and we'll be able
to get molecular formula in just a moment
because we'll actually see all the hydrogens
and all the carbons so we basically will get them,
get the oxygen's by difference.
So before we start with the NMR spectra though,
looking at the IR spectrum, I see what looks like an OH group,
I see what looks like a carbonyl.
At 1728, it's a little high for a typical ketone, right.
A typical ketone is a little but lower, it might be an ester.
I've been emphasizing it's very hard, in any sort of level
of complexity, to get CO single bonds stretches associated
with esters.
It's probably hiding right here at 1188.
You sort of get a hint at it, but we'll see in a moment,
there's some other hints there pointing--
pointing towards ester.
We probably have an alkene -- that's probably an alkene CH,
it could be an aromatic, we'll see in a moment it's not.
That's probably an alkene CC bond.
All right, mass spec it's 200 molecular weight
in the EI mass spectrum.
What I'm going to do before we --
before we actually get the formulas,
so maybe at this point I'll just jot down sort of a question mark
on the IR spectrum -- ester is sort of my thinking on this.
All right, at this point I want to go and look
at the proton NMR, look at the carbon NMR, and I've really,
really, really been emphasizing this notion
of keeping the resonances separate from the atoms.
In other words, we know resonance is something you can
see, we're going to be assigning those resonances
to the structure as we build the structure,
and so we have a common language, I go ahead
and I simply letter the peaks A, B, C --
it's hard staring into the light -- D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
and we number the carbon resonances, and I'll go 1, 2,
3 -- that's our chloroform -- 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
I like to do a good job of working the integrals.
My philosophy, every particular integral has experimental errors
associated with it.
The best way that you can do it if you know the number
of hydrogens in the molecule or you know multiple hydrogens,
is add up a bunch and divide by the number of hydrogens.
If you don't or you're in a hurry, often you can get it
by dissection with a ruler.
These integrals are a little hard to read,
they're starting right in the baseline; they're not offset.
You can use a ruler and draw straight lines,
you can slap a grid on it.
I'm just using my ever, ever useful grid, and if I'm looking,
I start to see a ratio that's just a hair under 6,
a hair under 6, a hair under 3, hair under 3, hair under 3.
This one's just a little bit --
actually this just a hair under 6, hair under 9,
so basically we're talking about like 2 point --
2.8 units, these happen to be tenths of an inch per hydrogen.
This guy is interesting, he's coming up a little bit,
this one right at 1.6 ppm, so he's coming up over .6,
and I'll tell you about that in a second,
and then we see one that's just a hair under .9,
and another that's just a hair under .9.
So you pretty much, by inspection, can go ahead
and get -- and again it's really hard staring in here --
2H for A, 2H for B, 1H for C, 1H for D, 1H for E, 1H for F.
[ Inaudible ]
2H for F, thank you, 3H for G. Now H is interesting, 1.6 --
this is in chloroform solution, and chloroform,
water typically shows up at about 1.6 parts per million,
and so you can kind of see the water peak right over here.
So you have this multiplate that's reasonably symmetrical,
and then you'll have a little bit
of water off on this side here.
I would go in if I were at my own spectrometer --
I'd go in, and zoom in and get a better look and see,
but I think you can see the integral just gives a little
extra kick up for the water.
So H is 2H, I is 3 -- 3H, J is 3H.
So in other words, our molecular formula has a total
of H20 in it.
Now it's certainly possible, if I had an amine or something,
that the amine NH would not show up or an alcohol NH.
So I'm not immediately locking it in,
and this is really important,
you have to be keeping your wits about you.
Secondary amine NH is aliphatic.
Secondary NH's are terribly hard to see.
Alcohols can be broad.
Alcohols can be with the water peak.
Carboxylic acids can be broad as well, and can be disappeared,
particularly if you're in chloroform
versus DMSO due to exchange.
If we look at the carbon NMR here, peak number one is
at about 170, just a hair down of 170, about 173 ppm
where you would expect for an ester,
not where you'd expect for a ketone.
We've got a couple of peaks over here, if I want to go ahead
at this point, I'll say, one is a quat, two is a quat,
looking at the depth, three is a CH2, four is a quat,
five is a CH2, six is a CH2, seven and eight are all CH2's,
and then nine, 10, and 11 are all CH3's.
So basically if we do this, we see we have C11H20.
If we have symmetry in a molecule, which you've gotten
in a couple of homework problems this week,
of course you might end up with a count that's lower,
if your carbons aren't all different,
or you could have overlapping peaks,
but symmetry's a typical reason.
If you have a plain phenyl group, you're going
to see four carbon peaks, but you're going to get six carbons.
If you have a ring like a cycle propane ring,
and there's no stereo center in the molecule,
you may if you have one point of attachment have two methylene's
that are the same, but if I look here, I'm suspecting an alcohol,
I'm suspecting an ester.
I have 200, if I take away C12, C11,
and H20 from that, I get O3.
So I'm reasonably happy at this point,
I think I have a molecular formula.
Now, the next thing I do
with the molecular formula is I'll start to --
it's nice to have a scorecard here, so I might, for example,
over here, jot down some thoughts; ester, alcohol,
alkene as some of the group that we're seeing in the molecule.
If I want, I can calculate degrees of unsaturation,
another very useful thing.
Remember, I don't do it by formula,
I just say, C11would be H24.
I'm at H20 so we have two degrees of unsaturation.
So I can help keep my wits about me.
That also tells me if I have a carbonyl,
and I have an alkene I know I have no rings in the molecule.
All right, now the next place --
any questions or thoughts at this point?
>> So it doesn't matter [inaudible]?
>> Does it?
Let's see.
>> Maybe I'm doing my math -- I'm doing my math wrong.
>> And this is actually a good point in checking yourself.
I have an incredible ability to screw up arithmetic on my feet
which means go ahead and double check yours.
>> I think you're actually right I calculated the formulas wrong.
>> All right.
>> [Inaudible] C could and D would be the OH.
So we've got some interesting points here you can already see.
So if you're reasonably experienced,
I'm going to bet anything
that we have a stereo center in the molecule.
Now, even though I haven't measured the coupling constants,
I could measure the coupling constants,
they very conveniently give me a scale here
and you get a peak print out, but very conveniently,
a typical aliphatic CH coupling constant is about 7 hertz.
A methyl group next to a methylene is really very typical
for this, you'll -- a methyl group next to just
about anything is going to give you about 7 hertz.
So immediately if I'm eye-balling this,
even if I don't know I'm at 600 megahertz,
and I see this triplet here that's obviously a CH3 next
to a CH3 next to a CH2.
In fact I can write this as one of my fragments here
because I think we're pretty obvious at that point for this
and this here, but if I'm looking at that, I see okay,
these guys are leaning into each other, we have an AB pattern,
it's obviously a big coupling constant.
This separation is at least twice the separation
in the triplet, so it's like a 14 hertz
or 15 hertz coupling constant.
That is very typical for a germinal coupling.
So in the back of my mind I'm thinking stereo center,
something with the methylene that's diastereotpic.
If I have a stereo center, every methylene
in the molecule is going to be diastereotopic,
but usually the ones that are further
from the stereo center behave as if things are coincident.
So we look here, we have what looks like an ethyl group,
it wouldn't have surprised me
to see a more complicated coupling pattern
for this ethyl group, but it doesn't necessarily surprise me
to see a less coupling constant.
I'm pretty [inaudible] less complicated coupling pattern
just to see a plain old quartet.
I'm pretty certain I have an ethyl ester at this point.
Pretty confident I have an ethyl ester because that sure looks
like an OCH2CH3 off of an ethyl ester,
but it could be something else that's shifting it downfield.
All right, at this point it's time to get analytical,
and where I'd like to go next is actually the HMQC rather
than the COZ.
As I was saying in discussion the other day,
the problem is you're drowning in data in the COZ quite often,
and a lot of the data isn't particularly useful.
You'll have two diastereotopic protons, and they'll both couple
to another two diastereotopic protons or even to one proton,
and you're getting more information than you need
because you'll get the diastereotopic protons are
coupling with each other, okay, big whoop.
You'll get that each one is coupling to one of the protons,
all right that gives you some new information,
but that's redundant.
If you have two diastereotopic protons coupled
to two diastereotopic protons, now you've got lots and lots
of data points that basically just tells you you have a CH2
next to a CH2.
So in order to help make sense of the data,
I got next to the HMQC, and I'm very, very rigorous about trying
to transcribe stuff, and I'm not super neat,
but I tend to really try to be analytical.
So I'm going to copy all of my numbers here to the carbon axis,
and I'll copy all of my letters to the proton axis.
And at this point, again, a grid is extremely useful,
if you're working on your own spectrometer you might want
to do an expansion, you might want to expand this region just
so you can get a close look and see what's lining up,
but if you're having trouble following with your eye,
and things aren't completely obvious, slapping a grid
on the spectrum is a very useful way, for example,
to see that this peak at nine here is actually crossing
with the singlet, so we have two methyl's
that are right next to each other.
One of those methyl's is a singlet;
one of them is a triplet, and so you can very nicely see
that 11 is crossing with I, and 10 is --
and nine is crossing with J, and then we can go
and 10 is crossing with H, I believe, and again I'm going
to cheat a little bit because -- 10 is crossing with G --
going to cheat a little bit because it's hard staring
in here, and it looks like seven is crossing with H,
and then F it looks like is crossing with eight, and,
let's see, six is crossing with D and E, so 6D and 6E,
and it looks like five is crossing
with B. C has no partner, and it looks like three is crossing
with A, and this information here,
really becomes my Rosetta Stone.
It really becomes the key piece of information that I'm going
to be using now in building the structure
because now that's going to give us all
of our easy connectivity's, and you need to keep your wits
about you about chemical shift as well.
So, you know, obviously if we're talking a carbonyl,
we're probably talking one is a carbonyl.
If we're talking about an alkene, we're probably talking
about two and three being the alkene, and it looks
like three is a quat carbon of an alkene and two is a CH2
of an alkene, so it looks like we have a gemdimetyl group here.
Four and five are interesting.
Remember the region your alkene --
your carbon protons track pretty well with your proton scale,
and if you're next to -- not so much on halogen or nitrogen,
those tend to be, sort of, if you're next to halogen
or nitrogen then those tend to be here, but if you're next
to an oxygen, then you usually tend to be somewhere around here
in the 50 to 90 range depending on whether it's an OCH3
at one extreme, or say a carbon that's a quat
with an alcohol at another extreme.
If you're down further than that it could be two oxygen's
on a carbon, or it could be an alkene,
or it could be a nitrile.
Okay, so it looks like we probably have a couple
of carbons with an oxygen attached to them.
Number five is a CH2, and number three, as I said, was a CH2,
four is a quat, two is a quat, one is a quat.
Quats and other things that are isolated are going
to be problems later on.
So if you look at this spectrum, we have 7H and 9J
that don't show -- that are close to singlets,
and we'll see 7H is going to come in.
We have C that has nothing on it and so we're going
to have have to deal with him.
Okay, now at this point I'm prepared to go to my COZ.
This particular COZ, the way they plotted it in the book
to save space or allow you to give bigger spectra.
They only plotted the axis on one edge and that's okay
because you can just bounce up and over and then up,
otherwise I'd just be bouncing up and up to that axis; however,
you want to do it is fine.
All right, so now as I said, I'm ready to attack my COZ,
and the first thing I'm going to do is, again,
very slavishly transcribe so I have 3A and 5B and C --
and you really don't want to make a mistake
at this point -- 6D, 6E, 8F, 10G.
The other nice thing in addition to having it
so that we all can discuss things together --
the other nice thing about taking this sort
of meticulous systematic approach to this and 9J here --
the other thing about taking this sort
of meticulous systematic approach is it means
that you can set down the problem, come back to it later,
and get your bearings a lot more quickly because it's not just,
oh we've got a lot of stuff, it's actually, oh,
I've got this resonance and I still don't know where it goes.
All right at this point we want to sort of build
up our fragments, and I'm going to look at the COZ.
You can use a grid, you can draw straight lines
on it, whatever you like.
If you want a grid you can do it this way.
If you're fancy and you like to work off the online problems,
in Acrobat the command U, if you're using a full version,
I'm not sure about the reader,
command U actually just slaps a grid right on the screen
which is useful, and you can even --
there are parameters in Acrobat to set how fine a grid,
but it's helpful with --
particularly with the book problems where they tend
to be less generous with the expansion.
So at this point, I tend to go through
and just list all of my cross peaks.
So if I'm working up --
I only need to work on one side of the diagonal.
It should be pretty symmetrical,
but if you're uncertain whether anything is noise, check if it's
on both sides of the diagonal.
If you're working on the spectrometer,
you can go down a level or up a level with the times 2
or divided by 2, or the slider, and you're going to get
down to a level where you have two types of things.
At the very bottom you'll just have a basement of noise,
particularly in data poor experiments,
but you'll also have artifact, baseline role.
Your phasing is very important in the 2D experiments in terms
of not getting a lot of crap off the baseline.
So you really want to take time
when you're phasing it to do a good job.
Okay, so we've got this peak 3A to 10G, and it looks
like we have something of 3A and 8F here.
I'll put a little question mark there,
I'm not completely sure what's going --
well of course I'm sure what's going on, but at this point
in analyzing the thing, I'm not sure.
Okay, this is kind of nice because you look here
and you say, All right, yes we've got 6E, 6F,
but I already know they're
on the same carbon, it's no big deal.
They're diastereotopic protons that are coupled to each other.
Okay, I don't need to stress about that.
All right, 8F cross 7H, and I think that about does it.
So at this point, I want to put together fragments,
and this is what I'm using that...
[ Inaudible ]
Oh, Oh. Here we go.
Yes, yes yes.
5B, right.
[ Inaudible ]
Five B to 11I absolutely, 5B to 11I, and you notice
that you're using multiple sorts of tools in thinking
about things because on the one hand you're recognizing
when we just had the 1D data in front of us,
you were recognizing the match of patterns
and coupling constants, you were recognizing the 3 hydrogen
triplet up field and a 2 hydrogen quartet downfield,
midfield, probably went together as an ethyl ester group
because CH3 split into a triple, it has to be next to a CH2.
CH2 split into a quartet, remember it didn't have
to be a quartet, but CH2 split
into a quartet probably is next to a CH3.
It could have been next to a CH2 and a CH had the same J value,
so I don't know for sure, but now with this
and everything else, I think I can be pretty sure.
So let me sort of jot down what I think I have
at this point for my fragments.
So I think I have OC5H2B, C11, H3I, as one fragment and I
like to use that way of doing it where I put the number
on the carbon, the letter on the hydrogen,
so this just means carbon 5 is part
of the CH2 group with two protons.
B and C11 is part of a CH3 group with three protons I.
All right, what else do I have in my scorecard here?
Well that C8H2F cross peak with C7H2H gives me another fragment.
The other thing that I like to do in keeping score
at this point is I like to show my valences.
It helps my thinking to say,
Okay that means I have a valence here, this helps me think
about where my unfilled valences are.
All right, what else do I have in my scorecard?
I have an alkene and it's C3HAHA.
If I were thinking about it,
I might say maybe these are two distinct hydrogens here.
If I later went on and I said, Oh wait,
I thought they were one type of hydrogen, but they're two,
and this is important to my analysis, all I'd need to do
with this at this point, is say, All right we're going
to call one of them A and one of them A prime,
and the nice thing is you're not renumbering
or relettering your whole spectrum if you suddenly say,
Oh wait, this resonance is really two resonances.
If I decided that H was really two resonances, and of course H
and F really are two resonances because you have a stereo center
and they're methylene's,
and they're diastereotopic methylenes.
It's not like the COZ we saw
in the discussion section the other time where I was going
on where we were talking about highly differentiated,
highly ionized tropic CH2 groups,
but it's the same sort of deal.
So if it were important I could say, H and H prime,
F and F prime, if I really started
to see distinct cross peaks, but honestly I don't
so this is absolutely fine for the analysis.
Okay, so I have C3 and then C3 seems to be bound to C2
which is a quat, and we have this interesting situation here
where we see this nice cross peak off of 10 G, right.
Ten G is a methyl group.
Ten G is kind of at this position of about 1.7.
Now remember I said I like to keep some numbers in my head
and my sort of quick and dirty is a benzylic methyl is 2,
a methyl that's alphaed to a carbonyl is 2 ppm,
and a methyl that's allylic is about 2 ppm,
and then I said caveat --
if you really want to keep an extra number in your head,
keep 1.7 for that allylic methyl.
So this is very typical of an allylic methyl.
It's exactly what you'd expect for its position
and it's exactly the sort of thing
that you would expect for allylic coupling.
So C10, H3G comes here, and then this kind of makes sense
of the cross peaks, all right,
we're seeing this cross peak here,
we're seeing this little cross peak with eight,
so if you want to, we'll get it from the HMBC, if you don't want
to do it, but if you want to get it at this point,
it certainly makes a heck of a lot of sense
that 3A is crossing with eight.
So I can put this in, if you're uncertain about a connection,
put it in with a dashed line.
It's a great tool to remind yourself on your scorecard
on working out the problem if you're worried
or concerned about something.
So at this point, we need to figure out the rest
of our stuff, so let me continue with our scorecard.
We have a carbonyl and that's our C1.
I hope you can see this from --
yes you're just about on the edge of the screen here.
All right, so we have a carbonyl.
We have some other -- we have some other problems here.
We have our C6, HD, HE, and I'll keep filling in my valences
to be good about this just to remind us
that we have some issues of valences here,
and then I have some carbon and there may be redundancy here.
I have some carbon that's connected to C9, H3J,
and that carbon has to be a quat.
It has to be because we're isolating that methyl over here,
and I have some other carbon, remember I have this carbon 4
and that carbon 4 is pretty far downfield
in this C13 NMR spectrum.
It's just at about 70 parts per million, and that's got
to be a carbon next to an oxygen.
All right, so at this point that's kind of my thinking.
Now certainly by brute force you could now assemble these pieces.
You would basically start to try all different possibilities
and eventually you'd probably come
up with the right structure.
I like this molecule because it's a simple enough molecule
that could, but what I 'd
like to show you now is how HMBC really lends this --
makes this into a much more systematic, let us say, process.
All right so at this point, I'm going to pull
up the HMBC spectrum, and we get a lot of cross peaks.
You're textbook, as I've railed about,
has doctored its HMBC spectrum,
so I've literally undoctored the HMBC spectrum.
What the textbook did which I don't like is it's taken
out the HMQC type of cross peaks in the spectrum,
and there's no reason to do that.
You should be able to identify these.
You're going to see them in real data.
The HMBC, we've talked about this notion of delays.
We've talked about the idea that you're doing,
what's basically a series of pulses and delays,
where you're delays are optimized to different things
like coupling constants.
So when we talked about our depth spectra last time I said,
the problem with the depth spectrum is you're choosing --
you have to choose a J value for the depth spectrum.
You're going to choose a typical J value, and that's going
to give an optimum performance at that J value, and guess what,
if your J's aren't 145 hertz, if they're a little off --
125 hertz, 160 hertz, you'll be fine,
but if they're a lot different you'll start
to see other things.
Now HMBC is optimized to small couplings.
Small couplings typically mean on the order of zero
to 20 hertz, and this spectrum downstairs is sort of centered
at 10 which pretty much catches it all,
but that doesn't mean your one bond couplings
that are 125 hertz may not sometimes come in,
and so you can see your one bond couplings.
The pulse sequence -- remember in the depth how we turned
on the proton decoupler in the final acquisition?
In a typical HMBC, you're not turning on the proton decoupler
in the final part of the acquisition
which means you're seeing your CH couplings.
Now most of those are two bond couplings, so most of those are
on the order of two and three bond, so most of them are
on the order of 10 hertz which means,
okay when you're seeing something
where your peak's a little bit wide,
the peak's a little bit wide because you're seeing
that coupling, but when you're picking up the one bond coupling
which is not what the experiment is supposed to pick up,
it is extremely obvious.
You get these sort of vampire bites around the peak,
and so I just put a cross through each of them
to help remind me of what's going on, right.
So this peak number 11, and this is 11 over here is 11I.
So those two vampire bites there are the one bond coupling,
it's trivial.
It's the information that's already in your HMQC spectrum,
but it's confusing in this data rich experiment.
So let me go through and now systematically number 10, 9,
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
I'll systematically number my carbon axis.
I'll once again slavishly write my labels on the proton axis;
3A, 5B, C, 6D, 6E, 8F, 10G, 7H, and I already did 11I, and 9J.
And you can pretty much see all of your, sort of,
vampire bites here, they're happen
to be six pairs of them here.
So we're getting one around five, that's your HMQC pattern.
We're getting one around seven, that's your HMQC pattern.
We're getting one around six, and we're getting, let's see,
one around 10, and one around nine.
All right, even without these types of information,
you're still extremely data rich
and the question becomes where to begin.
Now if you're a computer, you just go ahead
and suck it all the data and fit the pieces together that way,
but as a person you've got the tremendous strength
that we've already seen of pattern recognition.
We saw, we can read that methoxy group in the ester.
We can read the diastereotopic methylene, and you were seeing
that from this whole host of little things
with the diastereotopic methylene.
From the big J value, from the peaks tenting into each other,
it's the same way most of you were able
to tackle those coupling problems on the midterm exam,
and just read and say, Okay this is this nitrobenzene,
this is that nitrobenzene, this is this methylpyridine,
because you starting to recognize the magnitude
of the coupling, the tenting of the peaks, and so forth.
So you've got some tremendous advantages and
yet we've also got this ability to, or this issue
of how do we avoid confusion here?
So usually what I like to do are to start with my problems,
and in general, my problems are going to be the isolated peaks.
In general, it is the peaks that are isolated that are going
to be both the tough ones to put together,
like 39HJ because we don't know where it fits, it's not coupling
into anything, but they're also going to be the sources
of tremendous strength because those isolated ones are then
going to link to the other isolated parts.
So let's start with the carbonyl.
The carbonyl is 5B to 6 to 1, and 6D and 6E to 1,
and that's very, very useful.
The -- so remember HMBC can pick up two and three bond coupling,
and the problem is you don't necessarily know which is which.
That's the really tough thing with this technique.
Later on we'll talk about inadequate
which is a very powerful technique,
it's like a carbon-carbon COZ, but not a very useful technique
because of the low natural abundance of C13.
It's very, very atypical to have two C13's next to each other
in a molecule, but that's incredibly powerful
because it means you can assemble your whole carbon
skeleton like a COZ process, but the problem
with HMBC is you've got both two and three
so you're always second guessing yourself.
So whenever you can avoid second guessing,
it's a tremendous breath of fresh air.
So here, the 5 B to carbon1 is very nice
because that provides a linkage there.
We kind of, sort of knew this was an ethyl ester,
but this tells us because there's the three bond coupling
is going through there so we can't go any further,
there can't be an intervening atom.
This six is less clear because it could be directly connected,
but at this point I can't know.
There could be an intervening atom, but still,
we know that the six is isolated.
We know that D and E are isolated, they're not J coupled
to anything else, but I don't know
about this bond here at this point.
So at this point, I might write a big question mark here.
All right, I'm not going to go add [inaudible]
through everything because a lot of the information is redundant.
So, for example, here we're seeing
that two is crossing with seven.
So this is 8F cross 2, 10, G cross 2, and 7H to 2,
and in a way you could say all of that is redundant
because I've already replaced --
I've already placed groups on here, and so you're two,
you notice, and this is a perfect example,
if I weren't already sure of this or pretty sure
by allylic coupling, I wouldn't necessarily know
since two is crossing with both 7H and 8F.
I wouldn't necessarily know which end this is going
because it's two and three bond couplings
so it could couple either way.
So the only thing that's really told me this,
and I think by this point I can go ahead
and turn this into a solid line.
The only thing that really told me that was the COZ,
but fortunately we'll get enough other things because we're going
to see in just a moment what attaches over here to seven.
All right, so let's focus --
let's continue to focus on our isolated peaks.
So if we look at four and we go with four, we have 9J to 4.
We have 7H to 4.
We have 6D and E and maybe the better way to do it is 6D/E
to 4, and we have C to 4.
Now, all right, we have four and we're pretty sure,
at this point we're pretty sure we have an alcohol.
We're pretty sure that C is the alcohol.
It's isolated.
I think at this point we really can say, All right,
here's our 8C, we're on 4.
Now 4 is going to be a very, very important lynch pin,
and I guess the thing that's confounding to me
at this point is the fact that we've got 9J to 4,
but that's not necessarily saying
that that isolated methyl is directly attached to four.
We're running out of atoms, so we're going
to be good in a second.
We have seven to four.
We have 6D and E to 4.
They're probably all attached, but watch what happens
if I now pick up on another isolated one.
So I probably can start to infer things, but let's continue
with another one of our problem children,
another one of our isolated ones.
So let's go off of C. We wouldn't be seeing cross peaks
off of C if it were exchanging rapidly; if the alcohol
on C were not residing on that proton, on that oxygen for,
you know, several hundredths or tenths of a second,
if it were exchanging rapidly.
Usually the less [inaudible] alcohol,
the more rapidly it exchanges.
So usually a primary alcohol exchanges rapidly.
Usually sometimes a secondary is slow, sometimes it's fast.
Usually a tertiary tends to be slower,
just more [inaudible] harder for a molecule water
to get in to make exchange.
D is [inaudible] chloroform, passive illumina,
not your sample, but just your chloroform
through flame or stride.
Illumina is a good way to reduce exchange
because you're getting rid of acid in the sample,
but here we happen to see beautiful,
beautiful coupling off of C, and so if you look
at your cross peaks here, and again we're going to use things
in a focused way, we have C9, C7, C6, and so you look at all
of these cross peaks and that, that really is nice
because remember you're going to be picking up your two
and three bond coupling.
Unless you have any intervening coupling through a double bond
where sometimes you can pick up four bond coupling --
remember sometimes
like acetylene we saw how weird the acetylene behaved.
I mentioned that a two bond is a 50 hertz coupling
so you can get homophillic coupling,
but here this is pretty nice.
We've already taken care of two of our bonds,
so look how valuable this is as a lynch pin.
Every cross peak now we get is going
to help give us our connectivity.
So we have C4, that's going to connect over to C6
because we're getting that cross peak here.
So we know that this is three bond.
That's as far as we can go.
We're really lucky at this point.
Now we get this cross peak over to seven, and so again,
that's just sewing this whole molecule together.
We have this cross peak to nine and we said already here,
remember we had this fragment, we weren't able to place it,
but it could be redundant
because we were running out of carbons.
We have this cross peak over to nine and so there's our C9H3J,
and now this whole molecule is sewn up.
So if you look at our structure right now,
I'll just redraw this,
and I guess I'll draw it real small up here.
So here's, here's the whole structure of our molecule.
We have our seven and eight over here, our six here,
our ethyl group, our isolated methyl, our isolated hydroxy,
and this set of cross peaks here has really been key.
Now the good news is there are other isolated points
in this molecule that can put things together.
So when I try to attack a problem I'm going to start
with the isolated ones.
Obviously, eventually you want to go back and sort
of check yourself and see that everything is consistent,
but let's take another point of attack here.
So let me just run down this track of 9J and see
who is 9J is crossing with.
So 9J is crossing with seven.
9J is crossing with 6 and 9J is crossing with four,
and so you look at that and you say, Oh, okay.
That's giving me the same information.
See the HMBC is really screaming out at me
through the isolated ones.
It was a gift that we got HC.
HC might not have coupled, it's an alcohol.
HC might have been exchanging rapidly
if there was some acid in our sample.
It was a gift that we got,
and it just gave us the whole problem,
but we get that same gift right off of carbon nine because nine
with J is giving us seven, so we're crossing over to here,
and again, remember, your hydrogen you have one bond
from hydrogen J to carbon, one bond from carbon nine
to carbon four, and so any other cross peak now has
to be attached directly to carbon four.
So we see a cross to seven.
We see a cross to six, and we see a cross
to four that's our two bond coupling.
So that's giving us the information.
I'll take one more isolated carbon just
for the, for the heck of it.
It's not really completely isolated, but it's 10G,
and so if we go off of 10G, let's see, we have here 10G
with three, and 10G with eight over there, and so if you look
at that, that's also giving us some information.
We have the 10G to three
by allylic coupling by the proton NMR.
So that information was nothing new,
but you don't get allylic coupling right through here,
so this information here, 10G to eight, is actually useful.
Had we not been able to place--
had we not been able to place eight directly on two.
Had we not picked up that allylic coupling,
or had things been more complicated or confusing,
or had we only at that point had this HMBC cross peak between two
and seven and eight -- remember how I said two is crossing
with both -- is crossing with both HF and HH,
and we couldn't be sure about that.
If I wasn't certain at that point, then we could've gotten
that later on for this cross peak.
So there's multiple pieces
of evidence all pointing in this direction.
Anyway this is how I view HMBC as being incredibly powerful
for putting pieces together.
I want to show you a couple of last things that are sort
of common, common features that are kind of cool.
There also pertain to some of the upcoming homework,
so it's worth actually keeping in mind.
One thing that's very cool is, okay,
if you have, 2CH3's on a methyl.
So remember how I said you can get these vampire bites,
you can get your one bond couplings, but if you're ahead
and if you have no stereo center, in other words,
if these methyl's are either not diastereotopic
or they're coincident, then your HMBC,
even if you see these vampire type bite type
of cross peaks here -- even if you see --
so here's methyl and here's your methyl in the C13,
here's your methyl in the H1.
Even if you see those types of cross peaks,
this is a real HMBC cross peak here
because the two methyl's are crossing with each other.
So that's kind of cool.
[ Inaudible ]
Well in this particular cartoon example,
they're magnetically equivalent.
If they were magnetically in equivalent,
if they were diastereotopic, then you'd still see HMBC peaks.
By the way, the tough thing
about HMBC is you're not guaranteed to get a cross peak
because your -- particularly on three bond.
So two bond is weird because your two bond J's end
up being all over the map,
though usually they show up, but not always.
Three bond is weird in a different way.
It's weird by dihedral angle, by a carpolus relationship.
So if your two is your hydrogen,
so if you have a dihedral angle that's defined as HCCBC,
like so, if you have good overlap between this hydrogen
and this carbon, a good geometrical overlap--
meaning antiperiplanar or a sinperiplanar relationship,
you typically get a big J. It shows up in the HMBC,
but if these two are at close to 90 degree angles,
you're not going to get a cross peak typically,
and so that's the third thing
about HMBC that's really confusing.
The beauty of methyl groups is, with a methyl group,
no matter what, you're always going to have
at least you're always going to have protons
at a good dihedral angle.
So methyl groups, isolated, well methyl groups in general,
end up being extremely valuable for HMBC, but we also see here
that the isolated methyl groups are usually the problem children
because you don't know where to put them,
and fortunately they are talkative problem children
because they will talk to you in the HMBC.
So that's a very useful one.
A couple of other things, just to keep in mind, carbonyls --
if you've got like this, if you've got something
like this whatever, you know, the problem is you don't know
if it's two bond coupling or three bond coupling,
but if you can build up your pieces and say, Oh well,
I've got both of them, then you can figure out all right,
that carbonyls attached to one and the other.
Let's see, I guess, I don't know if this comes up --
we already saw an ester.
Some people have said to me, Oh, I didn't know
that you could get coupling through heteroatoms, but yes,
coupling occurs through carbon oxygen bonds,
through carbon carbon bonds, through carbon nitrogen bonds.
So for example, in an amid here, like so,
again your carbonyl can be a real lynch pin.
You can get all different protons coupling
with that carbonyl so they can end up telling you lots and lots
of information from putting the pieces together. ------------------------------ecb729c619a1--