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  • Hi again. I'm Adam. Welcome back to Today's lesson, again, everybody's favourite,

  • phrasal verbs. We're going to look at phrasal verbs with "look". Again, what is a phrasal

  • verb? It's a verb with a preposition combination to get usually very different meanings. Now,

  • if you're thinking: "Oh my god. Too many of these phrasal verbs. You're doing too many

  • of these lessons", things are starting to look up. I'm getting near the end. There's

  • a limit to how many of these I can do, so don't worry; things are looking up. Okay.

  • Let's start with "up". "Look up". A few meanings. There's the literal meaning, look up. Look

  • up at the sky; look up, see that plane flying. No problem. You can also "look up". If any

  • of these words give you difficulty and you're not sure what I'm saying or you didn't catch

  • what I'm saying, look them up in the dictionary or look them up online. Go to Google or go

  • to wherever you go, the dictionary, punch in the word, and you will get the meaning

  • of this word.

  • Now, what I said before: "Things are looking up." If something is starting to look up,

  • it means it's starting to be more positive. It's starting to look better. Okay? You can

  • be a bit happier about what's coming. So you can look up to the situation changing, or

  • the situation is changing.

  • "Look up to". This is a little bit different. "Look up to" means... Because of the "to",

  • you're getting a bit of a direction of somewhere. Right? So you're looking up to someone.

  • If you look up to someone, means you use them as a role model. They're somebody you want

  • to be like. Okay? So I'll put here just so you get that word. "Role model". So, usually,

  • when you're young as a child, you look up to your parents. You think: "Oh my god. My

  • parents are amazing. I want to be like them." When you get older, we'll leave that to you.

  • "Look down". Now, I'm not saying you're going to look down on your parents, but when you

  • look down on somebody, you're putting them beneath you. Okay? You're making them a little

  • bit inferior. The opposite of inferior - superior. Okay? But if somebody is inferior and if you

  • look down on somebody, means you think they are less than you. They're not as good at

  • their job, they're not as good of a baseball player or whatever sport. They're... You're

  • a better student than they are, so you look down on them. You're thinking: "Not so good."

  • Of course, "look down" by itself is just look down on the ground.

  • "Look over". Okay? Now, if there's a fence here between my house and my neighbour's house,

  • I could look over the fence and see what's going on. But "look over" can also mean just

  • check. Okay? So, for example, I wrote an essay, and before I hand it in to my teacher, I want

  • to give it to my friend to look over the essay and make sure there's no mistakes, make sure

  • I didn't say anything wrong or make any spelling mistakes. I just want him or her to check

  • it. I want him to look it over and check it.

  • "Look in on". Okay? "Look in on" means just keep an eye out for somebody, or a little

  • bit take care of somebody. Right? So, for example, I'm going away on vacation next week.

  • I ask my neighbour to look in on my plants. All he has to come in, open the door, check

  • they're still alive, okay. We'll talk about "look after", it's a little bit similar...

  • You know what? I'll talk about "look after" now. If I have a dog, I can't ask my neighbour

  • to "look in" on my dog. I need more than that. I need my neighbour to "look after" my dog.

  • "Look after" means take care of. Okay?

  • "Look through" is also a little bit similar to "look over", but a little bit more detailed.

  • "Look through" is inspect, look for detailed things. So I want you to look through my essay,

  • and find this or that particular thing. "Look over", very quickly skim it; look for any

  • problems. "Look through", I want you to go in detail and find everything. Now,

  • "look through" can also be a physical action. For example, the police, if they're trying to

  • find a criminal, they will go... If they have a suspect, they will go to his or her house,

  • they will look through their garbage to find any clothes. So, "look through" means inspect,

  • look for something specific. Okay. So, "look after", take care.

  • "Look into". "Look into" means investigate. So there's a problem at my office, we're not...

  • Our sales are not very high; we're losing money somewhere. I'm going to "look into"

  • the problem. I'm going to find out what's going on. Okay? So, "look into", investigate.

  • "Look out". "Look out!" Be careful. Right? Pay attention. Something's coming. I throw

  • a baseball, I say: "Oh, look out!" because the baseball is about to hit you in the head.

  • So be careful, be aware.

  • "Look out for" means pay attention to. So, you will meet my friend... I will meet my

  • friend on the corner, but I want you to look out for him or her, in case you see them and

  • I don't. Okay? "Look out for", just pay attention to. Be ready for something to happen. Expect

  • something to happen.

  • Last: "Look around". So, of course, there's "look around", the physical one where you're

  • actually moving your eyes around the place. But if you go into a store, the sales clerk

  • comes up to you and you're going into a clothing store, for example, the sales clerk comes

  • up to you and says: "Can I help you with anything?" You say: "No, no. I'm just looking around."

  • "Just looking around" basically means browse. I'm not sure if you know this word either.

  • "Browse" means you're going to just look and see what's available, what's on sale, if there's

  • anything nice. You're not really looking to buy anything, but if you find something nice,

  • you'll buy it. So you're just looking around. Just browsing. Okay?

  • Very simple phrasal verbs, I think. Very useful phrasal verbs. These are used every day in

  • all kinds of situations. Learn them, practice them. You can go to There's

  • a quiz there that you can practice these with. And, of course, ask any questions that you

  • have on the comments page. Come back again to

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Have a nice day.

Hi again. I'm Adam. Welcome back to Today's lesson, again, everybody's favourite,


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A2 初級 美國腔

看看這些帶 "看 "的情態動詞吧 (LOOK at these PHRASAL VERBS with "look")

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    Chris 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日