字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 "Today is going to be another, sort of, special topic. It's actually really important [inaudible]. One of my favorite things because it is so useful. We're going to be talking about using nuclear overhauser effect in structured stereochemistry determination, and I'll try to show you why I think this is so useful with some examples, maybe related things to the exam. So in terms of what the nuclear overhauser effect is; I've been talking about this in C13 NMR but not why this is useful. So the nuclear overhauser effect, or NOE, is a change in intensity of the resonance of a proton or another nucleus, I'll put this in terms of protons but I'm really talking about any type of nucleus, in response to or upon irradiation of a nearby proton. And, so what do I mean; so let's say from the point of view of a molecule I mean that you have two protons, of course it could be a proton and a C13 in a molecule like so, where they're near to each other in space, not necessarily in connectivity, that are just a few angstrom apart in space. And, we're going to do something that specifically irradiates one proton and obviously what you are doing is not a spatial resolution but rather frequency resolution; in other words each protons appears at a different frequency and so you're going to hit one of these specifically at this frequency and what that does here is it responds -- now, when you're irradiating what you're doing is equalizing the population of alpha and beta states. And, when you do that, that in turn alters the equilibrium population of alpha and beta states of other nuclei that are nearby. And the way it does this is it opens new relaxation pathways. And since it is a relaxation process, it doesn't occur instantly. It takes time on the order of relaxation time; in other words, hundreds of milliseconds, typically, to build up. And so, what you see, well, you see in your C NMR -- there are two reasons in the C NMR that your C-H peaks, and C-H2 peaks, are bigger than your [inaudible]: one of these reasons is the nuclear overhauser effect, carbon that has hydrogens attached to it is nearby to a hydrogen, so when you irradiate the hydrogens you actually affect the population of alpha and beta states in the carbon; another reason is that relaxation, because your pulsing reasonably fast and [inaudible] usually relax slowly you end up with lower intensity but one of the reasons is the NOE. Ok, so what does that mean for that hypothetical cartoon of a molecule where you have Ha and Hb that are next to each other in space? It means that if you have a spectrum that looks like this where you have Ha and Hb, if I irradiate Ha, now the spectrum changes and we don't see Ha anymore and the peak for Hb gets a little bit bigger. Now, these effects are pretty small in proton NMR. The theoretical maximum H-H NOE is only 50%. And normally you see values that are a lot smaller than that, you might see typically 10%. So what I've drawn here is a cartoon where Hb is appreciably bigger, is actually not recall the case, its just going to be just a teeny tiny bit bigger. Now, I said there's this effect that affects carbon and because of the difference in magnetogyric ratio with proton and carbon you actually have a bigger effect. So with H1 to C13 NOE here the affect is actually 200%. So there you can have a peak get substantially bigger. Now, NOEs involve relaxation, this in turn involves motion of molecules so like tumbling motion which means the NOW is sensitive to the size of the molecule and how fast it tumbles because that is going to affect different types of relaxation in molecules. So high molecular weight molecules, so we're talking typically over 2000, but these numbers aren't carved in stone, but let's say greater than 2000 or if you slow down the tumbling by a viscous solvent, then your NOE is actually negative and the theoretical maximum is -100% for H-H NOE. And this is important in protein structure determination rather than in small molecule chemistry, which is where we focus. Now these days, if you look at some of the natural products tat are getting published in the Journal of Organic Chemistry or Journal of natural Products or JACS, some of these small molecules are pretty hair molecules; in other words, hey are small molecules but they are big small molecules. And that big small molecule regime is actually a pain in the neck, because what happens as you go from small molecules that have positive NOE to big molecules that have a negative NOE is what?" "No NOE?" "No NOE. So the medium-sized molecules often end up have 0 NOE. And I really don't want to be putting hard numbers on this because it depends on what solvent you're using, it depends on the field strength of the spectrometer, it depends on the shape of the molecule, it depends on the temperature, but I'm going to step out on a limb here and say molecular weight range of say 1000-1500, which is a big small molecule, is often 0 NOE. Or close to 0. And there is a related technique called a rotating overhauser effect that's often used to bring out those NOE in that intermediate range. Alright, I want to show you an example of a traditional NOE experiment; and I'll show you an old example and then I'll show you an example that is sort of relevant to organic chemistry research. I just want to show you the general gist of it; it's on the first page on the handout. Alright, so this is an example in the book by Derome which is a nice, a nice book, it's actually a precursor to Claridge, which is a book I've given you some readings from that's sort of a second edition because Derome had passed away. So here's a molecule, the particular molecule isn't important, buy you'll see the issues. So this is an H1 NMR spectrum of the molecule and this is an NMR spectrum in which we've irradiated one of the protons; specifically we irradiated this proton. And, in doing this, the authors didn't quite equalize the population -- you still see a little bit of the peak. The peak has gone from this over to the smaller version. And it's hard to tell if anything has gotten bigger, it looks like that one has gotten bigger. But the way in which one historically does this, because the spectrum involves such small changes, the way one historically does this is called a difference NOE spectrum. And, difference NOE spectrum, one is literally subtracting one spectrum from another spectrum; you're subtracting the unradiated spectrum from irradiated spectrum so I'll put a minus sign, or actually I guess your technically subtracting the [inaudible] and going ahead and coordinate transforming. And so I want to point out the features that we see: so the fist thing we see of course is the now irradiated peak is negative; after all, if we had something where we've almost equalized the population or alpha and beta states and we take away something where we have a positive peak you get a negative peak, but I want to show you the features. Ok, the thing that's glaring you in the face in this literally textbook example is that we see a nice NOE over to the peak here. So there's some spatial proximity between this proton and this proton in the molecule. I want to show you some of the other features in the spectrum: now, one of the things about the traditional NOE experiment is the conditions of doing the irradiation, create little perturbations in the spectrum, and actually to do it right what you do is you do one spectrum where you irradiate here in this case about 1.15 ppm and this one in order to minimize the subtraction artifacts you actually go ahead and irradiate somewhere else where nothing is, like over here or over here; but, even with that, there are some perturbations. So this is what you would call a subtraction artifact. In other words, it's not an NOE, we don't have a particular peak up or down, what's happened is there's been an infinitesimally, a teeny tiny shift in the position of this peak because o f the irradiation which gives us the positive character on one side and the negative character on the other side. If I were looking at this I'd know just from recognition that there's no NOE, but another way, a very good way, and something you really should do, is slap an integral on it; and if you slap an integral on it of course the integral would go up as the area registered and then go back down, and you'd end up, this would be an integral here, so you'd end up with no net rise, no net area. Now, one of the challenges, in any sort of conventional one-dimension NOE experiment is selectively hitting this peak here. 'Cause you're trying to hit all of the lines here in this peak, without hitting this peak; when the peaks are maybe 1/10 of a ppm apart, it's hard to do that. It's easier if you have singlets; I usually tend to go to singlets if I can, harder if you have multiplets because you have to apply a band of radiation that's wide enough to hit this, without hitting this. And as you can see, we've got incomplete selectivity here. So, to put it another way if I was testing a hypothesis that this proton is spatially close to this one, and I hit this one and I see this one get bigger, but I also hit this one a teeny tiny bit, there's this worry in the back of my mind: Oh maybe my hypothesis wasn't being tested completely, because maybe I'm hitting this one as well, and maybe it's this one enhancing this one. So what kind of experiment could you do to corroborate this result; what kind of NOE experiment could you do to corroborate the result from this experiment?" "Could you try to hit the number 1 peak?" "Beautiful! Exactly! And, so we would try a corroboratory experiment as well where you irradiate here. And usually NOE experiments usually end up being done in sets. So you're going to do some 1-D NOE experiments on [inaudible], and this was part of the course that everyone hated so I've cut it down; I've had you go ahead and hit every peak that could be hit selectively in [inaudible]. It honestly doesn't take that long, imagine if this were your thesis molecule it would be no big deal to spend three or four hours on the NMR spectrometer for an important problem; but, we're 22 people here, you've got other things to do. So I've cut it down to 1 or 2 nice, 1-D experiments where I basically preselected the key experiment and we'll also do a [inaudible] experiment. But the 1-D NOE experiment is a beautiful experiment because you can probe very specific questions. So this is kind of a textbook example: I want to talk -- I'll give you a real example in just a second and show you something I think is cool, if I can find my eraser that I've seem to have misplaced here, but fortunately I have the emergency backup eraser -- anyway, before I give you a real example and we look a [inaudible] spectra, I just want to show you one other point of this that actually ties in sort of to thinking about problems that you might encounter. So I just want to point out one sort f thing here, and that's a three-spin system. So, sometimes observing an NOE doesn't necessarily mean proximity and I'll show you an example. So a three-spin system wit h coupling, and again I'll give you my little [inaudible] cartoon for things. So imagine that Hc is J-coupled with Hb, but it's not spatially close to Ha, whereas Ha and Hb are close to each other. What can happen is if I irradiate Ha, of course we'll see a NOE to Hb, in this case a positive NOE. And remember, this is occurring because by leveling the populations of alpha and beta states of Ha, I'm setting up new relaxation pathways that are perturbing the alpha and beta states of Hb. But that perturbation then ends up altering the populations Hc, and in this particular alignment, we end up with an NOE over here, a negative NOE. So, it's usually going to be smaller, you usually can tell, but let me give you a real example; and I think this was taken from the Derome book. So the molecule in this particular case was a trichloro-toluene derivative, like so, and in this particular real experiment we have an ortho proton and we have a meta proton. In this particular experiment they irradiated the chloromethyl group over here and observed a 19.2% NOE over here to the ortho proton and a -2.6% NOE over here to the meta proton. Now, I guess, looking at this particular molecule it reminds me of your exam problem [inaudible], so on the first part of your midterm exam remember the nitro-toluene problem and you were there just using a combination of understanding coupling patterns and the inductive effect of a nitro group, the electron-withdrawing effect, the resonance effect of the nitro group and the effect of a methoxy group, most of you were able to assign your resonances and figure out among the 2,4-disubstituted isomers and the 2,5-disubstituted isomers. Here, of course, the effects with chlorine aren't as pronounce, just imagine in our minds eye that you had a molecule and you were trying to tell whether it was the 2,4 or the 2,5 compound, and of course maybe in this particular case, you wouldn't have as clear a differentiation in chemical shift, but if you look at this here you can imagine, if we irradiated in this case you would see an enhancement in this ortho proton here which would be a doublet with only meta coupling, a tight doublet; if you irradiated over here in this molecule, you would see the ortho proton enhanced which would be a doublet with ortho coupling. So in other words, even if the spectra of these two molecules, the 2,4 and 2,5 isomers, were very similar in chemical shift, you would be able to tell, from an NOE experiment, which isomer you had by telling whether it was a doublet of 8 Hz being enhanced or a doublet of 3 Hz being enhanced. So that's an example immediately that I can hand you of the utility of an NOE experiment. Now, another example that I can give you, and again I'll harken back to the exam to a problem that I guess about 2/3 of you did, and that was the beta-lactone problem and there we weren't trying to tell stereoisomers apart, but imagine for a moment, I'll get [inaudible] the beta-lactone case as an example. Imagine for a moment we have a beta-lactone and imagine instead of just having a methyl group at this position, imagine that we had methyl group and an ethyl group at these two positions, and now we had a methyl group over here of unknown stereochemistry. You can now imagine that you irradiate this methyl group, this is going to be your methyl doublet [inaudible], and now you ask is it enhancing the CH2 group of the ethyl group or is it enhancing the CH3 singlet of the methyl group and you can again address the question of whether your diastereomer the cis or the trans relationship between the two methyl groups; in other words, whether we had this diastereomer or this diastereomer." "And, it would enhance the one that is one the same side as the [inaudible]?" "Well, it would enhance it more, and you're asking a very, very good question. So, the question that you're asking is basically: Is the NOE a litmus test? And the answer is no; this is why comparison is so important. And now I didn't happen to include these in the handout for the class but I have a very similar example, and I'm going to show you exactly what it means and then we are going to talk about some distances. And actually, you know I've been harping on the value of molecular models, molecular models become really, really, really useful when you want to ask questions about distances. Alright, so let's take a look at a real example, this is just one that I pulled from my own experience with the use of NOEs to determine stereochemistry. The example that I'm going to [inaudible] is actually a cool reaction, it's a named reaction that probably nobody in this room has heard of, it's the McCoy reaction and if the professor Van Vranken asks you for a mechanism for it I bet you would all get it. So, the substrate for the reaction is an alpha-halo carbonyl compound. This happened to be a silo ketone or what's called an acylsilane and it's a TBDMS [inaudible] but you can also do this for an ester. And when you take this compound, an alpha-halo carbonyl compound and you treat it with LDA and then you treat it with and alpha-beta unsaturated carbonyl compound, in this case I used [inaudible], you get a cyclopropane product, and I'll draw that for you. And the great thing about reactions invented early on in the century is that every new reaction that you invent can get you a name [inaudible], so this is the McCoy reaction. Alright, so the product that we get is a cyclopropane of undetermined stereochemistry, and unfortunately in this particular example we have a 3:1 mixture of diastereomers. Alright, let me pull down the screen and give us a chance to take a look at the spectrum of these two diastereomers. Alright, so we have these two diastereomers and we'll call them isomer B and isomer A. And, just to get our bearings straight the region around 7ppm is the aromatic region in each of these. The region over here is the methyl groups on our silicon. Here is our tert-butyl on the silicone. Here is our isolated methyl group, and these are the ring protons on the cyclopropane ring. And so on isomer B we see a similar thing, we see our aromatic resonances, we see our ring CHs, we see our methyl, our tert-butyl, and now we see our two methyls on silicon. Alright, why do we get two peaks for two methyls on silicon?" [Inaudible] "Diastereo-what?" [Inaudible] "They are diastereotopic! Now, remember I said when you have any sort of stereocenter in a molecule and now you have a methylene group with two hydrogens on it or a carbon with two methyls on it, those are diastereotopic. They're topologically different from each other. In one case, they show up at pretty similar chemical shifts; in other case, which is interesting, they have a high degree of what we call magnetic [inaudible], in other words difference in chemical shifts. Now this is an example of where the NOE just shines as an experiment because we have a testable hypothesis built into the molecule. In the diastereomer on the left, the methyl group is going to be relatively close to those hydrogens on the ring; in the diastereomer on the right, the methyl group is relatively far away, and we're fortunate enough to have both of them. So, let's start with our NOE experiment on isomer B. So in this particular NOE experiment, we irradiate that methyl group and this is the difference NOE so this is the spectrum of isomer B, and this is the difference NOE. And we don't see a heck of a lot, you can see this is an example of a subtraction artifact here, but you look and you see very, very clearly those two ring protons have nice NOEs. I want to know how big an NOE: I can slap my ruler on this integral, I've already done this, this distance here was 74 millimeters, and that's for 3 hydrogens. And over here I slap my ruler on this integral and it comes out to 2.1 millimeters for one hydrogen and over her e I slap my ruler on it, it's 2.5 millimeters for one hydrogen. And so if I take 2.1 divided by 74 divided by 3 I find out its equal to 0.085 or I have an 8.5% NOE and if I do the same over here I find if I have the value 10% NOE, and so I'm very happy. I irradiate, I get about an 8-10% NOE, and I say great! We know what a diastereomer means. Now, you want to be careful; you do this same experiment, and I was fortunate we had both diastereomers, you do this same experiment here, so this is diastereomer A, and we irradiate, and we see a teeny tiny enhancement, it's little. A little baby NOE. Over here, and over here it's about 0.5 millimeters each, and this one on this particular example was about 73 millimeters for each hydrogen, and it ends up to about 2% NOE. And it's nice with both diastereomers in hand, we've done a comparison. You irradiate one diastereomer's methyl group, you get a nice NOE, the other you get a little NOE. The first one is cis, A is cis, and B is trans. But, imagine, imagine for a moment, that I've gotten this reaction in the diastereomer [inaudible], and I've only gotten one diastereomer, and imagine I really, really wanted it, in order to make a natural product, to be the cis diastereomer and I do it and I say 'Oh yeah, look I got an NOE!' Imagine the trouble [inaudible], because then I would go on with this and think 'Oh, I have what I want,' and later on I make my natural product, if I were making a natural product, and I find it doesn't match the published spectrum, and my thesis would be titled 'Total Synthesis [inaudible],' whatever the natural product is. [Inaudible]. I would still get a Ph.D. but I wouldn't get a paper in JACS or something [inaudible]. So you really need to be careful, this was a good example. Now, if you look in here, there are some teeny tiny hints; so imagine this was the only one I had, there are some teeny tiny hints that this really is the trans one. And if you look at the integrals, and I like to slap an integral on everything. Why do I like to slap an integral on everything? 'Cause it's easy to see. If you have a big peak, if you have a double that's standing up there nice and tall, it's easy to see it get bigger. But imagine you had a little peak that's split into a big multiplet that's short, and it gets just a little bit bigger, you may not see it. So you slap an NOE everywhere, and you say 'Oh, wait a second, ok I've got some subtraction artifacts here but I see a teeny tiny NOE here. You can see this guy here has just gotten a teeny tiny bit bigger, I wouldn't stake my dissertation on it, but if you measure that integral it's about 1.0 millimeter, that translates to about a 4% NOE, right, because it's 1.0 divided by 73 divided by 3 is equal to 0.04, 4%. So I look at that, and I say 'Oh wait a second.' So, in other words, if I only have this diastereomer, I wouldn't want to assign it on the basis of that NOE, because we are seeing a little NOE between the cis phenyl group and the methyl group and a little NOE with those trans hydrogens and the methyl group but I'd at least be able to look at this spectrum and say, 'Wow,' pull myself back, even though I wanted the isomer in which the methyl group was cis to the hydrogens there was enough data saying it isn't. In fact, there is a good deal of data saying it's trans to those hydrogens. So, anyway, be careful with NOEs, usually we're talking about having multiple data sets, multiple NOEs pointing in a particular direction. Now, this cis-trans business really brings up a very, very important question, and that question is what is close, and what is not close? How close is close? Alright, let's talk a little bit about molecular geometry first, talk about [inaudible]. The Van der Waals radius of hydrogen, anyone know it off the top of their head?" [Inaudible] "A few good numbers to keep in your head." [Inaudible] "Ok, let's take a carbon-carbon bond, what's a carbon-carbon single bond?" [Inaudible] "One picometers, or... I'm kind of an angstrom kind of guy. 1.54 angstroms. So the Van der Waals radius is on that same scale, it's 1.1 angstroms. The C-C bonds, the C sp3 sp3 single bond is 1.54 angstroms. Ok, so that's at least kind of calibrated us. So, what does that mean? That means that if 1.1 angstroms is the radius, 2.2 angstroms for two hydrogens is going to be touching; so 2.2 angstroms is close, so that's at least a calibration. Ok, so another thing that's important is how NOEs vary. NOEs scale as distance to the inverse 6. I always calibrate myself in my mind by setting up a little table. When we were talking last time about dynamic effects in NMR and I said, 'Alright, what's 10 kilocalories per mole?' Well 10 kilocalories per mole becomes slow at negative 50 degrees C. 15, kind of at room temperature, is right about the cross over; 20 or a hair less than 20 is sort of crossing over [inaudible]. And we can do similar things here, so let me calibrate myself. So let's take 2.5 angstroms, if I take 1 over 2.5 to the 6, that's equal to 4.1 times 10 to the negative 3. So let's say 2.5 angstroms, we'll call that close. And if we say the relative NOE, for that, let's call that one. And then I'm just going to calibrate myself from there. So let me take 3.0 angstroms for comparison and if I now take 1 over 3.0 to the 6, I get 1.4 times 10 to the negative 3, and so the relative value is 0.33. And if I do the same for 3.5 angstroms, take 1 over 3.5 to the 6, that gives me 5.4 times 10 to the negative 4. The relative value is 0.13. Ok, what does that mean? That means, if you imagine 2.5 angstroms and say that's close, that gives you an NOE of a certain intensity, let's say that intensity was 10%, like we saw in our cyclopropane. Now imagine we have a distance of 3.0 or 3.5 angstroms, well, I expect to still see some NOE, but that NOE would be weaker, it would be like 3.3% or 1.3%. This is exactly what we are seeing in the cyclopropane case. The cis isomer gave us an NOE that was about 10%. The trans isomer gave us an NOE that was sort of, you know, 2.0%, somewhere around there. It was detectable but obviously not as strong. the trans isomer gave us an NOE that was sort of, you know, 2.0%, somewhere around there. It was detectable but obviously not as strong. Let's call this medium. Let's just continue our calibration. 4.4 angstroms, 1 over 4 to the 6, is equal to 2.4 times 10 to the negative 4. And now we're at 0.06. Now you might say, well, by the time you're at 4 angstroms, let's call it 'not so close.' What do I mean? I mean, you might still get a teeny tiny NOE at 4 angstroms but it's not going to be a really big NOE, but again, I wouldn't stake a stereochemical determination on seeing that; if I see an NOE between two protons, I say 'Oh they can't be cis, they can't be close, because I see an NOE is very small.' You might say, 'Wait a second, he just said in class that you could still see something at 3 and a half or 4 angstroms.' Now I'm going to calibrate us with models in a second which is one of the reasons as I said earlier, I've been making such a big deal about models. I'll give you one other number: 1.8 angstroms. 1.8 angstroms is the distance between two hydrogens on a methylene group; those two hydrogens are jammed in each other and closer than Van der Waals radius. If I take that, the relative would be 7.2. So what does that mean? That means if I have two diastereotopic hydrogens in a methylene, and I irradiate one, you may well see a very, very, very strong NOE. That's like the beta-lactone, when you had the two diastereotopic hydrogens. If I irradiated one, I could well see a strong NOE. Ok, what's close ,what's far. I made up these models; I didn't have [inaudible] at the time, I don't think it had even been invented [inaudible]. Same basic thing [inaudible]. Ok, so I just took a few systems that I use to calibrate my own thinking. We just saw an example of a cylcopropane with a methyl group on it, and guess what? The hydrogen on the cyclopropane is pretty darn close to a hydrogen, the methyl group on the cylcopropane is pretty darn close to a cis hydrogen, 2.4 angstroms, 2.2 angstroms in this particular model. But at the same time, we see 3.5 angstroms for the trans hydrogen, which is the exactly the sort of thing we saw on our NOE experiment. Alkenes, alkene stereochemistry, this is great. you have a methyl group on an alkene and you want to know which hydrogen is cis to it, which is trans; the cis hydrogen is 2.3 angstroms, clearly close, but the trans isn't infinitely far away, it's 3.7 angstroms. I did the same with the cyclobutane, cyclopentanes can be very tricky. You know, NOEs really aren't a litmus test with cyclopentanes; I put a methyl group on a cyclopentane, and you'll look at the methyl group, and yeah it's close to the cis hydrogen, it's also close to the trans hydrogen. You're going to be getting some 5 membered ring compounds and you're going to have to look at multiple NOEs to see which is close which is far. I will also point out, and you can't see it on this model but it'll come up later, when you have a cyclopentane and you have two hydrogens in a 1 and 3 positions, if you see a NOE between them that really can only be cis. You won't be guaranteed to see it, it'll depend on the pucker of the ring, but you will see it if it's cis. Or if you see it, it pretty much must be cis. I put an axial methyl on a cyclohexane and you can see that axial methyl bangs into the hydrogens here very nicely. This is a methoxybenzene and you can see the ortho relationship as well, so. Alright, I want to finish up with a couple of additional comments and one last example. So the experiment that is now run is a PFG-NOE, also called a gNOE, so this is a more modern version of a difference NOE experiment. It's a NOE experiment that uses pulsed-field gradients. And I can talk more about that later but right now I'll say it's cleaner than the difference NOE. You'll be doing this with your [inaudible]. Another experiment is a NOESY, we'll be talking about it later, but it's a 2-D NOE experiment. We'll be using it later on. I'll give you one example. Very data rich. And there are NOEs and again we'll be talking more about this later on. ROESY experiment which is NOE in a rotating frame and that's particularly good for intermediate sized molecules. Which give near 0 NOEs. Alright, I want to conclude with one class example. And I'll just show you an example of how beautiful a set of NOEs can be from a NOESY experiment where you get multiple data that give you confirmation in stereochemistry. So this is a molecule, a natural product, it's a [inaudible] natural product called Aphanamol. And this is a NOESY experiment of it. NOESY experiments are 2-D, they give cross peaks, based on spatial proximity, so they are NOE cross peaks. And if you look at this, of course, what's cool is we have this 5 membered ring fused to a 7 membered ring. I'll draw it out flat just so you can see it. And of course you have, you have an alkene here, and of course you have some stereochemical issues because you have a ring junction in the molecule, and I'll tell you now that the ring juncture is cis, but of course you'll want to be able to tell that, because you wouldn't necessarily know that. And there's an isopropyl group, and the isopropyl group is cis to the hydrogens of the ring junction. So now let's take a look at the NOEs we see and how they help show the stereochemistry. So, for example, we see a nice NOE between the hydrogen at 4 and the hydrogen at 11, they are cis to each other, they give rise a strong NOE. Now, you get many more corroboratory NOEs. So the hydrogen at the 3 position, for example, is cis to the alkene group and they [inaudible] an NOE and we see that NOE over here. So you're starting to get pieces of the molecule sewn together on not only the stereochemistry but also the conformation of the molecule, the shape of the molecule. Remember I told you I have a very simple minded view about medium sized rings. I say always start with a cyclohexane and go ahead you can sort of think of a cyclohexane and perturb it I mentioned early on you're going to get some seven membered rings and you can think of it kind of like an extended cyclohexane. We see this here in the seven membered ring. The seven membered ring puckers and so the hydrogen at the 1 1 position and one of the hydrogens at the 8 position are basically like diaxial hydrogens to each other. And we see that very nice NOE over here. Remember how I said you can see NOEs on alkenes, and we see this NOE here between proton 5 and 15 on the alkene. So this is really a beautiful data set because it gives us information on the conformation and stereochemistry of the molecule and you can then imagine building a model looking at your distances, saying does this making sense, looking at your dihedral angles, and saying ok, are we seeing coupling behavior here and coupling constants that match this, is everything consistent with this model? Could there be any other stereochemistry which could be consistent with the data? Could there be any other conformation that could be consistent wit h the data? And that's one of the reasons that modeling and NMR work so well together. Alright, that's what I'd like to say for today. We'll talk about, I think, the [inaudible] experiment next time and we get to add that to our repertoire."
B1 中級 化學203.有機光譜學。第19講。核超豪斯效應 (Chem 203. Organic Spectroscopy. Lecture 19. The Nuclear Overhauser Effect) 51 2 Cheng-Hong Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字